Archangel's fall

Harry smiled a little and nodded. "that's good." he decided. "Michela shouldn't have to lose what she is just because Raphel is a bastard." he admitted smiling at Gabriel, wiggling his wingers at the other. "think of me when your getting all wet." he teased smirking a little. "as long as the Hell Hound doesn't come back too soon i think we should be fine."

Draco watched her, looking amazed and terrified, worried as he caught her, trying to steady her looking terrified. 'are you ok?' he managed to write stroking her wings and her hair trying to calm her, looking worried. 'Michella, your already making it better.' he admitted gently nuzzling her smiling a little. 'i haven't had a nightmare since you came, i can laugh again, i can smile, i went OUTSIDE Michela, for no reason! i haven't done that since all of this happened.
gabriel rolled his eyes."It shouldn't.But should it, use the sword. It's made to be a demon's bane.Even a small cut will hurt like a gut wound."He said before he vanished.If they had one thing in common, the father of blood and father of her soul where good at exits.

Michela smiled shyly, shivering as he stroked her wings, the soft appendages flexing under his hands, pleasure making her legs weak instead of horror.Calming as he nuzzled her."We went outside to see things."She said blushing a little, shifting, pressing close to him.
Harry nodded. "i'll make sure she's safe." he promised looking amused as he suddenly vanished, sighing a little as he scrubbed his face, stroking the ring again, looking amused.

Draco smiled at her, kissing her gently. 'it was still the first time i'd gone outside for reasons other than work or a doctors appointment since the war...before the war.' Draco admitted shaking his head. 'you help me to live.' he admitted holding her close. 'you make all the badness inside of me go away.'
"If your going to stroke me, I'd rather you do it in person, then by stroking my ring." Belil said as he stepped into the house, having taken that half step between worlds... and sidestepped the wards. It was nice being a demon prince most days...and yes he'd given harry the ring for more then one reason. It really would take them to his house, but it also let him be summoned without knowing where the hell there were. the perfect protection.

Michela blushed kissing him, stroking his hair out of his face as she let her wings fold around them,"You're the first one to ever touch my wings that didn't bother me."She said smiling shyly, kissing him again.Gently nudging him towards the door, wanting out of the room that had so many memories.
Harry gasped and before he could stop himself he'd reacted to the demonic energy, slamming all of his power at once, hard into Belil the way he had done to the Demon protecting Voldemort...but that had been a lesser Demon, harry wasn't sure if Belil would be hurt by it or not. "fucking hell!" Harry gasped looking horrified. "shit! i'm sorry! you shouldn't sneak up on me like that!" he said in a horrified rush as he ran over to Belil. "are you alright!?"

Draco looked stunned, then pleased as he gently stroked her wings again and then kissed her, jumping when he felt Harry's magic bloom through the house, slamming into something, his eyes widening as he whipped out his wand and rushed down the stairs, blinking as Harry fawned over the demon prince, apologizing extensively. Draco groaned silently and shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, nothing was ever boring with Harry around that was for sure.
Belil rubbed his side, his ribs aching from the sucker punch he'd been given."You better be glad I like you. I've killed people for less."He said smiling as the angel walked down the stairs, though he didn't approach her."Michela."

Michela smiled shyly, pressing against draco's back, not moving to get closer to the prince before...."You're the one I healed."She stared, sorting through the feelings she was getting." can use holy spells again."She frowned before laughing, realizing what she'd missed about the sword."The sword.You reclaimed it. it was once yours, and given into my keeping...thats why it changed back. Because you asked it to."She laughed, burying her face against draco's shoulder, shy and unsure how to introduce draco to the man she'd thought of as a father."Draco this is belil.Belil this is draco."

Belil smiled slowly, looking over the man, approval in his face. He approved of what he saw in the wizard, and how he was guarding the precious girl behind him. "Hello."he said smirking as he let harry fawn over him. It really was amusing.
Harry winced a little as he helped Belil sit up, grimacing a little. "sorry, Battle reflexes... i...never lost them after the war." he admitted sheepishly. "i'm so used to people trying to kill me, i really AM sorry Belil..." he muttered looking up as Draco rushed down, smiling sheepishly at the blond who kept his wand out, eyes narrowed at the Demon, keeping himself between him and Michela. Draco nodded to him, swallowing as he watched Harry fawning over the demon, summoning up an icepack to lay on the demon's ribs.

"did i break anything?" harry asked, still worried about the demon as he glanced at Draco. "oh, Draco would tell you that it's a pleasure to meet you in a sardonic and sarcastic manner but he can't talk." Draco offered harry the middle finger, the brunette laughing as Draco relaxed a little, now that he was sure Belil wasn't about to attack them....but he didn't put away his wand.
Belil snickered a little."I'm well aware how sarcastic mr. malfoy can be. After all, I knew his father."he smirked a little, remembering the surprise on the elder malfoy's face when he'd accidently summoned a demon prince instead of one of the underlings for voldermort. "I was sorry to hear of his death.I did like him...somewhat anyways. When he wasn't telling me to go do something atomically not possible."He snickered holding the ice pack on his ribs, though he stayed on the ground, not about to move with draco holding his wand. Not wanting to be a threat to him.

Michela blushed a little, poking draco,"I'm hungry."she muttered in his ear, focusing on something else. Not sure what to think of belil being she wasn't going to think about it right now.
Draco winced at the mention of his fathers death and turned away from the demon, hiding the shame in his eyes. some part of Draco blamed himself for his parents death. but, surprisingly he tucked his wand away, letting Belil get up Harry looking startled as Draco headed into the kitchen, Harry lifting an eyebrow and glancing from Michela to Belil before deciding. "i'll be right back." Harry decided, heading into the kitchen to talk to Draco, leaving Michela alone with Belil for several minutes.
The two former angels studied each other for a few long moments before michela closed the distance between them, falling into belil's arms with a smile, cuddling close. The dark and light twinned together, looking beatufiul and peaceful as belil relaxed strokign michela's hair as she let go of the stress and worry, relaxing and falling asleep. Not even noticing when the others joined them again, so focused on the girl in his arms.
Draco looked startled at seeing the two former angels so close and he almost started to scowl until he saw how peaceful Michela looked. he sighed a little and went into the other room, coming back with a blanket that he gently placed over Michela, offering her a tender smile and a gentle kiss to the forehead, offering Belil a small smile as well as Harry chuckled and watched from the kitchen table, stroking the ring on his finger again, an old habit that was hard to break.
belil bared his teeth in a silent snarl, "Would you stop that potter."He growled softly, wincing as michela stirred, before settling back down again. Looking at draco he sighed, shifting her so he could get up, holding the light angel in his arms,"Where's your bed?She needs to sleep...and if he keeps playing with that damned ring, she's not going to get it right here."He growled softly, looking at draco.having a feeling the girl would sleep evne better next to draco, and that she hadn't been sleeping well lately as fear consumed her
Harry jumped blinking a little at Belil. "sorry, nervous habit." he admitted looking amused. "does it...'affect' you?" he teased smirking a little giving it another stroke as Draco grimaced and glared at harry who snickered a little but left the ring alone for now. Draco gently gathered her into his arms and lifted her up, heading for the bedroom as Harry smirked a little licking his lips a little. "so that's why you came, i was playing with the ring and it was bothering you?" he teased smirking a little. "sorry, i didn't know, i'll get another ring to play with instead."
Belil's eyebrow twitched a little, watching michela go before looking at harry."Yes."He said not answering how it affected him, though his body was informing him just how long it'd been since he'd indulged in carnal pleasure."And I can feel the damned thing like a cat getting petted. Stop."He growled as harry played with the ring again.

Michela stirred a little, nuzzling draco's neck pressing a kiss to the scars under her lips."You're warm."She muttered blinking sleepily. Ore then content to sleep, though her body was informing her it was curious about this human thing of sex.
Harry smirked a little but left the ring alone, sighing a little. "i don't mean to." he admitted softly, running his hand through his hair. "it's just a really old habit that i never broke." he admitted watching Belil before smiling a little. "i am glad your here though." he admitted advancing on the other demon, slow, predatory steps as he crouched down next to the other and stroked his cheek. "god i want you so badly." Harry hissed, licking his lips. "i've even been dreaming about you know how long it's been since i've dreamed things that weren't nightmares!?" he demanded his hot breath ghosting along the others lips before kissing him hard, furiously, his fingers tangling in the others hair, trying to claim dominance. he wouldn't just roll over and let Belil take control this time.

Draco smiled a little as she nuzzled him, stumbling when she kissed the scars, most people found them very ugly, to have someone touch them, let alone kiss them startled Draco. he smiled and kissed her forehead, discovering that...Michela was about the only person he didn't mind touching his scars. he laid her in the bed and snuggled into her, sighing softly as he mouthed the words 'i love you' against her neck, drifting off to sleep as well.
Belil growled at the other, fisting his hand just as roughly in harry's hair, jerking him back as he panted for air. It'd been so long...and even longer since he'd had someone try to dominate him."Dominating little bitch aren't you?"He growled shoving him to teh ground, pinning him there.
Harry snarled, baring his teeth as he felt the fingers yanking his head back, letting out a low moan of pleasure as he was pinned to the floor, smirking darkly. "of course, after being under the control of other people for my entire life, i like to fight back once and a while." he admitted slamming their hips together, roughly rubbing his groin into Belil's with a happy moan. "mmm fuck it's been so long." he groaned, panting softly, trying to free his hand so he could take control again, but Belil was much stronger than harry was.
Belil snarled at him, hellfire flashing in those dark eyes, pushing into the other, using his hips to pin him helplessly to the floor, kissing him hard as he shifted against him, sighing softly. long harry said?Long for him, and long for belil had so many different meaning. "Hmm you're going to have to wait a little longer to be in charge."
Harry snarled back, panting hard as he struggled under the other for a moment before he conceded to the others dominance panting hard. "mm i guess so." he agreed, rubbing himself into the other gently now. "will i have to wait as long to get laid?" he asked smirking a little leaning up, wanting a kiss, looking as horny as, well a guy who had been living as a hermit for several years.
belil snickered, muttering softly as he vanished their clothes, moaning softly at the feel of skin on skin. Looking down at the other he smirked."has it been awhile for you then?Desperate?Hmmm and here I thought I was special."He teased.
Harry moaned again at the skin to skin, gasping eagerly as he let off a subtle pulse of magic, laced with lust, unaware he'd even done it, simply reacting to the demon in his arms. "it's been..." he paused pondering. "fuck it's been since my sixth year." he admitted panting softly. "didn't trust anyone else." he admitted. "didn't wanna get anyone killed." he leaned forward smashing his lips into Belil's, kissing him furiously.
Belil growled at him, kissing him back. Rough hands traveling over the other's body. Showing him that the rumors were true, that demons had created the arts of love, and that there was no such thing as to much pain when it was twined around pleasure. Afterwards belil panted as he collapsed to teh floor, looking out the window at the sunrise, laughing as he looked at the pleasure hazed wizard."We should probably move."He said amused, though he knew they should move, he had no desire to get up yet.
Harry was arching into the other, moaning, groaning, mewling tossing his head back shivering and shuddering gripping and moving with Belil, panting hard when it was over, closing his eyes a little. "mm why?" he asked softly smirking a little. "Michela is asleep, Draco knows better than to expect me to be clothed this early int he morning and probably won't come down." he smirked a little and laid his head on the others chest, sighing softly. "besides i'm to comfy." he murmured smiling a little. "that really was amazing Belil, i've never felt something so...perfect."
Belil smiled softly, kissing his head as he wrapped his arms around harry, holding him close."As long as your sure she wont come down."He said worrying about scaring the girl, before laughing."It really was perfect."And so good after so many years of not doing it.
Harry smiled a little and pressed himself tighter into Belil, before sighing a little. "i guess we should get up, Draco is waking up." Harry admitted softly. "and Michela is sure to follow." he slowly got to his feet and offered his hand to the other, helping him to his feet as well, offering him a small smile. "you know, when all this is over, i have my own place if you ever.. i dunno, just wanna stop by.."
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