Shadows of the Heart

Blaine growled softly, slamming on the brakes, smirking a little as the car squealed in protest as it stopped on a dime.Laughing softly at the sight of harry nearly kissing his knees."I'm not a bookworm.I lived in rome, its common knowledge there. And get your feet off the dash."She said before starting again, heading for the potions master house. Quite amused because well, she didn't respond well to anyone but herself 'abuusing' ehr car. Which putting their feet up, was a good abuse of the car in her book.
harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes but dropped his feet anyway and pulled out a cell phone, warning Severus that he was coming his eyes narrowed at the response. "fucking ass." Harry snarled glaring daggers at his phone as he texted back, a murderous air filling the car as they traded Texts. when she stopped the car he got out, but had too much respect for her amazing car to slam the door and shut it like a normal person and stormed into the house. there was a heartbeat of silence and then loud yelling and a few smashed glasses and then more silence. then harry came back out looking viciously pleased and looking over a few smallish vials filled with clear or slightly milky liquid. "ok, we can go wherever now." he chirped uncapping one of the vials and giving himself a small taste. "humph, he watered it down, fucking ass.."
Blaine rolled her eyes as she backed out of the driveway, heading for the highway."You kill yourself, I'm dumping your ass in a ditch and going home."She warned sparing him a glance as she weaved in and otu of traffic like a insane person. Because driving was blaine's one true indulegence in the world, and she loved going fast.Shifting gears she absently rested her hand on the gear shift, relaxing and content. For once the female in her showing through the male side.
he snorted a little. "please bitch." he stated simply. "you think i would work with Narcotics as much as i do without working up a tolerance?" he demanded glancing at her, watching her drive with a small smirk on his face his head tilted. "you look pretty when you drive." he teased flashing her a smirk, but made no move to try and attack her. he knew better than to try and fuck with Blaine while he was driving. Harry sighed and turned to stare out the window, looking bored.
Blaine looked startled at the comment, before rolling her eyes. Content to drive in silence. It was probably the best way to deal with harry. That evening, after hours on the road, and since she couldn't-wouldn't-let him behind the wheel she pulled into a hotel in berlin, yawning as she got out."I called earlier while you were napping.Sadly, they only have oen room open.Which is a crime, but one we can live with."She said before getting her bag and the folder on igor out of the car heading for the front desk to check in without waiting. Only pausing after she got the key, waiting for him to catch up.
Harry groaned as he woke up at her voice, blinking stupidly out the window, blinking a little. "nnn?" he asked, looking, for the first time, like a real person. too sleep fogged to throw up his defense he looked almost like a scared little boy who had gotten separated from his mother. then the moment was over and he scowled again, once more looking like a a pain in the ass murderer rapist. he followed her inside still looking a little sleepy but he would wake up quickly enough to watch the rare pleasure of TV. he would wait until she was sleeping to start raping her.
Blaine yawned sleepily as she walked into the bathroom to change, glad she'd remembered to pack loose fiting clothes, climbing into the bed after she walked out. Cuddling up on the far side of the bed from him, as far as she could get."Goodnight."She said for the minute forgetting who he was...she was just so tired. And anxious.She hated the idea of going home.
Harry grunted softly his eyes fixed on the tv, watching her fall asleep with a small smirk, waiting until he was certain that his feisty Blaine was completely out before setting to work, grabbing the rope out of his pocket and binding his wrists to the top of the bed so he couldn't struggle, licking his lips as he started to stroke here and there, touching ribs, gripping hips, stroking the ass cheeks before ripping open the shirt, a snicker on his lips. he didn't care if he woke Blaine up at that point, he was already tied, wait...he, was a she. "we'eeelll." Harry growled, smirking at his little rape victim running his hands along her tiny breasts. "a little small." he commented snickering darkly as he grabbed her chin and pressed their lips together, kissing her, tasting her.
Blaine growled, jerking awake, jerking in her bonds as she snapped her teeth together, biting down hard on his lip before jerking her head back.Struggling to get him off her."Get off me."She snarled, struggling, whimpering at the touch on her breasts. It felt'd been so long...and she was nothing but a good little maschoist.Though she did prefer to be awake for things.
he laughed darkly at the bit and slapped her across the face hard with the back of his hand. "shut upo you lying bitch." he hissed smirking viciously before he smacked her again splitting her lip as he ripped apart her pants, smirking darkly at her cunt. "yes, a dirty little whore." he growled. he took her, hard, and fast and without mercy for most of the night, covering her in bruises and harsh bite marks as he raped her, even worse was the pleasure he allowed her often stroking her and rubbing her, teasing her clit and her nipples and kissing her neck before he got rough again, muttering about how good she felt the entire time, that he was going to coat her in cum. he wouldn't cum inside her, he was that kind at least to the people he raped. he never let them get pregnant.

once he was finally sated he chuckled darkly and stood up sighing softly as he ran his hand through his hair, grinning viciously at her cum soaked figure. "damn you look even prettier used and abused." he taunted smirking darkly at her. "don't worry, i won't tell anyone your a lassie." he promised snickering darkly. "if you do what i say from now on."
Blaine rolled on her stomach, pusshing up, whimpering softly. Before turning to look at him,glaring through the soft strands of her hair, it really did need cut."I can't do that.I stopped obeying anyone's orders a long tiem ago."She said shivering in pleasure. She liked being abused, after a lifetime of being a princess, of being the perfect daughter to a crime lord, she found her perfect release in being torn apart. Stumbling slightly as she walked slowly to the bathroom. Unwilling to let him know just how much she enjoyed it. Leaning against the counter as she slowly started cleaning up. She hurt, she ached, but it was a good ache. And one that she'd repeat...if only she could keep him interested enough. Pain flickering over her face because she knew he wouldn't. Like everyone else n her life, he'd move on to someone else.
he smirked a little watching her closely his eyes narrowed. "so why pretend to be a male?" he asked, well aware it wasn't just to keep from being raped. he snickered a little looking her over, leaning against the doorway, licking his lips. "i know your dirty little secrete Blaine, you don't want people to know your a woman for a reason, i might not be able to read words, but i sure as fuck know how to read people. this is more of a secrete than your willing to let on, just like it's a secrete that you ENJOYED me raping you. you think i didn't feel those half hidden shakes of pleasure, those breathless moans that escaped your lips, her sweet hot cunt clenching around me every time i pulled out? yeah, you liked it, and your hiding from someone. as long as you show up, when i tell you to show up, no one has to find out your a woman."
Blaine turned her head to look at him, shivering at his words. Biting her lip as she struggled not to respond.Tried not to think about what he'd done."Do you really want to know why I prefer being male?"She asked, slowly picking up her bandages, before stopping. She hurt to much to consider being male for the day. Not that the binding matter to much.Dressing slowly, pulling a loose shirt on before picking up the scissors from her bag, holding them out to him."I need you to cut my hair."She said, needing it shorter. While there were few people in rome that could recognize her on sight anymore, it'd be her luck to run into them.
he smirked a little. "it doesn't matter to me really." he admitted simply shrugging a little. "i'm just curious, from your reactions i figure that someone has a hit out on your head, someone you really don't want to see. maybe you where a slave once, i don't know." he admitted taking the scissors, acting much more gentle towards her now that he'd raped her as he started giving her a haircut. it was a little uneven but it certainly did make her look more like a boy. "feh, i'm not very good at this." he admitted grabbing one of his knives instead taking that to her hair instead, looking much more capable using the knife. "there." he stated smacking the loose hair out with a ruffle to it. "feh, you looked better with the long hair." he complained slipping the blade back into his pocket, looking her over again looking for a moment, uncertain. "how come your not mad at me anyway?" he demanded blinking at her. "i mean, i just raped you, sure you liked it, but a lot of people do... most of them try to murder me after, if they can move anyway."
"I'll let it grow up after we leave rome then."She sai absently looking at the floor as she thought over his question.Before getting to her feet, brushing the hair off her clothes."Because people in my life fucked me long before you came along, and I'm sure they'll fuck me long after you're done.I'm to tired to get angry over this."She said packing her bag, leaving the room. Heading downstairs to check out, knowing they had a long car ride ahead of him, and she had to drive. When all she really wanted to do was curl up and sleep off the pain.
Harry snorted a little looking amused. "we don't have to be there yet, i kept you up all night, i'm an insomniac, i'm not affected by the lack of sleep. take a nap and we'll leave later instead. as long as we get there it doesn't matter when we do. besides, if your in hiding, you should change the color of your hair, and even get some colored contacts. people won't look twice at chu then." he stated simply heading for the bathroom. "besides, i need i shower, i smell like skank." he teased smirking a little at her grinning viciously before vanishing into the bathroom.
Blaine winced at the words, calling downstairs to get the things he'd said before curling up and going to sleep.By the time he was out of the shower the hotel bellhop was at the door with her hair dye and contacts. Stirring a little when she heard the shower shut off she tilted her head to watch him walk out."Better?"She teased
he glanced at her, pupils so wide you'd swear he was part dog, a small happy little grin on his face. "ooh yeah. much better." he breathed softly heading over to the bed and flopping down onto it, not to sleep, just to lay there, ignoring the fact that the only thing he was wearing was a towel that was starting to fall off. as high as a kite, looking rather happy. it was a strange look, almost creepy as he smiled at empty space.
blaine rolled her eyes when she realized he was high,getting up and heading to the bathroom to dye her hair.Only returning after about two hours, walking back in as she put in the contacts. For once the slight blond had dark black hair looking dark and deadly. Dressing slowly she winced as she felt her aching body, before looking at the man she'd left high.Biting her lip as she moved over, looking down at him as she bent, gently pressing a kiss to his lips. Because she couldn't help it, he'd given her what she needed to brave going back to rome, she needed to touch him again. The child who'd been scorned from her family, was returning a woman broken, and she was-not that she'd ever admit it- was glad that harry was going with her, because he was scary enough that no one would think to look at the 'man' with him.
Harry was sleeping when she came out, something held rather loosely in his hand, looking like the sweet innocent child he could have been once more, all traces of his hateful mask gone. you could see that he was really just a scared little boy, who was trying to make it in a world that wanted him dead. he groaned softly at the kiss and without warning he wrapped his arms tightly around her hips and yanked her in close, burying his face into her belly and muttering that he didn't want to go to summer school before drifting back to sleep again. getting high was usually the only way he could get more than an hour of sleep. and it chased all the bad memories away. not that he had any good ones, but he did have pleasure centered memories that he could relive while high. in any case he wasn't about to let her hips go.
Blaine yelped as he pulled her into him, shifting to lay down next to him, laying on her side as she curled up against him, his face pressed against her stomach as she gently stroked his hair. Falling back asleep like that, her fingers tangled in his brunette locks, slender legs resting over his hips as she cuddled against him. They'd get to rome eventually, and she was more then willing to let things go for the moment.Sleeping peacefully, and knowing he'd eventually wake her up to go.
but when she woke up, it was to harry lifting her shirt, and laying kisses over her belly, a smirk on his face. "crawling into bed with a rapist. Tsk, that's not a smart thing to do." he teased his emerald green eyes flicking up to hers. "but unfortunately we don't have time. Bind your Boonies." he ordered getting to his feet and stretching, the towel falling from his waist, revealing red lines traveling down his inner thighs...harry was a cutter. none of them where deep, and none of them had bled more than a few drops, but they sure looked painful, even if none of them where fresh. even worse where the scars that covered his ass and hips, not to mention his back. it looked like Harry's rapist habits, where a learned habit. "well? get up whore or i really will rape you again and then leave you here and go on my own in YOUR pretty car."
Blaine slid out of bed, binding her breasts before heading out to the car with him."You're the one who wouldn't let me get up.And don't touch my car!It's MINE!"She growled sliding behind the wheel.Not saying anything about getting raped again, after all, he'd been right.She really did enjoy it. Pulling out as he got in, heading for rome. not liking the idea of going back to rome. Getting antsy and irriatable the closer they got to rome.
Harry smirked and just to piss her off reached out and touched the car, and just to be even more of a bitch about it he had to even SAY "Touch" when he did it, bursting into cackles as he slid into the passenger seat yawning a little as he rested in the passenger side glancing at her after a long few hours. "hey know, if you really need to you can just know in the hotel, not go out.. i can get this guy no problem." suddenly so nice, he was up to something. but he looked, strange when he said it, as if he was actually worried about her.
"Non si può comprendere Italiano moron de la frontera. You'll essere mangiato vivo se voi andate in qualcun altro senza.e si ha bisogno di qualcuno che conosce venitti. E, purtroppo, li conosco intimamente." She said softly, shivering a little. Looking over at him before switching back to english."Stop sounding nice its weird and makes me think you're up to something."

(translation:You can't understand italian moron.You'll be eaten alive if you go in without someone else.And you need someone who knows venitti. And unfortunately, I know them intimately.)
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