Shadows of the Heart

he smirked as she promised to move in with him, he had a nice place being Voldemort's favorite had it's perks. "Husband!?" Harry demanded, nearly dropping the book that he had picked up turning to gape at her. "well damn, i'll be killing him personally then." he decided nodding a little as he put the book back in her stuff and grabbed his own shirt yanking it on humming softly, "go get the car started would you? i don't want anyone seeing us with Igor now that we've kidnapped him." he admitted a smirk on his lips, "i mean, someone has to care where he is right? some long lost wife, some little brat who's grown attached to him or something." Harry knew that nothing was ever as simple as it seamed.
She nodded leaving the room, waiting for him before pulling out of the the parkinglot heding back towards london. Knowing there was probably going to be issues with igor, but for the moment everything was going fine. Looking over at the man who was still being silent."You can ask about tony you know.It might do me good to hear someone besides myself threatening his life."She said, tightening her grip on the steering wheel to keep her hands from shaking. White knuckled as she kept her eyes on the road, having never talked to anyone about what had happened to end up as a wife, but for some reason, she wanted to talk to him.She trusted him,despite everything.
Harry glanced at her a little then. "i think i don't need to." he admitted pondering a little. "your father arranged your marriage, and Tony ended up being very abusive, right?" he asked looking her over as he glanced back at the still sleeping Igor, Harry kept drugging the man because every time he woke up he started begging and pleading, very annoying. "i don't care who he is or how you got together, he hurt you, and no one hurts my girl." he stated sternly crossing his arms. "even if i didn't know you then his ass is dead."
Blaine swallowed hard, shaking her head, her head aching between the memories and the man's begging."Oh no. It's worse, though true after a fashion."She winced a little."Antonio and my father always got along, Father wanted me to marry him, but I kept saying no. So tony seemed to accept it when I was going away to college, and took me out to dinner....drugged me. Do you know what belladonna, in small doses does to a person?It makes them sleepy, and compliant to whatever they're told to do.And I was told to sign a marriage liscense."she shifted her grip, her hand starting to ache from her grip.Though she was feeling a little better, smiling softly at the claim's of being his girl."Two years, I was more drugged then the time I figured out how to counteract what I was being drugged with, I was addicted.And....when I went through withdrawl, I nearly killed myself...only reason they haven't come after me.They really did think I killed myself.A friend got me out of rome, and I came to london."
Harry was staring at her, wide eyed, looking horrified as he watched her. "that's why you reacted so bad to the drugs." he stated simply, softly. "so are you still married to this guy or was that annulled with your 'death'?" he asked looking seriously worried before shaking his head. "it doesn't matter. i'm killing him." he snarled darkly. "and then i'm killing your father, a nice gun to the head." he growled his eyes narrowing. "and i'll even get Tom to help! he likes me, he'll help with a personal vendetta." he smirked a little to himself and leaned back in his chair, a dark little smirk. "and i'm going to get my hands on some Belladonna, i'll have them sign over every single thing they own to you before i murder them so that you can have everything you deserve." it was rather poetic he thought, making them use the drug that they had used to control Blaine's life.
Blaine laughed softly, ignoring the horror on his face, because she'd break down if she really looked at him."Nicely ironic that is."She sighed brushing her hair over her shoulder."We'll drop igor off with tom, go home and get some good sleep and food, then head back to rome.They don't leave rome.Which is another reason they didn't know I was still alive."She frowned slightly,"Tom keeps some belladonna on case I needed it."She said running her fingers through her hair.While she'd kicked the addiction, she still had cravings so bad that sometimes it hurt to not have it.So. she'd given tom some to hang on for her.Before giving him a look as they neared london."You do realize you're going to have to treat me like a guy again right?"
he nodded a little. "we won't go back to Rome so soon." he protested shaking his head. "i want to take a small break at least, Rome gives me the creeps." he admitted shuddering a little as he glanced at her. "of course i realize that, i never stopped treating you like a boy, i don't give a shit what gender anyone is." he admitted yawning a little. "besides, i'll beat the shit out of anyone who has the balls to ask why your mine anyway." he admitted simply, refusing to remember the last person who he had claimed as his own. it wouldn't matter so long as he was able to get Blaine into his house before someone warned her, she belonged to Harry now, she had even admitted was only protecting her, that was all.
Blaine relaxed, glad that she wouldn't be going back to rome just yet. It would be nice not to be there."Well, I'll take him upstairs,let tom have him, while you sleep here, and then we'll go to my place, get some of my stuff and go to your house."She said smiling as she got out, dragging igor inside before he could protest.She wasn't about to leave her car unguarded in the middle of london. Glad that the man was mostly drugged still she made her way into the office building, sparing a few minutes to talk with tom before leaving again. Looking startled as she nearly walked face first into draco."H-hello."She stuttered a little stepping back from him.
Harry scowled a little, annoyed about being left behind but said nothing, instead he proper his feet up on the dashboard and tucked his head down and started to doze. Draco stared at her for a long moment watching her closley. "be careful around Harry." he ordered softly. "he might look stable but he is completely insane." he stated softly. "i know he's raped you already, probably more than once, if he's invited you to go home with him...don't go, make up any excuse you can, but do NOT spend the night in his house." he ordered his voice low with warning before he vanished, afraid Harry might catch him giving Blaine a warning. but would the woman follow it, or ignore it as the madman ravings of another who had been raped by Harry.
Blaine frowned a little, fear tightening her stomach as she tried to figure out why she'd been warned not to go home with him.heading back downstais and frowning at the sight of him with his feet up on the dashboard."If you want to keep your legs, get your feet off the dash."She said sliding into the driver's seat, but didn't start the car turning to look at him.For the first time,fear showing on her face.Despite everrything, she'd never been afraid of him.Now...draco's warning changed everything."Why does no one want me to spend the night in your house?"She said, her voice trembling a little.She'd already spent time at the hands of her insane husband, she didn't want to be stuck again.Not by her own choosing.
Harry groaned a little but dropped his feet, opening his eyes a little as he yawned, uncaring. "mmm?" he muttered, looking confused. "why does huh?" he asked rubbing his eyes a little. "who told you not to spend the night in my house? lots of people spend the night in my house." he complained stretching a little. "of course, most people get raped and beaten there but you like that." he stated simply, sleepily. "Draco used to be one of my obsessions, i like pretty people." he admitted with a small smirk. "i was a lot worse back then though, i was still living with the Dursley's back when i met him..." he paled a little as he realized what he'd just said. "it doesn't matter anyway, it's not like i'm going to lock you up in the bathroom and keep you there for the rest of our lives, Tom would kill me if anything happened to you."
"Probably."Blaine said, though she still looked nervous, heading for her huse.Musing over the warning, and wondering what was going to happen. Maybe this was a bad idea.But she didn't comment on the dursley's, he had a right to his privacy.Biting her lip as she parked her ca.r"I'll be right back."She said running upstairs and returning in a few minutes with a bag of books and clothes, tossing it in the backseat before looking at him"How do I get to your house from here?"she asked still looknig frightened.She didn't know what to think about draco's warning.
Harry yawned a little and snuggled into the car seat with a small groan, feeling tired, he just wanted to sleep off his high dammit. he slept until she got back into the car and sat up, rubbing his eyes a little. "go up." he stated pointing down the street. "then left...right." he stated pointing to the right shaking his head a little. "the big apartment loft down on Main, i'm the third floor." he admitted rubbing his eyes as he tried to stay awake. "i even have a spare bedroom for when your pissed at me." he admitted with a small amused grin as he yawned again watching her drive, giving directions when needed.

they came to a stop in front of the large building and Harry grinned hipping out and heading for the door, grabbing her books and his bag in one hand, leaving her to grab the rest. "it's a bit of a mess." he admitted sheepishly as he walked up the fire escape doors. "and my front door is busted, again, because the landlord is too cheep to actually fix it." he grumbled leading her up tot he third floor and unlocking the window/door he had there with some keys from his pocket, leading the way inside.

mess was an understatement, the place was trashed. fast food wrappers where everywhere, and so where bear bottles. "i guess i should have cleaned up first..." he muttered sheepishly rubbing the back of his head as he glanced at her, grimacing a little. "i'll hire a maid or something..." he muttered looking around.
Blaine wrinkled her nose at the mess, studying it."I'll clean up. Later."She said with a yawn, tilting her head at him.Touched and amused that he was embarassed about the mess. Stepping lose to him she getnly ran her ingers thrugh his hair, wrapping her arms around him."I've lived in worse.Don't worry."She said resting her head on his shoulder, trying not to think. Pulling away she tugged him towards the hall where she assumed his bedroom was."Come on, let's get some sleep, and we'll deal with the mess after."
he snorted a little and shook his head. "i'm not sure i want you to." he admitted grimacing a little. "i like the mess sometimes." he admitted simply. "it feels less empty that way." he admitted yawning a little as he led the way into the bedroom, which was littered with clothes and papers and nudy magazines which harry promptly picked up and hid under the bed, not a blush to be seen as he motioned for her to lay down as he went into the adjoining bathroom to brush his teeth. that was one thing harry had to do., he could go weeks without a shower, he was drunk and living in filth, but he HAD to brush his teeth, they HAD to be clean or he started freaking out.
Blaine smiled laying down, glad she'd brushed her teeth while at her house leaning over the edge of the bed, digging under the bed and hanging awkwardly there as she looked at his nudy magazine. Blushing a little as she studied them, tilting her head and looking up at him when he came back in,"I want to try that."She said turning the magazine to show a girl and guy doing doggy style. A blush staining her cheeks...because she'd never had anyone that would listen to her if she said she wanted to try something, so she was worried that he wouldn't want to.
Harry blinked as he caught her looking at his magazines, almost all of them where bi sexual, depicting men with men, men with women, and women with women in many different positions and poses. he blinked as he took the magazine and examined the picture, his head tilted to the side. "shall i involve rope or are you just going to get in the bitch position yourself?" he teased a smirk on his lips as she stripped off his shirt, more than willing to rape her doggy style.
Blaine looked at him, smirking slightly as she bent further over the edge of the bed, already laying mostly in position, though it was sort of awkward. Raising her head as he walked towards the bed naked, leaning out to run her tongue along his cock.It was there, and her head was at a perfect level to take a taste."Whch would you prefer?"She asked, teasing. Wondering if he'd noticed that after the first time, they'd shifted into more of a teasing, playful relationship then a rapist and his victim.Almost like...lovers, but not. Wondering what she wanted out of this, and why she was allowing him to keep her.
he smirked a little at her and grabbed her hair, forcing her head back painfully, though not violently as he would have only a day ago, growling lightly as he smacked her ass. "don't be a dick." he ordered running his tongue from her tailbone to her neck, hissing softly. "fuck you taste good." he growled smirking a little pressing his dick against her cunt, rubbing it along the slit but not pressing in, wanting to tease her, she had suggested it, that meant that harry had more leeway then he normally felt he had. this whole willing sex was new, but pleasant. "i want to hear you beg for my dick." he ordered, voice husky with lust. "i wanna hear you beg for a fucking."
Blaine whimpered as she squirmed back against him, trying to get him to slid into her, her voice laced with need.Her hips rocking back, wanting him, feeling weird that he wasn't being as violent but it was nice.It was so nice to have control of her life again."Are you so sure I'll beg?"She said, whimpering as she swallowed hard,"Please, please harry fuck me...please...I want your big hard cock driving into me."She begged, like a junkie after a fix, she couldn't stop from doing as he asked.
he smirked as she whimpered and moaned, feeling a new rush of control, feeling a new rush of power in making someone WANT him, and denying them. making someone BEG him for the pleasure he could offer, his first consensual, it wasn't rape it was sex, it was wonderfully! harry immediately felt himself addicted to the fact that Blaine wanted him, wanted his dick, and was begging for it, PLEADING for it, fuck that got Harry all turned on, even more than when his victims screamed and begged and cried. "yeah you want my Dick baby?" he purred, his thickness throbbing against her cunt, panting softly. "here you go." he growled, slipping it deep inside groaning loudly as he smirked gripping her hip in one hand forcing her head back even more with the other as he began to ride her nice and hard.
Blaine whimpered in pain and lust as her head was jerked back, her hips rocking back into his as she turned er head a little, brushing a kiss against his mouth as he rode her, whimpering softly. It felt so good to have him in her."Yes,yes I want you."She whispered, moaned as she strained to move back against him, but the grip on her hip and hair kept her where she was, a pinned prisoner to do with what he wanted.
he groaned as he pushed into her, again and again, thrusting into her moistness without mercy, snapping his hips into her ass, the wet sound of flesh on flesh filling the air as his free hand stroked down to her curls stroking and rubbing along her clit biting at her neck as he thrust faster into her, groaning intently as he released her hair and groped one of her breasts instead, squeezing it and rubbing, moaning softly. "fuck you feel good." he groaned.
Blaine whimpered as she hung her head, whimpered as she came, her body tightening around his as she slid down to the bed in a pile of well pleased woman, her hips the only thing that stayed up as he held her in place.Whimpering and moaning softly as she felt him sliding into her as her body clutched at his.
he moaned as he watched her collapse, a smirk on his lips before he pulled out, spilling his seed across her ass and legs, panting hard. "mmm fuck yeeessss." he growled panting softly as he smirked. "mmm yeah, i liked that." he growled smirking a little as he smacked her ass before lifting her into the bed and joining her.


a month had passed since then, Draco had tried warning her twice more, but realizing that harry was not acting overly possessive apologized to her and muttered that harry must have gotten better, but no matter how much Blaine asked or who she asked no one would tell her why they'd been worried about her living with Harry. harry still had his moments though, he would show up in a completely foul mood, or drunker than shit and he would pin her down, beat the shit out of her, and rape her. but when he sobered up he always apologized and helped patch her up, icing bruises and bandaging cuts.

he turned out to be a quicker learner than he had expected, though he lost patience quickly and often threw tantrums when he didn't understand something right away, he was already reading simple books and could now add small numbers together. the more he learned, the more interested he got about learning more. it wasn't a perfect relationship, but they worked well together, and Harry had even admitted to Blaine not three days before that he loved her. sure he'd been high when he said it, but harry had this uncanny inability to lie when he was hopped up on drugs.
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