Archangel's fall

Michela nodded looking afraid, but sure."We least get out of town. If we're here someone else is going to get hurt."She said worried about getting someone hurt because of her."I think...he wants to hurt me.Make me suffer."She said, starting to think about the demon."If he knows any angels at all, he'll understand how big a succession gabriel had made in allowing me to keep mine...and how much it'll mean to lose them. But...if he does follow, maybe he'll get close enough to figure out who it is."
he nodded and stood up waving his wand around, packing up everything he was going to need, writing a letter to his worker and slipping it out into the mail, a letter informing her that she was in charge of the shop and that she could do as she pleased with it, and that she could keep any earnings that it made. it was the least he could do, he wouldn't be able to stay in charge of it now that he was leaving. then he turned to the fireplace and took her hand and explained how the Floo worked. 'then you say Malfoy Manor and step through' he informed her taking her hand. 'don't let go of my hand either, that way, if we go through to the wrong fireplace, we won't be separated.' a lot of people ended up in the wrong place their first times through Floo Travel. 'ready?'

he took a deep breath waited for her to state the address, and stepped through the flames into the white marble mansion that he had inherited after Voldemort had slaughtered them right in front of his eyes, before he had set that vicious werewolf after him. Draco could only be grateful that it hadn't been anywhere near the full moon. and even better the Wards at Malfoy Manor still contained the magic from his parents, strengthening them a great deal...still, it hurt to be home, his heart ached horribly seeing the dusty half ruined mansion. half of it was gone, blown up by Harry and Voldemort, the other half had been unused since he had left as soon as the war had ended. he sighed a little and wiped his now teary eyes and headed inside properly, looking around.
michela followed after him, still clutching at his hand as her wings spread in the wide halls, one casually resting against draco's back.More then just staying close, she was offering silent comfort as she walked through the house wiht him."Wincing slightly as the broken wing shifted she rested it more fully against draco, not only a comfort anymore,but support. Brushing a hand over his arm she smiled slightly.She couldn't do much, but she thought....well maybe. "Draco...I can't heal people anymore...but...I can heal things."She said struggling to explain. Gabriel had done more then he was supposed to, he'd left her with the ability to draw a memory from the walls...after all the house witnessed everything that had happened, and left a feel to the house.But...she wanted to help him. She might be able to make it feel like a tomb."I can...maybe... brush away the feeling..."She stuttered, not able to explain well.And looking frustrated that she couldn't/
Draco had to admit, he was thankful for the wing at his back, it helped numb his grief as he looked around and headed into the kitchen, where he had once sat with the house elves and his parents simply talking about nonsense things while the elves eagerly put in their two cents and made them whatever they asked for. he swallowed hard and glanced at her when she started talking, it was a nice thought, but..well. 'thank you Michela but there's no need. even if you erase the feeling of the house, i will still remember the trauma that happened here. it's better that everyone fears this place...then my parents won't be disturbed.' their bodies where laying side by side in their half ruined bedroom, Draco had left them there with a spell so that their flesh wouldn't rot and nothing would ruin their pale and perfect flesh. he smiled at her and kissed her cheek. 'but thank you for trying to make me feel better.' he finished writing before he flicked his wand at the kitchen, the dust vanishing, another flick had firewood in the fireplace, and then a fire roaring as the pots and pans started to clean themselves. then he settled at the table, and started to write a letter to Harry, the man had ignored all letters from freinds, but how would he feel about a once time enemy?"
When he was done she smiled slightly, tugging the letter over to her, well at least a blank piece of paper. The delicate letters forming words that were not english, actually old english instead of current. Please. Help us. I'm goign to get him killed...and he is a good man who deserves better then a fallen. She wrote before wrapping the two letters up together before looking at draco holding them out to him. Fear and hope showing on her face."Do you think he will answer?"
Draco swallowed thickly. 'i don't know, the only person who suffered more than i did in that horrid War was Potter, everyone betrayed him, he was used, abused, and forced to die, and then murder a man to save a world that cared little for him...i'll be shocked if this letter even makes it to him...but i have to try.' Draco admitted tying the letter to the Owls leg and sending them off, swallowing thickly as he watched the Owl fly away. 'i can only hope he will take pity on me, and remember that i saved his life...hopefully, that will be enough to get his help.' he doubted it though, Draco figured that his saving harry, was nothing more than Draco repaying the debt that he had already owed to harry for being such a little bitch.
Michela nodded, letting her wings settle against their backs again, settling and trying not to feel anxious."I hope so."She saidleaning over to kiss him softly, gently running her fingers through his hair."IF he doesn't...we'll figure something out.A prince of hell always has a weakness...and a Name. If we can figure it out...we might be able to drive him away."She said trying not to be afraid.
Draco smiled and gently ran his fingers through her hair, closing his eyes as he leaned his head against her shoulder. not, writing anything, just content to sit there with her, gently tangling their fingers together. he made lunch, set up his computer for her, so she could learn more, and made dinner. it wasn't until the sun begane to set that the response came, Draco had to admit he was astonished, and he quickly found michela and opened the letter so that they could read it together.

To Draco Malfoy
i have to admit i was surprised to hear from you of all people, i did not want to open the letter, as i was certain you wanted to apologize or thank me or some stupid shit like that, i have to admit i am very tired of well wishers and apologetic ass holes who feel it necessary to get on my good side, even after all of these was the touch of magic that i have never come across before that interested me. i am not sure if i beleive that you have a fallen angel in your company, but then i guess i can't really beleive in anything these days, i will be stepping through your Kitchen Fireplace as soon as you lower your wards to me. i do not feel as if i owe you anything, even if you did save my life, but i feel it unnecessarily cruel to make you suffer alone...i might not be the Gryffindor Golden Child anymore, but i am still finding it impossible to ignore someone in need.

P.S. I'm punching you in the face as soon as i see you, so you better get used to ducking you dick.

Harry Potter.

Draco had to smirked a little. 'he sounds better than i expected, a little tired, but certainly not the suicidal mess that i was. i'm going to head into the kitchen to meet him.' he grinned a little, feeling rather excited about the promise to get punched in the face, he had to admit it was something he was familiar with, something he could look forward to. he dropped the wards, only for harry...just in case the Demon was lurking around, and watched as the once Golden boy stepped through.

Harry looked like he was still fighting the war, he was thin, of course, he was always thin, there where dark circles under his eyes, and he looked like he hadn't shaved in a week, a rough stubble clinging to his cheeks and face a small smirk on his lips as he looked Draco over. "Damn, looks like someone else got to you first, well maybe i won't punch you in the face." Draco rolled his eyes and held up the pad of paper, 'i can't talk potter, Fenrir ripped out my voice box. i do have to thank you for coming, i don't think i can protect her by myself.' the information that Draco couldn't talk, made guilt cross Harry's face... it was sort of Harry's fault that Draco had suffered through Fenrir anyway...
michela to looked guilty as she stepped into the room because well, she was herself, a angel of healing and there was nothing that she could do for the man who had helped her so much. Looking harry over she smiled nervously, wings lifting and pressing close to her back, trying to make herself appear as small as possible.As if she was a rabbit hiding from the dog. Though even if the wings, she wasn't huge."H-hello."She said offering a small smile as she stepped closer to draco.
Harry turned to stare at her, his eyes widening in surprise. "oh my god...there really is an angel here." he muttered, sounding amazed. "shit, that means you weren't kidding about being chased by demons, i thought maybe you where using an analogy, demons of your past or shit like that..." 'you suddenly have a potty mouth.' "shut up, i can cuss if i want to, i went nine years not being able to do what i want to, i'll cuss if i damn well please." he stated, though his tone wasn't angry, just tired as he looked Michela over carefully. "your bleeding." he stated pulling out his wand and carefully healing the last of the damage on the pretty angels wings. "what can you tell me about this thing that's after you?"

'don't worry Michela, Harry's only ever been able to hurt two people in his entire life, Me, and the Darkest man on the planet, he won't hurt you, he's really very nice if you can get past the fact that he's adopted a rather shitty attitude.' "hey, i've earned my shitty attitude." 'when was the last time you slept?' "when was the last time you minded your own business?" 'have you even been eating?' "since when do you care?" '...well, glad to see we get along about the same as usual.' "mmm nice isn't it?" 'very.'
Michela looked confused as she looked between the two, spreading her wing out so that she could look at it. Nodding slightly in approval at the healing. The diamond colored wings glistened in the low light, her white hair falling around her shoulders. Despite being afraid and nervous, she was beautiful.Maybe even more beautiful for it, because she wasn't a angel removed from the world, she was a angel touched by it.

"Thank you for coming harry."She said softly, biting her lip to keep from adding that ringing power to the words.Something about him made her want to reach out and wrap him in heavens power, called to her as a angel, maybe....because he seemed damaged. And she wanted to help him, because she would have once been able to."He is...he's a demon of sorts.I think one of the princes...but I can't....I can't tell."She said lookng frustrated.
Harry smirked a little. "it's fine." he stated simply. "Draco is about the only person i would ever come for, we might hate each other...but, well he's the only person who didn't use me for his own gain during the War." he admitted gently touching the spot where her wings had been broken, making sure that they had healed properly. "there, feel better? i didn't miss anything?" she was right, Harry was damaged, more Damaged than even Harry realized, but he was no worse than Draco, i was just that Draco was physical, while Harry was mental. (i love making harry Crazy XDD have you noticed?)

"A Demon huh? hell it can't be any worse than Voldemort." Draco instinctively flinched and Harry rolled his eyes, Draco shrugging sheepishly, after two years of the man living in the same house as him, the name would forever be a source of terror for Draco. 'don't be so cocky Potter we don't know anything about this thing.' "i know that it's a Demon, that gives us something to work with....Draco you have a computer in your kitchen." 'i've been living in the muggle world, it was more private, no one knew who i was, or asked questions or bothered me.' "well that's highly ironic..." Harry muttered shaking his head. "Michela was it? can you tell me everything you know about Demons?"
Michela nodded."Yes it was.and the wings feel amazing.."She bit her lip before sitting down at the table, avoiding looking at them because it hurt to think about demons, because to think of them you had to think f their counterparts."Demons are former angels...when lucifel fell, he took some of heaven's seraphim with him. So when they changed....they knew what life was like. Life continued, things went together, demons and angels continued to fight until something shifted."She swallowed hard, her eyes hurt and filled pained."7 archangels. 7 archangels fell in the last battle to pin the demons into hell.It was a...spell.But it made them into something else.The archangels became the demon princes."She swallowed hard."They were our most powerful, the first archangels to walk earth..."She said, before going on. Telling them everything she could about the history of hell.

After about two hours she sighed tiredly, resting her head on draco's shoulder,yawning as she looke at harry."Raphel tricked me into healing a demon prince...I don't know what prince it was...but I think something changed when I healed him.he was a former angel...what if as a healing angel, I started turning him back into what he once was?After a milliena, someone would be pissed off about that."
Harry listened intently, not interrupting, Draco watching Michela closely, offering her comfort whenever he felt she needed it, Harry biting his lip hard. "that would piss someone off." he agreed tapping his lips a little. "seven Archangels... damn i hate that number.' harry grumbled. Seven Horcrux, Seven demon princes, that was a little too similar for his liking, but, well he wasn't going to complain. "but, if you could heal him back into his Angel self, then that gives hope to the other angels, it means that the other changed Archangels could be saved, there's definitely several people who wouldn't want that knowledge getting out." he agreed frowning a little. "so, we just have to get rid of the Demon on your tail, and find someone to, oh damn i'm totally out of my element right now, i was never the smart one."
Michela laughed softly,"I was a archangel, and I'M out of my element."She said tilting her head a little studying the other."If we kill the demon prince, someone's going to be wickedly pissed at losing a commander.Lucifer is....sane most days. He'll understand why we did it."She frowned a little, leaving off what she knew lucifer would demand. Because to kill a demon prince, would brobably mean taking his place. Maybe. After one had ever managed to even injure much less kill one of the princes. The consquences of doing such was going to be interesting to discover."If we inform lucifer why we killed the prince, he'll keep it a secret, and refuse to tell the others.Because...there is a chance they might want to be changed back."
Harry scowled a little and worked his lip as Draco dragged the pad of paper over. 'could we blackmail Lucifer? i'm certain that we could get a hold of the angels, or even the Demon Princes and inform them that there is a way to change them back....i'm certain, that they'll be a lot less interested in hunting Michela...but something still bothers me, if this demon that's chasing us is a prince, why is he so angry about what happened? i wish there was a way to find the one that Michela healed, and see for certain what happened to him.' "who's to say the one hunting her now isn't already the one she healed? maybe he's angry for changing her, or maybe he was in on it with Raphel." 'i don't know about that...but something still bothers me, he said he wanted to collect her wings, do angels feathers or wings have any specific purpose or meaning? or uses of some kind?'
Michela looked startled. Having not realized the obvious before. She nodded slightly."My wings...before. I could heal just by brushing by someone. not just touching them."She sighed a little."I...if he could force the other princes back into angels, he'd be the only prince left. If I didn't heal him all the way..."She shrugged."If it was just a half transformation, he has the power of both heaven and hell. IF he forces the others back..."She shrugged."He'll force them all the way to angel. I don't seems like a lot for a single demon to be plotting...maybe he isi working with raphel."She said trembling a little. "If the one hunting me is the one I healed, he's going to be pissed that he's weaker because of it. the only way back would be to heal the others."She rambled mostly, trying to fit the pieces together."I just don't know."
Harry scowled a little then. "well, there is one way to figure all of this out." he stated simply smacking his hands against the table and standing up. "i'm going to go talk to the thing." he decided glancing at Draco who was shaking his head wildly. "oh? no? are YOU going to stop me Draco? i'm bigger than you are now, and i've always been better at magic." that made Draco pause and then scowl at harry, glaring at him as Draco realized that...well, no, he couldn't stop harry, and he'd only hurt himself if he tried. harry smirked a little and turned to the fireplace. "yup, that's what i thought." he stated simply grabbing a handful of Floo, not giving Michela the chance to argue either as he stepped through the emerald green flames into Draco's still guarded house, glancing around before heading outside and examining the sky. "so, Demon, you out here or am i going to have to drop the wards to get your attention?"

Draco was sitting back int eh Manor kitchen, slamming his head against the table in his fury, finding harry just as infuriating as before. 'remind me to murder him when he get's back.'
The demon prince smiled as he leaned back against the tree in the front yard."And what do you want from me wizard?ou are not the the one I want. Or even the gender."

Michela winced gently touching his head, making sure he didn't hurt himself to much,gently kissing him before shaking her head."I'm sorry we needed the help."She said her wings tucked tight against her back, looking at him.
Harry turned to blink at the Demon his head tilted a little. "huh, i was expecting something a little more frightening." he admitted blinking at the Demon his head tilted. "i was just wondering what the hell you where up to, that's all." he was rather blunt wasn't he? "as i recall i'm not the species you want either." he admitted looking a little amused. "i was bothered because your hunting one of my freinds love interest. he would fall in love with a fricken angel, can't settle for a nice witch, oh NO, he has to go for an angel, bah, if i wanted to have my faithlessness thrown in my face i would have gone to a church." harry was babbling, trying to get the Demons attention, once he had the things interest he might be able to get some information. it was crude, but it had worked on Voldemort.

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. 'don't worry about it, i'm just annoyed because Harry is taking unnecessary risks. he's just as suicidal now as he was back in the War! it's just frustrating that he hasn't seamed to have changed at all.'
The demon raised his eyebrows, his hair that golden blond, that looked like real gold. Once Belial had been a prince of heaven, now...he was the first among demons.And not one ot be led into a trap easily."Where is she?I have business with the fallen.That has nothing to do with her love interests."

michela smiled a little, wrapping her arms around him, kissing him again."Well he might be what we need to figure out this."she said hugging him tighter."Come on. Lets go lay down while we wait."
Harry smirked a little. "i'm not going to tell you." he stated rubbing his fingers together, as if to signify a payment. "this is earth buddy, you don't get something for nothing these days." he stated simply watching him closley. "what do you want with her? if it's her dead, sorry i won't be able to help you." he admitted crossing his arms standing just inside the wards, another step and he'd cross it. "i suppose your not the one she healed then?" he smirked. "or maybe you are, and your all bitter because now you have a taste for heaven, but still can't go back up." he shook his finger at the demon. "or maybe you just like to see pretty things bleed?"

Draco sighed a little and shook his head. 'he's talking to a fucking DEMON! he's always been known to flirt with danger! he's going to do something stupid and come back all bloody and bruised, just like all the other times and expect me to patch him up!' he scowled darkly. 'well i won't this time! he can suffer!' but even Harry knew that, that was a bluff that Draco would not keep. the boy groaned and shook his head following her into a dusty bedroom, cleaning it like he had the kitchen before laying down with her.
Belial tilted his head as he held out a hand, silver peices appearing in his hand."30 pieces then, to tell me where she is."He said amused a little. After all, it was for 30 pieces that judas betrayed christ. Now....if this hero would just give him the girl. His...partner would like to see the girl bleed.and he wasn't immune to watching her hurt, though he disliked the idea of killing the girl.Because he was ancient he'd been there when she was born, the first girl child among the angels, the first and treasured above all. He had his orders...but he'd circumvent them if he could. "I was the weapon of her fall, you are correct."He said simply, shifting a little, because it was true. Raphel had tricked the first of all demons to bringing michela to her knees.

Michela cuddled againt him, a wing draped over his body as she sighed."You know that's not true."She said gigging a little."You'll help him.."She added trying to stay calm for him. Not wanting to think about the man taking on a demon for her
Harry lifted an eyebrow as he looked at the coins from the distance his head tilted. "not exactly what i had in mind. i already have enough money to buy hell itself if thats what i wanted." harry admitted with a small chuckle. "i heard that you Demons are Great in bed." he stated, watching Belil's reaction closely. no, Harry wasn't crazy!...ok maybe he was a little. "it almost looks as if your upset about tricking her." Harry stated tilting his head tot eh side blinking at him a little. "i wonder why that is...she healed something in you didn't she? some inner part of you that was holding back your good half, maybe she might even have broken the spell completely if she'd had the chance."

Draco huffed a little but didn't bother trying to correct her, simply snuggling into her. 'don't worry about Harry, he's taken on far worse things that a Demon, and most of it still haunts him, some silly little hunter isn't going to daunt him at all, and he usually knows what he's doing.'
Belial shook his head turning to leave."She will never have the chance, even if she could. Michela is hellspawn now, any power that was once hers, is gone."He said not willing to give this mortal a insight ot his head. because he planned on dealing with raphel, as soon as he dealt with michela.Hopefully,and he couldn't believe he'd just thought that-hopefully that the prince of hell could fool a angel well enough to leave the fallen alone.

"Good.I'd hate to get him hurt."She muttered yawning as she cuddled into him, falling asleep. Content and feeling safe in his arms.
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