Shadows of the Heart

Harry purred happily as he kissed her back, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, breaking off at Tom's statement and flicking the man the finger, Draco and Narcissa laughing at the sight of it as Harry shook his head and helped himself to some of the delicious food. "so, Tom." harry stated smirking a little. "how long till you become a daddy?" "oh, another seven months yet." Narcissa chirped happily, Draco choking on a piece of bread, Neville clapping the blond on the back until his lungs cleared. " can't just... you don't..." his head hit the table and he groaned, Narcissa bursting into laughter again, followed by Harry.
Tom looked surprised himself, having not been kindly told this. Choking on his own glass of wine he looked at his girlfriend."You..fucking hell."He cursed softly, not sure what he thought about being a dad.He'd raised some of his gang members,but that was totally differet.""

"I think we all know how tom."Blaine said with a snicker,enjoying the mobster's stuttering.

"Why am I just finding out?You-you didnt want to tell me?"he said looking hurt biting his lip.
Narcissa giggled a little and shook her head. “i only just found out this morning darling.” she stated, patting Tom's knee, Draco keeping his head on the table, pretending that they all didn't exist and that he was in his own happy little place. “i thought I might tell everyone at the same time.” Narcissa admitted with a chipper giggle, Harry chuckling as he examined his drink and then his food, making sure that there wasn't anything strange in it before taking a bite, purring softly in delight. “delicious as always Nev.” he chirped smirking a little as he nibbled on his steak again, sighing happily as he set his hand on Blaine's knee giving it a loving squeeze.
Blaise smiled eating heartily. The pregnant woman always enjoying her food. Amused as everyoen settled into dinner. Even more amused at tom's occasional sputtering. It was so weird to see him out of sorts.

that evening Blaine sighed softly as she leaned against the porch railing, watching the guys debate on the dog house, since she declared she'd wanted a dog for protection and company, harry tom draco and neville had already started to argue over how to build a house for it while narcissa had shooed her outside while the elder woman did dishes. Turning her head slightly when she heard her father coming up beside her."You know, he's going to leave.Or ask you to."Romeo muttered looking at her. "No. No harry wouldn't do that."She said wrapping her arms around herself, smilign softly as she watched the men arguing over her dog.even though she hadnt chosen one yet. "Didn't he already ask you to?" Blaine started, turning his head, looking pained as she shook her head."Go."She ordered quietly, waiting till he'd left the porch, hearing the rev of his car as he drove away, shuddering a little. so very afraid of being left alone. Lost in her own little world for the moment.
Harry and Draco where completely oblivious to Blaine's pain. Draco was insisting that Blaine needed a little dog, something she could put in her purse and carry wherever she went, like a Chihuahua, or a cocker spaniel. Harry was insisting on a big dog, something their child could ride on like a horse, like a Great Dane, or a Saint Bernard. “Blaine?” Harry asked shaking her shoulder, looking worried, he had called her three times and she hadn't responded, worry in his face. “did he do something to you?...Love!?” he demanded turning to Neville and Draco. “we'll worry about the dog later.” he decided, carefully leading Blaine into the house and into the bathroom, setting up the Bath the way he always did, spilling in the bubbles, the calm scent of Lavender filling the air, Harry cursing as he dropped the bubble bath into the water, wrinkling his nose when the bubbles exploded. “...well...” he muttered, trying to fish out the now empty bubble bath, the bubbles obscuring his view and then spilling over, Harry shrieking as he scrabbled to turn off the water, though there was only a few inches in the tub, making him groan. “well, looks like this is going to literally be a bubble bath...”
Blaine pressed a hand against her mouth, supressed giggles escaping as she loked at the man struggling to get the bubbles under control. Rubbing a hand over her stomach she sighed watching him, shuddering a little. These things would be what she missed the most...and she cherished every moment of it.Standing she undressed slowly before climbing into the tub whining a little at discovering so few inches of water, blowing bubbles at him."Get in here."She demanded, not even realiing she'd worried him badly.

Tom frowned as he watched the scene wrinkling his nose as he leaned against the counter, before looking at narcissa as she did the dishes."I don't like that man."he whined slightly.
Harry chuckled a little as she whined, smiling a little. “sorry love.” he muttered, nuzzling her gently. “i'm sure the bubbles will go away soon and we can put more water in.”smiling when she blew bubbles at him, stripping down and joining her in the tub, sighing softly as he nuzzled her. “i love you.” he murmured with a smile, setting his hands on her belly as he gave her a loving kiss.

Narcissa nodded with a small scowl. “neither do I.” she admitted. “i know Draco doesn't and I don't think Harry does either... that man is up to something.” she admitted scowling a little. “i just can't figure out what it is. He doesn't gain anything by making her go home, I don't think anyway.” she paused and then. “i think you aught to send a spy, find out what he's up to.” she muttered scowling a little. “it can't be anyone who was at dinner... maybe one of those twins? Or that black fellow, Blaise. They seam smart enough to be able to play spy right?”
Blaine smiled kissing him back, sighing softly as she leaned back against him, shifting to settle against his chest, closing her eyes."Love you to."He nuzzled his neck,sighng quietly as she shifted wrapping her arms around him."Not going anywhere are you?"she muttered, needing the reassurance, despite him saying that he loved her.

Tom rubbed his hands over his face nodding a little."I'll talk to them."He sighed scowling."He upsets her. can't I just kill him for that?"He whined wrapping a arm around her waist, tugging her close, nuzzling her neck, the contentment of being a father to be just starting to sink in, despite the worry.
Harry chuckled and paused to ponder. “well, I might go to the store later.” he admitted. “and I think I have to go to Rome in the near future to slaughter your father, but other than that I intend to just lay about the house succumbing to your will.” he admitted with a small chuckle, kissing her cheek. “i won't leave you Blaine, I promise.”

she chuckled a little and shook her head. “no you cannot.” she stated simply. “if it turns out he really is just trying to make up with her, fix his mistakes then we would be making a mistake.” she stated simply. “you can kill him once we're certain he's trying to do her or Harry Harm.” she smiled at the neck nuzzling, sighing softly in pleasure. “mm that feels good.” she murmured, smiling a little. “is it alright that I'm pregnant?” she asked softly, sounding worried. “i... I don't know how you feel about babies....” she was worried, that he was going to be upset with her.
Blaine giggled a little, "You cant kill him.He's my father."She smiled flicking a few bubbles at him, yawning again as she nuled him."Good. Cause I'd come after you if you did."She smiled at him sleepily, gently running her fingers through his steam damp hair.

Tom whined quietly at being told no before sighing."I like kids. Always have. Why do you think I take care of the brats of the gang?"He said laughing as he kissed her again."I think you should be more worried about how much fussing Draco's going to do then how I'm going to deal with this. I...I'm nervous about how I'll do as a dad, but I'll be okay."
he smirked a little and shook his head. “iof course I can.” he purred grinning a little. “i killed my family, I'm more than capable of killing yours.” he teased chuckling a little as he kissed her neck, sighing softly as he relaxed with her. “i love you.” he murmured smiling as she played with his hair. “when do we find out if the baby is a boy or a girl? I was thinking of painting the room as soon as we find out, so we can put in fish or butterflies.” he paused. “and I need to know what color clothes to pick up....” he pondered that. “actually, come to think of it, isn't your birthday coming up?” Tom had told him. “what do you want?”

she smiled, relaxing as she leaned into him, sighing a little. “Draco won't fuss, he'll stay as far away from me as possible.” she admitted with a chuckle. “after all the horror stories about me being pregnant with him? He knows better.” she admitted with a laugh. “you'll make a great father, you raised Harry just fine, and from what I heard he had a terrible childhood. And you helped raise Neville, and the twins and even Draco.” she admitted smiling a little. “they all turned out just fine, so I know you'll be a good father.”
"Tom-"She stopped, stuttering to a stop at the mention of her birthday. Hesitance filling her eyes as she studied him." want to get me something?"She asked. The usual very confident woman looking at him with a child's broken look. Even when she'd been young, only her mother had given her anything, and even then it hadn't been anything good. And after her mother one bothered to acknowledge the day she'd been born, at least not until Tom had mentioned it in passing.

Tom laughed quietly. "Draco had Lucius, who by the way, did you know, is looking to move back here?"he asked amused, having spent a few years in romanina with Charlie, it seemed the two englishmen had gotten bored, and wanted to come home. So soon,everyone would be back where he could look after them...not that he'd admit to caring about the arrogant bastard and the red head. Rubbing a hand over his face he sighed, looking towards the stairs."We should probably head home."
he smiled and then hesitated himself, looking confused. “of course I want to get you something...” he stated simply, looking upset now. “don't you want anything?” even if she said no, he was going to get her something, she deserved a good birthday.

She looked surprised. “really? I cant imagine Charley moving away from his horses.” Charley bred racing horses, many of them where wild and untrainable, but they bred some of the fastest horses the racing world had ever seen. “we probably should, but I'm not sure I want to leave her alone... she's so fragile, Blaine is.”
Blaine smiled a little at him, shrugging."I....I want something."She hesitated meeting his eyes, for once really wanting a good birthday. Sighing a little as she looked away, looking upset at having upset him. Leaning forward to turn on the water, filling it up some now that the bubbles were fewer. Turning it off when it was warm enough she leaned back into him with a tired sigh."We should go to bed...and say goodbye to tom and narcissa..."She muttered.

Tom snickered, "Tat's the beauty of it. Lucius convinced him to come here for the offseason when they're not racing.They'll be here over winters."He shrugged before kissing her again."She is.I don't know though, if we would be helping or hindering Harry if we stayed."He said looking worried, and wishing they'd all just let him kill her father.
he smiled a little, relaxing now that she had calmed down, kissing her temple. “they'll be ok. You just need to relax.” he murmured softly, kissing her neck and holding her tightly. “they've probably already left.” he admitted. “they know better than to stay when we get in the bath. Usually means I'm molesting you.” he teased chuckling a little.

She snickered a little and shook her head. “that is rather amazing.” she admitted with a smile. “it would be nice to see him again.” she admitted. “i haven't seen him since he went to Romania the little jerk. Didn't even tell me goodbye.” she complained pouting a little before sighing a little. “you might be right, we should leave...” she agreed kissing his cheek. “i want to stop at that boutique as well, I was hoping to pick up a birthday present for Blaine while I can.”
Blaine laughed softly, sounding sleepy as he rested his head on his shoulder."Hmm yes it does."She yawned nuzzling his neck."Lets sleep then."He whined a little getting up, getting a towel, starting to dry off. "Come on.We have a early morning tomorrow. Baby appointment."She grinned a little, leaning down to kiss him, before heading for the bedroom, the happy little thought of being able to know what they were having warming her.

Tom nodded heading for the door, snickering a little as she complained about lucius. The man was so going to never be able to forget that he'd left without saying goodbye.Narcissa would never let it go."So what are we getting her?"He asked heading for the car, knowing whatever she was getting, was going to be a gift from them both.
he chuckled and kissed her temple, smiling as he held her tightly. “baby appointment!?” he demanded looking like he had just gotten his birthday, Christmas, and Easter all wrapped in one. “will we find out if the baby is a boy or a girl!?” he demanded practically bouncing up and down in excitement. “we'll be able to think of names, and pick out colors and clothes and bedding. Oooh and toys! We have to get him...or her, a GIANT teddy bear in blue or pink. One that reaches the ceiling! That she...or he, can sit on and be read stories to, and a rocking chair! We HAVE to get a rocking chair!” he smiled a little. “you know, my only memory of my mother is a rocking chair.” he admitted happily. “she was holding me, all safe and tight, and singing a song to me while she rocked back and forth.” he sighed softly, smiling at her. “i want our little one to have a lot of happy memories of me and you.” he smiled a little. “we're going to have a happy life, peaceful, with lots of friends and family.” he smiled at her, kissing her temple. “how's that sound?”

Narcissa chuckled a little as she pondered. “well, I was thinking...” she admitted, hesitating as she pondered. “i was thinking of a photo album.” she admitted smiling a little. “The Twins and Neville have pictures of Harry as a baby and growing up, and Harry got a lot of Blaine's baby pictures from that bastards house, I was thinking of giving them a family Album that they could share with the baby, what do you think?”
Blaine laughed happily kissing him, "I like that."She said blushing ever so slightly as she crawled under the blankets, tugging him down with her. Cuddling close,"I think we need some happy memories."She tease tugging on his hair lightly, knowing it was true. They jus needed their friends and their child, they really didn't need fathers or mothers.They'd be fine together."it sounds perfect."She said kissing him slowly.So happy that he was this excited over having a baby.It was going to be great.Everything their own childhoods hadn't been

Tom grinned."That sounds perfect."He said before pulling out, knowing this was going to be the most perfect birthday they could make it.
he smiled a little and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead. “you need happy memories.” he corrected smiling a little. “your the happiest memory I will ever have.” he admitted smiling a little. “well, until our bouncing baby makes a screaming appearance.” he teased chuckling a little as he sighed softly and held her close. “i love you so much.” he purred smiling a little.

On the day of her birthday, Harry took her out for a romantic birthday breakfast, laughing with her and treating her to everything she could want, a fancy breakfast, and then a day at the spa. Massages, pedi and manicures, mud packs and baths and everything she could ever want. And then they went home when she was all relaxed and pampers he walked her into the dark house, the lights flicking on and all of the friends and family leaping out of nowhere yelling SURPRISE and throwing handfuls of confetti into the air, laughing and clapping and cheering, a pile of presents on the table, her favorite foods laid all over another table, there where balloons and streamers and they where all beaming at her, Narcissa giggling wildly as Neville and Draco clapped her on the back and indicated an enormous cake in her favorite flavor with her favorite frosting, dancing figures drawn all over it in an elegant design that had Neville's 'a thousand bucks a cake' touch all over it.
Blaine's eyes went wide as she looked around, tears filling her eyes as she stared at everyone.So happy that seh was actually getting things, beyond the day at the spa, really she hadn't expected more than that. Smiling at everyone she turned looking at Harry, wrapping him in a hug."Thank you."She muttered quiestly. Tom laughed quietly, nudging narcissa, kissing her head."Well, at least she'll have a good memory if she stops crying."He teased the pregnant woman as he stepped closer leaning down to hug her before stepping back,resting a hand on her shoulder."Food or presents first?" Blaine opened her mouth to answer, just as her stomach growled. Romeo smiled as he stepped up next tom, looking down at his daughter."I think that was a vote for cake first."He teased, though it was more biting then amusing.Knowing that he was getting to her, and eventually he'd be able to get her out of here."Come on blaine, time to eat."Tom said glaring at the mob boss standing next to him, tugging her towards the table.
Harry beamed happily at her when she started to cry, holding her tightly and comforting her as he grinned at all of the guests, hesitating at Romeo his grin turning into a scowl before he forced it into a grin again as he gave her a huge slice of cake before pausing and taking one twice as big for himself, licking his lips, because her favorite cake, was his favorite as well staying close to Blaine, constantly touching her to let EVERYONE in the room know that she 'belonged' to him, hugging her often and kissing her every chance he got as he loaded up on food and got her whatever she wanted, laughing as Neville and the twins cracked dirty jokes and kept everyone laughing as Narcissa grinned and shoved the piles of presents to Blaine.

Fred got her a new gun, a very rare, antique gun that even still took gunpowder. George got her a new .308 Browning handgun with a rosewood handle, marked with her name. Neville gave her thirteen boxes of her favorite chocolates from his very own hand, they wouldn't go bad and they would last to the end of her pregnancy, or so Neville hoped anyway. Draco hadn't known what to get her so he gave her a gift card to her favorite book store worth $500 and harry pretended to steal it just to annoy her and help her relax more. In the middle of the party Lucius and Charley showed up and both gave Harry and Blaine presents as they introduced themselves to everyone they didn't know, Harry letting out a whoop of glee when he saw Charley and leaping into the air, slamming into him and hugging him nearly to death, the Horse Breeder laughing happily as he swung 'his favorite little brother' around, which made the twins laugh and leap onto Charley as well, knocking the man to the ground, all four of them laughing.
Blaine laughed happily, for once the worry of what her father was doing left her completely as she watching her lover goof off with the others. Shifting she made her way to Lucius' side, looking up at him, before lookign at tom,then the blond again."You're taller.Nicer hair."She stated smirking a little ducking behind him to avoid tom's playful smack."I have very nice hair,venetti."Tom declared smirking a little.Glad she was having fun. Nudging harry with her foot as he rolled close to her, she raised a eyebrow."I thought you were a grown up. About to be a dad and all that."She teased. More relaxed and content then she had been in while.
Lucius snickered at her statement and flipped his hair over his shoulder, acting like the Prima-Donna he was. “of course I'm prettier than ugly old tom.” he complained smirking at his oldest friend. Lucius loved to tease tom. “besides Harry has always, and will always be a child.” “HEY! I take OFFENSE to that Lucy! I can be adult when I have to be!” “.... as rare as that is.” Lucius teased wincing as Narcissa appeared right in front of him and gave him her patented glare. “you didn't even say goodbye and now you won't give me a hug!? Your OFF my Christmas list!” she declared dramatically making everyone laugh, Lucius chuckling as he wrapped his arms around his once wife, kissing her forehead. “your still off the list!” she complained Charley laughing as he swept her off her feet and dipped her.

“ah but Lady, he was only in love with the most charmingly handsome, gorgeously cunning, superior..” “i swear to god his head gets bigger every day.” Draco stated calmly, Harry laughing again as he pulled Blaine over. “Blaine, this is Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, and that's his lover, and my adoptive big brother Charley Weasley.” he introduced, Charley gasping in awe as he spotted her, clutching his heart. “ye GODS! Such a gorgeous Angel that has fallen from heaven to grace us with her presence!” he declared, winking at her as he kissed her fingers. “you should be treated as a que...” he was cut off as Neville smacked him over the head. “your gay! Stop hitting on the ladies!” “but it's so fun! And it pisses Luc off so he punishes me!” Draco made a gagging noise as Harry burst into laughter again.
Blaine giggled lightly, blushing darkly. Finding his flirting amusing and flattering, espicially considering she was round with the babe, and feeling out of sorts. Wrapping a arm around harry's waist she pressed a kiss to his shoulder, laughing."Aww but draco you can't be to annoyed, since you do the same thing."She said wisely. Tom gagged, glaring at both lucius and blaine."You!You are such a girl,lucy.And keep your hands away from my girlfriend, you don't get her back"He drawled smirking at him, wondering if anyone had bothered to tell the blond who his wife was seeing. Smirking wider as he looked at the birthday girl."and you,I don't want to think about that.I do like talking to draco now and then."He whined softly, wrapping his arms around narcissa."Cissy, tell the malfoy men to stop talking."
Lucius huffed a little, tossing his nose in the air at Tom. “please! You can HAVE her! She'll turn you gay too mark my words!” “love...i thought I turned you gay?” Charley asked looking amused Lucius pausing. “oh did...strange.” “ANYWAY!” Narcissa glared at them, handing Blaine her present, smirking a little. “here you go dear, I've been working on it for WEEKS! I hope you like it.” inside was a 1/3's filled photo album of Blaine, harry, and harry and Blaine together, the rest of the book left for the following pictures of them and them and the baby.
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