Shadows of the Heart

he moaned bucking into her mouth, panting hard as he made sure she kept sucking, no matter what, moaning and groaning, gasping when he realized Cedric was there, kissing him back, thrusting his tongue into the others mouth, determined to stay in control and not be dominated, but honestly, if Cedric decided he wanted Harry's ass, there was little that harry could, or would, do about it. "mm..mmm f..fucking... a..aaah gonna cum."
Blaine laughed softly raising her head. Because she was horny and she wanted him.Deciding to disobey doctors' orders, just once. Looking startled and hurt that cedric was there. Before lowering her head again having every intent of sucking him off now, because she couldn't stand teh thought of sharing.

Cedric smirked kissing his way down the other's chest, sliding his fingers into the other as he pressed against his prostate."Hmmm so lovely."He smirked looking up at him.
Harry moaned and wriggled panting softly a smirk on his lips. "a..aah yesss. mmmg fuck." he growled grabbing Blaine's hair tightly yanking her upwards. "pants off." he ordered with a snarl, moaning as a finger found it's way into his ass. "a..aah f..fuck." Harry whimpered shivering a little, scrabbling at Fydra's pants as he sat up, trying to find Cedric's cock as well. "nnng fuck me, both of you!" he demanded baring his teeth. "and if you refuse i'll rape you both!" he was horny, and injuries be damned he would have them both, even if he had to tie them up to get what he wanted! then he reached up and grabbed Cedric's hair, forcing his head painfully down. "and don't you DARE think that just because i'm wounded and high that you get to be in charge here." he hissed his eyes flashing with the usual 'i haven't had sex in days, don't fuck with me and do as i tell you' look that he always got right before he raped Blaine. it would be better for all three of them to just do what Harry told them to.
Cedric smirked,"I wasn't thinking anything."He said smirking moving away long enough to jerk blaine down onto the bed,yanking her pants off with a smooth jerk, ignoring the look on her face as she watched them. Shifting harry around so he was laying on her before sliding into the other with a sigh, having never topped harry before, it was a odd sensation. And this threesome was going to be interesting.

Blaine smiled a little gently touching harry's face as she wrapped her legs around him, wincing as her ankles brushed against cedric, drawing the brunette down for a kiss as cedric's first thrust pushed him against her. Struggling to not think, struggling for her heart not to hurt.
Harry snarled however when Cedric touched Blaine, reaching out to smack him away from her, but Cedric was already shifting Harry, the Brunette squealing in a mix of pain and pleasure as the other slid inside of him, gasping hard as he gripped the bedsheets tightly as he trembled a little, gritting his teeth hard as he panted softly. "fucking hell Cedric that fucking hurts!" harry bitched, even as he bucked back into the other, groaning softly as he thrust, pressing himself into Blaine as harry kissed her had, passionately as he slipped himself deep inside of Blaine with another moan. "fuck...fucking...feels good..." he didn't realize that he was hurting Blaine, he was too high for that, and in too much pleasure/pain. "Fuck yes."
Cedirc laughed softly as he fucked the other, pressing a kiss to harry's shoulder, though he only had eyes for the mute quiet woman under harry. Knowing he was forcing harry to hurt her, and that she didn't want to share."Hmm think of it as payback."he muttered smirking as he moved with the other.

Blaine sighed softly, closing her eyes. It was quiet in her head, and she was still and unmoving enough under the brunette that if he hadn't known she was sober, you'd think she was high on belladonna. Compliant to whatever the other two were doing, her heart hurt and she didn't want this....for the first time, sex with harry was truly rape and not just a game at it.
Harry panted softly his eyes fluttering open, watching Blaine before he froze completely. "Cedric...Get off." he ordered his tone dark. "Blaine...whats wrong?" he asked softly, realizing that she wasn't getting into it like she was. "Blaine?...did you take Belladonna again?" he demanded, looking incredibly worried as he gently stroked and touched her neck, ignoring Cedric in an instant, focusing on the woman beneath him before he groaned a little and shook his head. "i can't do this." he stated suddenly crawling out of the bed, trembling violently. "can't do this." he couldn't have them both, but neither could he not have them both. he was trapped, no matter who he chose or what he did... he was going to lose someone. he headed into the bathroom, leaving Blaine and Cedric alone and naked in the bedroom and shut the door, locking it with a click, trying to escape the trauma he was doing to himself, and the pain that he had caused Blaine.
Cedric smirked looking at the girl as she curled up."pack your bags bitch. You're soo gone."He smirked softly getting up and heading back to his room.

Blaine swallowed hard rolling on her side, curling up. Her heart just hurt to much to go after harry.She didn't want to lose him, hurt. Everything hurt. Curling up she sighed, going to sleep, ignoring as the kitten cuddled against her.

The next morning she smiled at the blond as she stepped out onto the back porch, her eyes and face carefully blank, though she was trembling. She couldn't stop. She was hurting to much. Glad that harry was still sleeping, and cedric was...somewhere. she didn't know and she didn't care. "Draco....can I stay with you?"she whispered softly, finally looking at him, flinching a little."Only till I find my own house?"she said, hating herself for doing the coward's thing and running away. But she couldn't stay, not when harry was going to choose cedric. She'd rather not hear it, so...she'd just make the choice first.
Draco stared at her for a long moment his eyes narrowed a little. "your going to abandon him like Cedric did?" he demanded his head tilted, staring at him accusingly. "you know Cedric is up to something Blaine! you can't just give up on all of this! Harry needs you!" he sighed a little and pinched the bridge of his nose. "of course you can come live with me." he decided shaking his head a little. "Harry's not sane enough to really understand anything anyway, might not even realize your gone." Draco was tired of trying to help harry too, if the Brunette wanted to fall into whatever trap Cedric was setting, well then Draco wouldn't get in his way.
Blaine wrapped her arms around her stomach, trembling harder, reacting to getting yelled at. tears filling her eyes."He's going to ask me to leave. I thought...I thought I'd leave before he had a chance to do it."She wiped her eyes."N-no. I'll stay. I...I know he's up to something."She looked so lost, so befret as she leaned against the railing looking at draco."He doesn't want just me.I can't share."She whispered."He stopped when he realized I wasn't' responding...but he doesn't want me."She said softly looking over at him.
Draco looked startled at her before frowning. "he's not going to ask you to leave Blaine he loves you." he stated softly gently touching her arm. "harry doesn't know what he wants right now, he's just confused. he's high all the time and he's in a lot of pain and that doesn't leave a lot of room for reason or common sense, let alone decision making skills. Cedric is calling all the shots and your letting him, be assertive Blaine! start punishing your weight around! you want harry right!? so fight for him! you've been through WAY more than Cedric, use that to your advantage...don't just let that bastard walk all over you!" he smiled at her. "i know you can do it."

upstairs Harry whined softly as he started to wake up, his eyes fluttering open. "i'm hungry." he whined pathetically. "and i hurt... i want more painkillers...please." he pleaded staring blankly at the wall. "Blaine?...Blaine i need more painkillers." he whined pathetically, trying to locate the woman with his eyes and groaning when he didn't see her. "Cedric?...Cedric, pain killers...and food!" he added as an afterthought, someone would hear him right?
Cedric smiled as he stepped into the room, walking over."We'll get you some food.But I got your painkillers."He said smiling a little as he slid the needle with belladonna home, injecting it as he kissed harry softly."Blaine'll be up soon. She's outside having breakfast with draco."

blaine nodded slightly looking at draco, looking hopeful. She wasn't teh most assertive person in the world, but he'd just ordered her to do she could fight,right? Tilting her head she looked up at the open bedroom window smiling a little."I'll be right back."She said ducking inside getting the tray of ood she'd prepared heading upstairs to give it to harry, gently shoving cedric out of the way, sitting down. Sitting to kiss harry, handing him the tray."Here you go love."
Harry smiled at Cedric a little. "i'm glad you and Blaine get along." he admitted, completely unaware of the silent struggle between the two, sighing in relief as the needle slid into his skin, letting out a small moan at the feelings spreading through him, very unlike painkillers but very pleasant, harry really liked it. he smiled a little and licked his lips, sighing softy as he got even more confused, but that was ok, Cedric and Blaine would take care of him.

Draco grinned a little and nodded as he watched Blaine head inside shaking his head as he let himself in and settled into the living room, he was there to check on Harry's stitches and make sure that the wound was doing alright. Harry grinned and kissed her back. "thank you." he purred immediately beginning to eat,taking his time, something he didn't usually do, but the Belladonna made it hard for him to make the food to his mouth, so he had to eat slower. "i'm a little dizzy." Harry admitted shaking his hea a bit. "i'm going to lay down." he decided once he was half finished with his meal, laying down and dozing off, giving Draco the chance he needed to check harry over without getting punched for it.
Blaine smiled standing by and letting draco check the other out. Silently ignoring the brooding brunette hovering at harry's side. When he was done she walked downstairs with draco looking concerned. Not realizing cedric was silently plotting against them both."How bad is he?"She asked looking at the blond worriedly.

Cedric smiled brushing his fingers through harry's hair, waking him up ust enough to give him the commands."You will tell her to never come back.."He said softly muttering lovingly in the other's ear."I love you. Remember you love me."
Draco sighed a little. "he's recovering." he admitted. "but his reactions are worrying me, he seams a little feverish, you should keep checking the wound to make sure there isn't an infection setting in, i didn't see anything but just because there isn't one there now doesn't mean it won't be there in the morning." he admitted running a hand through his hair biting his lip a little. "other than that he's healing well. he'll be up and raping you again in no time." he promised smiling at her.

Harry whined when Cedric woke him up, his eyes fluttering open, looking confused before smiling a little. "ok..." he murmured softly, obedient to Cedric's whims, not realizing what was happening...not caring, he was too fuzzy inside to realize what was happening. "i love you." he repeated wrapping his arms around Cedric's shoulders. "i do love you."
Blaine smiled happily, glad for the blond's words."I will, and he will.I'll call if anything else happens."She promised as she saw him out.

At dinnertime blaine smiled as she sat the tray down on harry's lap, gently kissing him as she curled up next to him. Not realizing that harry was drugged, not recognizing the signs. So stressed out over cedric she didn't see what she should have. She just wanted to be with him."Hey. Hungry?"She said looking at him as she played with the kitten cuddling against them.Glad for once that cedric wasn't present.
Harry stared down at his tray before shoving it off his lap, sending it, and the food to the floor with a clatter and a loud splat turning away from her. "i don't like you here." Harry stated simply. "i want you to go away. and never come back." his tone was flat, almost emotionless. "i want you to leave, i don't like you." he laid down, his back to her as he curled up and got ready to sleep some more. "your not needed anymore."
Tears filled blaine's eyes as she started to reach out to touch him,but... she'd lived to long as compliant. She couldn't....he'd told her to go.He'd wanted her to go like she said he would. Nodding mutely she stumbled out of the room, not seeing cedric as she past him, blindly making her way out to the car, then to draco's. Knocking on the door full sobs shaking her body."D-draco!"

Cedric smiled a little walking into the bedroom, walking in and curling up against harry's back,"That was good.I love you."he said running his fingers through his hair.kissing harry's neck softly.
Harry smiled at Cedric, snuggling into him. "love you too." he mumbled softly. "i'm hungry Ced...and i hurt all over, can i have some more painkillers?" he asked hopefully his stomach growling loudly as he snuggled into Cedric, hoping that if he acted cute he would get more drugs, it worked on Blaine....but Blaine was gone, but he didn't love her, Cedric said why did he feel so sad? everything was so confusing.

Draco opened the door, looking sleepy and confused. "Blaine? whats wrong!?" he demanded his eyes widening a little as he realized she was sobbing. "Come inside." he ordered motioning for her to sit on the couch. "i'll make Neville make you some hot chocolate." he decided, said person poking his head out of the living room. "you drank the last of it last night, i'll make her some hot tea instead."
Cedric laughed softly, kissing the other before nodding. "Whatever you want.Food then painkillers."He deciding getting up to get some food before coming back, holding a tray and a vial of mixed belladonna with a painkiller. A almost deadly combo,but it'd keep the man confused. "Eat first."He said giving the man the tray.

Blaine trembled as she slumped over her legs, looking hurt and pitiful as she hugged her legs against her, "Harry kicked me out. He doesn't want me."She said, totally unaware of anything but the blond talking to her. Not even caring neville was there.
Harry pouted a little at the order but decided it was for the best, he didn't always feel hungry after his painkillers anyway, and he might not eat after he was high. he started stuffing food into his mouth, eating ravenously, ignoring the mess of food he had left from Blaine's visit, it no longer existed to him. "Painkillers now? and maybe some cocaine later?"

Draco looked stunned as he quickly moved to catch her, keeping her on her feet by holding her around the armpits, carefully guiding her inside and onto a couch, Neville gently pressing a cup of hot tea in her hands. "he told you to leave?" Draco asked, sounding stunned. "oh Blaine i'm so sorry...but he can't really mean it! he loves you i know he does!." he bit his lip. "Neville stay and watch her will you? i'm going to go visit harry...something isn't right."
cedric smiled kissing him."Painkillers yes, cocaine no."He said smiling as he injected the mix of belladonna and painkillers into harry's arm, gently stroking his hair."I love you."He said kissing his forehead before cleaning up the mess blaine had left.

Blaine trembled as she sipped her tea, not even tasting it, not even registering that she usually didn't drink tea. This was....she was almost as out of it as harry was."He did.He said he didn't care."She said softly with tears drying on her face, the rush of emotions fading, leaving her hollow and hurting. Not even really knowing that the others where in the room with her.
Harry whined pathetically at the refusal of cocaine. "but i need it Ced." he whined pathetically, sighing softly when the needle was slipped into his arm. "just a little?" he asked hopefully, pouting at him before laying back int he bed and sighing softly. "c'n i have sex instead? i like sex. Sex is good." he mumbled, slipping further into the Belladonna haze, making him confused and making him babble. "sex is like drugs, only without the crash..." he yawned and snuggled into the blankets. "i like Sex..."

Draco gathered his jacket and yanked it on glancing at Neville and swallowing hard. "i'm going to administer a small amount of sedatives to calm her down." he stated grabbing a needle and a vial, filling it with only enough sedatives to make her drowsy. "she can have my bed." he stated picking up Blaine's arm. "Blaine if you can understand me, i'm going to give you something to help you calm down, it's a very small amount but it will make you sleepy. Neville is going to help you up to my room, alright?" he asked carefully slipping the needle in and gently administering the sedative. even if she was aware what was going on, there was no pain.
Cedric smirked a little, kissing the other slowly as he let his hands wander over the man's body."I like sex to. Espcially with you."He said nuzzling harry's neck. Having every intent of making him forget that he'd ever known blaine. Shifting the man under him he was mostly concerned with his own pleasure instead of taking his time with the other, shifting harry's legs apart, he slid between them, sighing as he thrust into him. Glad to see the belladonna haze taking him."Better?"He teased kissing the brunette lightly.

Blaine shook her head even as he injected her."Nonoono don't like drugs..."She muttered starting to feel drowsy, stumbling as she got to her feet, smiling stupidly, sleepily at draco as she leaned against neville. "I want to sleep.I want to go home."She whined, tears still filling her eyes.
Harry moaned softly as the other touched and nuzzled him whining softly in pain as the other slid inside of him without preparation, but the painkillers took away most of that, and the belladonna made him forget about the rest, limp under Cedric, moaning softly as he closed his eyes, nodding. "better." he agreed softly, he would agree to anything, Cedric was right, Cedric was always right. "Better.." he mumbled again, lifting his hips, letting the other take him, letting Cedric top without a fuss, when before he had punished Cedric a great deal for even trying, Cedric had walked out with bruises...but that was before, now Harry was Cedric's, and Cedric could do whatever he pleased and Harry would never complain.

Draco gently squeezed her shoulder. "it's ok Blaine, go lay down." he ordered softly smiling at her as he glanced at Neville who nodded and gently picked her up, carrying her up the stairs to Draco's room, getting an old shirt that Harry had left there once. it still smelled like him. "here Blaine." he muttered softly handing it to her. "sleep with that, it will help." he promised gently tucking her hair behind her ear, sighing softly. Draco was already on the way to Harry's.
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