Shadows of the Heart

Draco nodded and took her to work with him as he tested the blood. it would take three hours to run all of the diagnostics along with everything else. when Draco finally came into the bedroom he had hidden Blaine in, he looked sick. "high doses of Belladonna." he explained softly. "very high doses."

Harry whined a little as he was woken, blinking sluggishly as Neville grimaced. "bitch." he muttered softy gently stroking Harry's hand. "come on Harry, wake up." he ordered softly Harry shaking his head. "tired." harry complained softly. "...thirsty." he whined reaching around for some water that wasn't there. "want Blaine...where's Blaine?" "Blaine isn't here Harry." Neville stated calmly, pausing then. "she, went on vacation." he decided smiling at him. "remember? to Florida." winking at Cedric as he helped harry sit up. "we're going home now alright? you can get whatever you want there." "..oh, okay...i hope she has fun." he admitted, obediently sitting up and settling into the wheelchair that Neville had gotten.
Blaine paled as she looked at the other, running her fingers through her hair as she loked at him."We need to get him away from cedric."She said swallowing hard. Tears filling her eyes, because she knew what it was like to suffer through that, she hated that the already hurting man was suffering it now.

Cedric smiled gratefully for the help, getting harry home and into bed before he looked at the man. Giving him a glass of water as he helped harry drink it."harry here you are.I'm sure blaine's having plenty of fun in florida."He said smiling a little stroking the other's' hair, looking up at neville, worried about harry and why he was talking about blaine.
Draco nodded. "and soon before that stupid bastard makes harry overdose." he ran a hand through his hair. "i can't imagine what Harry's going through, he must be so confused right now..." he shuddered a little and bit his lip, closing his eyes. "i'm scared that Cedric didn't get this idea on his own."

Harry smiled as he swallowed down the water, yawning a little as he rubbed his eyes, Neville hesitating a little. "there was someone in the room when i got there." he admitted in a hushed voice. "someone i didn't recognize, a big black guy...said his name was Blaise..." Cedric had met Blaise, Blaise was Draco's best friend and one of Tom's hit men. Blaise was dangerous, and Blaise really had been there too, before Draco, checking on Tom's right hand man. in fact Blaise was informing Tom right then, that he suspected that Harry was being drugged. "he might have mentioned something." Neville admitted. "harry was upset after i made the man leave, that's when he smacked me. i didn't want to say anything in the hospital." he admitted biting his lip a little. "i'm worried for Harry...he's taking too many drugs, the last time he acted like this he was taking too much crack and overdosed...he almost died..." Neville gripped his arm. "i'm scared that Harry's going to end up killing himself..."
Blaine trembled a little, because she was a moron for not thinking of it before. " is famous for using belladonna as their drug of choice."She said softly, shaking.Realizing this was her fault."We have to get harry away, then I'll deal with cedric and my father."She bit her lip looking at draco."We have to do something!"

Cedric nodded, looking worreid himself. Really worried."We'll watch him, if he gets worse, we'll take him back to the hospital. Surely someone will know what to do."He said biting his lip. Frowning at the sound of his cell phone answering, a general yes no answers before hanging up, sighing as he looked at neville."Its gong t be hard..."
Draco snarled softly and nodded. "come on, we're getting Tom involved." he snarled turning on his heal and stalking his way out of the room, getting in the car after making sure Blaine was settled in, heading straight for the Drug Lord, certain that Tom would be just as concerned as Draco was. after all, it was Tom who found harry at the age of Ten, trying to kill himself in an alley. harry had been with tom ever since, even as the boy was forced to suffer through an abusive foster home with Neville and the twins... Tom HAD to help, because harry deserved a little good in his life.

Neville nodded. "for now, i think we need to have someone with him, and i mean standing right next to him, at all times to make sure he's not taking too many drugs. i know you give him painkillers, but with painkillers you really shouldn't be taking anything else. if he's taking crack, or heroine, or god forbid something else he needs to stop." Neville admitted sighing softly. "we need to make sure he's only taking one drug, and only one drug." how where they supposed to know that harry was, right at that moment, snorting a line in the bedroom? they couldn't, because they weren't watching him.
Tom looked up startled in the middle of pulling on his jacket, looking at the two standing there. "Yes?"He aksed having been about to go to harry's himself. Enough was enough, and the drug lord was at his limit.

Blaine bit her lip."Cedric's giving harry belladonna. We need to make him stop."She said shuddering a littel at the look on anger on the drug lord's face.

"Draco, you'redriving."He growled angry, heading downstairs.

cedric nodded, "We'll take care of him."He smiled a little before ducking back into the bedroom,staring shocked at harry, smacking his hand lightly."Harry!You can't do that with painkillers."
Draco was panting softly. "and even worse...Harry's on painkillers, AND taking other drugs as well...he's going to end up overdosing again." he warned, something he, 'forgotten' to tell Blaine, and he made sure that Blaine hadn't heard that as well. "we need to hurry, bring the guns, Neville is watching Cedric right now, we have a good chance of catching them by surprise."

Harry yelped and pulled away from the half snorted line, whimpers falling from his lips and tears springing to his eyes. "but i need it!" He protested, grabbing Cedric's arm, clawing at him like the desperate man he was. "please Ced, i need it." he pleaded, coughing a little as he nuzzled the other. "i'll do anything for it, please..." "Harry." Neville murmured softly looking terrified as he gently pulled the other away from Cedric so he could dispose of the drugs. "Harry listen..." "no! no i don't like you!" Harry roared, smacking Neville hard, tossing the poor boy to the ground with the crack of skull meeting floor. "i want Blaine! where's Blaine!?" he demanded, getting up, trying to get out of bed, collapsing as soon as his feet where on the floor. "BLAINE!"
Cedric winced as the other yelled, wrapping his arms around him."Blaine's not here love."He said picking him up,holding him close.

"Yes she is."Blaine said as she stepped into the room, looking angry and pissed, the dark blue of her eyes as hard as steel as she raised a hand, gently tugging harry towards her."Let him go diggory."


"I'd do as the lady says Cedric."Tom said the click of a hammer going back on a gun sounding like a scream in the room. "Now harry, go to blaine. He's not going to stop you."
Harry whimpered but leaned into Cedric, craving the loving touch that Blaine always gave him, needing it, letting off a small sob when all he got was a cold and uncaring hug. "Blaine!" Harry wailed, reaching for her, unable to leave Cedric's arms to go to her. Harry blinked sluggishly when he heard the sound of the gun clicking, blinking as he crawled to Blaine, staggering from side to side as Neville slowly sat up, holding his head. "watch him...he needs to go tot he hospital, he's been mixing Crack and Belladonna." he informed wincing as he examined the blood on his head. "damn harry...that hurt."
Blaine winced, staggering a little as harry got to her, wrapping her arms around him as she let the taller man lean against him."Draco!Help please."She called, stepping back as she pulled the other towards the door, needing to get him out of the house. NEeding away from cedric before she injured him."I got you love."She muttered soothingly, holding harry. Looking hurt and lost, not sure what to do, starting to lose her cool under pressure.
Harry smiled once he was in her arms, going practically limp, nuzzling himself into her, sighing softly. "mmm you smell so good, missed you." Harry slurred, enjoying Blaine's touch sighing softly as Draco looked up from where he was tending Neville, both of them standing and Grabbing Harry under the armpits, hauling the boy to his feet and dragging him out the door, leaving Cedric with Tom. "Come on Harry, we're going to the hospital." "but i don't like the hospital." Harry whined. "i want Blaine...wheres Blaine!? did she go on vacation again? i miss her...i want her to come back..."
"Don't worry, I'm coming."she said shutting the door as tom approached cedric. Not wanting to be present for what was coming. Following the others out to the car she climbed in the back with him, resting his head in her lap,gently stroking his hair."I'm not going anywhere love."
Harry relaxed once he was touching her again, falling asleep along the way, Neville was driving as fast as he could back to the hospital as Draco set his hand onto Harry's neck, keeping track of the pulse. "Nev, drive faster!" he ordered, feeling Harry's pulse starting to slow, Neville hitting the gas. ignoring the Sirens that bloomed into life behind them, the cops would be pissed, but Harry's life was more important, and even better, with the sirens going off, everyone else was pulling over, allowing Neville to go even faster. the cops followed Neville all the way to the hospital, the boy slamming on the breaks in front of the emergency drop off, Draco and Neville both rushing out of the car to gather Harry, racing him inside screaming for help, hectic, hurried...this was all Cedric's fault, if harry hadn't been stuffed so full of Belladonna, he wouldn't have had any problem with the small amount of cocaine he'd managed to take, but with the belladonna, he was on deaths door.
Blaine stared at the cops as they surrounded her, growling a little as they kept her from following the men in. Fighting with them for a few minutes she was starting to panic before she ran in, looking at draco and walking into his arms and hugging him because she needed harry to be fine. And he wasn't fine. And she couldn't do anything for him except be in this hospital. And wait for results. Crying as she slouched down into a chair, hugging her knees as fear threatened to rip her apart.
Draco held her tightly as Neville paced, harry was in the ICU right then, struggling for life. the doctors had restarted Harry's heart three times already, that was all they could do..there was nothing they could do for an overdose. it was almost five hours before a doctor came out, looking tired, but pleased. "Mr. Potter will be fine." she informed them all. "he just needs rest. Belladonna is powerful stuff... i hope whoever was giving it to him is taken care of." she winked at Draco who smirked a little and nodded. "you can go in and see him, but he's going to be very confused when he wakes up, try to speak very softly, and don't touch him until he knows your there." the boys nodded and gently guided Blaine into the room, Harry was hooked up to even more life support systems than last time, trying to keep him hydrated and they where giving him a drug that would help ease the withdrawals...sort of ironic, but the drug they where giving him wasn't addictive, so Harry would be fine. "their going to keep him here until all of his withdrawals wear off, there's not much else they can do, but hopefully Harry will be able to stay clean now...if you help him." Draco murmured, patting her hand as she watched harry breathing softly on the bed, his chest bruised from the extensive CPR they'd been giving him...but he was alive.
Tears slid down her face as she sat down on the chair by the bed, nodding."I will.I'm not going anywhere."She swallowed hard, making draco sit next to her, holding tightly onto his hand because she couldn't hold harry's. Hoping desperately that they would be fine. Because she needed to work things out with him, needed to be ther ewith him. And this...she couldn't do this much longer. The strain of staying in the hospital was driving her insane.
Draco sat down next to her, silent as they waited for harry to wake up, it took a long time, but after about twenty minutes harry shifted, groaning softly as his eyes fluttered open,, lifting a hand to touch the IV's running through his other arm, lifting a hand to tough the breathing tube attached to his nose, keeping his week lungs full of rich oxygen, looking scared and confused, uncertain what was happening. "Ce..Cedric?" he asked, afraid, looking for the person harry had been with for the last week, the belladonna still running full in his system, looking for the person who told him how to be, how to feel, how to act. "...where am i?..i..i don't.." tears sprang to his eyes as he looked around, unable to turn his head enough to see Blaine or Draco, Neville having left to help Tom clean up the mess in Harry's house.
"You're in the hospital harry."Blaine said softly, bouncing up to her feet, standing up and looking down at him,gently resting her hand in his, squeezing his hand slightly. Smiling even with tears in her eyes."cedric's not here anymore.I'm here. Do you want me here?"She asked fear in those eyes, afraid he'd tell her to go. Wanting to stay, and needing to be with him.Gently making him lay still."Shh your safe."
Harry looked confused. "but...i need Cedric...i can't be me if Cedric doesn't tell me how to be me." he complained blinking slowly at her, trying to remember who she was, he couldn't even really remember who Cedric was, all he knew was that he needed Cedric, and that the woman in front of him HAD to stay...he needed her to stay. "don't leave me." he pleaded, trying to reach for her, but he didn't have the strength, and his arm fell short. "please don't leave me..." tears gathering in his eyes and spilling over. "i don't want he badness to come back.." the Belladonna haze. "don't leave me." somehow harry understood that if Blaine was there, then he would be safe from the Belladonna.
Blaine growled softly sitting on the edge of the bed, gently stroking his hair."I'm not going anywhere.And you will be better. You don't need cedric. I'm blaine remember?I'm staying with you. You love me."she said soothingly, letting her voice be a balm to the withdrawal, hoping to remind him who she was. She couldn't stand that she probably sounded like cedric in telling him what to do, but she needed him calm, she needed him to be fine."You're safe. I promise, you're safe."
he sighed in relief when she settled onto the bed, and he smiled lightly, enjoying the hair petting. "Blaine." he murmured softly closing his eyes, enjoying her soothing voice. "yes, i love Blaine." he agreed, moving from Cedric to Blaine to tell him how to be. "i like safe." he admitted nuzzling her knee a little, i like you, you smell like good things." he admitted sleepily, Draco snorting a little, looking amused as Harry drifted back to sleep. "you handled that Very well." Draco said encouragingly. "the doctors have agreed to let you stay here with harry until he's well enough to leave. their going to bring a second bed in here until the withdrawals pass, then their going to move Harry out of the life support and into the recover rooms."
She nodded a little,gently stroking harry's hair still befre looking at the blond."It helps I've been addicted to it to."She shuddered as memories threatened to tear her apart."Belladonna's a bitch to helps having someone there who can muttter soothing orders in your ear.... though I hadn't expected to smell like good things."She said laughing softly.
Draco nodded a little. "his other addictions are going to make him violent.' he warned. "he'll probably smack you around a bit, might not even know who you are at times..." he glanced at Harry and sighed. "knowing Harry, he'll probably try to rape you, and he'll definitely cry a lot...are you sure your going to be able to handle this? he'll have a lot of nightmares, you won't get a lot of sleep..."
Blaine swallowed hard, staring intently at the hurt brunette, nodding."I-I can.I can handle not sleeping.And the tears. I can."She swallowed, because she wasn't sure she could, but she'd be damned if she let someone else do it. And..she couldn't think about the last time she'd been with harry, not with cedric between them.Because if he touched her now, it was going to hurt...but she could deal with it if it helped."I'll be fine."
Draco sighed softly and took her hand. "someone will always be here with you." he promised softly. "but we can't stay during the night, your the only one that's allowed to, the nurses think it will help keep harry calm if your with him." he smirked a little. "i made sure they realized that myself." he sighed a little and stroked her hair kissing her forehead. "just remember, when harry get's violent, start crying." he ordered smiling a little. "and tell him you love him, that usually stops him pretty fast."
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