Shadows of the Heart

cedric sighed softly."I couldnt live locked up harry. I needed to be in the world."he said smiling a little tilting his head.Knowing that the other had issues, which was perfect to get him away from the whore he was currently using."But I came back.Like no one else did."He said soothingly.
Harry whimpered a little and hid under the pillow. "you didn't come back..." he whimpered, but he was melting under the comforting tone that Cedric was using. "why did you come back?" harry demanded, a soft whisper on his lips....what did you do to Blaine? where did she go!?" he demanded suddenly realizing she was gone. "no! NO they got her! they got Blaine!" he screamed, flailing as he tried to get out of bed, several monitors and IV's pulling out of his flesh as he tried to get to his feet, only managing to collapse onto the floor and sob in pain. "they took Blaine...they took Blaine like they took Cedric..." the poor guy, was so confused, he didn't know which way was up or down, and he certainly had no idea what was happening.
Cedric winced helping the man back into the bed, holding him down as he looked at him."I didn't do anything. REmember she went to get something to eat because we were talking. No one's got her. She's fine."He said soothingly, brushing a hand through his hair trying to sooth the upset man, wincing as the nurse came in to redo the IVs, gently looking at him."She's fine sweetheart."
Harry whimpered a little and shook his head, straining to get to the door before going limp in Cedric's arms. "no no...gonna get her...their gonna get her...they already got her once." he whined as he was carried back into bed, looking exhausted, he was far too weak to be doing such stupid things, he was relaxing more and more in Cedric's arms, enjoying the petting, Harry had always liked being petted, falling asleep. lucky for the nurses, as Harry had a habit of trying to bite the people who had needles around him. "i hurt all over." he whimpered laying his head on Cedric's chest. "i need pain killers." he complained looking up at Cedric with needy eyes, not the sort of needy that a pained man had, the kind of needy that an addict had. "please...just a little?"
Cedric sighed softly, kissing his head as he held the other."You know they wont give you any."He said gently petting the other."But I'll get one of the nurses to get blaine."He said smiling at the nurse, tilting his head. Pretending to ask, knowing harry wouldn't realize he hadn't really asked. He was in to much pain."Now go to sleep.And we'll be here when you get up."
Harry whimpered and shook his head. "they have to...i need i." he pleaded weakly closing his eyes with a small sigh, relaxing when Cedric asked the nurse to get Blaine, closing his eyes and obediently falling asleep, trembling in Cedric's arms as the nurse gently examined Harry's stitches, re-bandaging them while the boy was asleep. "try to keep him as still as possible." the nurse ordered shaking her finger at him, as if it was his fault that Harry had gotten out of bed before she left too, leaving Harry and Cedric alone together.
Cedric nodded, smiling happily when he was left alone with his former lover. This was going to be interesting.

Two days later blaine smiled bending down to kiss him, pressing a gentle kiss to harry's lips."You get to go home today."She said happy that she'd be able to help him that she'd be able to drug him if he wanted her to."Love, its time to go home."She grinned,"And cedric's going to stay with him. Because he doesn't have another place to stay."She said trying to stay happy, because she didn't know what else to say, because harry seemed to be happy with cedric being back, so she'd be happy for him. But...she couldn't be happy that harry was so happy with someone else. She hurt so badly at it...she just wanted to be happy.
Harry smiled as he kissed her back, with every passing day he'd been getting more and more Lucid, though he was still a little loopy. "that's great! i like home." he admitted yawning a little as he wrapped his arms around Blaine. "carry me, i don't want to walk." he complained pouting a little. "you look pretty today." he admitted blinking at her, grinning. "i'm gonna take you home and do all sorts of wicked things to you." he teased snickering a little. "i've wanted to tie you up for DAYS!" he admitted with a small growl. "and i'm going to use all sorts of toys..." "oh no your not." Draco growled as he walked in. "your still on bed rest potter, that means no physical activities, sex included!" "but draaacooo!" Harry whined pathetically the blond snorting. "no."
Blaine laughed softly, helping harry out of the bed."No. The wait will make the sex all the much better."She said leaning up to kiss his cheek, helping him walk out the door."Love, be careful."She said blushing from the compliment. though she didn't feel overly pretty. She was tall and lanky, thin because she worked out to much to be fat. And her hair...well it was starting to grow out, but it was that awkward moment between long and short. Just long enough to get in her face."Draco, help me."She said, slightly overbalanced. While she could help him work, he was to heavy for the smaller woman to easily hold up.
Harry scowled a little but didn't argue, he could get sex from her if he wanted it! he'd just rape her again, yeah that would be nice. she smirked a little and ran his tongue along her neck Draco rolling his eyes as he helped Harry to his feet. "are you sure your going to be alright Blaine? Cedric is..." he paused and scowled a little. "well actually i don't know much about him, no one knows the type of relationship he and harry had... and harry will probably rape you again. physically capable or not."
Blaine sighed uiet until the got out to her car, putting harry in the viper's passenger seat before looking at draco."I'll be fine.And...its not rape if your that willing."She shuddered, the inner submissive, the person she was in bed peeked out her blue eyes before she was just blaine again. Smiling a little, "Cedric...I don't know. I'll be careful. I promise."Pain showed on her face as she faced him, her back to harry. The pain and fear showing on her face at the idea of harry leaving. It hurt.It hurt so bad...but she wouldn't let harry see it. But draco...draco'd become her friend as he'd sat with her in the hospital."I'll be fine."She said, not sounding sure but she needed to believe it.
Harry grinned, sucking and biting her neck all the way to the car, settling inside as he yawned and settled down to take a small nap as Draco gently took her hand and settled something into it. a needle and syringe. "this is a very powerful nerve toxin, it won't cause lasting damage, but if Cedric does anything, just poke him with it." he ordered offering her a small smile. "i'm sure nothing will happen, but just in case."
"Thanks draco."She smiled kissing his cheek before getting into the car. When they got home Blane smiled gently shaking his shoulder, not strong enough to carry him when he's passed out."Harry?"She said crouched down by the car as she looked at him.Wondering if she could really get him to rest and not molest her.
Harry groaned, but he was helpful in getting him up to his house, someone had fixed the front door, so that Harry wouldn't have to crawl in through the window like he usually did. Draco had probably already moved in, his things stashed in one of the two guest rooms, as harry had demanded, in one of his more lucid moments. he grinned happily when he saw his house, still clean, thanks to Blaine. "mmmm i like home." eh admitted sighing softly as he laid his head on Blaine's shoulder. "painkillers now? please?" he pleaded hopefully, he couldn't have them int he hospital...but Blaine, or Cedric would give them to him, right!?...unless they had a moment of consciousness and tried to clean him up, then he was going to beat them all up and take them himself!....when he didn't have a hole in the middle of his chest...
Blaine nodded laying him down on the bed, tucking him in before getting the pain killers. Gently sliding the needle under his skin before hitting the plunger. Biting her lip as she set it on the nightstand, laying down next to him, "Home is good."She agreed nuzzling his neck, tensing a little as cedric stepped into the room.

"How you feeling?Better?"Cedric smiled walking over to the bed, sitting on the edge, purposefully crowding blaine as she cuddled. Having every intention of discomforting the woman enough that she'd leave the bed."Do you need anything?"
Harry purred as he felt the familiar sting of a needle in his flesh and sighed softly as his pain vanished, a slow smile spreading across his lips as he gave Blaine a kiss. "thank you." he murmured, sounding ever so grateful as Cedric walked in, offering him a drugged smile. "hi Cedric, are you settled in well?" he asked resting his head on Blaine's shoulder, but reaching out and holding Cedric's hand. he figured, that since they where both there, he would be equally affectionate to both of them, at least until he decided what to do. "no, i'm ok. i don't need anything, not yet." there was a pause then. "can i get a cat?" ...why he was asking, no one knew since it was his house....not to mention he was allergic to the little bastards.
Blaine looked at him oddly before nodding."I'll go get you a cat. And the things that go with it."She said bending down and kissing him. While she for it odd, she was willing to take any excuse to not to be in the room with cedric and harry. Smiling a little as she left she headed into town to track down a cat, wanting the perfect kitten.

Cedric laughed softly, bending down to kiss him, squeezing the brunette's hand as he studied him."A cat huh?Feeling cuddly?"He teased shifting and taking blaine's spot, cuddling against him.
Harry smiled happily at the thought of getting a new kitten, he couldn't really remember if it was dogs or cats he was allergic to, but he wanted a kitten and dammit he would have one! he yawned when she left and snuggled down into his blankets, sighing softly. "feeling....lonely." Harry admitted softly closing his eyes. "want someone to talk to.." he admitted sleepily. "can't talk about Cedric and Blaine, to Cedric and Blaine... Cedric left...Blaine will leave too..." he yawned again and rubbed his eyes snuggling back into Cedric. "mmm when i'm all better i'm gonna rape them both, and never let them leave again." he mumbled softly, sighing as he fell asleep, letting the painkillers sweep him off to pleasant dreams and happy memories.
Cedric rolled his eyes, snuggling down into him, going to sleep. Smirking a little. Yea, he'd won this round. Soon enough he'd have the venitti bitch out of their lives.

Hours later Blaine stepped into the room, relaxing when she realized cedric was in the shower, smiling a little as she walked over to the bed,cuddling the small grey fluff ball of a cat she'd gotten. Sitting down on the bed, she laid down next to him, the kitten curling up in the hollow of her stomach as she smiled gently at harry."I got you a kitten."She said with a easy smile, glad that he was awake, and that they could be alone.
Harry beamed happily as he picked up the little ball of fuzz, looking about as overjoyed as a nine year old getting such a present. "he's PERFECT!" he squealed happily beaming at her as he snuggled into her, cuddling his kitten as he grinned at it, stroking it's fur gently. "thank you Blaine." he purred kissing her cheek. "i think i will name it... mmm Saint." he decided grinning a little. there was no telling why he'd named the kitten such a thing, hell he himself probably didn't even know.
Blaine luahged softly, kissing him as she gently stroked the kitten."Saint is a good name for a kitten."She said wisely, yawning as she cuddled against him, starting to fall asleep, though she struggled to stay awake and talk to him. She didnt want to sleep.She wanted to spend every moment with him that she could...just in case he decided he didnt want her anymore.
he grinned and laid his head on her shoulder, yawning as well. "nnn stop that." he whined pathetically. "i just woke up, i don't wanna be tired." he complained sighing softly as he snuggled into her and Saint sighing softly as he tickled her neck gently. "i'm horny." he grumbled softly licking along her shoulder his fingers tangling in her hair. "i want you." he growled softly, panting lightly. "fuck i want you so bad." Draco's prediction had come true, Harry always got horny when he was in pain.
Blaine startled, vulnerablity flashing thorugh her eyes, touched with pain before it faded into a pleasurable look as his fingers tangled in her hair. Shivering a little as she sat the kitten on the ground so he wouldnt get in the way before looking at her lover again."You're hurt.We're so not doing this.But...I'll do something for you."She smirked a little squirming down his body, tugging off his sweat pants lowering her mouth to slide his cock into her mouth, taking her time pleasuring her. She figured this was the best option, knowing he'd try for more when he couldn't do it. Well, she could take care of him.
he growled a little at her refusal, a look of madness crossing his face, moving lightly as if he was going to reach for her, before smirking at her promise to help him, moaning as she started sucking him off, bucking lightly into her mouth, his hand buried in her hair tightly, forcing her to take him down to the hilt, uncaring if Cedric walked in on them, caring only that Blaine was a master at sucking him off, she did all the right things. "mmm fuck yeah, that's it, take my dick." Harry groaned smirking a little. "yesss you feel so good."
Blaine smiled a little rolling her eyes up to look at him. Knowing she was good at this, sighing softly as she played with his length in her mouth. Losing herself in giving him pleasure.

Cedric paused in the doorway, tilting his head for a moment, smirking as he crossed the room, tangling his hands in harry's hair, pulling him into a kiss. Harsh and hard, kissing him, and glad that blaine was so lost in giving harry head, that she hadn't realized they had company.
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