Shadows of the Heart

Blaine, despite the moments of insanity and beatings, and the drunken rages, she was happy. It was a perfect imperfection.Though she wasn't sure what to think about the admitance of I love you, she thought that he was lying. Not realizing that he couldn't lie while high.

Looking at her boss as she walked into his office, she tilted her head, paling at the sight of the man leaning against the windows."Tony..."

Tony smiled,"I knew I recognized you.You should have never come back to rome."He said walking over, and catching the girl in his arms, despite her struggles, sliding the needle into her arm, smiling a little as she collapsed into his arms.Looking at tom as he piked her up."Thank you."

Tom shrugged a little."It was good business. Now go. I have some explaining to do."He said wondering how he would explain this to harry.


Two days later tom sighed softly as he leaned back in his seat, looking at the man as he walked in his door, before shifting his gaze to the others walking in.Having invited everyone to the monthly meeting not because there was so much to talk about, but more because he didn't trust harry not to try to kill him when they figured out what he'd done. "Good day."He said tilting his head.
Harry was the last person in, looking very annoyed. "When is Blaine getting back!?" he demanded glaring at Tom, he asked the man that every time he saw him, it was clear that Harry was getting more and more upset that Blaine had not contacted him, and more and more upset that no one could tell him where she was. he was getting suspicious, and that was making Draco nervous, the twins too. the last time harry had acted like that, five people died.

"Sir..." Draco murmured softly to Voldemort, the Twins gripping their weapons tightly in their pockets, recognizing the dangerous signs of an over protective Harry. "i think it would be in everyone's best interest if you just told him where Blaine is.." Draco didn't know, no one knew, but if someone didn't tell harry soon they where going to have another fight on their hands.
Tom nodded getting up to give himself room to fight if the other man came at him. "Blaine Sharazari is gone.She's not coming back."He said slowly."Blainse Sharazari is really Blaine Venitti, and I made a baragain for her. She was returned to rome so that we could have some business in the city."he said swallowing hard. Because looking at the man, he understood now what he had missed before.This was so much more to harry then anything, or anyone had meant before.
Harry stared at Tom for a long moment, an intense rage in his eyes, more than anyone had ever seen before, but he did not act on it right away, instead he let the rage fill him, his body trembling as everyone took a quick step towords Tom, preparing to defend him as harry let out a long, low snarl baring his teeth at Tom as a madness grew in the brunettes eyes. and before anyone could stop him he had lunged, screaming in his Irish tongue, wrapping his hands around toms neck tightly for a half a second before he was yanked back and pinned down by the twins and Severus, the Potions master quickly administering a 'sleeping drought', which made Harry sluggish and pissy, fighting and clawing and biting at anything that tried to touch him before he ripped himself free, still screaming in Irish the twins translating. "i'll kill you all, your all fucking dead! your guts will decorate my house!" they shuddered and turned to tom. "i think you fucked up on this one..." Fred was nursing a black eye, and George had bloody bite marks all up his arm.

Harry had immediately gotten into the closest car available, which was actually Tom's and hit the gas, driving like a madman to Rome, not sure what he was going to do, but certain he knew where to go. the casino, he needed to go to the casino. he got there in record time, pausing only once to succumb to the sleeping drugs that Severus had injected him with, appearing in the Casino, now looking as cool and calm as he had the first time he'd been there, looking for Antonio Venitti, determined to find the man, using Tom as an excuse for being there.
Antonio glanced up from his drink, sitting at the bar as he looked at the man stepping into the casino.Raising his drink as he sipped it, watching him."Welcome to rome again Mr. Potter."He said calmly, knwing why the man was there...mostly.There was only one real reason for him to be there, and it took the form of the woman currently sleeping in his bed.
Harry grinned at him. "yo man hows it hanging?" he asked grinning a little. "Tom sent me." a bluff, Tom would do one of two things, after harry attacked him like that. he would either call ahead, and warn Toni that harry was coming, warn him that harry would try to take Blaine back. or, Tom would not call, at all, and let harry do as he pleased. if Tom was smart, he would have chosen the latter. Harry was normally very loyal, and would listen to anything Tom said, but Harry was also very stubborn, and very, very insane, and when someone took something that belonged to harry, all laws, and rules went out the window.
"I am doing well. I have a beautiful wife waiting at home for me, and a booming business here."He smiled slightly, sipping his drink as he looked at the other. Tom had indeed not called him, but he could on;y assume that there was more then one reason for him to be there.After all, blaine,even drugged, asked for him. Begged really. It was pretty pathetic behavior for a scion of the house venitti.
Harry laughed a little and nodded. "yeah i know, Tom told me." he admitted grinning a little. "no offense to you man but that woman is damn gullible." he snickered a little. "told her i loved her and she was willing to do anything for me, what a whore. still she is pretty, i just wish i'd realized who she was sooner." he admitted shaking his head. "doesn't matter now i guess...hey can i keep her car?" he asked, indifferent, uncaring, as if she didn't mean anything to him. Harry was a good actor, "oh, and where am i supposed to drop off the drugs anyway? Tom told me to ask you about how to start running the drugs through here, i assume you guys are going to sell it and keep a cut of the profit right? we supply you sell?" that was how it usually went anyway, his eyes scanning the crowds, examining the skanks.
Tony nodded slightly."You'll drop them off at my home."He said getting up."Come. The viper's here, I brought it back with me.But if you want it, you can have it.Call it a present to remember the whore."he said walking outside with the other man, walking a few streets over to the town house, opening the garage."There.The key's are in it."He said smiling slightly.Blaine'd go insane at the thought of her car being gone. It was going to be perfect for breaking her.
he grinned a little. "your house?" he demanded wrinkling his nose. "well damn that sucks." he grumbled acting annoyed. "just make sure the who.. er. your wife don't see me, i don't want her hanging all over me, i got bored with her a week ago." he scowled a little. "she was more useful if she thought i was in love with her so Tom ordered me not to break up with her, SO annoying." he complained before beaming at the sight of the viper. "oh THERE she is." he purred lovingly running his hands over the green paint. "did baby miss her daddy?" he asked adopting the sappy tone that men always used when they where talking to their favorite cars. "don't you worry, daddy's going to take you right back to London." he purred smirking a little as he patted the hood. "got the keys?" he asked smirking at him. "i honestly thought i was going to have to beat her to get my hands on this baby, it's GORGEOUS." he purred grinning as he licked his lips. he hated himself, he really did, but now Tony thought harry was a douchebag who loved a car more than he loved a human being, which was usually true. it meant harry would have a better chance of getting to Blaine.
Tony laughed softly."Of course.I'll go get them."He said heading inside to get the keys before returning with them,tossing to the man who was stlill cooing over the car."I have to be getting back to the casino."He said waiting for the other to drive out of the garage before he shut the door."Tell tom that I look forward to working with him."He said smiling slightly. The man perfect, and he'd been worried that he'd want blaine back, but apparently he just wanted the car."Have fun with the car Harry."
Harry grinned stroking the car. "oh i intend to." he purred licking his lips as he settled into the seat and started the thing up, thankful that Blaine had taught him how to drive it. "i'll bring the first load of drugs by soon." he admitted grinning a little. "i left them at the hotel, the LAST thing i need is to get busted with drugs." he admitted grinning a little as he headed down the street. parking it in front of the hotel, waiting no more than ten minutes before hopping into Toms car and driving back to Tony's house, no less than five stolen Kilo of crack in the trunk, he had ';borrowed' them from Tom. if the man wanted to bitch about it, then he was just going to have to pay for the fact that he had sold something that didn't belong to him. he headed into the casino a smirk on his face, the vial of belladonna in his pocket, ready to be jammed into Tony's neck as soon as they where alone in his house. Tony was going to be Harry's bitch for a few hours, he was going to make Tony sign some divorce papers, already set up, and held in Harry's back pocket, but first he had to get into the mans house. he was going to have to wait until the man ended his shift. after he took care of Tony, he was going to take care of Blaine's daddy.
Tony smiled slightly as he headed back home after the end of his shift. Whistling softly because it was so good to be coming home to his cowed, pretty wife. Opening the door he smirked slightly at the sight of blaine sitting on the living room couch exactly where he'd left her that mrning.After all, he'd said stay right there. Walking over he pressed a kiss to her lips, drawing her up, holding her close, never noticing htat harry had followed him in.

Blaine barely reacted to anything, struggling to clear her head when she saw the brunette, but she was to drugged, to clumsy to do anything.
Harry slipped in behind Tony, moving as quietly as he could, barefooted wearing sock, harry could be very silent, he slipped up behind tony and slipped the needle into his skin, pressing the Belladonna into his neck before he could even thing to protest, a dark hiss on his lips. "no one touches MY woman." he hissed furiously. "not Tom, not her Father, and sure as fuck, not YOU." he hissed darkly, pulling the needle back out and grabbing him by the hair, dragging him into the next room, raping him as violently as he could as punishment for touching what did not belong to him, leaving him bleeding and broken before making him sign the divorce papers, along with the legal form that made him give everything he owned over to Blaine, he left him there for now, moving over to gather Blaine into his arms a few hours after he had gotten there, kissing her forehead.

"don't worry, i'll get you out of here." he promised softly gently cradling her as he carried her out tot he car, gently laying her in the back seat of the rusty old bucket before moving back into the house and dragging Tony down as well, putting him in the trunk, he was too high to complain anyway, and certainly too broken to put up a struggle if he wasn't. Harry wasn't sure if Tony would remember what Harry had done to him, and made him do, but the word's 'Harry's Cunt Boy carved into his belly would certainly be a good clue if he didn't. then he drove them to the hotel, and switched Blaine into the viper, and put tony in the trunk after laying down a blanket so he wouldn't bleed on anything, and headed back to London.
Blaine trembled in the passenger seat of the viper, curled up and shivering. Starting to go through withdrawl as she watched the scenery pass them by. To confused, to moved around to understand what was happening. While belladonna made her compliant, it also made her confused on what was happening around her. And harry'd changed things to much, to much had hapened in a short space of time to understand what was going on.Rubbing her arms as she looked at the man driving her car. Trembling and shivering.

"H-harry..I need...I need belladonna."She whispered, "Or something else."She said swallowing hard, pain in the look, because she aws hooked again, and not just on belladonna but on heroin, tony had wanted to make sure the girl was to out of it to understand what was going on around her, to fight back like she had last time.
Harry shook his head at her statement. "your not getting it." he stated sternly. "you'll only hate me for it later." he stated simply licking his lips nervously as he stepped on the gas. "i'll give you a little bit when we get home alright?" he decided, well aware of how painful an addiction could be. and even worse that the addiction, was the withdrawal. "we'll try you out on something else alright? a little bit of Pot, and if that doesn't work i'll let you have some Belladonna." he decided glancing at her, gently stroking her cheek. "don't worry, i won't ever let anyone hurt you again, i promise." she was never going to be taken from harry again, not ever... no, she belonged to him. she was probably too doped up to notice the madness in Harry's eyes and in his voice.
"Okay."She said her compliancy a side affect of starting to go through withdrawal. When they reached their home she looked up at him, leaning her head against his shoulder as he carried her inside, whimpering."Harry please."She begged softly, her body aching as she felt the drug fading from her system. It was one of the hardest things she'd ever had to go through, and she'd barely lived through it the first time. It was going to urt so much worse the second time.
harry gently kissed and nuzzled her as he gently laid her out onto he bed and rolled her a joint. it was the only thing he could think of that could help ease her pain that wouldn't make her addictions worse, at least not too much worse. "here love, smoke this." he ordered gently, stroking her hair looking immensely worried as he moved over to the windows and closed them all, locking them tight before breaking the locks so that they couldn't be opened again, and being as paranoid as harry was the glass was bullet, and shatter proof so that his many enemy's couldn't get in by breaking the windows. he went over to the door and closed it as well, locking that one shut with a little silver key he had in his pocket, no one was going to take her away from him again, no one, ever!
Blaine did as he said, finishing the joint before looking at the man. Blinking slowly as she concentrated on him.She hurt, and her head ached."HArry..."She muttered a little sliding to her feet, stumbling as she stood up, wrapping her arms around him, swaying against him."You cam efor me."She said, tears filling her eyes. Because it was wonderful that he had, and it hurt that she'd had to leave. She hurt, and she just wanted to forget.And yet the pain of the addictions was keeping her well grounded.
he smiled at her and gently brushed her hair away from her face. "it's alright Blaine, i'm here." he promised softly. "i'm always here for you, always, i'll never let you go." he promised holding her tightly. "i'll make sure no one ever hurts you again, but right now, i need to get Tony. i left him in the trunk of the viper, alright? i'm going to lay you back int he bed, and lock the door when i leave so that no one can come in alright?" at first it would only seam like over protectiveness, until she realized, that he wouldn't let her out. "alright lover? i'm going to go get him and then i'll be right back." he gently laid her on the bed. "go to sleep love." he ordered gently kissing her forehead before leaving to get Tony, locking the door behind him and dragging the bastard out of the trunk and up the stairs, injecting him with some more belladonna before locking him in the bathroom.
Blaine whined when he left her, but she shifted, cuddling into the blankets and pillows, going to sleep.Content to wait for him to ome back.

Tny cursed as he felt the drug taking hold."Potter!What are you doing!?"He asked sinking down on the floor, sitting down on the floor, resting his head against the toliet. Wondering what the other man was planning to do.
Harry smirked gripping Tony's chin forcing their eyes to meet, a smirk on his lips. "i'm making you suffer." he hissed smirking darkly. "now, why don't you be a good boy and write yourself a suicide letter?" he demanded. "make it heartfelt, all about how your SORRY for all the BAD things you've done." he ordered tossing a pen and paper into the room and leaving, if he didn't write one, harry could always write it for him. he wasn't so good at the computer thing but when Blaine was feeling better he could always get her to help.

he headed back up to the room and relocked the door once he was inside and headed over to her, pulling her into him, holding her tightly while she slept. "i'll protect you." he whispered softly kissing her neck. "no one will ever hurt you again."
Two weeks later blaine shivered, for the first time weeks, completely sober as she looked at the man in front of her. She didn't know yet that he'd killed tony, made the man write his own suicide note and give her everything.All she knew is that she hurt. And was tired. Raising her head she looked at the man sitting in the window seat, resting her cheek on her hand."I feel....thank you for coming for me."She said softly, looing over. Just starting to believe that maybe, just maybe he really did love her.
Harry was dozing, leaning against the window, jumping when she spoke and rubbing his eyes, dark circles under his eyes, random medicine containers lay all over the room, along with discarded cool rags. harry had spent every second taking care of Blaine, feeding her, bathing her when she needed it, ignoring his own needs and pains as he struggled to help her through her addictions. "hey." he breathed, relief staining his voice as he moved over to her, settling next to her gently stroking her cheek. "hey, how are you feeling?" he had rough stubble growing around his lips and on his cheeks, showing he hadn't shaved in forever. "do you need anything?" the door was still locked, so where the windows, no one was going to get to Blaine, never again, no one would touch her, or even look at her ever again. she belonged to harry, she was his, harry loved her, she had to be safe, always safe.
She shook her head, looking up at him as she rubed her arms. gently brushing her fingers over his face, smiling softly."Love, you need to shave."She said gently kissing him. Wrapping her arms around him, cuddling into his broad chest. Taking comfort as she struggled to not go look for something to shoot. Dmmit she'd kicked the habit once, she could do it again.
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