Shadows of the Heart

Harry blinked at her, his nice look changing immediately to one of being completely pissed. "yeah liom é a fháil, do a bitch fucking atá tar éis a chruthú go bhfuil sí níos fearr ná mise, tá a fhios againn go léir cé leis do thóin. dom, agus tá mé ag dul a chruthú dó go dtí go bhfaigheann gach oíche againn sa bhaile, agus ansin tá mé ag dul a dhéanamh air gach maidin freisin. suí ar an agus tú ag rothlú fraochÚn." he stated in that same pissed off tone, though at the end he sounded more smug than anything else. "of course i'm up to something, i'm always up to something. now be a fucking bitch and drive faster."

Translation: yeah i get it, your a fucking bitch who has to prove that she's better than me, we all know who owns your ass. me, and i'm going to prove it every night until we get home, and then i'm going to do it every morning too. sit on that and rotate you whore.
Blaine sighed softly, driving the same speed as pain flickered over her face. Only having caught about 2 words out of five, but she got the point. Glancing at him."I'm sorry...going home makes me nervous.And.... I can't send you into house venetti without having someone there."She said biting her lip. "I didn't...I'm not better then you."She said softly looking vulnerable, avoiding looking at him, having only done the italian thing to prove that he needed her there, not that she knew more or was better then him.She'd needed to be with him, because if something happened to him while he was in rome, she'd never be the same again.And would never forgive herself.She had enough lives on her conscience to ever rest easily, she wasn't about to add his name to the long list of people who'd be better if they'd never met blaine venitti."Do you get some sick pleasure out of making me admit that I like you owning my ass?"She said after a few long moments of silent driving, keeping her eyes on the road, the vulnerable look gone, as she started to navigate through the beginnings of roman traffic.They'd be in town soon, and she'd be in a place she'd promised she'd never return to.
he glanced at her and sighed a little. "you are better than me." Harry admitted softly turning his head to stare out the window. "every one is better than me, i mean look at me. i rape people to make myself feel better, i get high so that i can feel a brief moment of happiness.. i cut myself to get rid of my own pain." he shrugged. "as far as i'm concerned the only person who isn't better than me is my own family." he admitted glancing at her and smirking. "and yes, yes i do enjoy making you admit you enjoyed my cock up your twat, means i won't have to try so hard to get you in my room or alone." he snickered a little and stared out at the window again. "...i've never been out of the city before." he admitted softly staring out at all the new people and the new buildings his head tilted a little. "i feel like i should be high for this..."
Blaine sighed as she headed downtown, rolling her eyes."Bastard."She scowled a little before smiling."No, you'll want to be high after we stop in house venitti, not before. This town is beautiful sober."She said strugglng to keep the memories from raising again."Its the people that you have to get high to live with."She sighed as she pulled into a parking spot, leaning her head back against the seat. Taking the moment to get calm again.Turning her head to look at him."You don't know me.We're on the same level."She said, closing her eyes. And she meant it.She really did think she was no better then him.
he smirked at her. "love you two bitch." he stated simply sighing a little shaking his head. "you know a lot about this Venitti...this the guy your hiding from?" he asked glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. "your really freaking out aren't you? damn, and here i thought i was the one who got worried anytime i went back to Little whinding." he admitted snorting a little as he got out of the car, looking around. "Come on, no time to waste, the sooner we grab our guy the sooner we can split." he stated simply. "lets go tot he gambling house first, it's a good bet that's where he'll be."
She got out of the car as she headed down the street with him, not answering the question that he'd asked. Yes it was venitti she was hiding from, and yes she really was freaking out, but she wasn't about to tell him that. She was shaking in her boots on the inside, but the calm cold mask of a mob princess was the only thing that showed. Heading down the street to a better part of rome, ducking her head as she stepped into the upscale townhouse."Welcome to House Venitti, where every guilty pleasure is not only accepted, but indulged."She said tilting her head, and while it looked like a quiet townhouse on the houseside, inside all forms of gambling, whoring, and all around vices were being indulged.
he followed her just as silently, pulling out a knife from his hip and pressing it into her hand, a silent order to keep it on her for protection as he pulled out a small vial of the narcotics that he had stolen from Snape, a sly smirk on his face as he tucked it back into his pocket. "oh? EVERY vice?" he asked sounding, very eager all of a sudden. he licked his lips and looked around. "any dealers around here?" he demanded, getting a little distracted by all the flashing lights and the noises and the people, licking his lips at the thought of sampling some fresh drugs. if they where good enough he'd take them back to tom to share, Tom loved getting new idea's for drug sells.
Blaine palmed the knife, holding it against her side.Thankful that he had given it to her.Giving him a look."Rome was once home of the greatest empire to ever put bricks and mortar together.As such we indulge in every fantasy, every dream, and every vice every to be thought of."She tilted her head squinting in the harsh light, paling slightly as she saw the one person approaching that she'd hoped to avoid.The person who knew her better then her father did, knew just how badly she'd work at staying hidden.

"Welcome to house venitti.What can we indulge you in today?"Antonio Venitti smiled as he approached, looking as clean cut and deadly as a panther. Beautiful to look at, but he would rip you apart at the slightest provacation.
Harry grinned looking eager as he stepped forward taking the man's hand shaking his hand tightly. "hi, Viper, nice to meet you, it's my first time in Rome and i was wondering if you had some....'candy' here?" distracting him from Blaine so that she could slip away. he'd noticed her sudden Paler. "i'm also looking for someone." he admitted lowering his voice. "my master sent him to collect, he's an addict who owes us a lot of money, has a bad habit of gambling." he admitted pulling out the picture and handing it over to the man. "i don't want to cause any problems in your place, so i thought i better ask your permission before i approach him." he grinned at the other. "i can of course make it worth your time, i'm more than willing to pay for any damages that, perhaps never happened." winking at him patting his pocket to indicate he was willing to pay to get the guy out of the casino with no fuss from the casino guards.
Antonio smiled slowly, ndding as he looked at the other."He is a member here...though he is not present at the moment."He said distracted from the girl as she slipped further into the club to look around."Do as you deem fit for the moment.He is usually here in the evening."He said tilting his head.

Blaine rolled her eyes. As always, antonio was as stone cold sober, and the fact that he was, usually left him with a nasty temper. Slipping through the crowd she kept a eye on harry as she searched the crowd before making her way back to the two, "Do you play poker?"She asked, ignoring antonio and looking at harry, knowing antonio was staring at her, but since he didn't call her on anything, she knew for the moment she was safe.
Harry nodded to Antonio. "thank you very much." he stated looking around before grinning at Blaine. "well, as a matter of fact, no i don't. i'm going to go get drunk." he decided looking at the bar eagerly. "it's been a while since i've been able to sink my teeth into a good whiskey straight." he admitted smirking. "why? need someone to lose repeatedly for you?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at her. "cards are not my strong suit dude."
Blaine snickererd."If I didn't already own your ass I'd totally win it in poker.But no I asked cause that's Igor's game of choice, and I'm going to play."She said watching antonio walk away before stepping closer to harry, her hand closing around his waist, nails biting into his skin."Stay sober.Please."she said, the unspoken words of, 'don't leave me here alone' in the words.
Harry snorted and rolled his yes. "i own YOUR ass dip shit." he stated simply before sighing a little and nodding. "fine." he grumbled sourly. "i'll stay sober. i'll watch you at the poker tables and smoke." he decided pulling out a cigarette and setting it to his lips, humming as he followed her. "this is a fancy place." he muttered looking around. "i don't much like has the same feel that Juvi does. like you can't get out..."
Blaine snickered a little as she let go of his arm, finding his words more amusing then threatening.Until she grew serious, looking at him."You can't. Death is the only way out."She said shivering a little, stealing a cigarette from him, lighting up as she sat down at the table. Cashing in and starting to play.As the hours passed, and her pile of money grew higher, she didn't realize she'd let the mask of blaine sharazari come crashing down, and once again she was blaine venitti, undisputed queen of house venitti.

Antonio slipped his hands in his pockets as he watched the poker came, walking over to where harry was sitting at the table near the poker game, "Your boy is here."He said, nodding towards the man who'd just sat down at the poker table with blaine. Before sighing softly. "He plays like someone I used to know."He said slowly, watching the dark haired man, trying to decide what was bugging him about harry's partner.
he shuddered back and nodded licking his lips nervously as he watched her play, looking impressed despite himself watching as she racked up the money crossing his arms as he watched their target slip into place, pulling out a few hundreds, maybe six or seven in total his eyes fixed on the man as he passed it to Antonio. "thanks for the help man." he stated glancing around and picking up one of the tray's of drinks from the bar smirking a little as he noticed him looking at Blaine. "Yeah, he's a good gambler." Harry admitted shaking his head. "i don't even try to play against him, i Value my clothes and my balls." he admitted uncapping a jar of narcotics and pouring a small bit into a glass. "there's another five hundred in it for you if your forget our faces should the cops come snooping." he promised grinning as he stirred the glass before heading to the table, handing everyone a glass, making sure that Igor got the drugged cup. "get ready to move, it's fast acting." he whispered in Blaine's ear. "if i call you Bobby it's because that cold dude is taking an unusual interest in you."
Antonio nodded, willing to go along with whatever the other wanted. After all, igor had run his bill up in the house, might as well let someone else take out the trash. Instead his interest stayed on Blaine, watching him intently.

Blaine froze, her hand hovering on her bet, paling a little."Thanks."She said swallowing hard before shoving her whole pile in. Smirking as the eyes widened on the other players. After all, almost a million dollars, was a nice chunk of change. "You lose."She muttered as she was dealt her hand, not even glancing her cards as she got up, collecting her winnings from them all. Cleaning house, and smirking as the narcotics started working, reaching out and catching the man.

"Potter, get my winnings."She said getting up, pulling Igor up, heading for the door. Not wanting to stick around, because antonio would eventually figure out where he'd seen the cheating trick she'd been playing. Wincing because she'd slipped back into her old self and not even realized it.
Harry smirked as she cleaned house rolling his eyes. "i've never met someone so lucky in my live Bobby." he stated simply clapping her on the shoulder. "you get him back to the Motel, i'll cash in the winnings and find some Candy." he decided licking his lips. "my stash is running low." he admitted gathering up the chips sighing a little as he shook his head. "damn, i wish i had luck like this." he grumbled darkly as he piled the chips into the basket that had been offered and handed Antonio another five hundred, and another thousand in poker chips offering him a wink. "enjoy the tip." he chirped heading to the casher to get the money that Blaine had won before finding a drug dealer and getting some fresh drugs, handing over some of his personal money before heading back to the streets of Rome, walking along the street, ducking into several stores, and then ducking out the back of one, dodging any followers that he might have had before joining her in the Hotel. "so hows our Sleeping Beauty?"
"Sleeping in the bathtub, with no prince charming to kiss him awake."She said. crossing the room when he walked in, kissing him hard as she kicked the door shut, tugging off his shirt as she let her hands wander, nimble fingers undoing his pants. Intent on getting hurt, of forgetting the memories that had left her screwed up more then she'd thought she was. And more hurt then she remembered. Hoping that he'd indulge her need, that he'd react like she hoped he would.
he gasped at the sudden kiss and snarled darkly as soon as she had all of his clothes undone grabbing her hard by the hair and forcing him away from him. "no one gave you permission to touch me Bitch." he snarled before slapping her twice, hard across the face, no doubt he would leave a bruise. he threw her onto the bed and gave her exactly what she needed, raping her just as ruthlessly as he had the first time, the fact that she enjoyed it only spurred him on to be all the more violent as he took her body for his own, laying in bed next to her once he was sated and pulled out a pair of cigarettes offering her one before lighting his own, humming softly. "Damn your a good fuck."
Blaine was quiet for a few minutes, blowing smoke rings towards the cieling as she closed her eyes, the bruise already darkening her cheek from the slap."I should be.I've spent way to much time on my back."She said sounding self decapitating, and jaded as she finished her cigarette, putting it out in the ashtray as she put a arm over her eyes trying to relax but she was still freaking out. Would probably keep freaking out until they were out of rome. Even though pain dulled the emotions, she ewas still feeling out of it."Sorry for earlier."She said biting her lip,"I'll buy you liquior before we go."She said, glancing over at him.Sliding out of the bed, walking to the floor to cieling windows, looking out at the city, the city lights creating shaodws on her naked body."I used to love being in the city. It was my playground."She said, resting her fingers on the cool glass. Not knowing why she was talking to him, but she was.
he snorted a little and rolled over, pinning her to the bed his green eyes fixed on her intently. "i don't want alcohol." he stated simply. "i want to get that fucker home and get the hell out of here." he stated sternly before he slid off of her and got to his feet. Harry no longer liked Rome, he felt caged in and trapped. "get dressed skank or i'll try and drive myself and leave you here alone." he stated heading into the bathroom to check on Igor, checking his pulse before nodding and flinging tying his hands up and then his feet before getting himself dressed. he wanted to go home and be in the safety of Tom's territory once more. "and your buying me some liqueur when we get home!"
Blaine snickered a little as she dressed, helping harry get igor downstairs into the car. Not talking until they were n their way out of rome. Relaxing a little as they got out of the city proper, away from house venitti, and antonio.Swallowing hard as she glanced over at him."Like hell. Kiss my ass, I'm not buying you anything.And don't even EVER think of driving my car"She said, a biting tease, because she would buy him what he wanted, if only because he'd given her a out in rome and let her get out of town without making her betray a weakness by begging to leave.
Harry tossed her a viscous smirk as he leaned over, baring his teeth at her. "you'll do what i tell you to, or next time i rape you i'll take a knife to you like i did that pretty blond Draco." he growled dangerously before looking at the back seat, Igor would start to wake up soon, harry had him tied up tightly, but the man would probably have a hell of a headache and an even worse temper. "besides, i would never hurt a pretty baby like this." he admitted patting the Dashboard almost affectionately. "good MORNING sunshiiine!" Harry yelled, overly cheerful and far too loud as he saw Igor shifting in the backseat.

(will you play Igor, i'm no good at him and i don't know why Tom wants him either lol)
Igor winced as the sound made his head pound, blinking slowly as he looked at the man looking at him from over the back of the seat. Fear clouding his mind as he saw the other, recognizing him."I-I didn't do anything!"

Blaine sighed a little glancing over her shoulder at the man, driving easily, more amused than anything else."Now igor, you know I wouldn't go back to rome without a reason.Stealing coke and over a half a million dollars from Voldermort is a very good reason to come home."She smirked a little."Though I did win all of it back, so I might just keep it."

Igor paled."I didn't steal it!"

Blaine glanced at harry again."Can we put him back to sleep. My head's killing me and I don't want to listen to him."
Harry smirked at Igor, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he watched the other. "aaw look, he's scared! isn't that cute?" he teased smirking a little as he licked his lips watching Igor. "wouldn't it be so wonderful to rape him in the backseat?" trying to freak the man out. "it's a shame Voldemort wants him back unharmed, i'd love to rip him in half, i bet he's a tight little virgin." Igor was too ugly for Harry to fuck, he only liked pretty people, like Blaine and Draco. but Igor didn't know that.

he glanced at Blaine, a smirk on his lips. "you do realize, that since i cashed in the chips, technically the money is mine right?" he taunted, a grin on his lips as he pulled out a perfume bottle filled with chloroform and sprayed it in Igor's face, making him go unconscious again. "better? he's all quiet now."
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