Shadows of the Heart

Blaine laughed, taking comfort in his words."Harry likes making me cry."She pointed out, at least during sex he did. Sometiems.She sighed, she knew it was going to be a long few weeks. But they could do that.

That evening, after everyone had gone, blaine looked startled as she sat in the bed next to the brunette, gently stroking his hair, looking startled as he opened his eyes."Harry?"she asked, afraid that he was hurting or something.
Harry's eyes fluttered open and he blinked, confused. "Draco?" he asked softly, blinking again. "Draco i'm hungry..." he whined softly, blinking as he stared at Blaine. "no..not Draco." he frowned, looking confused then. "Blaine...your Blaine...i'm hungry." he complained blinking slowly at her. "and i hurt...i hurt all over...can i have my painkillers now?" poor harry wasn't allowed anything, he would get no relief from the many withdrawals ripping through him, many of them where addictions that Cedric had started him on, Belladonna, and the painkillers as well as alcohol. Crack had been Draco's fault, and an accident, and pot had been the twins, who just liked getting high. "Blaine...please? painkillers..."
Blaine looked pained, shaking her head as she gently stroked his hair."I can't. The belladonna still in your system is deadly if we add other drugs to it. I can't....I wont lose you because of this."She said pain showing on her face, kissing his head. Wishing she could do more for him.
Harry looked confused. "but i'm not on Belladonna." he protested softly closing his eyes and groaning softly. "i'm hungry.." he whined his stomach growling trying to lift his hand again, whimpering a little. "i can't move... why can't i move!?" he was starting to panic, he was so week from the over dose and dying several times that he just didn't have the energy to move around. "Blaine i can't move...whats happening!?" he was terrified, a sob spilling from his mouth as tears started to fall. "i'm dying aren't i!? someones killed me."
Blaine winced shaking her head before getting the tray of food a nurse had left her, helping him eat."No.You're not dying.But you were overdosed on everything, so you're going to be weak."she stroked his hair."Love you will be fine."She said soothingly, not ready to tell him everything that had happened. She was afraid of what he would do, and worried he'd panic even more.
Harry relaxed as she promised him he wasn't dying, and opened his mouth to accept the soft foods, like applesauce and pudding, since he was too week to chew. he did get some banana's, and canned peaches, but mostly the nurses where going to give him smoothies and yogurt drinks. he ate everything she gave him until he was full, and closed his eyes to sleep again , sighing softly as he rested, waking Blaine in the middle of the night with terror filled screams, arching off the bed and fighting off invisible enemy's as he trashed weakly in the bed, begging someone not to hit him anymore, begging them to stop, he'd be a good boy, he'd be a good boy!
Blaine jerked, sitting up, whistling sharply through her teeth, "Potter, wake up!"She growled,gently shaking him. Biting her lip as he blinked at her, looking at him worriedly."You are safe.I promise. You are safe here."She promised gently stroking his hair, struggling to be calm, and make him calm.
Harry shrieked in terror when Blaine touched him cringing violently, trying to avoid being struck, sobbing softly as he laid there, curling up in a ball, hands over his head, trying to protect himself from the beating that wasn't happening, whimpering when she stroked his hair, slowly relaxing into the gentle touch, slowly falling out of his defensive position to lean into Blaine's gentle touch, reaching out to her. "where 'm i?...where's Uncle Vernon?" Harry asked sluggishly. "who're you?"
Blaine swallowed hard, her heart aching at him not remembering. Before she shifted, smiling softly."I don't know where your uncle is, but I'm blaine. Remember?I live with you harry."She said softly, struggling not to cry as she shifted, letting him hold her in his arms as he reached out for her.
Harry scowled a little. "oh...i'm sorry..i didn't know anyone else lived here." Harry admitted curling into her. "i'm sorry, i bet he hurts you too." he sighed a little. "you shouldn't be here though, if Uncle Vernon comes back and he finds you here he's going to be really pissed, specially if he's been drinking again." harry seamed to be trapped in a dark memory, from his childhood it sounded like, he sounded so...strange, innocent yet afraid and hateful. "i'm going to run away." Harry decided. "i'm going to kill him, and then run away, and no one will catch me, because i have a really good friend. Uncle Vernon doesn't know about him yet, he talks to be when i go shopping, he's very nice. i'm going to go and live with him, he's a cop. he'll make sure that Petunia can't find me, then she can't hit me with the broom anymore."
Blaine smiled slightly gently stroking his hair."Love, you already ran away. You're awy from them.You're safe I promise."She said her heart aching because she hated that she hadn't been able to help him when he was younger, or now when he was hurting so bad.She just wanted him better."You're away and on your own, with lots of friends."
Harry looked confused and then he smiled. "oh yeah, Ton and Draco, and Fred and George, and Blaine and Cedric and Neville." he smiled a little. "i remember now." he admitted sighing, looking much more relieved. "did i kill uncle Vernon?" he asked, struggling to recall. "i can't remember..."
"I don't know.By the time I came around, you already lived by yourself."She said biting her lip."I'll ask tom next time I talk to him."She said struggling to stay relaxed though she worried he was going to freak out. Wondering what was coming. Afraid that harry would freak out again since she couldn't tell him.
Harry nodded, closing his eyes. "i'm sure i'll remembered." he mumbled softly, closing his eyes sighing softly. "i'm hungry." he complained softly. "and thirsty...and i can't i in the hospital? what happened?....did i get into a car crash? it feels like it." Harry admitted. "everything hurts....can i get some painkillers?" again with the painkillers, how long had harry been addicted to those damn things?
Blaine bit her lip feeling raw and hurt. Because it was going to hurt to deny him more."No, not a car wreck.Cedric was giving you belladonna and painkillers. it nearly killed you.and me and draco brought you to the hospital, and we can't give you anything.Because the belladonna is still affecting you."She said getting up and getting him some puding, helping him eat it.
Harry frowned a little. "Cedric?...what..." he shook his head. "Cedric wouldn't do something like that, he loves me." he protested, pushing her hand away. "you just want him all to yourself! well you can't have him!" Harry snarled, glaring at her furiously, baring her teeth at her. "Cedric is MIN! do you hear me!? he belongs to me and i'll kill anyone who tries to take him away from me!"
Blaine looked hurt, shaking her hand as she slipped off the bed."No. I promise I do not want cedric. I just want to help you."She said, her heart hurting. She hated this. She hated not able to make him be the man she'd first met, instead of this.
Harry snarled viciously, but relaxed when she promised that she didn't want Cedric, licking his lips as he looked her over. "your pretty." he finally muttered, reaching for her, grabbing her chin, holding her tightly. "i think i'll make you mine too." he decided, kissing her hard, slipping his tongue into her mouth, tasting, feeling, searching for resistance or desire. simply enjoying her taste.
Blaine moaned into the kiss,leaning into him,shifting settling against him. Her body reacting to the chained desire, the need to be close to him, her hips shifting, almost humping his thigh in the need to be with him again. Poor blaine, she'd missed him so much. Missed his demanding presence. Even before he'd kicked her out, she'd felt him drifint away, and she missed him. Her body wanting it so uch it hurt.
Harry hissed with desire, yanking her forcefully into the bed, pinning her under him. "mine." he growled, biting at her neck. "your all mine." he hissed before kissing her again, thrusting his tongue roughly into her mouth as he ground his hips into hers, pinching along her body, much as he had the first time he'd raped her. and for harry that's what this was, he was raping her into submission, making her his, owning her. "pants off." Harry demanded with a hiss, deciding to use her complacency to his advantage as he fumbled with his own pants.
Blaien snarled at him, taking his time doing as he ordered, her hands shaking because she knew they shouldn't be doing this. Espicially in a hospital, but she needed him. needed to belong to him again. Letting the jeans fall to the floor she looked at him definitely, smirking slowly. as if daring him to do something about her arrogance that she was still in charge, even if she was being the one raped.
Harry snarled back, his eyes flashing with rage at her slow movements, his hand whipping around, smacking her hard, tossing her to the floor, leaping onto her, snarling viciously as he yanked her head back by the hair, rolling her onto her belly and raping her, ignoring any protests, or moans she might have been making as he raped her on the hospital floor, just as violent the first time, putting her in her place.
When he was done she curled up on her side, trembling as she pressed her cheek into her knees, looking small and helpless. Despite enjoying it, she'd gotten used to having rough sex, but not rape with him.this was to much like rape, to much like tony touching her again to be enjoyable. Crying she almost wished draco would come so she could get some real sleep, but she knew the other worried about her handling this, so she couldn't let him knwo she couldnt do this.
he sighed as he held her, relaxing against her, gently nuzzling her, kissing her ear before very possessively growled. "Mine." then he stood up, leaving her be to crawl into bed and sleep, leaving her bruised and battered to recover. Draco was in a half an hour later, gasping as he noticed her bruised face. "shit Blaine." he whispered, gently touching her cheek. "i take it you didn't get much sleep last night?...go lay down and sleep, i'll watch Harry for now."
Blaine whimpered a little, leaning into the touch, ,pushing up of the floor stumbling to her bed, and crawling under te covers, curling up again, looking at draco, eyes tired and hurt."He doesn't remember that he can't have painkillers.Or what he's been doing for the last few years."She said yawning, more worried about him then herself.
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