Shadows of the Heart

Draco nodded looking worried. "i don't know if harry will mke it Tom." he admitted looking greatly upset, because it was Harry who had brought Draco into this life...actually it was Harry who had saved Draco, and Lucius too for that matter. "i just don't understand what they where doing outside, Harry never let Cedric go outside..." he sighed a little and scrubbed his face. "you know who did this, don't you?"
Tom nodded a little."I do."He said simply, already working around how to deal with who it was. Blaine's father was going to be her end if he had anything to say about it. Turning he looked at the blond, tilting his head."He loves her. And blaine would go insane trapped inside."He ran a hand through his hair."She wanted to go outside. And he went out with her."He said looking down at the woman, knowing she was going to be feeling guilty. Wondering if it would break her.
Draco sighed a little and shook his head a little. "i'm amazed that he's able to push back his madness this time, i've never seen him acting this way before, he was about to kill us when we went in to help them, but he still let her outside... it just...doesn't make sense." he admitted scrubbing his face. "it must just be Blaine..." he decided smiling a little. "she's keeping him grounded."
Tom nodded, "And she wouldnt live with being confined."Tom said turning to leave,"Let me know if anything changes."He said walking out, leaving draco to guard.

And everything was good for about a day, until a tall brunette man stepped into the doorway knocking lightly on the door. Smiling slightly at the sight of the semi lucid harry. Before looking at draco, startled that harry was still with draco."Draco."Cedric smiled as he stepped inside. NOt noticing blaine, not realizing that harry'd moved on when she was out in the cafetiria getting food. Poor cedric, didn't know he had a real rival.
i thought Cedric was a blond?)

Draco jerked awake and looked around, drawing a blade and blinking when he spotted Cedric, his mouth falling open. "what are you doing here!? you shouldn't be here!" he hissed looking panicked as he grabbed Cedric and ushered him out of the door. "i though you moved away! you didn't want anything to do with Harry! oh man this isn't good." he paused and took a calming breath. "look, Cedric.... Harry isn't well in the head, when you left, he convinced himself that you died." he explained softly. "he didn't take it well..." he swallowed hard, blinking as he spotted Blaine. "oh shit..."
lol nope...well kinda a sandy brown. More brown then blond...if that makes sense XP)

Cedric frowned looking at him."I didn't want to...but when I heard he'd been shot. I needed to see how he was, and him being hurt made me realize I missed him."He said before following the other's eyes, frowning at the small fragile looking woman."What's wrong?"He said looking back at draco.

"Here.I got you some coff-sorry...I didn't know anyone else was here.Otherwise I would have brought some."Blaine said sipping her own glass, handing a cup to draco, looking up at cedric curiously
huh i'd always heard him as a 'sandy blond' sort of 'dirty dishwater' sort of thing. i'll look it up!)

Draco grimaced a little and scrubbed his face with his hands. "well..." he hesitated then. "Blaine this is Cedric, Harry', Ex i guess....Cedric this is Blaine, Harry'" he rubbed the back of his head a little. "this is not going to end well, i can tell right now that this is going to bite me in the ass..." he accepted his cup coughing a little as Harry let off a small groan in the room. "Harry!" Draco stated dropping his cup and rushing into the room, hovering over him. it was amazing that someone who had been raped by harry could be so worried about him, especially when the word 'slut' was now permanently marking his skin from it. "hey, how are you feeling?" "Blaine...Blaine they have Blaine!" harry whimpered, struggling weakly against the blankets Draco snorting a little. "figures... Blaine is fine Harry, she's right here see?"
Blaine smiled a little as she stepped into the room, ignoring the other man, because she didn't know what to do with him.She had no idea what to think about a dead man's reappearance in their lives."I'm fine harry.Safe."She said sitting on the edge of the bed, gently touching his cheek.

Cedric frowned a little as he stepped into the room, looking down at the man, hovering a little as he studied his ex.Pain in that look, wondering what was going to happen now.Before looking at the girl with harry, wondering about her. And how this had happened.
Harry relaxed once Blaine was in the room, panting softly. "what happened? all i remember is pain....did i get the guy? is he dead?" he demanded looking over at Cedric, looking completely confused. "that guy looks just like Cedric....oh my god!" he hissed his eyes widening. "i'm Dead! that guy killed me and now i'm Dead!" "...i told you he wasn't doing so well." Draco muttered softly, sounding like he was resisting the urge to cry. "Harry your not dead! Cedric never died!" "Yes he did you took him from me!" Harry snarled moving to slap at Draco, only to be pulled back by the restraints that Draco had suggested. "Blaine...i'm all tied up..." harry muttered looking confused, the attack, the blood loss, and the pain was really frying Harry's head up. "you kinky little bitch." he purred looking pleased with the restraints in an instant, Draco blushing hard. "if you wanted to top you could have just said so." there was a pause. "no...your right i would never allow it..." "...did they give him Vicoden?" Draco wondered looking over the bags with a raised eyebrow, he'd specifically ordered the nurses no painkillers, Harry was already addicted to them, he didn't need the hospitals helping out. no such luck, harry was drug free, or about as drug free as harry could get.
Blaine snickered a little, shaking her head looking at the blond."No. He's...well...we have a interesting life."She said blushing as she ran a finger over the restraints shuddering a little.Even seeing him hurt and in pain...she ouldn't stop the response to the man. "You're fine. I promise."She said brushing her fingers over his hair, smiling softly. Looking relieved.

Cedric frowned worriedly, moving to sit down in one of the chairs. While he felt odd for spying, he wanted to know more about the woman. Draco was no competition, he knew that. He wanted to know how to get the girl away from him.
Harry muttered softly under his breath closing his eyes and going back to sleep Draco sighing a little and shaking his head. "Cedric what are you doing here?" Draco demanded staring at the other sternly, looking angry. "you abandoned Harry already, he moved on as best as he could. now he has a real chance at recovery, why are you here?" he demanded scowling at Cedric, Draco had never liked the other. even if Draco didn't know how Harry and Cedric's relationship had been, he knew that Cedric had left instead of trying to help the mad man.
"I'm going for more coffee."Blaine muttered ducing out of the room. Not wanting to be in this conversation.Her heart hurt because she'd seen harry's face when he'd talked about cedric.She...she didn't know if she could stand to watch him leave her.

Cedric sighe a little,"I want to try again.I miss him.I want to help him...I ran away because I had to get enough control so I could help him. I want to be wit him."He said looking at the blond, sneering a little."But I don't need to justify myself to you.He'll let me stay."
Draco glared at him. "it's been three years Cedric! you can't just come back after Three years!" "STOP YELLING!" Harry Roared glaring darkly at the both of them. "Draco stop talking to dead people!" he ordered firmly, still not believing that Cedric was alive, Draco growling a little. "your so sure, that he'll take you back, but he has Blaine now, he doesn't need, or want you." Draco hissed getting to his feet and pointing at the door. "and you, should leave."
Cedric nodded as he got up."I'll go.For now.'He smiled a little, leaving. Already planning on how to get the other back. Surely harry didn' want the girl more then he'd want the first person he kept prisoner for their safety. Tilting his head in goodbye to harry, he smiled walking out.

Two daays later Blaine smiled sitting on the edge of the bed, having kicked out draco, she sighed softly, resting her head on the mattress, sleeping a little bit, but mostly just waiting for harry to get up."Love... I dont know what to do...cedric keeps coming by...and I know you'll want him back.He's...he's the one you lost,and now he's here..I'm..just nothing compared to that."She said mostly to herself, and talking to the sleeping man, shivering a little as she started crying.
Harry had woken up on and off, but he had not been coherent, nor Lucid during those brief moments. the last time, he'd babbled for five minutes about how rubber ducks where made out of peanut butter and jello. sometimes Cedric was there during these wakeful moments, and harry would burst into tears and complain that he didn't want to die, and the man was forcefully ejected from the room bu whoever was guarding Harry and Blaine at the time. because with assassins still on the loose, no one wanted to risk it.

harry groaned softly his eyes fluttering open blinking over at Blaine, his voice soft, tired...but normal. "why are you crying Blaine??" he asked frowning a little. "please don't cry.." he moved to wipe her tears clean, but was jerked short from the restraints. "what the fuck!?" he growled scowling darkly as he pulled against the restraints. "fucking hell, the cops where here!? no these aren't cuffs....did i bite the doctors or something?"
Blaine frowned raising her head to look at him, rubbing her eyes before smiling tiredly."You tried. and you kept trying to get out of bed to get everyone away from me."She shrugged a little, gently making him hold still, tears still showing on her face. She was to upset, she didn't want to lose him, to death or to cedric.She didn't know what to do."I'm just tired.Don't worry about it."She smiled sadly, though she tried to put happiness in it. not wanting him to worry about her, not wanting him to see how hurt she was. Because she was so very sure that he was going to leave her.
Harry scowled a little. "yes well... i don't like it." he growled angrily. "someone could come, i wouldn't be able to help you! you should go stay with Neville, he's an idiot but he's good at hand to hand, he's a black belt...he'll be able to protect you, and he won't try to keep you for himself either. his hand grabbed for her. "you...your still, going to stay with me right? your not going to leave me!?" harry sounded almost desperate, he sounded....afraid. "promise me!...promise you won't leave...."
blaine smiled a little, undoing the restraints. Knowing she shouldn't, be sure needed to be with him."I'm not going anywhere.I promise"She said climbing on the narrow bed, careful to avoid touching his injury, resting her head on the pillow, her arms around his waist.She swallowed hard, shivering a little."Harry....Cedric's alive.He's been coming to visit you."She said telling him because she assumed that the man would be stopping by soon and she wanted him to be ready.
Harry sighed, looking relieved once the restraints where off and he gripped her shirt tightly, simply clinging to her because there was nothing else he could do, he was so tired, and he felt like all of him was made out of jello, but he scowled darkly as soon as she told him about Cedric. "no...Cedric is dead...they took him from me." he stated looking almost...hurt. "that's not funny Blaine....that's not even..." he shook his head a little his hand tightening even more on her shirt. "i know what this want to leave...i won't let you! i won't let you leave!" he growled holding her wrist tightly, tears in his eyes, truly thinking that she was making up that Cedric was alive, honestly believing that she wanted to leave him and was trying to make up lies so that she could without pissing him off. only seeing Cedric for himself would make him beleive otherwise.
Tears filled her eyes as she looked at him, shaking her head."I dont want to leave."She whimpered a little as he held her wrist pain in those blue eyes. Pain because she didn't want to hurt him, but she didn't want to lie to him about the other. It hurt so much to think about harry making her leave to have harry back.

"Bl-oh.You're awake."Cedric smiled brightly as he stepped into the room, walking towards the bed, glad to see the other up and moving. Even if he was ohlding onto the woman like she was a floatie in shark infested waters.
Harry growled and didn't let her go, but he didn't grip her so painfully tight, relaxing his grip a little before he snarled darkly. "GET OUT!" he ordered grabbing a Vase and moving to throw it at the intruder, pausing when he saw Cedric, his eyes widening to the size of dinner plates, the vase falling from his fingers to shatter on the floor, instead of on Cedric's head. "your....your dead..." Harry protested looking confused. "they took you away from me..." he bit his lip hard, watching Cedric closely, looking him over. "you look...good..." well, he wasn't screaming anymore...though he still hadn't let go of Blaine's wrist.
Blaine smiled a little, trying to hide how scared she was, resting her head on harry's shoulder as she cuddled close."He's been here since you got shot."She muttered.

Cedric shook his head cleaning up the mess before walking to the edge of the bed, smiling softly."Thanks.I'd say the same thing, but being shot isn't good for you."He smiled bending to kiss his forehead."How are you feeling?"
Harry frowned a little, looking from Blaine to Cedric, to Blaine to Cedric, looking increasingly upset, as if he wasn't sure who's kiss he should return, biting hi lip hard looking from one to the other before he groaned and pulled away from them both and hid himself under the pillow so that he couldn't see either of them either, uncertain what to do, well aware that to return the affections of one, or both would only get him in trouble. he was too insane to handle something like that.
Blaine sighed softly, sliding out of bed."I'm going to go get food."She muttered, absently stroking a hand down harry's back before she left.Having every intent of going to find draco-who was on guard duty but getting food, and seeing if he could give her a ride home.

Cedric smiled a litle sitting on edge of the bed, looking down at him"How are you feeling?"He asked looking concerned for him. He wanted the other man, but he needed him to acknowledge that he still had feelings for him.
Harry simply stayed under the pillow, shivering a little at the hand down his back, curling up a little more when Cedric sat on the bed. "i hurt." Harry stated stiffly in response to Cedric's question, looking at him from under the pillow, looking...hurt. "where did you go? left me..." he looked about as betrayed as someone could get. "you ran away...why did you leave me!?" harry clearly had abandonment issues, and Cedric was only bringing it back full force....of course, that was only going to work in Cedric's favor, well until harry started getting angry, then he might just lock Cedric in one room and Blaine in another and keep them both.
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