Archangel's fall

Michela stumbled as the world went even whiter, "This is it.But, you're going to die with us."She whispered, sighing softly as she stumbled to draco's side, lowering the blond to the ground as she let her wings hang limply over them.Knowing they were both dying."I love you.Belil will finish this."She whispered resting her head on his chest as she bent over him, knowing things were ending."I'm sorry."She muttered as the world faded to black.

"STOP!"The harsh order froze everything, freezing time in those few priecious heartbeats while everything was still alive."Raphel!How dare you spill michela's blood?She was the first."Gabriel said as he took the step between, white wings flairing around him, so bright it was painful to look at, looking down at his daughter's body, knowing that she was dying.Gently touching her hair as he walked past her, he approached raphel."How dare you."He muttered raising a hand, calling soulfire, sihging softly as it ate the world, well at least raphel's chunk of it. Feeling satisfied as the angel screamed as he died. Looking at the three dying people he looked world weary, struggling to come up with a way to save them all.
Raphel screamed in agony as the soul fire tore into him, spreading his white wings as wide as they could before spilling out his own magic, forcing the biting flames away, laughing viciously. "please! Gabriel you think a pathetic bit of Soul Fire can take ME!?" he demanded advancing on the other Archangel, tensing when a deep throb of power trembled through the earth, deeper, older than anything he, or Gabriel would ever have experienced save for God himself. "what!?" the Dark Angel demanded, startled and confused "who does this?" the voice was deep, so deep it rattled the chests of the two Angel's still in the proper time, darkness spreading across everything, locking them into pitch blackness that even Gabriel could not see through. "Who Harms?" this voice was fair, light, so piercing that Raphel cried out in agony, hands clapped to his ears, though to Gabriel it would sound like a lovely tone, like a bell. this time light, so white it was just as unseeing as the darkness, Raphel screaming in pain as he clapped his hands over his eyes. sobbing as two shapes appeared.

the first was pure white, shining in the light as he spread large angel's wings, only a black dot on his forehead marked him as something other than one of Gods favored. the other was as black as ink, and spread bat like Demon's wings, only the dot of white on his forehead marked him as something other than Lucifer himself. "we are the Angel of order and the Demon of Chaos." they chorused, their combined voices shook the world to it's bones, Raphel screaming in agony as he writhed on the ground as if under the Cruciatis. "Speak, Angel Gabriel." they demanded, ignoring Raphel completely. "and Tell us who has harmed one who's heart is most pure." for some reason, they did not seam to be speaking of Michela.
Garbriel bowed slightly before straightening, glad he wasn't the focus of their combined fury. Resting a hand in michela's hair, he didn't let the feel of her dying body, or the sight of belil moving to harry's side, distract him. This was...this was to rare of a ocasion.He couldn't remember the last time the angel and demon had been seen.

"Lady Order, Lord Chaos, Raphel Archangel has done harm to this one. He was protecting my daughter from her betrayer, and fell protecting her still.Even when things would have ended, and both raphel and Michela killed, he chose death to protect her over continued life for himself."Tears choked the angel, before he looked at raphel. He knew why they had come, and the one they had protected, wasn't bearing wings."Raphel archangel has harmed one of your own. I give him to you for judgement."He said, giving up heaven's rights to punish their betrayer, turning him over to the two standing before him.
the two ancients looked intently at Gabriel, searching for Falsehoods or lies before they nodded in unison, Lady order moving over to Michela, setting her hand on the Angel's forehead. "Rise and be well, Daughter of God, and shed your wings to become like mortal men." she purred softly. "your powers are true, and your love is strong." Lady Order had granted Michela all of her Angelic powers, with the body of a mortal, she had turned Michela from an Archangel...into a Guardian of souls, a rare honor.

Lord Chaos however, moved Raphel, gripping the angel tightly around the forearm and squeezing, Raphels screams of agony filling the air until he vanished unto smoke, taken away to only god and the Devil knew. a threat no more before he turned to Belil. "You, who have such love in your heart, do not belong in Hells flames." he stated, black eyes bearing into Belil's. "for protecting the Angel child, and the one whom she loves, i will grant you whatever you may desire." he stated, staring at Belil. "do you wish to become a human, or simply be free of Lucifer's hold?" he tilted his head at Belil. "or perhaps, something else entirely?" he was giving Belil a chance to become whatever he wanted, another rare opportunity.
Michela stirred at the touch, sighing softly as power forced her broken body to heal, to live. Without even realizing she was doing it, reaching for her lover, letting it heal what was wrong with draco.Everything that was wrong. From the wounds that had killed him, to the scars and broken voice....he was once again the draco malfoy he'd been as a younger man, with all the experience of the older one."Thank you, Lady Guardian."Michela said looking up at her, smiling brightly, tears trailing down her face, feeling draco's heart beat under her fingertips.

Belil stared, for once in his life, shocked beyond his sarcastic wit. Gabriel bit his lip, struggling not to laugh at the shell shocked looked on the demons face. Gently touching Harry's face, biting his lip, even as michela moved over, healing the brunette under his hands before moving back to her blond, holding him close. Sighing softly he gathered Harry in his arms, reveling in the fact to a steady heart beat and breath ghosting over his skin before looking at the lord chaos."Lord chaos, I would like to be free of lucifer's bonds."He said softly, not wanting anything he'd wanted before. Not wanting to be a lord of hell, or even a prince of hell...he just wanted to be with the man in his arms without having to answer hell's call.
Draco shifted lightly, a small moan of pain falling from his lips before he went still once more, resting as his body recovered and healed, Harry coughing softly as his color returned shifting before he too returned to sleep, recovering as his wounds and scars slowly began to fade away, nuzzling Belil's legs as he slept Lord Chaos offering them both a faint smile as he reached out and set his hand on Belil's head, a soft snapping sort of sound filling the air as the ties that held Belil to Lucifer snapped and broke and then faded away, all of Belils Angelic powers roaring back into existence, his Demon abilities staying completely intact.

"you are Angel and Demon now Belil, you answer neither to heaven nor hell, and now, as a final gift, i give you a soul, that you may enter the gates of heaven when your mortal passes, if you so choose." he stated calmly, both Lady and Lord stepping away, spreading long wings before vanishing in a flair of white and black, a glimpse of the fish they where before they vanished once more, back into the pond where they had rested for centuries. they liked the bread raco fed them, and they would remain until Draco's life faded from the world.
Gabriel was being oddly quiet as he studied the mortals before smiling slightly. Tilting his head as he walked over, helping both draco and michela up,carrying the blond inside, settling the two in the bed together as he brushed his lips over the girl's forehead."Sleep daughter mine."He muttered before going to make sure belil and harry were settled. Before sighing, heaven was going to be in suh a uproar...

In the morning Michela stirred,cuddling against the blond more, sighing softly. Belil snickered slightly as he wrapped his arms around harry, who he had sitting in his lap, as he lounged in a seat next to draco and michela's bed. waiting for any and all to wake up.Starting to get worried because they hadn't stirred.
Draco stirred, his eyes fluttering open as he coughed a little, licking his lips. "wha...." he froze, at hearing his own scratchy voice his eyes widening in astonishment. "wha....aat?" he managed to mutter, grimacing as he gripped his sore throat. after not talking for so many years it hurt to, but..he was still talking! TALKING! he looked at Michela and then over at Belil, confused and frightened. the last thing he remembered was getting a sword shoved through his belly, of course he was terrified.
Belil smiled slightly, pressing a kiss to harry's head as he moved forward, pressing draco down against the bed so he didn't stir to much and disturb michela."Gabriel and the guardians of the balance intervened."He smiled slightly. "Apparently the guardians took offense for you getting yourself killed. Took care of raphel, gave michela what she needed to heal you and harry."He smiled wider, gesturing a little."And made her mortal, with all the benefits of a immortal."
Draco allowed himself to be pressed back into the bed, swallowing hard as Harry groaned and shifted on Belil's lap at the moving around, Draco looking relieved to see that Harry was alive as well. "" Draco made a small frustrated sound and reached for a pen and paper. 'Guardians of Balance? where did they come from and why should they care that i almost got myself killed?...i did...only almost get killed right? i'm not dead am i? if i am heaven looks an awful lot like my bedroom....' he admitted his eyes flitting around the room, confused. "m i dead?" Harry slurred sluggishly, snuggling into Belil. "m i 'n hell?" he asked, it was the only reason he could think of to be dead and be in Belil's lap. "m i g'nn be lucif'r whore?" Draco snorted a little looking amused.
Belil snickered lightly, leaning back in his chair as he pressed a kiss to his head."I dont want to know. Lucy's to pretty to look at. Never introducing you. I'll end up single again. and after I gave up hell."He pouted snickered before looking at draco, "You're not dead, none of you are dead. Though you did a damned good job of trying to get there. No. The guardians...."He stopped trying to decide."you cant have dark without light, or light without dark. They preserve the balance of the world....and they were your fish.Apparently, from what gabbie could tell me, they've been here at the manor for centuries.Apparently, they liked the bread you fed them."He said amused, having only left the room long enough to see why they'd rescued them."And they restored the balance, because raphel had fucked it up so badly."
Draco and Harry nodded, looking releived at not being dead, Harry yawning as he snuggled in and prepared to go back to sleep, Draco smiling a little as he shook his head. 'my fish are the gaurdian's of order? i'll have to get them something special next time.; he decided, relaxing into he bed, gently stroking Michela's hair. 'i never knew that my Koi Fish where so special.' he admitted glancing at Belil. 'Raphel is gone then? he's dead?' no, not dead. yet. but he was certainly suffering a great deal, trapped in a realm worse than hell. 'and don't mind harry either, he's always like that after near death experiences, he's had many of them.' Draco admitted. 'are you staying with him? he could really use you, emotional support and all that...'
"Oh. Well..."Belil trialed off blushing brightly, the red showing brightly against his pale skin as he looked down at the man in his arms."Yes your fish are special, and no not dead yet, just wishing he was."He swallowed hard, resting his cheek against the brunette's head."Oh...well you see. Michela became a immortal among mortals and I well...was judged and given a boon...I no longer belong anywhere but here, unless I choose to die with him."He said blushing more rubbing a hand over harry's back worriedly.
Draco smirked a little as he nodded. 'well, his death will probably be a long ways away now, so you have plenty of time to figure out how you feel.' he teased smiling a little before he sighed softly and relaxed into the bed again as Harry groaned, his stomach growling loudly. "foood." Harry whined, staggering to his feet as he rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands as he headed for the kitchen, Draco heading back to dreamland.
Belil snickered following harry to the kitchen, wraping hsi arms around the other, pulling him back against him as he set about cooking.He couldn't help it, having nearly lost him, he found himself wanting to cuddle him. Nuzzling him he yawned, cooking a few things he knew harry liked."How are you feeling?"He muttered.
Harry smiled as he leaned back into Belil, a small, satisfied smile on his lips. "so. we're all still alive, and that means that Raphel is dead or worse..right?" he asked feeling rather pleased that everything had gone according to plan, though he couldn't really remember what had happened. "how badly do we kick his ass? i can't really remember what happened." he admitted frowning a little as he realized that Belil was cooking. "hey...i was going to do that." he complained, looking amused.
Belil glared at him."No.You've been mostly dead all day."He quipped, wincing at the princess bride reference before smiling."Yes, raphel's in a hell of his own making.And Michela's mortal, and happy with draco."he said biting his lip, not sure how to tell the other his own change of status.
Harry paused at the statement and then smirked a little, looking VERY amused as he shook his head. "The Princess Bride, never expected you to be watching that one." he teased smirking a little. "so Michela is a mortal, and she fixed me and Draco." he paused and touched his neck. "i noticed Draco was missing his scars, does that mean he can talk now?" he asked curiously. "and what about you? surly the...uhm, Lord and Lady? granted you something too?"
"Yes. Draco can talk, though it sounds like he's been chain smoking for years."He said smirking a little, pressing closer to the other, burying his face against his shoulder."Yes.."He muttered blushing."They uh...they broke both my bonds to hell and heaven, with all the benefits of still being a demon prince.So...I owe no one but you, michela, and draco anything.I"He smiled."And have the option of following you around for eternity should I choose.Which I will."
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "well he hasn't been able to use his voice in years, it's probably still very sore." he admitted licking his lips a little before he froze, staring at his demon lover with wide eyes. "your free?" he asked softly, looking utterly overjoyed. "really!?" even Harry knew how GOOD freedom could feel. "you really want to stay with me for all of eternity?" he asked softly, sounding amazed, as if he didn't quite beleive it. "really?" he grinned at the other and snuggled up to him. "and we can have children? and some puppies? and a little farm out in the country where no one will ever ever bother us?"
"Yes yes yes to all of that."Belil grinned nuzzling the boy's neck, laughing softly."though I don't think you're going to be able to stop michela and draco from bothering us."He pointed out laughing.

Michela whined softly as she stirred,cuddling the man she was holding onto, lifting her head, staring at him in shock."But...but I saw..."She whimpered tears filling her eyes as she thought of it.She'd been so sure she'd lost everything.
ry grinned happily as he snuggled into the other. "i think i won't mind too much as long as it's just Draco and Michela." he decided smiling a little. "and Gabriel too on occasion no doubt." he complained rolling his eyes. "i have a feeling that that man PLANNED all if this." he admitted smiling a little as he shook his head, leaning into his lover, sighing softly. "...i love you." he admitted softly.

Draco smiled at Michela and swallowed hard, stroking her Cheek. "i...L..ove....Y..ou." he muttered brokenly, smiling at her happily as he stroked her cheek, licking his lips nervously as he watched her closley, waiting to see her reaction to his sudden talking.
"I love you to."Belil smiled kissing him, wrapping his arms around him tightly. Knowing everything would be fine now."If he did, he had his reasons."He shrugged.

Michela looked shocked, her eyes going wide before she smiled, pouncing on the blond,wrapping him in a hug tightly, burying her face in his neck."I love you to_Oh draco.I love oyu."She said as she started crying. Not caring how it happened, not caring what would come next, or what had changed, she was just glad to have him.
Harry snorted a little smiling a little. "as if Michela and your happiness isn't reason enough." he teased smiling a little shaking his head as he kissed his lover again. "i have the perfect place for us." he murmured with a small smile. "we'll move in right away, and i'll buy you all sorts of nice thins, and you'll have to work on getting me pregnant right away." he teased winking at Belil.

Draco smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her close before he pulled away and held something up, a ring, silver in color with a shining sapphire in the middle encircled by a dragon wing and an angel wing. ""
Belil looked startled before smiling almost shyly before nodding. Surprised anyone would want kids with him,but well, if harry wanted to.Smiling he stole a kiss."Ah well, as long as you know your the one carrying the kid."

Michela smiled taking the ring, sliding it on, smiling happily kissing him hard."I will. I will!"She said excitedly, cuddling into him, knowing everything would be fine now.
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