Shadows of the Heart

he smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around her. "no." he growled nuzzling her, dragging his cheek against hers playfully, small chuckles falling from his lips. "not until your feeling better." he stated simply. "i thought you where going to die." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i wasn't sure what to kept screaming so...i let you have Pot, but that didn't seam to help at all so i just...let you scream..." he shuddered against her. "and then you'd go quiet and i was scared you'd died each time but you kept breathing..." he shuddered again and kissed her neck. "i'll make sure no one ever hurts you again..i promise, never again." he wasn't going to mention Tony, nor that he had set Tom's house on fire. Tom was probably still pissed, but he hadn't sent anyone after harry so the boy figured he was alright.
Blaine nodded a little, giggling as she tucked to escape teh scratching of his whiskers, smiling a little."I know you wont."She swallowed hard, before tears filled her eyes."I'm sorry...I...I forgot how bad belladonna withdrawl can be. Because...pure belladonna is a posion, it makes the body react badly. It hurts, and it does damn near kill you to stop it...but you did what I needed you to do.thank you.Last time...I was alone."She shuddered, hating to think about it.
he smiled at her giggles kissing her forehead. "your not the one who should be sorry." he stated gruffly. "the people who should be sorry is Tom and that bastard Tony... but they won't bother you anymore." he promised tickling her with his whiskers again. "they won't dare, i made them pay." the madness coloring his voice. "i'll never leave you alone, i promise." he muttered softly kissing her neck. "you'll never have to suffer so bad again, i promise."
She nodded, shivering a little at the madness ,but not realizing something was wrong. Because she felt protected and safe, she didn't realize she was trappedSmiling slightly as she squirmed away."Go shave."She said kissing him again. Just happy to be herself again.
he smirked and shook his head. "no." he growled playfully. "you make funny sounds when i do this." he purred rubbing his whiskers against her neck, teasing her before slowly getting up and heading into the adjoining bathroom, which held all of her things but had been removed of anything dangerous, there was a razor, but it was one of the safety kinds, where you couldn't cut yourself even if your tried. even the bedroom had been carefully removed of anything that Blaine might try to harm herself, or him with. when he came back out he was clean shaven once more and he offered her a smile. "better?"
She nodded, smiling at him as she leaned into him, hands resting on his chest. Looking concerned.Having noticed the lack of dangerous things."Worried I'd hurt myself?"She bit her lip, concern in the look."I didn't try to hurt you did I?"
he grimaced a little and kissed her forehead. "you said you tried to commit suicide last time...and i...i didn't want to risk it..." he admitted biting his lip. "and you...may have attacked me in a blind fury when i told you no...." he admitted sheepishly, he still had the claw marks from her nails running down his back.
"Oh.I'm sorry."She whispered, her eyes filling with tears as she brushed a hand over his cheek,"Did I hurt you?"She whispered. Realizing he hadn't answered. Leaning away as she tried to see if she'd done any harm to him. Truly afraid she had.
he smiled a little and shook his head. "just a few scratches." he lied kissing her forehead. "don't worry about it." he murmured gently nuzzling her neck smiling a little. "i'm just glad your feeling better." he mumbled softly. "you just rest." he ordered gently giving her another kiss to the temple, smiling a little.
Blaine smirked looking up at him,"Want to rest with me?"she asked, moaning softly as he nuzzled her neck, running her hands over his chest.Feeling bad that he hadn't beenn able to toch her. Because she knew him, she knew he wouldn't have touched her while she was compliant and high on belladonna, and the other drugs.
he wrapped his arms tightly around her, feeling much better now that he could hold her, and she was right, he would never rape, or have sex with anyone who was high, he wanted them to remember what he did to them, he liked them to be able to react...and besides, he didn't want to rape her anymore, he wanted to love her, and he couldn't have sex with her, if she wasn't aware of her own actions. "rest first, playtime later." he ordered smiling a little. "i want to make sure that every bit of the belladonna is out of your system."
She laughed softly shaking her head. Smiling a little as she kissed him."Okay."She said smiling a little as she eased back and crawling into bed. Glancing at the doorway as the doorbell rang."You better go get that."She said yawning as she started falling asleep.
he chuckled a little and kissed her forehead, laying her back out on the bed, locking the door behind him, keeping her locked in as he grabbed a knife and a gun, peeking through the door peeper with a scowl on his lips, paranoia staining his voice. "who is it!?" anyone who knew harry knew that tone, it was the same tone he'd used when he was 'protecting' Cedric. it was a warning for other dangers to come. "what do you want!?"
Tom sighed rolling his eyes, "Potter, you messed up my car. There's blood everywhere.And not considering you haven't had her checked out by a doctor.Let me in."He growled. Angry and worried for the girl.Glad he'd thought to bring draco with him. The other man might not be a official doctor, but he was good at making sure everyone was okay and that they'd live a little while longer.
Harry growled a little his eyes narrowed a little. "it wasn't my blood..." he spat. "and you sold Blaine! your not coming in! go away!" "Harry." Draco interceded carefully. "please, we just want to help, she's hurt right? going through withdrawals, has cuts?" "...wasn't her." Harry spat. "it was that bastard Tony's blood... you don't want to end up like him do you!?" Tony had been found in his own apartment, thirteen ounces of Belladonna in his system, and hung in his bathroom, all done on his own, harry had made very certain of that. "go away!" "Harry please..." "No! Go away! you want to take Blaine away! i won't allow it!"
Tom sighed softly."No, we don't want to take her away from you harry. We just want to make sure that she is fine. That she's not hurting worse then what she should be. You know tony raped her, she needs to be looked over."Tom said, trying not to think about what had been done to the other mob boss."We wont take her away. Just let us help her."
Harry growled, nervous, uncertain, unsure. "f...fine!" he growled unlocking the door, no less than seven clicks filling the air before the door jerked open, harry always had been severely paranoid. "but you don't say a single fucking word!" harry ordered, the knife and gun still in his hands as he watched then, Draco swallowing thickly as he moved into the room, letting Harry lead him to the bedroom, unlocking the door and glaring at them. "wait here." he ordered slipping into the room and heading over to Blaine. "love, Draco and Tom are here, Draco wants to look you over and make sure that your alright, like a checkup...he's in medical school." and law school too, though law was more of a hobby for the blond. "is it alright if they come in or do you want me to chuck them out?"
Blaine looked sleepy as she sat up, nodding."That would be fine."She said rubbing her eyes looking tired. Smiling slightly at draco, but looking nervous when tom came in. Remembering last time she'd seen him.

Tom sighed, noting the look before sighing."I'll wait out here."He said stepping back into the hallway to wait for draco to finish.
Draco smiled a little, shooting Harry a nervous look, the boy holding Pandora's hand as Draco gently began the physical. "do you hurt anywhere Blaine?" he asked hesitantly, Draco baring his teeth at Draco as the blond carefully examined her bruises and cuts that she had given herself during her withdrawal. "these are new...i thought harry stopped beating you?" "i didn't do it." harry snarled, sounding insulted. "she was hitting herself! i didn't know what to do!" "if you had just called." "never!" harry hissed, baring his teeth at Draco who winced at Harry's murderous tone, glancing at Blaine, fear and worry in his eyes, not for himself, but for her.
Blaine winced a little at the tone, whimpering as she drew her arm away from harry. Scared. Before wincing a little."I'm sore...but nothing hurts to badly."She said, knowing why the blond was worried for her. Mostly. She knew she could have damaged herself through the withdrawl. She didn't realize he was also worried about leaving her with harry.
Harry gently held her hand. "sorry." he murmured, Tone soft again as Draco offered her a small smile as he handed her a couple of strong painkillers that he had 'borrowed' from his school. "one every four hours, no more. less if you can handle the pain." he ordered. "and that includes the withdrawal pain." he ordered sternly glancing at Harry who narrowed his eyes at the other. "call us if you..." "she has me here." Harry stated simply standing up gently laying her back on the bed and handing her a glass of water and a painkiller. "i'll let you have another in six hours alright love? we don't want you getting addicted to these too." he admitted grimacing a little, "alright with that?" he asked gently brushing her cheek with his thumb. "i'm going to toss these two out now."
"Its okay."She said taking the pills, smiling slightly at draco."Thanks."She said knowing he worried about her. Snuggling back into the bed, preparing to go back to sleep.

Tom smiled slightly as the other two walked back downstairs, looking concerned."Is she okay?"HE asked studying the brunette. worried about what he'd do to the strongly independant woman.
growled darkly. "she'd fine, get out!" he ordered pointing at the door, Draco swallowing thickly as he watched Harry lock the door to Blaine's room. "Harry locking her up isn't going to help anything, it will only drive her away!" "shut up! i'm protecting her! that's all! get out! get the hell out!" he didn't realize that if Blaine was awake, she could hear them. "Harry remember Cedric.." "Cedric died!" "no, Cedric ran away, he left you because you did that to him." "no he died! get the hell OUT!" harry ordered, swinging at Draco with the knife, the blond staggering back and bolting for the door, terrified of the madman harry had become. "you too Tom! get out!"
Tom sighed softly, leaving with him, looking at the blond as he got into the car."He's going to kill her."he said softly, knowing that blaine would never submit to being controlled like that again.

"Who's cedric?"Blaine said sleepily, raising her head to look at him,
Draco swallowed thickly. "she'll kill him before he even has the chance." he stated softly. "i just hope that she can talk sense into him before that happens." he admitted softly licking his lips.

Harry looked startled and then a little upset. "Cedric was my boyfriend." he admitted moving back over to her. "he was kidnapped by an enemy gang and was..." he swallowed thickly. "i brought him back here, i tried to save him but he...he..." Harry wasn't really all that sure what had happened. one day he was there, and the next day, he wasn't. everyone told him that Cedric had run away, but harry knew better, someone had come in there and killed him, Cedric had been taken away, but Harry wasn't ever going to let that happen to Blaine, never!
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