Shadows of the Heart

Harry obediently sang for her, a little off key but a nice baritone all the same, and he did sing the entire time she was giving labor, getting strange looks from the doctors. He only stopped singing when the baby was laid in his arms, blinking a little in astonishment before he broke into a wide, grin as he examined his daughter. “oh Blaine, look, we made a little girl.” he whispered in astonishment. “and I did too need to sing the entire time.” he complained pouting at her. “it helped right?” he asked hopefully before gently laying the babe in her lap. “so momma, whats the name?” he asked smiling at Blaine as he tickled the little ones toes.
Blaine laughed quietly s she looked at her husband,gently running her fingers through his hair as he bent down to play with their little girl."Eve Elizabeth."She said softly. "And it did help love."She muttered gently stroking the babe's soft downy hair. Looking up at harry in astonishment,"She's so beautiful."She said softly, before smiling."We should let everyone in. They're probably going insane."She said laughing, knowing everyone was waiting to see if they were all okay.
Harry beamed as he kissed Blaine's forehead, feeling ever so glad that he had helped. “no!” Harry protested pouting at her. “we can't let Draco see Eve! He'll try to spoil her and take her home!” he grinned a little to show he was only kidding as he opened the door and let everyone in, all of them cooing at the mother and the baby, Harry smiling proudly at their large, happy family, now complete with one baby and another only a month behind, Narcissa was as big as a watermelon, and she informed them all that she was not having one baby, but three, a girl and two boys. Harry laughed as Draco fainted right then and there at the thought of so many siblings. “well, at least we don't have to worry about Draco trying to steal our daughter now, he'll be too busy helping his mother with his new siblings.”
Tom grinned,"Of course he'll be busy. I do have businesses to run.And I'm not made to change diapers."He said snickering, kissing narcissa's head because he was just teasing. Hugging Blaien carefully before lifting the baby in his arms, cradling eve close."Potter you two need to sleep."He said looking at the exhausted new parents, before down at the baby."I'll watch you wont I?You want to be with uncle tom right?"He said bouncing her a little, laughing as she giggled."See. Now go to sleep."He ordered tom and blaine grinning a little when blaine whined in protest.
surprisingly enough, Harry just smiled and laid down with Blaine, snuggling into her. “just think love, the sooner we sleep, the sooner we can start work on another.” he teased grinning wickedly, Narcissa laughing as she rubbed her belly. “mmm life is perfect.” harry murmured, grinning softly. “so perfect.” Neville nodded as did Draco, now that he had woken up. “perfect.” they agreed the twins laughing and nodding. “very perfect!” “perfect.” Harry mumbled softly, grinning happily as he closed his eyes and went to sleep, dreaming good dreams, and simply enjoying his life. life was simply....perfect.

the end?
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