Shadows of the Heart

Blaine smiled a little."You didn't ha-oh cissy..."Blaine muttered in gentle complatation, eyes wide as tears filled them. So touched at the pictures and thought behind it. She loved all her gifts, but this...this was perfect. "Thank you."She said shifting to let harry see to. Tom smiled looking at Blaine, kissing her forehead."Your welcome.No need to cry love."he said gently stroking her hair.Romeo smiled looking over Blaine's shoulder smiling slightly."And here's mine."He said holding out his present, the soft leather bound journal was perfect, the only thing he had left that belonged to her mother. Blaine smiled a little looking at her father, for once, not minding his company, because harry was being so attentive, reassuring."Thank you.Everyone thanks."She sniffled lightly, feeling overwelmed.
Harry chuckled as he gently wiped all the tears away, Narcissa looking mortified as she realized she had made Blaine cry, Charley rolling his eyes. “alright people what did you do to her!?” he demanded sweeping her into his arms, Harry growling possessively but made no move to reclaim her because he knew Charley wouldn't hurt her. “My darling! How beautiful you are! Even when you cry, but do not be sad for these uncouth bastards will feel bad!” he teased laughing as Lucius grabbed him by the ear and twisted, Charley yelping through his laughter as he released her, Harry hugging her tight and sucking on her neck to leave a hickey, making sure that everyone knew she was HIS! Everyone else was laughing as they watched Lucius growl that he was going to beat Charley's ass blue when they got home, Charley only licking his lips eagerly at the threat as he winked at the potters. Harry just rolled his eyes and grumbled that Charley was insane as he looked at the photo Album with a small grin. “look! This is when Tom first found me!” he stated pointing to a small, underfed, beaten bloody and blue Harry who was sitting in an Alley, glaring viciously at the camera. “i bit him.” he admitted smirking as Narcissa laughed a little. “you didn't tell me THAT part Tom!” she complained smirking at him.
Tom wrinkled his nose laughing quietly."You didn't ask."He pointed out before reaching out to smack harry's arm."That's for scarring me brat. Gunshots, needle pricks, and the only thing that scars is this brat's teeth.Damned shame."He said smirking a little as he raised his hand to let Narcissa inspect the teeth marks in curve of his hand, better his thumb and index finger. Blaine giggled amused, pressing her face against Harry's shoulder, relaxed and happy.Shuddering a little as Harry sucked on her neck, moaning softly. "She bit me once."Romeo said looking amused,"Tried taking her candy away."He said amused as he watched them all. They were such a unruly bunch.
Harry snickered and bared his teeth at Tom playfully. “how many stitches did you need again tom? Ten?” he teased smirking a little as he thought of Blaine biting Romeo. “you should know better than to steal something from a vinetti Romeo.” he teased smirking a little. “it's like stealing something from a riddle, it always ends in pain.” a subtle warning? From the wicked gleam in Harry's eyes, it was. He smiled as he kissed Blaine's neck where there was a brand new hicky, sighing softly. “mmm you smell wonderful.” he murmured with a small smile. “oh! I almost forgot.” Lucius stated offering Harry and Blaine a small box. “this is from Charley and I, from both of us wishing you two the happiest lives you can have.” inside the box was two rings, each representing the two lovers. Harry's a slithering serpent wrapped around a bright emerald chip, and when turned right it clipped perfectly to Blaine's.
Blaine looked amaed when she looked at the rings,the two serpents curled around each other gleaming ever so softly. Swallowing hard she smiled up at Charley and lucius, "Thank you.They're gorgeous."She said sliding her thumb along it before slipping it out of the box, gently sliding it onto her own hand then Harry's. Turning her head to rest her head on Harry's shoulder she sighed softly."Subtle warning potter."She muttered teasing and tense in his arms, because she knew how her father responded to threats. Tom swallowed hard, swallowing the snarl that nearly escaped when he saw the anger flash across romeo's face before it faded into pleasant smile."I want more cake."The mob boss announced, pulling away from narcissa, laughing quietly."You know, we should go out tonight."He said smiling wider."Go celebrate the boys return to england."
Charley beamed, feeling pleased with himself, yelping when Lucius prodded him in the back. “what are you so proud of? I'm the one that found the rings. You just put your name on the box.” “i did not!...okay yes I did but still!” Harry had to laugh at that, it was so amusing to watch his oldest brother getting his ass handed to him. Harry brightened at the idea of going out and then paused. “mm I might pass.” he decided. “Blaine can't drink so going to the dance club would just me mean to her, besides I still have to give her her present from me.” he waggled his eyebrows and the twins snickered while Draco blushed. “Harry! You can't do that to a pregnant woman!” “yes I can I looked it up!” harry stated looking pleased with himself, Draco groaning. “oh lord... he discovered Google.” “...whats Google?” “nothing!” “no...seriously whats Google!?” “it's nothing Harry.” Draco stated before vanishing before Draco had to explain what Google was, and how to find it on the internet, which harry rarely went on.
Blaine laughed kissing harry before dwaing away, gently tucking his hair behind his ears."Don't worry about it."She smiled easily, wondering how long it'd take the man to hound draco about the google thing. Shaking her head a little,"Go know how I am these days, even if I did go out, I'd be sleepy in a few hours.So go out have fun.Me and the baby will curl up and go to bed early with a book."She smiled kissing him again looking amused.
Harry pouted at her and then hesitated, biting his lip as he glanced at Romeo, clearly fretting that the man was up to something. “iu don't know, I'm not really in the mood to go out partying... and you know I have... problems.” he muttered softly. He had been clean since he'd found out she was pregnant, but only because of lack of chance. He was worried he was going to get there and not be able to control himself. Charley looked shocked. “Harry are you...are you CLEAN!?” he demanded wide eyed. He'd never known harry without drugs, alcohol and rape. He looked more shocked when Harry nodded. “yeah I'm clean, it almost killed me and it almost killed Blaine... I don't want to risk Blaine or the baby just because I like to get high... so I got clean.” “of everything!?” “well, yeah.” Harry admitted, grimacing as everyone stared at him, shocked. Draco wasn't, he was just staring to make Harry fidget. “my god, Blaine your amazing!” Charley finally admitted. “no ones ever been able to get Harry clean and you do it in a few months!” Harry was blushing violently. “hey! Give me credit I helped too!” harry complained Lucius laughing a little as he patted Harry's head. “we ALL know better Harry.” he teased smirking a little as he kissed Blaine's knuckles. “your very good for each other, I hope you spend the rest of your days in blissful happiness.” “now who's flirting!” Charley taunted, Lucius glaring at him. “harry might I borrow a bedroom.” Harry grimaced. “no you may NOT!” Lucius and Charley both pouted and Harry snickered. “perverts!”
Blaine laughed quietly as she pressed her cheek against harry's shoulder, looking embarassed and shy. Blushing as she nodded a little she yawned, shaking her head as she looked up at him."I trust you.And you're going out with draco.And lucius. I assume both of them will be able to take care of you."She said eyeng the two men in question, the soft threatening look promising a world of pain if they didn't bring her lover back in the same condition that he went out as."You'll be fine.Go if you want."She said looking up at him, smiling slightly biting her lip a little."I wouldn't mind, but if you want to stay in, I wouldn't mind you staying either."She offered, giving him a graceful way of staying, Tom laughed quietly, watching the two."Lucius, you'll get a chance to punish him later. No reason to scar poor blaine."he said with a snicker.
Harry hesitated and then shook his head. “i'd rather stay in.” he decided with a smile, the twins whining but Harry shaking his head. “sorry guys, I just don't feel comfortable with going to a bar yet, my addictions are still too strong in my system and you know I have a week will.” well, when it came to certain things anyway. “besides I want to make Blaine finish reading me that book.” he purred grinning a little as he rubbed her belly. Even though he could read himself now, he preferred to listen to Blaine read to him. “and I want to look at that photo album too.” he admitted kissing her neck and smiling. “i have so many terrible stories about my friends and family to share with you.” he teased snickering a little as he stroked the album and then his ring as most of the people started to file out, yelling eagerly about partying, the twins offering everyone some dope or crack, Harry grimacing as he spotted the white powder, his mouth watering with want. “and that my dear is why I didn't go with.” he grumbled smiling a little. “what say we run another bubble bath and have a most wonderful rest of the night in?”
Blaine clamped her fingers around his wrist, clamping down a little."I trust you.I know you wouldn't...and even if you did, Id just nurse you better again."She smiled a little leaning up to kiss him slowly."And you're not weak love."She grinned before nodding,"Let's go.Tub and book."She said heading for the bathroom after snagging the book from the bedroom, smiling as she turned on the water, careful to not drop the whole bubble thing in as she did. Settling into the water with a pleased sigh.
Harry winced a little and shook his head. “you might trust me but I don't.” he admitted simply. “i don't trust myself at all.” he admitted sighing as he smiled, watching her fill the tub, smiling as he settled into the water with her, sighing a little as he nuzzled her neck, kissing her gently before settling into a comfortable position, letting her use him as a chair as she read the story aloud, a smile on his lips as the chime for eleven o clock sounded. “it's getting late, we should probably go to bed.” he murmured softly, kissing her temple when she paused to breath.
She whined quietly before nodding, laughing a little as she climbed out of the tub, biting her lip."Harry....can you go get me some watermelon?"She asked softly, looking at him through anxious eyes. Hating to ask him to go out, she hated asking him to do anything for her cravings. Espicially if it was late out and he'd have to go a few places to find what she wanted.But...she wanted watermelon.Drying off and dressing she looked at her lover before heading to the bathroom."Yes... watermelon.Please?"She said looking up at him, anxious about asking hi mto do it,but wanting it more then she felt anxious about asking and being alone.
he blinked at her, looking startled. It was rare that she ever asked him for something and he always leaped eagerly onto the chance of giving her anything she wanted. “Watermelon?” he pondered his eyes narrowing before nodding. “i think I know where I can get some.” he admitted with a nod. “it will take me a while to get there.” he admitted kissing her forehead. “lock the doors alright? And all the windows.” he paused then. “you remember where the guns are?” he asked his head tilted. “i'm sure nothing will happen, it's late enough that even the drunks are in bed.” he admitted with a grin before getting dressed. “i'll bring you back a whole watermelon, and I'll have my cellphone if you change your mind or if you want me to grab something else while I'm out, ok?” he asked smiling at her, kissing her forehead. “i'll be back soon.” he chirped kissing her hard and beaming at her. “i love helping you.” he purred skipping out to the garage and getting into the regular car that they had gotten for the baby, since the Viper wasn't exactly child safe, and took off into the night.
When he returned the walkway and street were awash in flashing police lights, the two cop cars and ambluance filling the small yard. Blaine herself was resisting being led to the ambulance despite the blood that was splashed across her face and chest, standing out starkly against her unnaturally pale skin."no...cant go...harry's not home..."She stumbled after him, hair sticking to her face. Stumbling as the EMT tried to coax her into the ambulance, not wanting to force her in hopes in not overwelming the already shocky woman. The EMT sighed softly when she saw the car pulling in, bracing the woman slightly, looking at the man getting out."Harry!?"the youngish woman called wanting his attention.
Harry gaped as he rushed out of his car, a watermelon in one arm and a bag of groceries in the other his eyes wide, staring with his mouth open. “Blaine!?” he demanded dropping everything and running over to her, pushing past the police and the EMT's as he grabbed her face in hi hands. “oh my god Blaine are you ok!? What happened!? Who hurt you!?” he demanded running his hands down her body, checking for wounds, for injuries, for anything. “sir, we need you to step back behind the police tape....” A cop growled Harry snarling at him. “fuck you! This is MY house and MY pregnant wife!” he hissed before running his hands over her cheeks. “shh love shh, lets get in the Ambulance and to the hospital and you can tell me what happened there alright?”
Blaine leaned into him,"Okay...we can go...harry's here...everything will be fine...harry's home."She muttered, sounding shocky, disconnected. Letting the EMT and harry get her into the ambulance she was quiet as they left, just letting the EMT check her over,letting harry talk to her. Yet...she was shocked.When she got to the hospital she was quiet as the doctors checked her over, and when the cops came in after the exam she whimpered, cringing back against harry as he held her, pressing her face against his shoulder.Shiviering and cold, in shock, despite the blankets wrapped around her. Fine physically, but still reeling in mental shock."Don't...dont want to talk...dont remember....papa...papa was there...then he was laying there.... don't..." she rambled, sounding distressed. Having already been bullied by the cops at the house she was responding badly to their presence now.
Harry held her close the entire time, only moving when they had to look her over for injuries, snarling at the cops when they clearly distressed her. “can't you see she's in shock!? Come back later!” he demanded stroking her hair. “shhh love it's ok, just rest.” he whispered softly. “i need to go talk to the police alright?” he muttered laying her on the bed and letting the nurse give Blaine a sleeping aid to get her to sleep, while Harry explained to the Cops about what Romeo had done to his daughter, drugging her and marrying her off to an abusive husband, hanging around for weeks and trying to get her to leave Harry so he could use her, trying to find out himself what had happened in the house.
The younger cop nodde a little as he listened to the explanation, "That seems to be what happened here. He came into the house when she was sleeping and she shot him to keep him from leaving the house."He said noding a little,"We just couldn't make sense of what she was saying...but with that explantaion.Yes, that makes sense."The younger cop nodded tilting his head."We'll need to talk to her,but we'll ome back later."
Harry nodded, swallowing thickly as he headed back over to Blaine and pulled her into his lap, holding her as she slept, waiting for her to wake up. Murmuring comforting things and changing her when the nurses asked him to help get her into a hospital gown. Draco and Neville showing up in the middle of the night to help keep Harry awake so he could protect Blaine, freaked out and paranoid of everyone. But hey, at least he wasn't locking her in a bedroom again...
3 months later Blaine whimpered softly as she pressed a hand against her stomach,shivering a little as the contraction gripped her. And yet, she couldn't leave, not yet. Harry and draco were so excited about finishing the baby's room, she didn't want to interrupt them while they finished painting their little girl's room. Rubbing her stomach she smiled as she sat on the bottom stair, having been forbidden to go up while they were painting. "Harry!"She yelled, waiting for a answer. knowing he'd be down directly. After she had had to shoot her father, he'd been obssessively by her side, not that she minded, but he was always there or just a call away. Though he hadn't tried to lock her in the house, which she knew had been a improvement.
Harry had thought about it, but Draco and Neville had talked him into seeing a therapist instead. Harry had recovered by leaps and bounds, even though he tried to kill the therapist almost weakly. Harry had gotten more and more excited about their daughter coming that he had gotten almost anal about making preparations. The therapist said it was good for Harry to have a healthy obsession like that, compared to locking Blaine away, and to just let him obsess. Harry had also been gettign increasingly determined to not let Blaine do anything too 'hard' like doing the house chores or painting the room. He still let her do the laundry but only because he didn't know how to run the washing machine.

He was next to her in an instant when she called his name, his face smeared with pink and white paint, a large streak of green was across his neck, where draco had 'slit' Harry's throat with a paintbrush playfully.”whats wrong? You alright? Do you need me to get you another watermelon?” he teased grinning a little at her before frowning. “what is it? Are you in pain again?”
Blaine whimpered looking up at him laughing softly when she saw the 'slit throat, gently touching his face."We need to go to the hospital.The baby's coming."She said softly looking up at him,her shoulders hunched a little, holding herself."Help me up."she said shifting, wrapping a hand around the stair railing to pull herself up, whimpering louder as the contraction gripped her, whimpering as she pulled herself up.
he grinned when she laughed and shook his head. “you should see poor Draco.” Draco walked down with a sulky expression, his entire face had been painted yellow. “i actually had to hold him down to do th...” Harry froze when she explained that the baby was coming, Draco's eyes widening as he dashed back up the stairs, letting Blaine see that Harry had also painted the poor blonds hair pink, grabbing the hospital bag as Harry scooped Blaine up into his arms and started for their new, 'safe' car and settling her carefully in the backseat, since there was more room in the back, Draco rushing into the Drivers seat, setting the bag in the passengers seat as Harry crawled into the back with Blaine. “ok love...ok, remember the lessons? You have to breath, hee hee, hoo hoo, hee hee, hoo hoo...” “harry that's a good way to get her to strangle you.” Draco informed the frantic man, Harry grimacing as they drove out into the road and hit the gas to the hospital. “ok...ok, uhm...singing! Singing helps! Lets sing that song you love so much!” he decided beaming at her, happy with his good idea.
Blaine laughed quietly, rubbing her stomach as she shuddered a little, "aww love, that song would be lovely."She said grinning at him, wanting him to feel better. Which hours later, she smacked him for lightly in the arm as the nurse handed him the small baby.Smiling tiredly as she leaned back against her pillows," didn't have to sing the whole time."She teased shifting, whimpering quietly as she pushed up on her elbows to look at the babe he was holding.Her smile growing goof and happy at the sight of father and daughter.
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