Siren's song

"...what?But..."Fydra shtuttered a little, pressing harder against draco, taking comfort in the strong arms holding her."...Lucius knows."She said softly, thinking about it. Thinking it over, twisting the facts that she knew, to fit what she saw, and knew about the death eater."Dray... he took me in not because my mother asked him to like he said she did, but because he knew who my father was."She shuddered a little. Pain devastating her, because he'd been the only father she knew, and yet hed taken her in out of a selfish need. Pulling away she rubbed at her eyes standing up, avoiding looking at either of them."We have class to get to.And I need to talk to dumbledore.Not...not about this. But about ron."Cold arroagance crossed her face, pain and anger in that look. Because while she wouldn't have told dumbledrore to protect herself from ron, shed do it to protect harry.
Draco looked stunned, and horrified his eyes wide and astonished as he looked up at Harry, who was still rubbing his aching scar before he jerked at her mention of talking to Dumbledore about ron and he swallowed thickly. "don't bother." he muttered softly, looking, for once...completely alone. "he won't beleive you, not even after Madam Pomfry's evidence. 'Ron is a good boy'." he mimicked the older wizards voice. "i'm sure this is all a misunderstanding...' misunderstanding my ass." Harry grumbled softly glancing up at Fydra. "i didn't mention that he'd already raped you." he admitted sighing softly. it just wasn't fair, first his uncle beats the shit out of him during the long summers, and now Ron was trying to rape him at the only home he'd ever had. it was so unfair, completely unfair. "i was thinking of going to professor Snape." he admitted swallowing thickly. "he hates me, but i know he won't let Ron rape me in any case..." he hoped, how was Harry supposed to know that Dumbledore was encouraging Ron to rape harry? to further break the boys spirit, make him less willing to live. more willing to die in order to defeat Voldemort. it didn't matter anyway, Harry planned to be gone long before he ever became broken. "i'm still tired...i'm skipping class." he decided laying back down on the couch, sighing softly. "you guys go on ahead." "...i'll talk to Professor snape about leaving you alone." Draco decided shaking his head a little. "come on Fy." he muttered nudging her towards the door. "we can skip class too, we'll go cuddle in my room."
Fydra looked at the brunette worriedly, walking over and leaning down to kiss his forehead,"You'll be careful wont you?"She said waiting for a affirmination before she let draco nudge her out of the room. Walking with draco, content in his company for the moment, though she was worried about harry.This could only get messy. Before shoving the worry aside, content, and happy to be getting cuddled.

a few days later Fydra glanced over her shoulder, expecting to find draco coming out to join her. This was her favorite time of year, when it was just getting cold enough to feel the bite of winter, but warm enough to be able to enjoy being outside. Startled instead to find herself facing off with ron. Trembling hard she moved to walk around him, knowing draco would be joining them soon. At least she hoped he hadn't been delayed."Weasley, leave potter alone. He's mine, and I don't share."She snarled, power riding in the words, fury at him, having in the days with draco and harry, finding healing, and in healing some, she'd found her temper. Fury sounding like thunder in her voice, power lacing the words. unwilling to back down, because harry was a friend. Stepping further away from him she stayed carefully out of arms reach as she headed back up to the school.
Ron smirked at her his eyes fixed on her, a dangerous gleam in those eyes. "no, potter is mine, we BOTH know he's gay little slut." he purred smirking viciously at her. "and you are a slut aren't you? letting me do all that to you. does harry know how dirty you are? how DEFILED." he smirked a little glancing down at her. "you where so tight, and so soft." he growled following after her. "i wonder how long it will take for me to catch you alone?" he mused a smirk on his lips. "i'll be much more careful to ruin your pretty little cunt next time, i'll leave you broken, begging for death as i spill my seed in you again and again. just like last time, only this time i would be so kind as to put an anti pregnancy spell on you. i'll make SURE your carrying my baby you little whore, and then who would want you then? not harry, and certainly not Draco." he hissed, laughing as he split off from her, vanishing only a half second before Draco rounded the corner. "there you are!" he chirped looking worried. "i thought i saw Ron, he wasn't bothering you was he?"
Fydra was pale and shaking as she looked up at him, tears and pain in those blue eyes as she studied the blond in front of her.Struggling to to think about what ron had said, her body aching at remembered pain.Slowly creeping closer to him, before flinging herself into his arms, wrapping her own around his neck,holding onto him. Knowing it was true, that she was just a little dirty slut, not worthy of the man in her arms, but she wanted him, wanted him with a aching passion. Trembling as she cried. Crying harder at the idea that he'd find someone else, that he wouldn't want her anymore.Calming after a few moments she hiccuped, nuzzling his neck."...yes he was, but nothing I hadn't heard before."She muttered realizing she was probably making him insane with worry by now. Shuddering a little as she raised her head to look at him, even heartbreak looked beautiful on her.Shifting a little, making a decision.Because she needed to touch him,needed to have one good memory before ron stole everything from her.Studying his face,"Make love to me."She said softly, resting her forehead against his.
Draco growled and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly before tipping her chin up and looking down into her eyes. "now you listen to me." he ordered softly. "you are mine, not his MINE and i am NEVER letting you go." he stated firmly before offering her a smile. " she WAS driving him insane with worry but he figured he'd try a new tactic, actually offered up by Harry amazingly enough. the two still fought pretty violently but they where civil when they had to be. possessiveness was supposed to be comforting, Draco hoped harry was right...oh he did NOT just think that.
Fydra looked startled before smiling shyly, a soft blush on her face as she looked at draco."N-never?"She stuttered slightly, trembling a little as she thought about what ron'd said."But...what if...he...he still wants me.What happens again?"She said softly, pressing close to him.taking comffort in the growled possessiveness, but not enough to forget the fear of ron's words.
he grinned down at her. "it won't happen again." he promised. "because your never going to go anywhere without me or potter right next to you. Weasel is a coward, he wont attack you if there's someone there to help." he stated simply. "he's more of an ambush sort of person. and besides, i intend to kill him before he has the chance to get to you again, or get to potter." as much as Draco hated Harry, and vise versa, they where very determined to protect each other, if only for Pandora's sake. "and even if it does happen again your mine, and no backwater blood traitor rapist is EVER going to make that otherwise."
Fydra smiled slowly, relaxing as she leaned into him, pressing a kiss to his lips."So handsome when you're being protective."She teased running her fingers through his hair, calming down slowly. Stepping away as she looked him over, a small smirk quirking her lips."Trying to impress me?"She asked, trying not to drool at the sight of snug dress pants and dress shirt. Really, the man looked delectable.
he smirked a little at her and offered her a wink. "always." he teased kissing her forehead. "after all if i don't impress you, you might get bored and ignore me." he teased, using his smug 'i'm always right' tone. "besides i have to look my best when i tell Harry that hes a waste of space." he admitted a smirk on his lips. harry and Draco's never ending fighting had taken on an almost playful tone to it.
Fydra smiled slightly, shaking her head as she laughed.He couldn't help it, he was just that arrogant."I can think of better things for you to do with your mouth then tell harry's a wastet."She said ,heading for the room of requirement, amused.Having every intention of getting a few good kisses before harry showed up.
Draco snickered a little and opened the door for her holding it open so she could go in first, just like a gentleman and headed in after her. "huh, Potters not here yet, that's odd." Harry had taken to hiding in the room of requirement every possible moment, he had even started sleeping in there in desperate attempts to escape Ron. "he must be talking to Uncle Sev again." he decided smirking a little. "well good, that means i can do this." he purred kissing her intently, lovingly. Harry always teased them, dramatically saying that Fydra was cheating on her with a gay who was afraid of himself. just to be a smart ass, it pissed Draco doubt why harry did it.
"Pr-"She started to say as he kissed her, purring softly as she melted into the kiss, Kissing him back just as lovingly, closing her eyes as she kissed him deeper, wrapping her arms around him,sliding her fingers through his hair as she leaned into him.Playful hands sliding down his back,pausing for a moment as she enjoyed the kiss, before sliding her hands under his shirt. Slowly getting braver, and wanting to feel the creamy softness of his skin.He was so beautiful it hurt to look at him sometimes.And she wanted to enjoy him before ron ruined everything. Despite the assurances, she was still scared of ron.Mooning softly as she kissed him back,shivering as lust made her skin flush.
he chuckled into her mouth and kissed her a little more, his tongue stroking her lips, asking for permission to enter as he held her close, running his hands along her back as well, nibbling on her lips playfully a small smirk on his face as he looked at her, enjoying the feeling of her hands on his well muscled, but surprisingly soft skin, panting softly. "we should stop." Draco whispered softly. "i don't want you to push yourself." he was afraid she might panic, and then he'd feel terrible.. he didn't want her to think they had to have sex to be together.
Fydra looked up at him, shivering a little,biting her lip.Flushed, longing on her face. Because she knew he was right, but she wanted him. And it hurt to not be stable enough to be sure about this.But..she needed to."We should, and I am pushing myself, but I want you."She said softly, reaching up, gently stroking her fingers through his hair."Dray, I need to.... do this."She panted softly, trembling a little."I need...I need to not feel him on my skin every time I go to sleep...I need you."She whispered, painful longing in that look. Not sure which she wanted from him, for him to draw away or agree to do this. And she knew they didn't have to do this, that he would be as patient as she needed him to be, and yet...she needed to feel safe again. To forget ron's threats, and the feel of ron on her, in her....she needed draco.
Draco hesitated and smiled a little at her and nodded. "alright but not here, we don't need Potter busting in on us." he muttered gently kissing her neck. "and we'll go slow." she ordered softly gently nibbling her ear. "and you have to tell me if you start panicking or getting scared." so many rules! but then, he'd always been good at making up rules. "come on, we'll go to my room and put up the silencing spells, and leave a note for Harry explaining that we won't be in tonight."
She laughed softly nodding."So many rules."She teased walking to the desk that the room had summoned, writing a quick note to harry telling him what was going on, before walking back to draco, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him out."Come on then."She said nervous and excited, smiling a little as they headed back to the dorms.
he chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around her, hugging her as they walked a small smirk in place as they headed to his room, immediately kissing and nibbling her neck as soon as the door was closed, a small smile on his lips. "your so pretty Fydra." he whispered softly licking her ear and running his hands along her belly. "i could just stare at you all day, and never get tired of watching you."
Fydra shuddered a little whimpering as he licked her.It was a oddly pleasing feeling."You say that now.You'd probably get bored and stare at potter's ass or something."She teased sliding her hands under his shirt, unbuttoning it.Slowly sliding it off his shoulders, pressing a gentle kiss to his collar bone.
he shuddered violently. "that's not even funny." he complained as she slid off his shirt, smiling at her as he showed off his slender frame to her, gently, carefully pulling her shirt over her head as well. "if you feel the need to stop, then tell me." he ordered softly pressing his lips to her neck again. "i don't want you to force yourself."
She nodded a little,"I know, I will tell you."She muttered nibbling gently on his skin, sliding her hands down, absently undoing his belt,shivering as he kissed her neck.Blushing as he looked down at her, not scared, but embarassed. It was new to be in front of someone naked that she cared for."I thought it was funny.He does have a ince ass."She teased looking up at him.
he smiled and gently unhooked her bra, slipping it down her arms and sighing softly. "your fingers tickle." he murmured, sounding aroused, he enjoyed the half touches he was getting at the removal of his pants. he smirked a little at her. "if that was some lame ass attempt to make me worked." he admitted carefully backing her towards the bed, groaning softly as he spilled her onto his silk sheets and blinked at her, before lowering his head and gently kissing her left breast, offering her sow, tender, gentle touches, too offset Ron's fast violent ones.
Fydra moaned softly as she wrapped her fingers in his hair,squirming slightly. Laying her head back on the pillow, closing her eyes as pleasure sang through her body. it felt so...nice.And she felt cared for laying there so protectively in his arms."Hmmm I'm not lame in any way."She teased, shifting, raising a foot to tug his pants off. Goofily proud as she felt the material slid down, whining softly as the slacks got caught around his thighs.Pouting as she looked down at him.
he chuckled a little kissing her all over, her neck, chest and breasts where not safe from his soft smooth lips as he lavished her in care and love, chuckling at her comment and groaning as she pulled down his pants with her feet, shifting out of them the rest of the way he gave her a small smirk. because Draco Malfoy, never wore underwear. he sat up, resting on his knees so she could get a good view of him. "now yours." he ordered softly, indicating her pants. he wanted to see her naked perfection.
"A order dray?I think not."She said smirking as she sat up on her elbows, flushed and panting ever so softly.Eyes devouring hsi body as she looked him over. A playful smirk playing at her lips as she sat up, pressing a kiss to his stomach, swirling her tongue around his belly button as she undid her pants. Squirming away just enough to pull off her pants, like him, not wearing underwear. Her pants fit better when she wasn't wearing anything under them....and she thought it'd drive him insane knowing there was nothing between her skin an pants.Blushing more as she laid back, looking up at him."Okay, so I can take orders when I like them."She said smiling, a dimple showing in her cheek, looking cute and adorable more then seductive. Though sexiness was there, she was just...fydra.There was no way to describe the look of her laying there
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