Shadows of the Heart

Harry scowled but nodded. "fine." he grumbled crossing his arms and sulking as Draco snickered lightly giving her an amused look. "both huh?" he asked teasing her. "impressive.' Harry snickered a little and rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "well if i can't drink then i'm going to sleep." he decided, yawning a little and rubbing his eyes with a small groan. "i hate being so tired all the time."
Blaine smiled, ignoring the other two. Kissing harry's head."Sleep.I'll be here when you wake up."She smiled cuddling.

A few days later Blaine yawned laying on the bathroom floor, which was all the further she'd made it. "draco."she whined looking at the blond standing in the doorway. Knwing something was wrong."I think I'm pregnant."She said softly, fear in her voice, tears filling her eyes. Not knowing what to do. It had been bothering her for days, though she'd refused to talk about it. Bothered beause she didnt know what harry wanted. So she talked to draco, needing someone's advice and willingness to take her to the doctor's without telling harry where they were going. Needing the emotional support.
Draco gasped as he stared at her, wide eyes. "pre...but you on the pill!" he hissed softly, making sure harry couldn't hear them as he bent down and helped her t her feet. "have you taken a pregnancy test?" he demanded softly his head tilted a little. "i'll go and pick one up for you if you haven't." he offered swallowing hard. "oh shit have you told anyone!?" he demanded softly, gently gripping her shoulder. "do you need me to drive you to the doctors?" more than willing to help her.
"I am. But the pain medicine I was taking canels it out."She sniffled not looking at him, leaning into him as she shook her head."I haven't done anything. I...I didn't know what to do."She said sfotly biting her lip."But I-I made a doctor's appointment for this afternoon since neville's going to be here....I thought we could go."She said looking sad and confused, decidely unlike herself as she tried to sort out what she needed.
he nodded and gently kissed her forehead. "calm down." he murmured softly, wrapping his arms around her. "i'll go with you, we just have to stay calm." he smiled at her and stood up, glancing at the door as Neville strode in. "get ready Blaine, i'll go make excuses to harry and Neville can keep the other entertained." he promised, skipping in to intercept Neville, explaining in hushed whispers so that Harry wouldn't hear, before moving over to harry. "Hey Harry, i'm going to take Blaine out shopping, your almost out of food and she needs some more clothes." he lied simply, harry hesitating. "we're going to take the twins with us, their good body guards." harry hesitated then nodded. "alright but be really careful!" harry ordered, glaring at Draco. "make sure nothing happens to Blaine..." "i'll be extra careful." Draco promised crossing his heart before heading back to Blaine, winking at her.
Blaine smiled ready to go, harry's jacket settled on her small frame. Offering a small smile to the blond she yelled a goodbye to harry, before following draco out to the car. When they got to the doctor's she paced the waiting room ,ignoring the woman who were watching her with wary eyes and draco who looked mildly amused as she paced. Sitting down next to him she glared at him, ignoring as the nurse came to get them."It's not nice laughing at me."She groused taking his hand and following the nurse into the exam room.
Draco chuckled a little and took her hand. "calm down Blaine." he ordered softly. "if your pregnant, your pregnant, harry won't be angry with you for it." he promised. "he might be angry with himself, but he won't be angry with you. he gently kissed her forehead and shook his head a little as the doctor asked her to pee in a cup, before taking a blood sample from her, informing her that it would be about twenty minutes before the test came in.
Blaine fidgeted cuddling into the blond as they waited for test results."He will be.He trusted me not to get pregnant, and I screwed up."She sighed softly, truly to follow his orders and calm down. Poking him hard in the side."You don't have to be amused.I should have left you with harry."She whined.
Draco lifted an eyebrow. "do you honestly think that Harry is going to be upset about you being pregnant?" he asked softly, looking at her, frowning now. "i thought you knew harry better than that, sure he's a jackass and sure he has his rough moments but he would never hate someone, hurt someone, or be mad at someone for something they couldn't help." he sighed a little and shook his head. "you know, before i knew i was gay, i thought i got a woman pregnant." he admitted simply. "she didn't want to keep it, but i couldn't let her kill the baby...Harry offered to raise it for me." he admitted glancing at Blaine. "do you think that he would offer to raise a baby that he didn't even had ties to, if he didn't want one of his own?"
Blaine bit her lip, looking at the floor."No...I guess he wouldn't."She said picking at her cuticles nervously, biting her lip as she studied the floor."When..."She stopped. Struggling for the words."I know harry.But its hard thinking clearly...When I was married I got pregnant. And tony didn't want it.And I was so drugged he ordered me to get a abortion and I ddint even question it. I just did it.I thought...I keep thinking harry will react like tony...even if they have nothing in common."She said softly rubbing her eyes.
Draco took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze, worried about Blaine. "i'm sorry that happened to you." he whispered softly. "and i can understand your worry, do you want me to be there, when you tell him? Neville will be there too, and you know Harry is always ore relaxed around Neville." though why that was no one ever said. he kissed her forehead, and blinked as the doctor came back, informing them that she was pregnant.
Blaine nodded,"Please."She smiled at the doctor, though her stomach was in knots. This was going to be interesting.

When they got back to the house, Blaine was skittish and nervous, almost as bad as she'd been when she'd first been weaned off belladonna, though she knew harry, believed that all would be well, she couldn't stop the gut retching fear from taking her. Settling on the end of the bed, for once not cuddling into harry as soon as she got into the room, she stared stubbornly at the blanket, glad neville and draco where in the room."How you feeling?"She smiled slightly, worried about harry to.
Harry smiled a little as they walked in. "i'm feeling much better!" he admitted grabbing his pudding from Neville. ever since he'd started going through withdrawals harry had gotten an addiction to Pudding instead. "Neville said that i might even get to go outside today, with help of course." he frowned a little. "wheres all the groceries and stuff?" "oh...we...didn't actually go shopping harry." Draco admitted softly, glancing at Blaine. "do you want me to tell him Blaine?" "Tell me what? whats wrong!?"
Blaine hunched further into herself as he yelled, hugging her arms around her waist as she studied the ground.Biiting her lip as she shifted."I'm pregnant."She said softly, barely audible. Refusing to look up. For all the world looking like the addict she'd been, small and broken
Harry looked startled as she hunched up looking horrified at himself for frightening her, moving to comfort her before falling completely still at her admission, simply gaping at her before turning to Draco, who simply nodded. "i'm gonna be a daddy?" he whispered, sounding over joyed, and stunned. "i'm gonna be a daddy?" he asked again, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight before gently setting his hand on her belly. "baby...i'm gonna have a baby!!!" he was practically vibrating. "Draco i'm gonna be a DADDY! i'm gonna have a FAMILY! i have a family!"
Blaine laughed softly, sniffling as she buried her face against his chest, pressing as close to him as she could, wrapping her arms around him. Shivering as she struggled to not cry like she wanted to. This was to much, way to much for the emotional woman who'd been bracing for a totally different reaction. Sniffling as she nuzzled his neck she sighed softly, relaxing slowly as she sniffled.
he smiled and held her closley. "i'm going to have a little baby all my own." he murmured softly, smiling a little. "mmm i love you so much Blaine, this is the greatest present ever!" he admitted beaming happily. "and it's not even my birthday!" he chirped happily gently kissing her face all over. "i'm going to turn the bedroom next to this one into a nursery, with a vent in-between the two, so we can always hear the baby." he decided. "and it will have a blue walls with clouds all over, and bright colored birds everywhere! and i'll make the twins carve him a rocking horse, and we'll get the safest Crib we can get with soft fluffy blankets." "your so excited Harry, i haven't seen you act so hyper since you found that puppy." Draco teased Harry sulking at Draco. "my baby is nothing like a puppy!" "that wasn't what i meant...."
Blaine laughed, delighted at his reaction. Snuggling against his chest as he discreeting wiped her eyes, hoping he'd not realize she'd been crying. Smiling slightly as she glanced over at draco,relief showing on her face."It'll be fun."She smiled, glad he was so excited and planning things. Knowing she was probably going to be next to useless with that stuff.
Draco smiled a little and nodded. "i'm going to baby sit all the time." "like hell you are! there's no way i am letting you corrupt my baby!" "corrupt? no no TEACH is the word your looking for." "like you 'taught' my puppy to piss on my foot!?" "well, yes." "you are NEVER baby sitting!" "aaw but harry, how can i be godfather if.." "Neville's the godfather, your just the poncy uncle." "now that's just not nice!" Harry and Draco where arguing just like they used to, before harry went round the bend, before all the mess had started. they used to argue just like that when harry first started 'raping' Blaine. it was nice for Draco to see Harry back to his old antics again.
Blaine smiled relaxing even more. This was good. This was so nice to see. Them back to arguing. Though it might be odd to be thankful for that, it was good to hear nonetheless. Closing her eyes she smirked, "he can be the fairy godmother. If neville's godfather, he can be the godmother. Gods know he's pretty enough for it."She said her laughter muffled as she buried her face in harry's chest, not about to look to see what the look on draco's face was.
Harry burst into wicked laughter at Blaine's comment and Draco was simply gaping at her, his mouth hanging open and his eye twitching, Harry's laughter only growing at Draco's expression as the blond man stood and pointed at the two "your terrible! your both terrible!" he complained, pout in his voice. "i'm telling my mummy on you!" that only made Harry laugh harder, and now Draco was joining in, though he was trying to control himself, compared to Harry's completely uncontrolled laughter. Draco was relieved to hear Harry laughing again, and he smiled at Blaine, looking so relieved. Harry was recovering.
Blaine grinned in return.They'd be fine. They really would be. Joining in the laughter she smiled, realizing she couldn't think of anything that she would change.

Which...a week later, changed. Staring at the open door she tried to decide if she wanted to slam the door in her father's face, or invite him in. Torn between the mob enforcer and the obienant daughter she swallowed hard, sighing relieved when she heard draco coming from out back. Glad that they'd been sharing a lunch with draco and neville. Before paling a little when she saw her lover instead of the blond she'd been expecting.

Romeo Venetti looked like his daughter, the lines of his face making him almost girlishly pretty instead of handsome, only a few lines here and there set him firmly into masculine instead of feminine."Are you going to invite me in?"
Harry blinked as he took notice of the man standing in front of the shell shocked Blaine, his eyes narrowing as he took notice of the similarities between the two. "Blaine, is everything alright?" he asked, looking her father over through suspicious eyes. "please, do come in." he offered, gently nudging Blaine behind him. "we're just having lunch, would you care for something?" Harry was still week, but he looked just as powerful as he had before all the trouble. and hopefully Romeo would not know about Harry's still recovering strength. "you must be Mr. Venetti, i've heard so much about you, all good of course. scotch? i have a little whiskey left if you'd rather that, or some white wine, though it's the cheep stuff." he hid his nerves well, and was constantly in-between the male Venetti and his soon to be wife.
Blaine smiled relieved to be movd away from her father. Having not known how to react to his sudden appearance."Scotch on the rocks."She said heading to the kitchen to pour it as Romeo followed harry back onto the deck.

Romeo nodded,"She's right.And yes, I am romeo venetti."He smiled at the other two on the deck,"hello."He said smiling when blaine handed him his drink, raising a eyebrow as she sat down sipping the lemonade she was holding.

Blaine smiled cuddling against harry when he sat down, barely trembling, though she looked calm, she was spiraling out of control.And desperately trying to remain calm.Glad that her father seemed to be wiling to accept the man was strong and healthy, not looking further into harry's condition."Are you just visiting?"

Romeo nodded."Just on my way to scotland to visit your grandmother."
Harry nodded a little, tense and nervous, Draco and Neville both looking startled as they caught sight of the elder Vinetti nodding in greeting as they shifted to the side to that he could share the blanket that they where all sitting on, Neville offering Romeo a platter of little fancy sandwiches that harry had bought. "Scotland eh? i know a couple of boys from Scotland." Neville admitted sipping at his own lemonade. "it's a very pretty place," idle chatter, tense, trying to distract from the ominous air, Draco sighing loudly.

"please forgive us Mr. Vinetti, but the last several times that someone from Blaine or Harry's life came to visit, they caused some trouble, so we're all a little on edge in wondering what it is that YOUR up to?" "...that was a little blunt Draco..." Neville muttered. "i'm tired of kicking peoples asses and i'm tired of people trying to hurt my family, if i need to be blunt to find out this mans intentions then so be it." "...i love it when you get all overprotective." "last time you said it turned you on." "sometimes i hate you." "aaaw but i LOVE you Neville." "would both of you shut up?" Harry demanded, looking amused.
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