Shadows of the Heart

Blaine shuddered a little as he kissed her bare skin,, tying not to react to it. But dammit, being pregnant made her horny. Nodding a little."Good. I'll listen...if you need to talk more. And I love you to."She said before wrinkling her nose,"It's not that gross. IT could be worse."
he smiled a little as he kissed her heart again, sighing against her flesh. "no...that was... that was all of it...the one thing i could never tell anyone." he admitted softly. "those people... they only real secrete." he closed his eyes. "Neville doesn't even know most of it, Tom doesn't know any of it, Draco might know some through Nev... but... your the only one who knows everything." and that spoke volumes, because it meant that Blaine was the only person that Harry had ever truly trusted.
Blaine smiled, tears filling her eyes at that amount of trust. Brushing a kiss over his hair she smiled slowly, lowering her head to kiss him."I love you."She whispered shifting to snuggle against him, pressing close. Sihing in contentment.
Harry nodded a little as he snuggled into Blaine. "i love you too." he murmured softly. "thank you for helped." harry admitted softly as he closed his eyes. "i'm tired now." he mumbled, informing her that he was going to sleep as he sighed softly and let himself relax, slipping into sleep easily. comforted by Blaine's presence."
She laughed softly, doing the same. Content and happy.

A few weeks later,Blaine wrinkled her nose as she laid on the couch, lowering her book to look at her lover as he rubbed her feet, vaguely disturbed that her lover and her father seemed capable of haivng a reasonable conversation, as long as they talked about work.

Romeo smiled watching his daughter, knowing he was disturbing her. And knowing that she would be uncomforable getting along with her lover, and hoping that if she was uncomfortable enough she'd leave....making it easy to take her home, where she belonged."Its a good time of the year in rome. Weather's nice, it makes people more likely to come to house venetti.You two should come visit. after the baby's born of course."
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "you would get more business if you included a pool, maybe a few real stripper bars." he stated simply. "a little cleaner in your bars. " he explained smirking a little. "people buy more drinks when they don't remember how many they've drunk, taking away the glasses as soon as they've finished helps them lose track of how much they've drunk." he wiggled Blaine's toes playfully. Harry's formidable temper, and his strange 'don't touch me' phases had gone down a great deal since he had talked about his past, though Blaine had found Harry sobbing in the bathroom three times since then. "i was thinking of opening my own sort of business. not a whore house or a gambling house of course, but maybe a strip club or a bar, i've been thinking this assassin for hire business is too dangerous now that i have a family to worry about." he admitted smiling a little.
Romeo laughed softly, nodding."Yes, I don't think blaine would appericiate assasin or a whore house."he laughed thinking about it."Though you'd do well with a club of sorts. I have found there's not that many strip clubs in london."

Blaine frowned tightening her foot to keep her toes from moving as harry wiggled them, looking at him over the edge of his book."And you're just mentioning this?"She said a little grouchy, making a face.
he chuckled a little. "they where only half formed idea's." Harry admitted shaking his head. "i don't have the money for it yet anyway. Tom says he has a big job coming up, after that i should be able to retire and open a business of some sort." harry admitted winking at her. "i might open a restaurant though, i do so love food." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i don't know, it's certainly something to think about."
Blaine huffed a little before grinning at the sound of the door."They'll be drao.He said he might stop for lunch."She grinned before bouncing off the couch as fast as she could. Having literally begged, the blond to come rescue her from the weirdness that was happening in her home. grinning as she opened the door she hugged him tightly."Draco!"She said excitedly....really, she was way to excited to see him. She was just reieved to have smeone else there. Having even got so anxious she'd gone as far as inviting tom and his girlfriend-not that any of the others knew he was actually dating- to join them to

Romeo snickered a little at her reaction, tilting his head. "It is something to think aobut. And tom usually knows what hes doing. So he should be able to help with whatever you want."
Draco chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back as he waved a bottle of sparkling soda at her. "since you can't drink i thought i might bring some sparkling fruit cider instead." he admitted with a grin, looking around the house nervously. "how is everything going? nothing bad happening?" Draco didn't trust the elder vinnetti, not at all. and neither did harry.

Harry snorted a little and lounged back along the couch. "yes, he usually does but that man can be an idiot at times too." he admitted with a yawn, forcing himself to remain relaxed, as if harry was not aware that this foul bastard had given his own daughter over to become the slave of man who didn't deserve her.
"No."Blaine smiled slightly,"Just me being me."She smiled wider taking the cider giving draco a smacking kiss on the cheek."Thanks.This is perfect!"She grinned before catching sight of the two coming up the drive. Really, tom should have warned draco, but well...the idea of tom riddle dating the former narcissa malfoy was to priceless, only tom would think to date the ex of one of his lientients, even if he hadn't caused the breakup.

Tom smiled a little as he stepped into the house after draco, holding up a bottle of cider to."We thought you oculd-oh."He stopped seeing what she was holding."Seems your son beat us to it, cissy."

Romeo nodded a little smiling a little as he watched the others come in, looking amused at his daughter's reaction.Trying to think of how to get her to leave these people.She needed to go home.
he smiled a little at her and kissed both her cheeks before gaping at his mother and Tom, the bottle slipping from his fingers to smash onto the ground, Harry on his feet in an instant to find out what was causing all the trouble, bitching at Draco about making a mess as Narcissa giggled softly tangling her fingers in Tom's as she winked at Blaine. "good evening miss. you must be Blaine, Draco complains about you often." "good evening Mrs. Malfoy." harry chirped grinning at her glancing at Tom. "this better not be a one night stand for you Tommy Boy or your going to be one sore man after Draco, Neville and i get through with you." he warned, shooting Tom his best 'madman' look, making sure to use the name that Tom hated most. Narcissa just giggled again as she tried to snap her son out of shock, he was still standing there, staring at them with his mouth gaping open.
Blaine smiled gently shutting her friend's mout, leaning back against harry'schest. smirking a little, about to turn the tables."Oh, he's been dating her for awhile."she smirked."I even got to go christmas shopping for her."she said, tilting her head, christmas was still months off. Tom glared giving harry a look holding out the bottle of sparkling wine."now.Shall we all sit and eat. I'm sure blaine's hungry, and cissy's taught me that its not nice keeping a pregnant woman waiting."He smirked a little, wondering what draco would think of that, hoping that he meant currently instead of when shed been pregnant with draco. He just couldnt help but harass his gang.
Draco shut his mouth at Blaine's insistence and made a strange choking noise at the mention of pregnancy and his fingers opened then closed as if he wished to wrap them around Tom's neck, Harry snickering as he took the bottle of sparkling wine and then started to clean the mess that Draco had made with a broom and a towel. "Neville's still cooking." Harry chirped simply. Harry's adopted brother had come over early to make a gourmet dinner for everyone. Neville was a chef at a five star restaurant, made him a luxury that Harry often exploited. "in the meantime come on in." he chirped waving to the living room. "Mr. Venetti is already seated." he admitted smiling a little. "i'll just check on Nev once i'm done here."
Blaine smiled as she dragged the still gaping blond into the living room, wincing a little as her father laughed."You do know how to spring a surprise on someone love."He smiled at his daughter. Blaine winced shaking her head, and in harry's absence, cuddled up against draco as if to use him as a shield."Harry!Can he make me something with chocolate?"She whined after a few minutes.Tom snickered sittting on the lovesteat with narcissa, pressing a kiss to her head."She sounds like you love."
Draco let out another choking noise as Narcissa snickered and buried her face into Tom's chest, laughing at her poor distraught son as Harry poked his head out of the kitchen. "he's way ahead of you love." Harry promised grinning at her as he came out with a try of chocolate truffles for all of the guests. "don't hog them all alright?" he teased Blaine. "at least let Narcissa have a few." he teased gently kissing her forehead before flouncing back into the kitchen to help Neville with whatever it was that he was doing.
"But....they're mine!"Blaine whined, stealing a few before passing them on to the others. tom laughed softly pressing a kiss to narcissa's head, studying the blond man."You're father has told me its fine we're dating. Cant you be nice and just be okay with this?"He asked really worried about losing his friend over his mother, and more afraid that narcissa would leave if draco had a real problem.
Harry laughed a little as Narcissa giggled, Draco making another sound in the back of his throat at Tom's announcement. "the worlds gone mad...the worlds gone mother is dating...." he shook his head. "my mother should NOT be dating my boss!" he complained hiding his head in Blaine's shoulder, shaking his head a little. "and no doubt Father has a nice little man... no doubt my age and just as willing to send me into an aneurysm..." it was a well known fact, that the reason why Lucius and Narcissa finally broke it off, was because Lucius realized that he was gay. "the worlds gone insane...she's dating my BOSS." he whined sighing a little. but he was calming down now, easing out of the shock as Narcissa snickered a little and leaned over to Tom. "he'll be fine, he's already ok with us, he just doesn't realize it yet."
Tom smirked relaxing, glad to see that his friend and employee was calming down. Snickering as blaine patted the blond's shoulder soothingly. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. He hasn't realized who luicus is seeing yet."He muttered snickeing harder. Cause well...the idea of lucius malfoy dating the eldest weasley brat was to much.

Blaine smiled wrapping draco in a hug, pressing a kiss to his temple."Ohh but think draco, you'll be his favorite now, since youre mom's being so kind and having sex with him."

Tom sputtered."Don't word it like that!You make it soudn like I had to beg for it!"He whined burying his face against narcissa's shoulder.
Draco's head snapped over to Tom his eyes wide. "who is my father seeing!?" he demanded in an almost panicked voice, Narcissa snickering as she buried her head into Tom's shoulder. "love you are so cruel." she murmured smirking a little as Draco groaned and shook his head. "with my luck it's someone my age." "not quite." Harry admitted smirking a little as he came out of the kitchen with Neville. "Dinner is ready, we're having it in the big dining room so everyone can fit, will Lucius be joining us?" "no." Narcissa chirped smiling a little. "he's balls deep in a red headed ass right now." she admitted as Draco choked, looking horrified. "please, NOT Ron Weasley, PLEASE not Ron..." "it's not." Harry promised smirking a little. "and it's the other way around Cissy darling." Harry teased as Draco groaned and buried his head in Blaine's shoulder again. "your all cruel, so cruel." Narcissa laughed at Toms protests and kissed Tom's forehead. "lover, you DO have to beg for it."
Tom whined a little following the other's into the dinning room."ONly sometimes."He whined stealing a kiss before sitting down, grinning a little. Glad that they'd successfully distracted both romeo and blaine enough that the pregnant woman was relaxing.

Romeo laughed softly shaking his head as he sat at the table."This, is the most informative meeting.Though I suggest stopping before poor draco dies from learning that his parents are still having sex."

Blaine snickered a little blushing as she sat down next to harry, sliding her hand into his as she kissed his cheek."Think I should have told him earlier?I didnt mean to upset him....much."She muttered blushing, looking a little upset for upseting her friend.
she giggled a little as she snuggled into her lover, sighing softly as she looked at the roasted chicken, golden and perfect, the mounds of glazed carrots gleaming in the light, garlic butter potatoes and bright green salads. brazed fruit sat in little dishes and to top everything off, grilled steak, done just the way everyone liked it. Neville looked very pleased with himself. Harry snorted a little at Romeo's statement.

"oh Dray will be fine, he just takes everything personally." he stated with a shrug, nuzzling Blaine's neck. "Draco is fine love, see, Narcissa isn't worried at all. Draco always over reacts to everything, he's just shocked because he never expected to see his parents with anyone else. "he's not upset, just startled and a little shocked that's all."
Blaine frowned worriedly still, even though she started eating,nibbling a little before nodding, looking at harry."oh. Okay.Well, he does do that alot."She giggled a little relaxing.

Tom laughed softly nodding looking at teh food then neville."This looks amazing.I think I need to decree should I have a business meeting, neville has to cook for it. Lucius'd be pissed, seeing me have better food."He said smugly.He just couldnt help give the older malfoya hard time
Harry chuckled and nodded."yes he does." he agreed, looking amused as Draco pouted at them from across the table, Neville taking his seat next to them and taking the others hand, giving it a squeeze as Neville gently kissed Draco's cheek, silently offering the poor Malfoy comfort. but if Draco was pouting, then he was already feeling better.

Neville just snorted a little as he rolled his eyes. "get in line, i'm already trying to open my own restaurant thanks, help me out first and then MAYBE i might cater for your meetings." he teased, smirking as he opened a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass before passing it around the Table, Harry opening the bottle of sparkling soda and filling Blaine's, and surprisingly his own glass with it. "if i'm going to give up my addictions i might as well get rid of alcohol too." Harry muttered smiling at Blaine. "at least until you can drink again." aaw harry was going to abstain from Alcohol for her, that was sweet.
Blaine smiled brightly at him, excited that he was giving up another addiction.Stealing a kiss she sighed sofly, kissing him like they were alone, for the moment forgetting they weren't.

"You know, if we film this, we could make some money."Tom said around a mouth full of food, laughing softly snickering as blaine drew away blushing.

Blaine smiled snuggling into harry's side, burying her face against his shoulder blushing."I love you."she muttered squeezing his leg before she started eating.
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