Shadows of the Heart

Bline whimpered softly, her body aching as she curled up against him, her own painkillers starting to fade as he held her tightly. "No. I'm sorry, but not yet sweetheart."She whispered, nuzzling his neck."go to sleep. You'll fee lbetter when you get up."
he sighed a little, pouting a little as he snuggled into her. "okay." he muttered softly. "will you read to me again when i wake up?" he asked hopefully, sleepily, snuggling into his pillow and Blaine as he drifted off to sleep, Neville grimacing. "he's going to be gone when he wakes up, you know that right?" he asked softly, gently helping her get free of harry so she could ease her sore body. "he'll probably be in Belladara Haze when he wakes up again. so he should be pretty Mellow but me or Draco will stay with you from now on."
She nodded, pain on her face. Not only because she hurt, but because he was going to be gone."We'll see how it goes when he gets up."She said sadly, taking her pain pills before laying bck down and going to sleep. When she woke up she yelped a little as she felt harry's hands sliding up under her shirt. Opening a eye to look at him she tilted her head."How you feel?"She muttered softly.
he nodded and settled down onto the bench they had moved into the room. he was asleep when Harry and Pan woke up, Harry's hands sliding along her belly, stroking her flesh, panting softly in her ear. "want." Harry muttered softly, his voice sluggish, clearly in some sort of withdrawal, though which one it was hard to tell, his fingers brushing the flesh of her breasts, the little bit that wasn't hidden by her bra. "please." he muttered softly, kissing her ear and then her neck, his right hand sliding back down, slipping into her pants, giving her curls a firm tug. teasing her like always before his fingers gently stroked her clit. "Want."
Blaine whimpered in pleasure, whining as he teased her. Raising her hips a little squirming as he blinked slowly. Waking up more as she looked at the man touching her. "Me to."She muttered, sadness in the words because it'd been so long since she'd see the gentle harry, the one she'd fallen in love with, even when he was hurting her. Gentle loving, thats what they both needed. Shifting she pulled him closer, sighing as she shifted to her side, a leg resting over his hips."Love you."she muttered sleepily.
he smiled s little, gently nuzzling her neck, sighing softly against her flesh as she gently nipped and nibbled, smiling a little as she snuggled into him. "love you too." Harry murmured, gently nibbling on her ear as he stroked her clit again, gently pressing a finger deep inside of her, moaning softly. "so tight." he whispered, his hand slipping under her Bra, massaging the flesh, carefully, gently tweaking and teasing the flesh of her nipple, sucking on her neck. "clothes." he growled, removing his hands from her, trying to pull her shirt off of her, still so very gentle, as if afraid he might break her with a harsh movement. hell in Harry's mind, maybe she was that fragile.
Blaine smiled a little shifting away so she could undress, dropping her clothes softly to the floor. Fading yellow blue bruises decorated her rib cage, her hips were he'd gripped her the hardest, but she was moving better, feeling better. Smiling a little as she slid back close to him, sliding a leg over his hips, cuddling close. Kissing him slowly, "better?"She smiled,blushing a little, amused that he was touching her so gentle.
he smiled as he shed his clothes as well, hissing as he noticed the bruises, carefully tracing the skin around them. "sorry." he whispered softly, kissing her gently. "sorry." so he remembered raping her, maybe that was why he was being so gentle with her. "love you." he whispered kissing her ear as he stroked along her body, paying close attention to her navel and her breasts, gently slipping fingers into her again, stroking her deep inside as he licked and nibbled at her neck.
Blaine moaned softly, squirming as she looked at him, hips shifting against his hand, biting her lip as she tried to stay quiet so they wouldn't draw attention."It's fine. I enjoyed it."She muttered, for the most part true. While it hurt badly afterwards, she'd been happy ot do what he wanted
Harry growled a little as he gently nuzzled her, laying her on the bed, settling himself over her, kissing her gently all over her body, stroking her most sensitive places, trying to drive her crazy, smiling a little. "i love you." he whispered softly after almost forty minutes of teasing her, slowly slipping deep inside of her, panting softly. "love you so much, your all mine." he murmured. "always mine...and i'm yours, and i'll never let anyone hurt you again."
Blaine's eyes went wide as she came as he slid into her. After so much teasing, of keeping her on that edge, of not letting her come, where pleasure was a torture in itself she came, crashing, lost in the pleasure of him being in her. Shivering in his arms as she held onto him tightly."Never again."She muttered nuzzling his neck.
he moaned as se came around her, panting softly as began to move, thrusting inside of her, moaning and groaning nuzzling her, thrusting carefully into her, pleasuring himself as well as her now, his mouth lavishing attention on her breasts now,stroking her all over, biting playfully at her ear. "mine." e purred softly, kissing her chin. "all mine." he moaned softly, speeding up, coming close to his own orgasm, stroking her clit again, stimulating her, or trying to as he groaned softly in her ear. "fuck yess." he moaned, pressing deep inside of her, spilling his seed, unable to remember if she was on birth control or not, not really caring, because he wanted babies, he wanted to have babies with Blaine...he wanted. "will you marry me?"
Blaine looked startled, eyes going wide as she came again, clinging to him."Yes!"She gasped softly, nails biting into his skin as she held onto him. Wrapping her legs around him, holding him close, refusing to let him pull out of her yet. WAnting to remain this close to him. Needing to. And while she usually took her birth control, she didn't know that the problem with some painkillers is that they canceled out the hormone control.(Sadly I have a friend this happened to XP)..and the two that were so broken themselves, were going to find out something special and priceless....not that they'd even suspect yet. But for the moment, the small family was content as she clung to him."Yes, I'll marry you."
he moaned, arching into her as he nuzzled her all over. "i don't have a ring.." harry muttered sadly. "sorry... i'll get one soon." he murmured, sleepy now. "i love you." he mumbled, smiling a little as he held her close to him, sighing softly as he drifted off to sleep, never realizing that Neville had gotten up and left during the course of their lovemaking and was blushing furiously as he waited outside. poor Neville.

it was another three weeks before Harry was deemed well enough to go home, he'd raped Blaine three times during his stay at the hospital, he'd attempted seven, but four of them Draco or Neville had been able to stop Harry. Draco had also gotten raped, and was still sporting some of the bruises. he had demanded to see Cedric hundreds of times, and he had attacked Tom, Blaise, and even the twins anytime they tried to come visit. harry was mostly better now, mostly himself save for when he fell into the Belladonna Haze and simply laid there, waiting for someone to tell him what to do, he was normal right then, chatting calmly with Neville, teasing the poor boy about 'hooking up' with Draco, the two having been caught several times snogging by Blaine when they thought she was sleeping. "i cannot wait to get the hell home!" harry complained. "god i hate hospitals." he looked guilty as he spotted Draco, the Blond had forgiven harry for raping him, but harry hadn't forgiven Harry for it yet, and he was constantly murmuring apologies to Blaine anytime he caught sight of her bruises.
"Me to. Being sick is so not cool when you don't have anyone to make you soup. And no one makes soup like harry does."Blaine smiled as she ducked into the room after draco, smirking a little as she nudged him out of the way so she could help harry out of bed."Come on love. Time to go home."She smiled kissing him, snickering a little."It'll be nice to not have someone walking in on sex....though seeing draco blush is so adorable." She teased looking at her friend, tilting her head a little. Glad tht the other was ready to go home. She was tired of living at the hospital. So sick of it, that she was starting to think she was starting to make herself sick.
Harry looked confused. "who did we walk in o..." he paused and then turned to stare at Draco with a Gape, Neville snickering as he grabbed the blond and snogged the hell out of him again, Draco flaring bright red when Harry laughed and offered a loud wolf whistle and a few claps as he settled into the wheelchair that he would be mostly confined too while he got his strength back. the nurse, and Draco both, informed harry that he was to take it easy, and to rest when he got tired, harry had bitched that he was ALWAYS tired, and that he was TIRED of RESTING, whining like a small child the entire way out of the hospital that the doctors where mean and that Draco was cruel as the blond and his apparent new boyfriend Neville loaded harry into the car.
Blaine smiled as he complained. Glad that he was more himself. At least with him complaining like this, she knew he was fine. Or at least going to be. Grinning as she wheeled him into the house she winced stopping running for the bathroom. Returning in a few minutes when her stomach decided that food was okay. smiling slightly as she looked at harry, ruffling his hair."Glad to be home?"She asked, looking at draco and neville."Are you two staying with us, or going home?"She asked almost wishing theyd stay. Because if she was sick, harry wsnt going to get the attention he needed.
Harry looked concerned when Blaine ran to the bathroom, wanting to run after her, but his legs wouldn't support him now, he'd had to walk up all those steps, he just didn't have the strength. "Blaine, are you alright?" he asked, gently stroking her cheek as Neville and Draco glanced at each other then. "we're going to stay." they both decided in unison, Nevile moving Harry into the bedroom, the brunette bitching again that Blaine was sick, that SHE needed to lay down not him! Draco looking at Blaine carefully. "are you alright?"
Blaine didn't look at the other, wathing neville move harry into the bedroom before she looked over at him,"I'm fine. Just sick."She said. Because she refused to consider the alternative. Because if she did, she was afraid of what would hppen.Theyd never discussed children, family. She had no idea what he'd want to do, didnt know what they'd do. So for now, she was stubbornly refusing to think about it.
Draco scowled a little and set his hand to her forehead, shaking her head. "there's no fever." he muttered softly. "i'll bring over some antibiotics later, just in case your catching a virus." he promised shaking his head as Harry started cussing in the other room, Neville laughing a little as he helped Harry into bed, Draco rolling his eyes. "thank god he's feeling better." he grumbled. "i was afraid he was never going to stop attacking everyone." he admitted grimacing a little. "Tom is still sulking about getting punched in the face."
Blaine snickered. It'd been wonderful to see the drug lord get his ass handed to him with a single punch. "Oh he's just bitchy cause he had a date and had to go bruised."She said smirking a little. Wincing. Remembering she was the only one who knew the drug lord had a steady girlfriend instead of just a casual fling."I'm glad he's stopped attacking people though. Maybe if I get him fussing over me, he'll stop worrying about himself."
Draco lifted an eyebrow. "Tom had a date? that's the third one this week." he stated looking puzzled. "Damn, he's really going through women, i wonder if everything is alright..." Draco didn't know Tom had a regular date, neither did Harry, who was still bitching in the bedroom. "you'd better go calm your fiance down before he starts throttling Nevile again." Neville enjoyed pissing Harry off, it kept harry from getting depressed, unfortunately Harry had a habit of trying to choke Neville for it, even if the bookworm was laughing the entire time it was still something that should be avoided.
Blaine grinned, relaxing glad she hadn't revealed the other's secret. She'd let tom be happy as long as he could without interferance. Ducking into the bedroom she ewalked over, "And why are we still bitching?Your home?"She teased kissing him, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Harry sulked a little. "Neville says i can't have anything to drink..." "i said you can't have anything alcoholic to drink!" "whats the difference!?" "your not drinking you just got out of the hospital and your still on medicine, AND the belladonna is still in your system." "you suck!" "no i blow." Neville stated simply. "Draco sucks." "I HEARD THAT!" Draco roared, turning bright red.
Blaine snickered,"Love, you cant have anything. For me. I cant drink anything while I'm sick, so make it easier for me to resist."She said, smiling a little. Hoping that if she made it about her, then harry'd feel easier about not doing it.Cuddling close, she yawned."Well I do both."She said hiding her face as she blushed.
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