Shadows of the Heart

Draco grimaced a little. "well that sucks." he muttered tightening his belt. "i apologize in advance, Harry's probably going to try and rape me if that's the case." he admitted looking very unhappy about that. "he had a horrid fascination with me when we first met.." he shook his head. "god he was a bastard." he complained kissing her forehead. "just go to sleep, Neville is going to be in soon, five minutes or less, Harry won't try and attack anyone with Neville in the room." he paused for a moment then. "i think tom killed Cedric." he just thought Blaine would like to know that. "Nev will know for sure."
"I wouldn't be surprised cedric's dead.Tom likes harry."She muttered, shiting settling into the bed, before passing out exhausted. Emotionally worn out and bodily tired. This was much for a woman who wasn't taking care of herself wel because she was focusing on taking care of harry.
Draco nodded a little and gently kissed her forehead. "sleep Blaine." he ordered. "and when you wake up your going to eat something." he ordered sternly, smiling when Neville walked in with a box. "i brought some things to help keep harry calm from his house." he explained to Draco, assuming that Blaine was sleeping. "what happened to her face?" "Harry smacked her." Draco explained motioning for Neville to keep quiet so that she could sleep. when she woke up Harry was awake, frowning in concentration as he worked on a puzzle, Draco now sporting a black eye to match Blaine's. "ah, look Harry see! she's just fine, i told you she was only sleeping." Harry's head whipped around to stare at Blaine, relief etched across his face. "i yelled and yelled but you wouldn't wake up..." harry whimpered reaching for her, like a small child. "i thought you where dead..."
Blaine smiled tiredly as she shifted, biting her lip to keep the wince and pained moan away. Not only would harry fret that he'd really hurt her, she knew draco and neville would fuss something horrible."I'm fine.I was just tired."She smiled tiredly as she got up, moving to the edge of harry's bed, gently stroking his hair."I'm fine."
Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her belly, smiling a little. "mmm, missed you." he murmured softly. "Cedric wouldn't let me see you... he said you where bad but i didn't beleive him." he admitted softly. "Neville said Cedric is dead." he admitted, still snuggling her. "he kept saying you where bad." he pouted a little. "but your not bad, your mine, right?" he sounded scared. "you won't leave me will you? i didn't want to let him in me but he kept saying i liked it..." Harry was afraid Blaine wouldn't like him anymore, now that Cedric had used Harry's body.
Blaine swallowed hard, pain making tears well in her eyes. Even the briefest touch hurt. But she ould comfort him."no, I'm not bad, and I am yours.Forever.I'm not going anywhere."She said softly, stroking his hair proud of herself for not letting him hear the tears, her body hurt so much.
he smiled and released her. "i'm glad your not bad." Harry admitted turning back to his puzzle, trying to piece it together, he had the outside done, now he was just trying to put the middle together, looking entirely too focused Draco motioning Blaine out tot he hallway, setting something in her hand once she was there. "pain killers, strong ones. i have a feeling you need them. don't let harry see you with them or he'll freak out.' he admitted sighing a little. "he tried to kill Blaise when he showed up with them. be very careful with them though, they're addictive. only take one when the pain gets too bad to stand."
She nodded looking at him, before taking one. Trembling ever s so slightly. She hurt, sighing a little as she looked at the other."Are you staying?"She asked tilting her head. Wanting to get some more sleep and relax before she was responsible for harry again. Hoping to heal a little before she was raped again.
Draco nodded. "until visiting hours are done at eight." he admitted, glancing at Harry who was smiling as he talked to Neville about some person that Draco didn't know. "Harry's all over the place, but he should stay pretty level for now, he's on some medication." he admitted. "the nurses where hoping it would help until the withdrawals ran their course." he bit his lip hard. "he was...asking for Cedric while you where sleeping..."
Pain filled her expression as she avoided looking at him.The fact that harry wanted the other man, hurt her heart. But..."We can't tell him what happened yet.I tried, and he doesn't understand. He's...we're just not going to be able to tell him till he's more himself."She sighed moving to go back into the room
Draco nodded. "Harry only asks for Cedric when the Belladonna wells up really strong, i think he still thinks that Cedric needs to be telling him what to do." he admitted biting his lip hard. "i'm thinking of asking Neville to stay here with you tonight, if only to keep Harry from hurting you again." he took a deep breath. "i'm afraid harry might try to kill himself."
Blaine nodded, "That would be nice."She said laying back down in her bed, looing up at him, the drugs starting to put her asleep."We'll watch him. I can't lose him."She said softly, blinking slowly. Starting to fall asleep as she struggled to focus on the blond's face.
Draco smiled as he patted her shoulder. "just rest." he ordered softly. when Blaine woke again Harry was misty eyes and sluggish, the Belladonna having taken over again, Neville sitting in the chair next to harry, reading him a story, one of Blaine's books from Harry's apartment. "i want Blaine to read it." Harry slurred suddenly, Neville pausing then. "Blaine is sleeping hun." he muttered gently stroking Harry's hair away from his face. "are you thirsty?" Neville looked almost like a father, or a very caring older brother. "here, Drink some of thise." he held the straw from a smoothie to Harry's lips, but harry wouldn't drink. "alright, we'll wait for Blaine to wake up then."
Blaine whined a little sitting up slowly, glad that her body wasnt protesting nearly as much as it had before. Smiling a little as she looked over at the other two, she tilted her head."What am I helping with?And what am I reading?"She said groggily, starting to wake up more. Rubbing her eyes as she slipped off her bed and sitting on the edge of harry's.
Harry smiled at her when she woke up, but didn't move, he just gave her that doe eyed look he always got when he was under the spell of Belladonna. "i can't get him to eat anything." Neville admitted sighing a little. "he keeps muttering that 'only Blaine can do it.' i assume this means he doesn't trust anyone else, i think he realizes that Cedric was drugging him and he knows you won't slip him anything." Neville admitted smiling at her, handing her the smoothie, harry opening his mouth to accept the drink, swallowing it all down. eating perfectly well for Blaine. "more." harry ordered, his eyes fixed on the book, Neville chuckling as he opened it. 'no...Blaine..." Harry ordered Neville rolling his eyes, but looking amused as he handed her the book, showing her where they'd left off. it was Harry's favorite book, the first one that Blaine had ever read to him.
Blaine smiled slightly,reading back a little so she knew where they were, starting to read about chicago's only professional wizard. Smiling happily as he ate the smoothie and let her read to him. When she finished the book she looked up at him, gently brushing his hair out of his face, yawning. Glancing at the window, looking startled as it was dawn."Sleepy?"She teased leaning in to kiss him, glancing at the dozing neville.
Harry smiled, relaxing as Blaine read to him, yawning finally as Dawn crossed the horizon, nodding a little. "more?" he asked hopefully blinking at her book his head tilted a little, he was starting to come out of the Belladonna haze, and was starting to come out into himself for once. "wheres Draco?" Harry asked, rubbing his eyes. "and Cedric...where is he?" he asked frowning a little, pausing. "wait...where have you been?" Harry clearly didn't remember the last several days. "Blaine?...why am i in the hospital?"
"Draco's at home sleeping. And cedric...I don't know. Tom was having a talk with him."she said shifting, resting her head on his shoulder, before moving away to discreetly take the painkillers before laying back down with him."You made me leave the house, so I stayed with Draco. And you're here because you mixed crack with the belladonna cedric was giving you."
Harry scowled a little. "Why does Tom want to talk to Ced..." he stared, confused at Blaine, looking horrified. "why the hell did i do that!? i don't remember that!" now he was panicking a little. "Cedric was doing WHAT!? oh that FUCKER!" he flipped the blankets off himself, swinging his legs over the bed, carefully testing his ability to walk on his own, clinging to the bed and snarling lightly. "shit... Neville get your lazy ass over here and help me find that bastard!"

"Harry, your suffering from a massive overdose AND withdrawal you can't leave the hospital!" "the fuck i can't! i'm finding that bastard and beating his face in!" "Harry i think he's already dead!" Neville protested, making the Brunette pause, an array of emotions running across his face. "dammit help me back into Bed then, i can't make my legs move." Neville sighed in relief and helped harry back into bed, shaking his head.
Blaine helped him get comforable, wrapping his arms around the other pressing a kiss to his head."When I meant talk I think Tom already took care of him. He wasn't happy when we came and got you."She said tears filling her eyes. Her heart hurting with how close she'd come to losing him."It wasn't your fault you did it. Cedric made you."
he nodded a little, tangling his fingers in her hand sighing a little. "Cedric...i can't beleive this...i knew there had to be a reason why he would come back..." he sighed a little. "i honestly thought he was dead..." Harry closed his eyes. "why would he do such a thing? own me?" he muttered softly looking at her, smiling a little, stroking her cheek a little. "i'm glad your back..."
Blaine winced a little leaning her face into his hand, trembling a little. Worried that he'd hate her for causing this. Holding onto his hand hard she avoided looking at him."He needed you to throw me he could return me to my father."She said softly, resting her head on his shoulder.
Harry snarled violently, grabbing Blaine and pulling her into bed with him, holding her close. "your MINE." he snarled viciously, though his hold on her was gentle. "no ones going to take you away from me, not Cedric, not Draco, not that bastard Toni and NEVER your father." he promised kissing her forehead. "as soon as i'm well i'll deal with that fucker, Neville you make sure Tom understands that Mr. Vinetti is MINE! i will kill him myself! no one fucks with me and no one tries to take Blaine from me!"
Blaine winced at the tone even though his grip was gentle, cuddling against him as she uzzled his neck."I dont want to go anywhere."She muttered holding him close. Not wanting to go, understanding what it would mean to have harry deal with her father, but he'd ceased to be someone she cared about a long time ago. Relaxing in his arms she cuddled against him, smiling because he was the only one she cared about, and he refused to let her go.
Harry relaxed against her, nuzzling her gently as he lay next to her, sighing softly. "i love you." he murmured softly, shivering lightly. "i feel all dopey and slow." he muttered softly. "can i have some Painkillers?" he asked softly. "i hurt all over." he was falling back into the haze of the withdrawals. "i don't want you to go." Harry whined softly, as if Blaine was trying to leave he pulled her tighter into himself, Neville grimacing a little, but he knew better than to try and help Blaine, he'd just get them both raped for it.
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