Shadows of the Heart

Blaine raised a hand, "I'm so sorry harry."She said gently stroking his hair out of his face as she sat up, looking at him worried."I'm sorry I asked...."She said, shuddering a little. The withdrawl making her more emotional then she usually was. More girly...more weak. Easier to control, to hurt. Poor blaine didn't even know what kind of mess she'd gotten herself into.
he smiled and shook his head. "it was years ago." he admitted softly, kissing her cheek. "don't worry about it... i did everything i could for him." Harry refused to beleive, or even think that Cedric could possibly be alive. "i love you." harry promised nuzzling her gently. "you rest, the painkillers seam to be making you a little loopy." he teased chuckling a little. "go ahead and sleep."
Blaine smiled, uddling against him and going to sleep.

A week later blaine yawned, looking at him as she stretched."Hey, can we go out?It looks so nice out."She said smiling happily, pressing her nose against the window like a little kid as she looked out at the sunny afternoon. Longing to feel teh sun on her face.
Harry hesitated at the mention of out. "no..." he muttered, acting jumpy again. "someone might get you..." at first it had been cute, Harry fawning over her, getting her anything she needed, overprotective and keeping her out of danger by locking the door anytime he had to go out, but it was starting to get a little creepy, a little...insane. "let's read some more of that book instead?" he asked hopefully, he'd really gotten into reading, and he loved to hear her read to him. "besides you still get the shakes, i don't think i'll be able to get you back inside if you collapse." another excuse. so many excuses.
She frownedbiting her lip before shaking her head."No. Let's go outside and read. And we'll tkake a blanket, and lay down. So if I do collaspe, I can stay.But I feel better. I want to go out."She said longing in her voice.
Harry shook his head, terror in his eyes. "no." he muttered softly. "no someone will get yo if you go out." he muttered, madness in his voice again as he gently reached out and took her hand kissing the knuckles, guiding her back to bed and holding her tightly. "no i can't let anyone hurt yo... i'm going to keep you safe..." he kissed the back of her neck. "i have to keep you safe."
She shook her head."It'll just be out in the yard."She said moving to get up again. Feeling frustrated at being stuck inside for the time.She despised being kept somewhere without the option of leaving.
he growled softly and tightened his hold on her, holding her tightly in place. "no! you can't! they'll get you! if you go outside they'll get you again and i won't get you back! i can't lose you!" he needed her! he had to keep her safe! you could almost hear the terrified desperation in his voice. "please! stay...stay inside with me! i don't want them to get you." the 'them' harry was talking about, didn't seem to exist, it was becoming more and more clear that harry was having some sort of breakdown, or relapse of some kind.
"Who?"She asked sitting back down, gently stroking his hair.Fear coming through, because she was worried.But she wanted outside.She couldn't live like this, even if it was for her protection.Her mind and body wouldn't survive this again.But if he really was afraid of someone getting her, maybe she could stay inside a little while longer
he nuzzled her gently, shivering a little. "well your father." he muttered softly. "Tom, Draco maybe...he likes you, he might try to take you." he admitted scowling darkly. he had to keep Draco away too, Draco had been giving her looks, Draco wanted Blaine for himself, Harry wouldn't let him take Blaine, no matter that Draco was dating the twins.
Blaine sighed softly, moaning as he nuzzled her."Please you can go outside with me.They wont hurt me if you're out there."She said, wondering if he was right. If the others wanted her.
Harry hesitated, holding her tighter biting his lip hard as he glanced the window, at Blaine, some part of him remembering how utterly miserable Cedric had been so long ago. "...ok, but...only for a little while..." he let her go and grabbed a blanket out of the closet, and his gun and hesitated. "are you SURE you don't want to stay in?" he was terrified, someone was going to take Blaine, he just knew it...well harry would kill anyone who tried!
BLaine nodded, smiling at him happily as she kissed him."I'm sure!I want to be out in the sunlight."She giggled happily running out the door as son as he opened it, collapsing happily into the tall grass with a smile. It felt amazing to be outside.
Harry was jumpy and nervous as he curled up next to her, holding her hand tightly shooting everyone the stink eye if they dared look over at them. Harry was certainly reacting to all of this better than he had with Cedric, but that was only another warning of terrible things to come. Harry honestly should have been in therapy, or at least on medication that didn't involve getting high or drunk.
Blaine smiled happily, reching up to brush her fingers over his cheek, drawing him downfor a kiss as she wrapped her arms around him."See thats not so bad. Nothing's going to happen."She said trying to sooth him as she ran a hand downhis back, kissing him slowly.
Harry just growled at the mention that it wasn't so bad, a scowl darkening his features shaking his head. "i don't like it." he complained snuggling into her, making sure that everyone knew that Blaine was his by kissing her back, kissing her passionately, almost furiously his tongue tangling in her mouth before biting her lip, moving down to her neck, sucking hard on it, leaving a well sized mark.
Blaine moaned, tangling her fingers in his hair as she squirmed. Forgetting everything, forgetting that they were outside, forgetting about the people that could walk by, solely seeing,feeling the man claiming her. Squirming and moaning she was still a submissive, still the woman harry'd first met. If anything, her submissiveness had gotten wrose by the withdrawl and trip back to rome.
he smirked a little as people gave them looks and started to disperse, disgusted with the Public display of affection, harry, in his madness,simply assumed that they realized they had no chance with Blaine. he smirked and grabbed her ass giving it a firm squeeze. "all mine." he growled happily nuzzling her neck, feeling better about letting her long as it was only in the front yard, only the front yard...but how long would that last?
Blaine moaned softly, whining as he nuzzled her, shifting turning her head to nibble on his ear."You know, we could go in the backyard...privacy....quiet...a blanket..."She said smirking a little as she slid her hands under his shirt, gently running her hands over his skin.
he smirked a little. "i live in the city, there is never privacy." he pointed out, picking her up and carrying her to the backyard, a smirk on his lips before he paused and turned, blinking as he watched someone step out around the house, gun raised, Harry drew his own gun, Dropping Blaine in an instant as he fired, the other man firing at the same time, Harry choking as red sprayed out of his back, splattering Blaine with Harry's blood as the other man collapsed with a hole in his head. a head that Blaine would recognize. "f..fuck." harry hissed, collapsing onto his knees, gripping his chest tightly, eyes wide, horrified. "call...nine one one..." Draco couldn't help Harry this time.
Blaine looked panicekd, to distracted by her worry for harry to notice the shooter. Calling, and waiting those frantic moments as she pressed her hand over harry's chest, until help came. Pain in those eyes as she looked down at him."Don't leave me.Please."She whispered crying. When the emt's arrived she climbed into the amublance with harry sitting in the front seat as she looked at the emt's help harry. Working the save his life. having called draco and tom as she waited, she watched the other man get wheeled into the ER operation room she looked at her boss and friend, smearing blood on her face as she wiped her tears away."What...what if..."she stuttered strarting to freak out as she looked at the blond and the drug lord.
Draco was pale when he walked into the waiting room, looking completely terrified, Neville next to him, looking utterly shocked, the twins trailing behind Tom struggling to keep the fear off of their faces. "He Won't." Draco assured her swallowing hard, he didn't beleive his own words, Harry had been in surgery for almost four hours now, that couldn't be good. "he'll make it...he has to." Neville whispered, wringing his hands nervously, the twins each flinging an arm around Neville's shoulders trying to comfort him as Draco settled down next to Blaine. "Harry is strong, he won't let a simple gunshot get him down..."

finally, after another long wait a doctor came out, blood splattering his apron. "are you all waiting for news on Harry Potter?" when everyone nodded he smiled a little. "it's good to see he has so many freinds, he's lost a lot of blood, he's hanging on but his immune system has been compromised due to the amount of drugs and alcohol that's in his system. he's asleep right now, but we can let you all in to see him if your very quiet."
Blaine smiled a little,"T-thank you."She said stuttering a little as she was allowed into the room, ignoring the others as they came in, moving to the edge of the bed looking down at the man. Pain in her face because it hurt to see the man she loved being on machines and looking so frail. Sitting down in the chair she sighed, shifting, curling up in the seat, getting comfortable.Planning on staying there until harry could go home.Smiling up at draco a little."He'll be fine."She said sounding more confident and sure then she was.
Harry was incredibly pale laying on the narrow hospital bed, his short was off showing the massive bruise, and the damage that the bullet had done, several dozen stitches on his chest and back showed the surgery marks where they had cut him open to fix the internal damage. but he was alive, breathing, even if he did sound like he was struggling for breath. Neville and the Twins hung back, staring wide eyed at Harry while Draco moved in Close and gently took Harry's pulse, checking him over using his own medical knowledge to asses Harry's condition. "his heartbeat is week, but it's beating at a steady rhythm...that's a good sign." he admitted smiling at Blaine. "he just needs rest." unless Harry got sick, he was too week to be able to fight an infection. but Blaine didn't need to know that.
Blaine nodded smiling up at him a little, wrapping her arms around herself as she looked at harry."He'll get rest.That's what hospitals are for."She smiled slightly, relaxing, tilting her head as she shifted in her seat, the stress and guilt getting to her, starting to put her to sleep.

Tom smiled gently brushing his hand through her hair as she fell asleep, looking at draco. Knowing he hadn't told blaine everything."Are you free to play guard for awhile?Blaine's in no shape to defend herself, or harry, and I don't put it past a hitter to try to finish the job while he's here." He said having already sent someone to the house to take care of the body there.
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