Siren's song

Sebastian giggled and nodded as he looked Fydra over before carefully moving into the room and giving her a kiss on the forehead. “feel better aunty Fydra.” he chirped smiling at her. Sebastian was a very kind boy. He grinned and grabbed his 'sisters' hand, dragging Paige out the door to play some random game and so she could show him how to hold a baby, because Harry was contemplating the idea of adopting another baby, a little girl this time, and Sebastian wanted to be the best big brother he could be.

By morning Draco was, as promised, awake and muttering sourly about his own stupidity. “singing, honestly I would have made her ears bleed.” he complained softly as he slowly sat up and smiled happily at Fydra before laying his hand on her belly and kissing her forehead before slowly slipping out of bed, still shaky, but in control of himself this time as he got dressed and went in search of his daughter, wanting to make sure she understood that he still loved her, desperate to make sure she knew he wasn't going to stop loving her, that she was still his. Because at one time, back when she had first gone to school, the other wizarding children had informed her of how she had been conceived, and he never wanted to see her so devastated again.
"Papa!"Paige grinned as she bounded out of the seat he was sitting in, smiling happily as she wrapped her arms around his waist, ignoring her grandfathers' snickering, both snape and tom laughing at her overexhuberance, and Draco's worried look.Despite the one time that she'd found out how she'd been born, paige had never questioned that she was loved."Good to see you up and around.No singing I hope?"Tom smiled, relaxing even more at the sight of him well, if a little shaky. Knowing that Fydra would relax more.

Paige laughed happily hugging him tightly."You okay papa?"she said pressing her face against his chest, glad to see him up and about. Despite having been worried once about being loved, she knew her parents, as cold and aloof as they could be when teaching, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, they loved her. That they always had, despite how she'd come to be here.
Draco smiled as he wrapped his ar around his daughters back, giving her a week one armed hug before he grimaced. “does EVERYONE know that I was singing!?” he demanded, sulking a little as Harry snickered,, hiding deeper into the couch do Draco wouldn't see him. “of course everyone knows. Damn potter.” he complained settling himself down onto a chair with a groan. “i'm just very weak right now my little spit fire.” he promised smiling a little. “tired.” he admitted calling her by her old nickname, he called her spit fire because she was very opinionated and tough, and because her hair looked like a fireball when she was younger. “would you mind if we had a talk in private?” he asked glancing at Tom and Harry, who chuckled and left, winking at Paige. He had warned her that Draco would want to reassure her that they still loved her. “i have some news for you Paige.” he admitted, looking both proud and worried. “your mother is pregnant with another baby. Your going to be a big sister.”
"I know papa. Uncle Harry said you were very excited about it."She said smiling everyone left the room,climbing up in Draco's lap,cuddling close to him, resting her head on his chest with a sigh."You'll still love me papa, you and mama right?"She said looking up at him. Knowing he did, but figuring it be easier to just let him talk. After all, she knew her papa,and her papa sometimes needed to tell everyone things they already knew. Looking slightly worried, after all she'd had friends mother's who'd died giving birth, she didn't want to lose her proud, strong mother."Papa, mom will be alright right?"She asked tugging lightly on her own hair in a nervous gesture. The only thing of ron's she'd gotten, playing with her hair when she was nervous. But that was easily explained not only because of ron, but she did spend a lot of time with her uncles, the twins.
Draco smiled a little. “i am very excited about it.” he admitted smiling. “i loved corrupting you when you where a baby, making mommy squeal in horror when you first learned to spit. Do you remember that?” he asked chuckling a little before sobering at her question and pulling her into as tight of a hug as he could manage. “oh my little Spit Fire of COURSE we still love you. Your our precious daughter.” he promised. “you will always hold a very strong hold on my heart, you will always be my life and my world.” he promised, kissing her forehead. “never think that we will EVER stop loving you, no matter what.” he made a face. “even if you fall in love with a gryffindor.” teasing her about a crush she had on a boy, smiling at her. “your mommy and I, love you so much that we couldn't live without you.” he promised, tugging on her hair as well, trying to lighten the mood before he simply held her and cried. “mom will be just fine.” he promised smiling a little. “she'll be crabby, easily annoyed, and she'll eat really gross things, but she'll be just fine, she had you no problem right?” he asked smiling. “mommy is very strong, and very brave. And when the baby gets here, I hope you'll help me corrupt it.” he teased winking at her. “teach him how to belch, or teach her how to put makeup on uncle harry while he's sleeping.” he snickered a little and nuzzled her. “your my perfect angel.” he paused. “ok maybe not angel but your my perfect little girl.”
"Daddy!You like a gryffindor!You like uncle harry!"Paige giggled a little hugging her papa, snuggling close her him."Mommy says I'm your perfect little slytherin."She said giggling. "Are you crying Dray?"Fydra said amused, looking slightly worried as she crossed the room to lean againts the back of his chair, smiling sweetly down at paige as she looked up at him. Though worry showed in her face as she studied her husband, reaching out to gently run her fingers through silky blond hair. Knowing that they all would be fine together, that even with the scary things that happened during pregnancies, this one couldn't be any more stressful then the last one. Smiling happily at the idea of a blue eyed blond child, with draco's mercurial temper.
Draco chuckled. “ah but Uncle Harry does not count, as he was SUPPOSED to be in Slytherin.” he teased smiling a little as he nuzzled her again, scowling at Fy. “no! I am not!” he protested, quickly wiping the tears away. “Malfoy's don't cry!” he paused. “Malfoy MEN don't cry.” he automatically corrected, well aware that Paige would correct him and say that she and mommy cried all the time. He smiled a little as he leaned into Fydra, kissing his lovers belly, chuckling a little. “do you think that this is the last pf the problems?” he asked his head tilted. “because honestly, I think I might just kill the person who's comes after me myself.” he admitted wrinkling his nose. “honestly, I think I might retire, I find more love potions in my food than I do food.” he complained smiling as he nuzzled Fydra's belly. “i was thinking of opening my own potions shop, I've had some idea's for new potions, and classes are getting in the way..” he admitted, more looking permission than he was anything else. And if no one saw him anymore, how pretty he was...then maybe they would stop going after him and leave Fydra alone.
Fydra laughed quietly at the admittance, she knew he did find more love potions then food sometimes. pain flickering through her eyes at realizing she hadn't thought of him opening a shop, feeling slightly guilty at not noticing what he wanted."That would be great. We could get a house in hogsmeade, that way we're still close to the school, and Paige'll have somewhere to go if she needed to.This will be perfect, for all of us."She smiled brightly, looing slightly nervous. Because she loved teaching, loved being around kids. Which made her feel even worse at only having one so far. Smiling as she leaned down to kiss him she nodded. "I promise. Last problems."She said hugging both of them as paige giggled happily. Everything was going to be okay in the world. They would all do what they loved, and be the family they all needed.

Nine months later Fydra whimpered, pained and taking longer then it should, looking up with painful eyes as she trembled, fingers gripping tighter at Draco's, clinging to him as if her husband was the only thing keeping the woman grounded. "Shittt.."The mediwizard cursed quietly as he raised the babe,gently easing the babe away from his mother, glancing up at the two distraught malfoy's."You're having twins lovely, I know it hurts, just a few more pushes."The wizard urged, eyes looking slightly wide as he tried to make the labor easier. Knowing the siren was starting to panic, feeling the fey magic swirling around the room."Oh that's a good girl."He muttered mostly to himself, laughing quietly as the second boy slid out, raising him gently, cleaning him up before he looked at the parents. then the babe's. Even so newly born, the two looked like their father."There, all done Fydra."He said quietly, moving to hand Draco one of the babes as he handed the other to fydra smiling softly. Seeing the two already in love with their babies was touching."Do you want me to let everyone else in?"He asked softly, knowing that all of the riddle-malfoy-potter family was waiting just outside the door.
Draco was trembling violently as he held Fydra tight, offering her calm reassurances and gentle comfort as he stroked her hair and her face, trying to keep her from panicking, even though he was panicking too. He relaxed when Fydra did and beamed at the twins, his eyes brimming with tears. “oh look Fy! Their gorgeous!” he whispered happily, so glad, so very glad. Life for the malfoy's had been peaceful and perfect, after Draco had quit as a teacher they only got attacked once a month or so, instead of every day. He had talked Fydra to keep teaching, telling her that someone had to make sure the children of the future weren't idiots. He was now running the biggest experimental potions lab in England.

“yeah,, let them in.” Draco decided, smiling as he picked up one of the babies, rocking it gently. “how in the hell did we not know we where having twins?” he asked smiling at Fydra. “you just love to surprise me don't you?” he asked smiling as Harry and Blaise walked in with the kids, Sebastian immediately crawling into bed next to Fydra so he could get a good look at the baby. “daddy it's all wrinkled...” he complained looking up at Harry who snorted a little. “all baby's look like that at first.” he explained smiling a little. “your little sister is going to look like that when she comes home.” he admitted Sebastian watching in amazement at the little baby in Pandora's arms, Harry chuckling as he kissed his sisters forehead. “how are you feeling?”
Fydra smiled tiredly at her twin, looking absently grumpy. By far more grumpy this pregnancy then last."Oh like I just past smething huge through something very small."She said smiling softly at the baby in her arms, turning her head to look at Draco.Smirking slightly.She'd known she was having twins, like he said, she enjoyed surprising him."I dont know how you didn't know." She smiled laughing softly as Paige climbed up on the bed with her cousin, wanting a good look at her brothers."They're cute!"She giggled happily looking up at her papa.

Blaise snickered a little, looking relaxed."Ah well, fy, you DID pass something huge through something small."he said shaking his head sidestepping as tom severus and narcissa followed him in. Severus smiled looking at his son, "Are you going to hog these two to?You didn't let paige out of your sight for weeks after she was born. Do we get to hold her?"He teased, looking relieved at having them all safe. Espcially with draco out of sight, now they weren't getting attacked all the time. Knowing that life was easier for all of them, espicially Fydra who had relaxed so much at having no one attacking Draco.

Tom snorted laughing a little."Ah no, these two brats aren't going anywhere without their papa for awhile.He might even try singing."He said wisely, smirking.
Draco chuckled as he kissed his lovers forehead, nuzzling her gently with a small contented sigh, smiling as Sebastian carefully held a baby's hand, his eyes wide with amazement. “i'm gonna grow up all big.” he decided. “an marry Paige and have pretty babies just like this!” of coffee he'd been sipping, choking and shaking his head, trying not to laugh or cry as Draco lifted an eyebrow, amused at the little eight year old boy who was still staring at the babies. “...Bast... you can't marry Paige.” Harry finally informed him, laughing. “she's your cousin, practically your sister, you can't marry your cousin.” “...but she's the only girl I know.” Sebastian complained, Draco snickering into Fydra's neck, laughing before scowling at Tom. No you can't hold them their mine! You'll steal them away and spoil them!” he complained, Harry smirking as he nodded. “he's not wrong, but a little spoil can be good.” “no! And I'm not singing!” he growled, possessive over his family as he smiled and nuzzled Fydra, Harry snickering a little.
Tom grinned, snagging his granddaughter off the bed wrapping his arms around him."Ah love, you'll get spoiled then."He said tickling her a little before smiling looking at draco and fydra before putting paige down, liberating his grandson from his mother's arms, cuddling the baby."So. Whatever are we naming the newest malfoys?" Fydra blushed a little looking at them, "Thomas and James."She said softly, smiling a little. Looking at the two men they'd been named for. Severus looked startled to hear his middle name, before nodding. Smiling as he looked at the two."Beautiful names. Now.You'll take the babies and watch them, you two need sleep."He said looking at the exhausted fudr, and nearly as tired Draco.

Blaise grinned wrapping his husband's waist, nuzzling his neck."I think we need mroe kids. Give bast some practice with babies before having his own."He said snickering slightly laughing at his son.
Draco smiled and nodded, Harry looking so pleased. “James and Thomas... oh Fy it's so perfect.” he whispered beaming at her before smacking Draco upside the head,. “be nice to my father and stop hogging the babies!” he ordered smirking a little as Draco glared at him but sighed and handed the little boy he was holding to Harry. “you'll be careful with him!?” “yes Draco.” Harry teased rolling his eyes, chuckling as he and Blaise took the babies away, talking about future babies for themselves. Harry wanted twelve children, Bast stated he wasn't sure he could handle that many little sisters.

“i love you Fy.” Draco stated with a happy grin as he pulled her into his arms, kissing her forehead. “life is perfect.” he murmured, smiling a little as he closed his eyes. “perfect perfect perfect.” and perfect it would remain.

The End
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