Shadows of the Heart

Blaine cuddled against the shirt, pressing it under her cheek as she cried, drifting to sleep as she settled into a restless sleep. to drugged and to emotionally drained to stay awake.

Cedric smile a little kissing harry, frowning when he heard the door opening. Frowning hard. Dammit he'd thought the bitch would just leave if she was told to leave. Everyone said she was passive to the point of reckless. Raising his head he looked surprised, freezing when he saw the blond walking through the door.Sneering a little."What are you doing here malfoy?"
Draco scowled as he took notice of the position that the two where in. "i'm here to check on harry, didn't i say no physical exercise!? you could be hurting him right now you oaf!" Draco roared, shoving Cedric off of harry who whined pathetically at the loss of contact. "noo, Draco go away!" Harry ordered glaring at the blond. "i'm fine!" he was seriously pissed about the premature ending of Happy hour. "your NOT fine! how could you do that to Blaine!?" Draco demanded Harry scowling even harder as Draco started to check on harry, yelping when harry slapped him hard enough to send him spilling to the ground, probably bruising the fragile skin.

"How dare you mention that whores name in front of me." harry hissed, feeding off of earlier orders and comments from Cedric, the belladonna fueling his rage. "i don't love her and i never did! get out! i never want to see your ugly face again! you think your special because i carved you up!?" a wicked gleam light his eyes and he grabbed Draco's hair, Draco screaming in terror as he realized what Harry was planning to do. "no, no harry no please!" "shut up!" Harry spat, slapping him again as he worked the blonds clothes off, intending on raping the doctor in training, forgetting Cedric's presence in the room...but then, the other was probably enjoying the show.
Cedric smirked, harry was right.He was enjoying it but alas, he couldn't let this go. Reaching out he made harry let the doctor in training go, pulling him snug against his body, pressing a kiss to his head."Oh the whore isn't worth it. Just let him go home and take care of venitti. Just think she'll probably be sleeping with him. No use giving her something to bitch about when her plaything comes back hurt."He purred laughing as he looked at draco."Go home. And never mention the girl again."
Harry growled darkly as he was pulled off of Draco, the poor blond yanking his pants up, his face already bruised, his wrists darkening from where harry had been pinning him down, Harry scowling darkly as he leaned into Cedric and gave him a small nuzzle, smiling, content to be in his lovers arms sighing softly. "ok Ced." he mumbled, perfectly content to obey Cedric, to confused to know any better as Draco swallowed thickly. "fine! but you'll regret this! i don't know what the fuck your up to but it won't last Cedric!" Draco hissed rushing for the door, frightened that Harry might try again while Cedric's back was turned, slamming the door shut and rushing home, leaving harry int he not so loving arms of Cedric.
Cedric smiled a little, pressing a kiss to harry's forehead."Just go to sleep love."He said yawning as he started to fall asleep, holding the man in his arms.

The next morning blaine blinked sleepily as she sat up, looking over at the blond sitting on the edge of the bed, almost hovering."...I never took you for...what happened?"She asked sluggishly, the drugs still making her sleepy as she looked at the other's face, worry on her face as she im down, wondering what had happened to the blond last night.
Harry smiled and obediently went to sleep, not sure why he felt so upset...but Cedric would make it better, Cedric always made it better.

Draco was sitting at the edge of the bed, thinking, just thinking trying to tell Blaine what had happened, jumping when she spoke turning to look at her and wincing a little as he touched the bruises. "Harry slapped me." he admitted biting his lip as he fingered the bruises on his wrists. "and then he tried to rape me, he would have too if Cedric hadn't stopped him." he admitted sighing softly. "i haven't seen that look in harry since....since..." since after Cedric left. "something is very wrong..."
She bit her li, looking him over. Worry in her eyes because she didn't know what to do. Rubbing her eyes she nodded."I..I think so.But I can't help.He just gets angry when I'm around him anymore."Pain filled her eyes shivering a little."I don't know....I dont know what could do this besides..."she trailed off.Because something so horribly there couldn't be what was wrong.
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. "for now, i think...all we can do is wait...." "no." Neville stated simply looking smug. "now you send me over." he admitted looking rather sure of himself as he gathered his coat, and left for Harry's now that he was sure Blaine and Draco where going to be alright, knocking on Harry's door and waiting for a response, since Harry was asleep, Cedric was going to have to answer the door.

"Hey you must be Cedric, Harry's told me a lot about you, i came to see him, i would have come before but i had a cold and didn't want to give it to him." Neville stated simply, offering Cedric a smile. "how's he doing, any better?" he asked lifting a basket of Harry's favorite food ever, white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies. delicious. "i thought he could use a little cheering up, he always gets so mopey after he gets hurt!" Neville hadn't personally met Cedric, but harry had told Ced about him. 'he's my brother in every way but blood' harry had said. 'i would trust the man with my life, even if he is into fantasy crap.' "oh i'm being rude sorry my mouth has a tendency to run off with me, i'm Neville, Harry's Street Brother."
Blaine smiled a little watching him go, worried about what would happen. And wanting to go home to harry.

Cedric smiled a little, trying to figure out how to make him go away before realizing he couldnt. Stepping out of the doorway he walked upstairs with the other."He's still sleeping, but he'll want to see you since you came all this way to see him."He smiled stepping into the room,gently shaking harry's shoulder as he sat on the edge of the bed."Love, there's someone here to see you."
Neville grinned at Cedric and bounded up the stairs, looking startled at Harry who was pale as he slept. "Christ, he looks sick." Neville admitted as Harry groaned a little. "whosit? i don't want to." Harry complained sluggishly Neville chuckling. "not even for my home baked cookies?" "..Nev?" Harry asked sleepily his face brightening a little. "i thought you where going to France?" "i couldn't go." Neville admitted with a sigh. "and i caught a cold on top of that, sorry i didn't come to visit you sooner, here, cookies." he chirped setting the basket on Harry's lap grinning happily. "i'm glad to see that Cedric is still alive, he was good for you." Harry brightened and nodded. "he is good for me, i love him so much." Harry admitted Neville grinning. "i can tell, i think he might really love you too." he tossed a wink to Cedric, it was as if Neville didn't even know about Blaine. "oh! Harry you are NEVER going to beleive this but the twins! their dating someone!" "what!? WHO!?" harry demanded through a mouth full of cookie, Cedric had met the twins, they had liked Cedric as well. "his name is Seamus Finnigan, they blew up a cop car!" "seriously!?" Harry demanded laughing a little. "thats awesome! tell them to blow up that bastard Dumbledore's car next!" "i'll do that!" Neville agreed laughing a little. "anyway i better let you rest, you look tired, and i need to talk to your boyfriend." he admitted tossing Cedric a glance, a worried glance.
Cedric smiled a little, watching the exchange before nodding. Realizing that the other was talking to him."Sleep sweetheart."He said dipping his head to kiss harry's forehead before herding neville out of the room, shutting the door before he looked at the other."What can I do for you?"He said, worried about what the other wanted to tell him.
Neville smiled as Harry sighed and slumped into the pillows and went to sleep, mumbling that he was hungry before drifting off Neville watching the other close the door. "Listen, Harry is really sick." he stated softly, voice hushed. "have you been checking his wound? he gets infections very easily... and he gets very very sick." he explained softly biting his lip. "i know this is the first time we've met but i'm sure that you can agree that Harry is pale, and he has a fever too." he admitted stroking his hand. "his arm is even hot...he needs to go to a doctor." eyes pleading with Cedric to do the right thing and take Harry to the hospital. Harry wouldn't just get sick, harry could Die if Cedric didn't get Harry the medical attention he needed. "your about the only person Harry would listen to...he hits me when i try to tell him what to do..."
Cedric bit his lip before nodding, worried hat he really would die on him. He didnt' go through all this just to lose him now."I will.Dont worry I'll get him medicial attenton."He said before walking back in the room, trusting neville to see himself out, before shaking harry's shoulder. Not strong enough to carry him without a little help from the man himself."Harry. Love we need to go out."
Neville watched Cedric leave and let himself out of the house, amazed at how well that had worked. at the hospital, Harry would be closely monitored, he wouldn't get any drugs but what the doctors gave him, and thankfully harry Always got sick when he got large wounds... honestly Neville was amazed that the hospital hadn't just kept him. it would have saved a lot of grief, mostly Blaine's grief. he smirked a little to himself, whatever Cedric was up to, it was going to come to a standstill while he was at the hospital.

Harry whined a little but opened his eyes. "i don't feel good." he whined closing his eyes. "i think i ate too many cookies." but he's only had a half of one. it certainly wasn't the cookies. "i don't want to go out, i want to sleep." he whined, but he was already sitting up, the belladonna in his system enough to make him do what Cedric ordered, even if he bitched about it.
Cedric laughed softly."It'll only be for a little while."He said helping the other downstairs, before dosing him again. Wanting the belladonna in his system again before they got to the hospital.Glad that because of its nature, belladonna couldn't be picked up on a drug test until specifically searched for. Getting him to the car then into the hospital itself was interesting, smiling a little as he helped harry into teh serile hospital."Come on love, you'll feel better after we see a doctor."
Harry whined a little but sighed softly, smiling sleepily as he was injected again, nuzzling the other gently. the Painkillers would be picked up on a drug test though, Harry simply dozed the entire ride to the hospital, and was annoyed at being woken but he got up anyway and headed inside the hospital, a doctor immediately ushering Harry into a wheelchair, seeing how the boy wasn't very steady on his feet. there where many tests, but they eventually decided that it was an infection, combined with a mild overdose of painkillers. they set him up with an antibiotic drip and told him to rest and told Cedric that he wasn't to do anything physical for at least three days, and that he wasn't to be given any painkillers for at least two, and that they where going to keep harry int he hospital for at least a week to make sure the infection was completely cleared before harry was let back out. during the entire thing, harry was asleep, dozing, peacefully dizzy and unaware of everything around him.
Cedric smiled a little, well this wasn't what he planned, but he'd work with it.

Almost a week later Blaine looked through the hospital door, smiling a little at neville and draco who'd agreed to stand guard and warn her if cedric was coming back. Slipping into the hospital room she gently rested her hand on harry's arm, as if checking to make sure he was still alive as she sat down on the chair near the bed, resting her head on the mattress as she started to cry softly. She loved draco and neville, she loved them as friends, but her heart hurt, she wanted to go home.
Harry hadn't asked about pan in the entire week he was there, he was too distracted by the severe belladonna and painkiller withdrawals. he often had to be strapped down, and he was strapped down when Blaine got there, Neville and Draco sitting out front, ready to stage a fight to distract Cedric if they had to.

Harry was breathing softly, his eyes fluttering open as he blinked at Blaine, smiling a little. "hi." he mumbled softly, gently stroking her cheek. "Don't cry." he mumbled looking worried. "what's wrong?" he was still very confused, still very distracted, but Cedric wasn't there to give Harry orders, so he just reacted. Cedric had managed to sneak another dose of belladonna into him just yesterday, so harry was compliant and sluggish, meek and rather innocent. "i missed you. did you have a fun vacation?" since harry couldn't remember where she had gone and why, he had made up his own excuse as to why she had vanished.
Blaine looked up startled as he touhed her rubbing her eyes as she looked at him."Y-you told me to leave."She said looking confused, biting her lip."I-I just had to see how you were.I'll be going..."She muttered getting up, looking down at him. Not able to leave just yet.She just wanted to be with him. It hurt to see him so out of it."How are you feeling?"She asked taking his hand, relaxing at the feel of his hand in hers.
Harry blinked, looking puzzled. "i did? why did i do that?" he asked softly his head tilted grabbing her wrist. "don't go...i miss you.." Harry complained softly, looking upset. "i feel dizzy." harry admitted his mind fogging over. "i'm all fuzzy." he admitted sighing a little. "i don't know whats going on anymore...i'm all confused." he complained. "i don't like it...i wanna get out." he was trapped, trapped inside his own head! but he had already fallen asleep again, breathing softly, his hand still in hers, holding it tightly.
Blaine growled softly, holding his head tightly. Having every intent of not going anywhere, because she didn't want to leave, and she'd fight cedric into the ground over this man.Before her stomach rolled..she knew those symptoms. Shuddering in remembered pain she leaned out the door, dragging draco inside."I need you to test for belladonna. It's untraceable unless your looking for it.The hospital wont listen, but I need it."She said pain in her eyes. Shivering, the last few days had been hard, and the sedative draco kept giving her so she didn't freak out had reawakened her addictions.
Draco hesitated at Blaine's suggestion, looking horrified. "Belladonna can be deadly when mixed with other drugs." he whispered, horrified as he rushed into the room, taking a sample of Harry's blood and coming back out with it. "i'll have to screen this later, i don't have the equipment with me." he admitted swallowing thickly, well aware that Cedric was going to be coming back to take harry back 'home' any minute. "we better get out of here, before Cedric shows up." he admitted grabbing Blaise's arm and dragging her off. Neville was staying, because he'd promised Cedric to help get Harry home. Neville was one of the only people harry liked besides Cedric, harry had even started screaming at the twins, even Tom when they'd tried to come visit, even without cues from Cedric, plus, as far as Ced knew, Neville was one hundred percent approving of him and harry 'dating'. so Neville hung around, getting in on Cedric's good side, even offering to take the sandy haired boy out for a few drinks.
Blaine stumbled after draco, still in shock. Sliding into the car she curled up, hugging her knees. Trying not to hope, because if she was wrong, it was going to kill her."He wanted me to stay.he asked me to not go."She said starting to cry. really wanting to sty. She didn't want harry thinking she'd abandoned him.

Cedric smiled a little as he came around the corner, smiling at neville."Hey. They said we can take him home. So when he wakes up we'll get going."He said smiling as he walked into the room, sitting on the edge of his bed as he tried to see how harry was feeling.
Draco took her hand, giving it a firm squeeze. "i'm sure he doesn't even realize whats going on, even if it isn't Belladonna, Neville's been reporting harry acting very strangely, he went through a very heavy withdrawal over the last week, and he wasn't showing symptoms for simple painkiller withdrawals...Cedric is giving him something, and if it's not Belladonna i'll find out what it is."

Neville grinned a little, looking a little stressed. "Harry was asking for someone in his sleep." he lied stroking the boy's hair. "someone named Blaine." he admitted shaking his head. "he smacked me." there was a red print on Neville's face. "i think harry got a hold of some Painkillers while we weren't looking." he admitted rubbing his face. "he's sleeping too heavy again." Harry always slept heavy after he was dosed with Belladonna. "i think he's in pain too, he's been whimpering." but the wound was healing properly now, and the infection was gone, and harry had a daily pill to take to keep it away, one strong ass antibiotic that harry was going to protest greatly.
Blaine smiled at him, offering a hesitant hopeful smile."We'll find out what he's doing."She said sitting up, ]then I'll go home she thought to herself smiling a little more. Hoping that harry could be okay until they figured out what was wrong.

Cedric wined in sympathy."Sorry. He might have...but blaine's one of the girls who ran away from him.She didn't want to be there."He frowned gently stroking harry's hair."But that's okay. I'm here for him now."He said gently touchng harry's face."Come on sweetheart, time to get up."He said, worried about what was causing the pain.
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