Shadows of the Heart

"Thanks."She smiled slightly shifting gears as she glanced over at the man, smirking as the viper purred like a well contented cat, the car eating away the miles."Whatever.It's not like I actually need it. I have enough of Venitti's money to last me a lifetime."She snickered shaking her head."Take it that'll buy all the liqiour you need and I wont have to go shopping for it."
Harry snorted a little rolling his eyes before pausing and then grinning. "i could buy someone to teach me how to read." he decided nodding, quite content to keep her well stolen money. he hummed softly as he pulled out one of his knives and started to trim his nails eager to crawl into his own bed and get high again, maybe get high and then rape Blaine again, he loved raping bitches when he was high, everything felt so much MORE when he was high.
Blaine frowned a little."I could teach you."she said looking around at the darkening sky before stopping in berlin. Glad to see the hotel they'd stayed in before. Pulling in and dragging igor in after her, she was more then willing to help the man learn. Wondering what was going to happen. Surely harry couldn't stay that interested in her. No one stayed that interested in her.
Harry blinked at her for a moment then. "yeah alright." he agreed yawning a little. "i'm a terrible student though." he warned a smirk on his lips as he looked her over. "something tells me your not a patient teacher." he teased snickering as he got out of the car and carried him up the stairs after Blaine had gone in and gotten the room, dumping the unconscious Igor into the bathtub again, fully intending to rape Blaine again, eager to get his hands on her hot, willing body. there was a new sort of rush in beating someone, and knowing they enjoyed it.
"We could make a game out of it."She said sitting on the bed as she pulled off her boots."For every time you mess up and lose patience I get to decide how we have sex and where. For every time I fuck up and lose patience you can decide what you want to do and how you want me to do it."She waved a impatient hand. Really wanting to help him."I know I know, I enjoy it already, and you can do what you want.But I want to help you."She said, past pain and memories flashing through those blue eyes. A thousand moments where she hadn't been able to help someone, because they wouldnt let her. Begging in those bleu eyes,'please, please let me help. "I'll even teach you how to drive the viper."She offered after a moment.
he scowled a little looking hesitant for a moment before nodding. "yeah alright. you can teach me." he decided grinning a little, sold by the idea of learning how to drive. even if he'd never be allowed to touch the Viper ever again, he wanted to drive! he really did. "but just because your teaching me to read and i'm raping your ass doesn't mean you can tell me not to drink or do drugs got it!?" he demanded glaring at her before smirking. "good. get teaching bitch." he ordered crossing his arms. "i already know my alphabet, and i know some of the sounds. and since your going to be teaching me, you can teach me numbers too."
She gave him a look, rolling her eyes."I dont give a shit what you do in your spare time potter.As long as you don't force me to get high, I'm perfectly fine."She said scowling, tense and jerky as she leaned over her bag to dig out her book. Unwilling to show just how badly she was shaken. The idea of being forced to be high again, to be raped while unaware...yea she wasn't willing to do it again.She'd kill him first. She might enjoy the pain, the humilation, but there was a line her memories wouldnt let her cross. Laying back on the bed she leaned over tugging him back with her, moving him around so he was laying on the headboard, laying on her back with her head resting on his shoulder, holding the book so they could both read.

Glad that she was reading one of her easier novels, maybe it'd even appeal to him."This is called Storm Front, its a story of a wizard named harry working in chicago."She said holding it up so he could see what she was reading."I heard the mailman approach the front door. She said, trailing her nail under the word so that he could see which word was which as she read it.
Harry snorted a little. "i aint sharing my hard earned drugs with YOU." he growled possessively, harry never shared his drugs with anyone, and anyone caught stealing them died. you could even ask Percy Weasely....well, maybe you couldn't. he joined her in the bed and watched her finger as she read, but before she'd even made it four pages he'd fallen asleep, his head resting gently on hers, breathing softly, looking peaceful once again. he always looked so innocent when he was sleeping, peaceful and calm, almost loving, like a small child. and yet every time he woke up he was such a fucking bitch!
Blaine smiled a little, reading for awhile even though she knew he was asleep,falling asleep herself like that.Sleeping peacefully until the earlier hours of the morning, a soft whimper the only sound escaping.Before it started forming words, "!stop!"She sreame softly, cuddling closer to him even as she fought against the blanket that had wrapped itself around her. In the process of cuddling against him she'd wrapped herself up tightly to tightly for the tramatized woman to get out of."stop this!"She said kicking at him, not recognizing him as she struggled half awake, not realizing it was a very bad idea to be beating up on the man she was sleeping next to.
he groaned softly as she nuzzled his neck, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into him tightly, sighing against her shoulder, his teeth clamping down, gently biting her before he began to suck, his teeth still attached to her as he did, not fully aware of what he was doing, only knowing that he was tired, and he was horny. he didn't even care who he was laying next to as he started to grind his half hard cock into her groin, moaning softly. "mine." he growled possessively, latching onto her neck instead, sucking hard on the flesh he found there as well, intending to leave hickeys. intending to mark Blaine as his.
Blaine growled sleepily as he bit her, shifting to lay on top of him, nuzzling his neck as she ground herself into him.For once, wearing girly pj's the soft short shorts riding up, leaving only his clothes in the way of what she wanted.Nuzzling his neck as she bit his neck,sucking. Shifting, tugging his pants down just enough to free his cock, stroking a hand over him before sliding her underwear aside, sliding him into her with a sleepy sigh.To lazy, to tired to get them undressed. Not even fully aware of what she was doing, or with who, only that she wanted him in her. Rocking her hips slowly as she rode him.
Harry growled his hands gripping her hips as she crawled on top of him, thrusting tightly against her, too tired to give a shit that she was in the dominant position, only caring that he wanted to fuck, his teeth and tongue latching onto one of her nipples as he sucked and nibbled thrusting into her, hot, hard. but without the pain that was usually accompanied by his sex. "mine." he growled again, thrusting into her like a wild whore, stroking every bit of her cunt in his determination to own her.
Blaine growled softly, raising her head looking down at him, trembling a little as pleasure twisted through her system, made her body tighten around his s she rested her hands on his chest. Nails biting down hard into his chest,"NO.Mine."She snarled kissing him, riding him hard, determined to make him work to own her. Not noticing that they weren't hurting each other like normal, that they were somewhere between gentle and rough.
he snarled again thrusting harder into her before suddenly flipping them, throwing her onto her back, her teeth wrapping around her neck, biting, bruising as he thrust into her once more, his hands pinning hers down, panting in a pure primal need. "mine." he hissed dangerously, no real thoughts crossed his mind as he claimed the woman underneath him, panting hard in her ear, half tempted to get his knife and carve his name into her flesh, but he didn't, he just kept thrusting.
Blaine moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist, whimpering as she came, eyes fluttering shut as she wraped her hands in his hair, jerking him down for a kiss, claiming his mouth as she came her body tightening painfully around his. To driven by the need to be claimed that it didn't even register who she was, or who he was, just that she needed him."Yours..."She whispered as she trembled under him
he moaned arching hard as he felt her tightening hard around him, gasping loudly as he forced himself back out of her, spilling his spunk all over her back, groaning loudly as he managed to focus his eyes on Blaine, a smirk on his lips. "Mine." he snarled darkly, latching onto her neck again, kissing her again panting hard through his nose as he finished spilling his seed all over her back and ass groaning lightly as he held her tightly to him, refusing to let her go. "all mine."
Blaine shuddered leaning into him, trembling as she closed her eyes."Yours."She whispered, panting softly.Twisting in his arms, looking up at him with a small smile, hickeys thick on her neck, still looking sleepy. He was right, she did look beautiful when she'd been abused."All yours."She muttered yawning as she wrapped her arms around him, nudging him till he was laying back on the bed, cuddling close again.
he smirked at her and bent down, sucking on a hickey, it had been so long since he'd claimed someone as his, so long since he'd had a lover. his last one had died, and left him all alone, leaving him to rot on the streets...but Blaine wouldn't do that, he was sure of it. he could keep Blaine locked up somewhere, keep her safe, keep her his. no one would wonder where she had gone, no one would care that she was missing. she was HIS! for now, he was perfectly content simply holding her close, and listening to Igor struggling in the bathroom.

(he's only a LITTLE mad XDD honest!)
(haha only a little!of course,blaine might have a issue with being locked up XP)

Blaine whimpepred as he sucked at her neck,shifting to pull away. Yawning as she looked at him,resting a hand on his chest. Studying him for a few minutes before laying back down, closing her eyes.Slowly drifting back to sleep.

"'t.Dont please..."She whimpered caught in a half dream, mostly asleep. Memories coming to the surface at being in rome again, of being hurt.She felt hurt, broken. the woman she'd once been had been shattered, leaving a woman who'd rather be male then anything else.Clinging to the man in her arms, she shivered, tears dropping onto his skin.
Harry stared at her as she pulled away, looking a little puzzled, but not angry or violent as he usually was, blinking as she laid down and went back to sleep the brunette rolling his eyes as he laid back down as well, only to sit up when she started whimpering. uncertain what do do, biting his lip as she started crying hesitantly reaching out and giving her a shake. "ah...hey...Blaine....wake up..." he ordered softly, uncertain on what he was supposed to do. usually he ignored people who had nightmares or tossed them out of their bed so they'd shut up. but he felt like doing that to Blaine was wrong somehow.
BLaine cringed away as he touched her, starting awake as she jerked back. The movement sending her falling over the edge of the bed, landing with a thunk. Looking sleepily startled as she looked up at him. Panting and shaking she looked up at the man still on the bed."Uh... sorry harry..."She said biting her lip. Pushing to her feet slowly avoiding looking at him as she started dressing
he blinked at her his eyebrow lifted at Blaine his head tilted a little. "are you alright?" he demanded looking startled. "who's Tony?" he demanded, jealousy in his voice. only HE was allowed to hurt Blaine, no one else, he was going to make sure that this Tony Bitch suffered for touching HIS Blaine, even if she wasn't his when she had known Tony, the bastard was still going to suffer. "i want you to move in with me." it would be easier to keep her all to himself that way.
Blaine looked startled at the demand, pausing as she pulled up her pants, laughing softly."Antonio Venitti."She said smirking slightly. Not about to tell him the whole story. It was a cluster fuck of major proportions.And she wasn't alright, but she was going to be okay.Someday. "Potter, are you serious?"She asked, side tracked from telling him about tony and hoping he'd leave it alone.
he snorted a little. "isn't that your father?" he demanded looking puzzled. "or father?..uncle? family relation of some kind or other?" he recognized the last name anyway. "and yes i'm serious, i said you where mine, and your mine, and that means you have to be safe, and i don't feel that your safe, unless your sleeping where i know you will be safe." he stated simply as he pulled on his pants. "besides it will be easier for you to teach me to read if you live with me."
"True.Fine.I'll move in."She said smiling softly, pulling on her boots before realizing he wasn't going to let it go. Most likely he'd bug her until she told him."Actually, none of the above. Husband."She shuddered a little,"I'm Blaine venitti....he took my name after we married."She shuddered, rubbing her eyes as she slammed the door shut on the memories, strugglng not to think about what had lead to that sitiuation, that after days had had her burning most of rome down around her and running for the hills."You better go get igor out of the bathtub.I want to get to london today."
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