Archangel's fall

Draco snorted a little. 'i have never hired, nor wanted to hire a hooker if that's what your asking' he admitted tossing her a small grin before gasping at the image in her palm, his eyes wide. 'wow, that's amazing, no wonder Harry was hitting on him, i'm straight and even i wouldn't mind getting some of that, not as pretty as you, but close.' he glanced up at her, looking confused. 'lord of what? i don't understand what your going on about...have you realized something?'
Michela stared, not even reacting to his words of belil being beautiful. At least not yet. "Lord of hell."She said, sounding shell shocked."There's always seven princes of hell, it's...its always been. If belil's going to cause a revolt among the demons...he'd want to make sure the balance of power stays the same. he's going to force raphel to take his he can look to higher ambitions."She stared."My god..."
he blinked a little then. 'that doesn't sound good at all.' he admitted. 'but at least he's not directly trying to kill you, that has to mean something right? i wonder if there isn't something we could do, to just kill Raphel or something, maybe make him mortal...then he can't come after you anymore, but the power of hell stays the way it is...oh i don't even know. all of this is way over my head, and there's no way for me to learn about it...would the Bible be any help?'
Michela nodded."I...I might need to try to contact the others."She said scared. Because she truly didn't understand what was happening. or what this could do....and yet she was curious."What is a bible?"she said staring at him, blinking stupidly. Poor poor young mortal angel, who didn't get out enough to realize that mortals had actually written down gods words.
he blinked at her a little and then stood up, grabbing a Bible from the few things he had brought from the other home, because God was a Muggle religion Draco's parents would have never allowed a Bible in the house, it was amazing that Draco believed in God in the first place. he brought it back to her and smiled. 'it's Gods Word, passed from person to person. some of it might be wrong, but the message is still very clear. it's how we Learn and practice Gods Will.'
Mihela looked amazed as she took it from him, sitting down on the floor right where she'd been starting to read. It was..fascinating. Amazingly enough it was...AFter a few hours she looked up at him sleepily, cutely, and unknowingly seductive. Smiling as she stretched looking around for the blond as she realized her body ached from sitting so still for so long."Draco?"She said getting up to look for him.Wondering if he'd rub her back down before bed.
Draco had left to check on harry, and they where both sitting in the reading room, both of them curled up on plushy armchairs, playing a game of wizards chess, both of them looking incredibly focused, they both looked up when Michela answered and Harry smirked a little. "you sure can read Michela." the brunette stated simply turning his attention to the board when Draco reached out and moved a piece, the brunettes eyes widening. "DAMN! long have you been playing with me Draco!?" Harry demanded pouting when Draco just shrugged and smirked.
Michela laughed softly, walking in and making draco scoot his chair back enough so she could sit in his lap, leaning back against him, wings falling to either side of them."Do you want me to punish him harry?For playing with you?"she teased twisting to nuzzle draco's neck.
Harry smirked a little as Draco went bright red, wrapping his arms around her waist before blushing harder at the mention of punishment. "i would love to see Draco get punished yes." Harry admitted smirking a little as he watched the Two, a smirk on his lips. "maybe even tack him over your knee and spank him." he teased Draco covering his bright red face in his hands, silently trying to hide.
Michela looked interested as she looked at harry."This is a normal human punishment yes?"She asked getting up, pulling the blond up and actually settling him across her knees before frowning again. Looking cutely confused." a spanking?"She asked.
Harry looked astonished as Michela actually moved to do it, Draco going bright red. "no no! it's not an actual punishment!" Harry stuttered quickly. "i mean, it is for very small children!" he admitted shaking his head. "but for adults it's more of a sexual thing, and then only a few people enjoy it." he admitted shaking his head. "spanking is when you take someone, and lay them over your knees like Draco is now, or bend them over and slap their ass with your hand, or a paddle. it can be very painful if not done right."
"Oh."Michela blushed letting draco up, not looking at them. Embarassed that her ignorance had caused draco some embarassment in front of harry. Lookig shy and quiet. Stuttering a little."S-sorry."She said staring down as she fiddled with her pant leg.
Draco coughed a little, blushing hard as he straightened his clothes, Harry was blushing as well. "sorry... i thought you knew about spanking." Harry admitted rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "okay then...." he muttered biting his lip., "do you know how to play Chess Michela? it's a great game, very fun." Harry was changing the topic, probably a good thing considering.
Michela shook her head still staring at the floor as she bit her lip."No. We don't play games..."She said softly, also answering the question of how she hadn't known what a spanking was. As a angel, they never got punished, except to be cast out. So to find herself with a more corpeal punishment, it was...odd.And she couldn't look at draco, she didn't knwo what to say.
Draco coughed again and smiled patting her shoulder and kissing her forehead as if silently informing her that it was alright as Harry chuckled and set up the board, explaining the rules to her, Draco deciding to give Michela a hand by pointing out the finer points of strategy by silently pointing out her options and what Harry could do to counter her attacks, Harry letting the help go with no comment, a grin on his lips as he moved his pieces, rather enjoying watching Draco's interaction with Michela as the blond pointed out her options, but let her decide which piece to move. after all, she was the one who was playing, and they all wanted to have fun.
When the game was done, Michela laughed delightedly as she won, kissing draco in pure happiness as she wrapped her arms around him,"I won!I won!"She laughed before belatedly realizing she'd forgotten to say something."Oh.Checkmate."She said still grinning as she looked at harry, resting her head against dracos shoulder, the former angel cuddling the blond.
Draco laughed at the angel's exuberance a smirk on his own lips as he watched the two. "bah! i just LET you win." harry lied, a smirk on his lips telling the truth, that Harry had lost, and michela had won fair and square. "did you enjoy it at least?" harry asked feeling amused. "we should introduce her to card games next, poker and Rummy and..." "Gambling is a sin." "gambling is sure but we don't have to bet, we can just play for fun." "'s only fun when it's a sin." "...good point..." "anyway i think i have an idea." Harry admitted with a small smile. "if i offer to help Belil trick Raphel, do you think the Demon would stop coming after you?"
Michela looked unsure about the idea of sin. After all, she was a angel, she'd been taught to behave. Biting her lip as she studied harry."I... maybe. It would be distracting anyways."She said shuddering a little, looking towards the window, frowning."We have company."She said getting up crossing to look out, paling at the sight of the hellhound pacing outsde the wards, trying to find a way in. Huge and ugly, the thing was nasty and would keep trying until its task was complete. Frowning wondering if there was a way to summon belil before the wards broke under the dog's attack. Looking at the others, worried."You two have to go hide. It wont want you."She said trembling a little at the tought of facing it on her own but she wouldnt let them get hurt.
Harry and Draco both snickered a little before following her out to the door, Harry sighing a little. "Hell Hound." he stated simply, his eyes narrowed. "Voldemort had one of those, nasty little bitches." harry had viscous marks all down his inner thigh from one of those things, if harry hadn't driven a 'holy sword' through the things head it would have killed him in bare seconds. "they don't stop hunting until they get what they where sent after." Draco looked like he was going to be sick. "Draco, i need the key to your Wards, so i can add my magic to it." Draco just nodded and gently passed over control of the wards from himself to harry, who shuddered, strengthening the walls around the Manor, making sure that the beast couldn't even dig under the wall. "i'm going to go find Belil." he admitted. "if i can't get him to help, then maybe i can get him to tell me where i can get some help..."
Michela swallowed hard, watching the dog before she nodded."Maybe. he might even be able to call it off...if its one of his."She frowned thoughtfully. Wondering if belil really did control all the dogs, or if they were some to the other prines."Go.We'll stay here."She said whispering under her breath, the soft prayer raising the hair on her arms, even as she saw the dog lunge for the wards, even if he couldn't get through, the dog felt the holy power raising around them, protecting the angel and her consort."Go.It'll stay here, it wont follow you harry."She said holding out a hand, the small twisted silver serpent charm cradled in her palm, pain in her gaze. Because she hated to give it up."This was once Belil' can use it to summon him.If he doen't find you first."
Harry nodded, accepting the snake pendant with a shudder before vanishing, Draco also grimacing but he said nothing, turning to look out the window at the snarling dog, feeling afraid, muttering his own soft prayer, for both courage and protection.

Harry stepped out of the old house, looking around. "yo! Belil, you out here!? i got a business proposition for you!" he admitted gently fingering the pendant, unsure how it worked, so hoping that the demon would hear him. "it would be in everyone's favor too! you would get Raphel, AND you wouldn't have to kill Michela, i'm sure you still have love for her, despite being a Demon." playing on the others emotions. "i can help, you know i can!...." there was a pause then. "and i'll even throw the sex in for free!" yes, harry was that horny for Belil.
Michela pulled draco away from the window, pulling him further into the house, curling up in his bed, pulling him down next to her. Afraid and not sure what to do.Trying to distract herself."I'm sorry for embarassing you earlier."She said tilting her head to look at him.

Belil sighed softly as he leaned against the porch railing, studying the foolishly brave human."Where did you get that?"He asked, holding a hand out, summoning the pendant. Having not seen it in centuries. Having not realized it had been missing."Are you so sure I love her?"He asked curious.
Draco watched the dog until Michela pulled him away from it, smiling at her as they laid down on the bed, offering her another blush and a smile. 'you have nothing to be sorry for, it was Harry's fault, you didn't know. besides, it wouldn't have been the first time i've been in that position. don't worry about it.' he sighed a little, listening to the hell hound smashing against the wards, certain they would hold for at least three or four days. 'i hope harry is doing alright...'

Harry blinked as the pendant vanished from his hands blinking a little. "from a friend." he admitted crossing his arms, leaning against the porch as well. "i'm not sure of anything really." harry admitted. "but i know she still loves you, like an older brother, you where the person she went to when she scraped her knees as i recall." so harry had been peeking, it wasn't HIS fault her mind was so open and his was so out of control. "Besides, if you didn't care about her even a little...she'd be dead. wouldn't she?" he asked glancing at Belil a small smirk on his lips. "i could be wrong of course, all this is, is a really big gamble for me. i might lose a bit of blood, or i might lose my life." he shrugged. "i'm willing to do that if it means saving one of the few good things left in this world." he smirked at Belil. "what about you? are you willing to save one of the few good things left in this world?"
"Me to."michela smiled nuzzling his neck laughing a little.Gently touching his cheek as he blushed."You're blushing."she teased sitting up on a elbow to study him, smirking a little. Trying not to think about wht harry was doing.

Belil smiled a little, remembering the many times michela had come to him over a childhood injury. She'd been such a good child...and a goo woman. And she was alive because he still cared."Yes she would be. And she is one of the good ones."he said amused, becaue even among angels, michela had been one of the few that had resisted sin, which made her cast out of heaven even odder,and made raphel a enemy he had no chance of beating."....I assume you came because something hashappened."He said in a demand to know what was wrong.
he blushed harder and smiled at her sticking his tongue out at her playfully offering her a kiss to her temple before yawning a little. 'what shall we do? i need to do something or i'm going to fall asleep.'

Harry smiled at Belil before his face fell. "there's a Hell Hound where she's at right now." harry admitted. "and i lost the only true 'Holy Weapon' in known existence during the wizarding world." actually it had disintegrated after he'd killed the Hellhound with it, but Belil didn't need to know that. "that means, we have no idea how to kill it." harry admitted sighing a little as he rubbed the right side of his face. "Being around that makes me remember things i don't want to remember." he admitted shaking his head and glancing at Belil. "can you help? or at least point me to someone who CAN?" harry watched Belil closely. "i can't protect her...not against Demons...not anymore.."
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