Shadows of the Heart

Romeo laughed softly, shaking his head."I was on my way to scotland really. I knew Blaine was living here. So I thought...I'd stop and see how she was doing."He said, for the most part it was true, though he had other intentions for visiting his daughter, for the moment he was willing to let them think he was there for just a visit.

Blaine laughed softly, resting her head on harry's shoulder yawning, having slept badly the night before, she snuggled into the other."Father, you can see I am go away."She muttered, ignoring all of them,because everyone seemed so comfortable with her father there. Well,she wasn't.

Romeo sighed shaking his head as he studied the girl, before a smile brightened his face. Having not noticed before, but she was grumpy, and a little fatter then she'd a another woman had once been."Are you pregnant?"He asked, studying her, wincing when she kept ignoring them all.
Harry's eyes narrowed at the elder Vinetti as he stood, a snarl on his lips. "you will leave your nose out of our affairs Vinetti." he hissed furiously. "i have handled every threat that has come my way, and you will be no different should you prove to have ill wishes towards Blaine or anyone i care about, and i will have your guts ripped out and shoved down your throat." he promised, fury blazing in his emerald green eyes. "now get off my property before i throw you off of it!" "harry there's no need for that!" Neville interrupted quickly getting to his feet, turning to Romeo. "i'm very sorry, after the threats...Harry's very protective and he thinks your upsetting Blaine, he's had a rough night, you should come back tomorrow, he might be less...moody then."
Romeo nodded as he got up."I will do that."He said smiling as he dipped down to press a kiss to his daughter's head before leaving before harry could yell about that.

Blaine looked confused, not sure what to think about her father's appearance.Biting her lip as she got to her feet, she wrapped her arms around him, nuzzlign his neck."Lets get a'll be relaxing."She muttered looking at the other two."Stay, eat. We'll be back..."She said herding harry towards the bathroom.
Harry snarled a little but calmed down when Romeo left, a dark scowl on his face as he wrapped his arms tightly around Blaine's belly, nuzzling her neck. "i'll keep you safe." he promised kissing her neck. "i won't let anyone hurt you, not ever." he promised smiling a little as he set his hands on her belly. "you and the baby." he promised smiling a little as he nibbled on her ear.
Blaine moaned softly leaning into him,"Good.I...I should have handled that better..."She muttered trembling a little.she hated that the mere sight of her father had reduced her to such a mess. Wrapping her arms around his, holding her stomach,as if she could protec her-their baby just by huddling around it.Her father having brought back the memory of tn,and what he'd done.Trembling harder she sighed, turning her head burying her face against harry's chest
he smiled a little and kissed her forehead again. "i should have too." he admitted simply nipping her ear a little. "i won't let anything happen to you or the baby, i promise Blaine." he murmured softly, holding her close as he gently eased her to the bathroom, taking slow and gentle steps as he turned on the hot water and grabbing bubble bath and bath salts, holding them up for her inspection. "salts or bubbles Love?" he asked, determined to calm her down.
Blaine laughed softly, "Bubbles."She smiled, taking them from him and dumping them in. Relaxing at the scent of vanilla. Smiling contentedly as she stripped, slipping into the water.RElaxing slowly as she looked up at him."Promise?"She said looking up at him
he chuckled as she poured as many bubbles as they could get and stripped himself naked, joining her in the tub. "i promise." he murmured gently nibbling on her ear again, smiling a little as he held her close to himself, shuddering hard and groaning a little as he set his forehead on her shoulder. "god i need some painkillers...." another craving, but he always got through them, touching Blaine helped a lot, and they where as close together as possible. "you know, they say sex is good for developing fetuses." he admitted smirking a little as he gently nibbled on her neck.
Blaine moaned as she squirmed against him,sighing softly as her ass brushed against his hardened cock."Oh really?"She smiled turning her head a little to look at him,gently touching his cheek."No painkillers."She muttered, worried he'd become addicted again if she gave in and gave him some.She needed him sober,and as painful as it was to deny him,she had to.
he nodded. "i know." he mumbled softly. "but it's so hard..." he muttered softly, stroking her belly. "some days, my body hurts so much...and i can't do anything about it...i don't even dare take an aspirin..." he nuzzled her neck. "i never even meant to get addicted to pain killers...or crack..." he sighed a little. "and that fucking was so sweet...when it was in me...i didn't have to think." he shuddered violently. "i liked not having to think, or feel...just do what someone else told me to do..." he shuddered again, fear lacing his voice. he knew Blaine knew, Blaine understood. "i'm afraid of it, but with every passing day my need for it grows stronger and stronger and i can't make it go away... how do you make it go away?"
A pained smile twisted her lips, twisting, resting her cheek on his shoulder as she lifted her hips, settling close to him."I channel it into sex...the first time we had sex you asked me why I wasn't pissed at being raped...andthis is it. Rough sex, painful sex, was my high, my way of hurting myself so badly that I couldn't feel the need for drugs."She said kissing him softly, pain on her face. Because she couldn't do anything but be there for him.Lifting her hips again she slid down onto him with a sigh, her body tightening around him, striving to distract him, the bubbles clinging to her hair,skin, making her look silly and goofy, the free teen she'd been, instead of the scarred adult.
Harry blinked a little, looking surprised before he grinned, his head tilted. "well then." he growled, setting his teeth to her neck, biting gently. "how about i rape you again then?" his fingers dug into her inner thighs, just hard enough to cause her pain as his cock swelled against her ass, panting lightly as she slid onto him, thrusting hard up into her. "mmm." he groaned, smirking lightly as he bit at her neck again, forgetting his need, in favor of a new need, the need to claim Blaine as his again, the need to fuck her until she was screaming for more, angling himself as he thrust into her again and again, gripping various parts of her body, her thighs, her hips, her breasts, squeezing and massaging as he thrust into her, loosing himself in his passion.
Blaine moaned moving with him. needing to reclaim him to. By the time they were done, the bathwater was long cold, making her shiver and cuddle against his chest."...draco's probably wondering if we drowned ourselves..."She muttered sleepily, looking and feeling like a well contenedly cat as she rested against him.
he chuckled a little, looking pleased and sated. he had even let her take control at one point, letting her order him about, and he loved the deliciously painful red scratches that where all over his back and legs. "mmm let him wonder, sides he and Neville probably ended up doing the same thing." he paused. "they better not have done the nasty on MY bed." he grumbled, scowling a little as he nuzzled her neck. "come on, lets go finish lunch." he paused. "or maybe start dinner."
"Dinner sounds good."She grumbled sleepily as she got out. Stumbling a little as she dried off and got dressed waiting only long enough for him to do the same before hopping on him again, cuddling close. Wanting to sleep while he made her dinner."Sleeping...make me dinner."She muttered holding onto him, cuddling close as she hung onto him like a monkey.
he chuckled a little as he got dressed, holding her closely as he carried her into the bedroom, gently laying her out onto the bed before heading downstairs to make dinner, pounding on his bedroom door to make sure Draco and Neville weren't in there, only to squeal when he caught them on the living room floor instead. "PERVERTS!" "you where doing the same thing!" "I WAS IN A LOCKED ROOM!" "hah, you like it and you know it!" "i WILL rape you both if you don't get dressed now!" they both gathered their clothes and raced upstairs, laughing.
Blaine whined from the bed, looking at the two as they raced into the bedroom, "So loud..."She muttered looking at them sleepily. cuddling down into the bed, looking cute and cuddly."You made harry yell..."She muttered struggling to wake up enough to know what was going on.
they paused and blinked at her before smirking a little. "we where just caught doing intimate things in a not very nice place that's all, go back to sleep." Draco ordered before the two of them rushed into the bathroom and locked the door, neither of them mentioning that some part of Harry still thought of Draco as 'his'. really the only reason why Harry hadn't attacked them was because he had Blaine, Lucky Neville, not even being Harry's longest friend would have saved him if Blaine hadn't been there.
"Jealous?"Blaine smiled sleepily as she sat up looking at her lover as he brought her dinner in, noticing the look he gave the door to the bathroom.looking amused and a little hurt. While she could understand it, she remembered cedric, and what it'd been like to have them both was lie she was afraid harry would want draco back with them if given the chance. Despite knowing better she was afraid.Not that shed ever admit it but it was what it was
Harry huffed a little. "no i just..." he sighed a little running his hand through his hair. "Draco used to be mine, he used to give me all the he gives it to Neville instead, i guess i miss him." he admitted softly before looking amused. "ok that made me sound jealous." he admitted shaking his head a little. "don't worry, i don't need anyone but you, i don't want anyone but you. Draco is a part of my past that i hadn't realized i was clinging to." he admitted handing her, her dinner. all of her favorites as he nudged her over so he could share the bed. "Draco and Neville both need a kindness in this world, their good for each other."
Blaine studied him for a few minutes longer before shifting around, letting him nuzle into her. Taking the food starting to eat eagerly. The girl was hungry, and he'd been so kind as to supply her favorite things."Good. I mean...good."She said looking up at him, smiling slowly.It was nice knowing he wasn't going anywhere...even when she was beating herself up for being silly, it was good to hear
he chuckled a little and watched her eat with a soft look in his eyes. "i am glad that i met you." he admitted softly, gently stroking her cheek. "you've saved me in so many ways, i don't dare try to count." he admitted softly. "i was wondering, that since your carrying my baby." he pulled out a small velvet box, a slender silver ring, with a small gem set in the middle was offered to her. "if you would marry me?"
Blaine looked startled, staring at him. Swallowing hard as she looked down at the ring, her fingers gently touching the simple band before she avoided his eyes. Pain tearing at her heart.Shoving the plate away she shook her head. Looking lost, and in pain. Caught in a memory, married and pregnant....and her father around. It was to much for the girl who was still reeling from almost losing harry. To much ,scrambling off the bed, running through the house to find draco, nearly tackling him in a hug, burying her face in his chest as she cried. She couldn't marry harry, couldn't.hed be like tony, couldnt couldn't....even if she knew she was in a memory, it was to much, and sent her reeling.
Harry looked horrified when she bolted, like his heart had been crushed, biting his lip hard enough to make it bleed as he watched her run away, closing his eyes as he shook his head and moved into the bathroom, shutting, then locking the door so he could do what he had wanted to do for weeks. shoot up.

Draco yelp[ed when she slammed into him, looking startled before he wrapped his arms tightly around Blaine, Murmuring softly to her as he held her tight, figuring that she and harry had gotten into a fight of some kind. "there there Blaine, whatever could be the matter?" he asked softly, gently stroking her hair. "calm down now and tell me what happened."
Blaine panted as if she'd been running miles instead of just down the stairs, her breathing coming way to fast to be good for her, ro the baby. Crying softly as she gripped his shirt.Struggling for clearity."Harry...harry asked me to marry him.I'm pregnant!I dont want to get rid of the baby! My fther's here!He doesn't want kids!I cant be married, he wont let me kieep it!"She said quickly, almost unintelligentably as she buried her fae against his chest."And I hurt harry, but he looked so excited I couldn't- I couldn't stay!He wont understand!He'll hate me for killing the baby before I met him!"
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