Siren's song

Fydra smiled wider resting her head against his shoulder."Me to.I'm glad to be back."She said shifting, snuggling into him as both mother and daughter settled down to sleep with him.

11 years later Fydra Malfoy smiled slightly as she walked through the halls of Malfoy Manor, smiling as she went in search of her wayward husband and brother in law. Knowing Blaise and Draco'd been out the night before to plan something-she was pretty sure they were planning her and draco's anniversary party- but she let them have their delusions that they could keep secrets. Glancing at her twin as she joined him at the dinner table she smiled as she sank into her seat."Have you seen the other two yet?"she said amused, glancing up as the post arrived. Frowning as she saw the owl landed in front of her-much to paige's delight."Mom!What's it say?Mom!" "Paige. Calm down. It's not for you."The siren scolded lightly as she undid the tie and opened the letter....the soft fall of paper falling to the table sounding quiet, but the shattering of her heart even louder. Barely noticing when the man in question arrived.

"You know she'll be excited. And if harry'll forgive me for getting so drunk and staying out last night, things..."Blaise stopped as he and draco stepped into the dining room, staring at fydra's pale face then the pictures in her hands."Fydra...?"

Fydra stared.Not hering anything, nothing.Nothing getting through the stupor as she stared at her beloved husband sleeping next to a woman who could have been her double...if she was younger. A student...she knew this girl. Had been glad when she'd graduated, if only so she'd stop flirting with Draco.Draco, had to be draco. She knew that body as well as she knew her own, and that was him. But....but...why? The jagged edges of a heart that never completely healed tearing her apart again.The vulnerablity that left her open not letting her consider that he might have fallen asleep after getting so drunk he didn't know who it was who'd coaxed him to bed, only considering that he was holding someone who wasnt her
Harry snickered and shook his head. "no, not yet." he admitted stirring his coffee. "but i saw them when they came home, Draco was so drunk he couldn't even walk." he admitted with a small snicker. "i can't even imagine the Hangover he's going to ha...Fy? are you alright?" he asked his head tilted a little as he smirked at Blaise. "oh, Blaiiise. your in troooouble." he warned playfully. "you went out and got smash drunk without me." he warned examining his fingernails Draco groaning as he held his head. "god... don't talk so loud..." he complained, so hungover, he couldn't even remember what had happened last night. "Blaise what the HELL did you give me?" he paused, blinking at Fydra. "fy?... are you alright?...what's wrong?"
Blaise snickered a little, "You're the one who kept drinking firewhiskey. I told you to stop."He pointed out before focusing on his sister in law."Fydra?"No response."Malfoy."He growled walking over to her, paling when he saw what she was looking at. "Paige.Get out. " "But.." "Now!"Blaise ordered scowling slightly before swallowing. "Fydra, sweetheart."He crouched next to her chair, gently resting his hand on her arm."Sweetie?"

Fydra blinked slowly. Letting Blaise draw her attention away from the pictures, tears sliding unnoticed down her face before she looked up at Draco.Cringing back against her seat, looking away from him. Curling up in her seat, wrapping her arms around her legs looking as small and vulnerable as she did at 17, fresh back from her seclusion. Having suffered from extreme panic attacks since then, but it'd been a few years since she'd suffered from one this bad.

Blaise winced a little gently picking her up out of the seat, looking at his husband then draco. Sighing,"Here hold her."He said holding her out towards Draco, keeping a firm grip on the pictures so the blond couldnt see, not sure what to think and needing to talk to harry and get fydra calm before they dealt with it.
Draco frowned, stepping forward to try and comfort her, stopped dead by Harry's cold glare, Draco looking confused and hurt as Harry glanced down at the picture and let off a small snarl as he gently rubbed her back. "what is it? what's happened!?" Draco demanded, terrified that someone had died. that's what it looked, like, it looked like someone they knew had died, and that it was Draco's fault somehow. Draco swallowed hard when he saw her flinch and wrapped his arms tightly around her, muttering soft things, trying to comfort her, trying to ease her pain, repeatedly telling her that he loved her and that he would protect her no matter what was happening, Harry scowling at Blaise. "what the hell is this Blaise!?" he demanded giving the paper a firm shake. "weren't you WATCHING him!?" Harry didn't understand how Draco could have mistaken this whore for Fydra, Draco and Fydra's magic's where tied together as a lifebonded pair. soul mates, they had opted for a Fey marriage instead of a wizarding, tying their very souls to one another, as an act of never ending, and undying love. he scowled and looked down at the picture again, the young girl looking up at the Camera and smiling as she snuggled into the sleeping Draco. "makes me sick." Harry growled glancing at Draco who was trying to talk his lover out of the catatonic state. "...he doesn't remember this?"
Blaise shook his head looking angry himself."They're bonded!I shouldn't HAVE to watch him."He growled wincing as he looked at draco and fydra, smiling slightly because even catatonic she was snuggling against his chest. Rubbing his eyes he sighed a little. Knowing that even Fey magic had its weakness, even if it was a bonding thing. Their love might not be never ending, not even this could end this, but it wouldn't stop them from having enemies, or falling prey to traps waiting for them."After she got suspended for trying to drug him, I didn't think she'd try again!"He growled angry as he ran his fingers through his hair again.This was such a mess. And he knew, with all certainity, even if he had no prove, that Draco was drugged beyond being drunk. It was the only way the whore could have tricked them both into thinking it was Fydra."But no, he doesn't remember anything.Hell, I don't remember anything until this morning."He sighed looking at draco,before handing him the pictures, knowing they wouldnt be able to keep them from him.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head, examining the paper intently. "Draco's too still." Harry finally decided, studying the paper. had he not listened to Fydra complain just two days ago about Draco being a restless sleeper? always moving and fidgeting? "we should run a screen.." Harry muttered. "i know there are ways to tell if Draco's been Drugged, i bet you where drugged too." Harry muttered glancing at Blaise. "why the hell is this bitch so obsessed with Draco!?" Harry wondered, glaring at her in the picture, she just turned and smirked at him, offering him a wink. Draco blinked, looking horrified as he examined the picture, all the blood draining out of his face as he struggled to remember if he'd done anything. he was only missing his shirt in the picture, he's taken it off halfway through the night, he remembered taking it off. it had been too hot... after that?...after that...nothing, not even a drunk 'fuzzy almost there memory' just nothing. he looked up at Blaise and Harry, horror stricken panic on his face as he stared at them, clearly terrified that he had mistaken the little harlot for his perfect wife, Harry felt his heart clench painfully at the sight of the guilt ridden Draco and the still catatonic Fydra.
Blaise nodded a little, swallowing hard as he looked at Draco."we'll get you tested.You know she'll believe you."He said swallowing again, it hurt so muh to watch this. Shaking his head a little."We need to deal with her before we go deal with the harlot."He said gesturing towards fydra. Fydra stirred a little, moving away from her husband, her face still blank, but eyes flashing with pain as she stood."Don't touch me."She said coolly, hiding as surely behind the siren's cold mask as he did behind the malfoy one.
Draco shook his head, letting off a choked sob as Fydra pulled away, Harry sighing as he gently took his sisters hand. “Fydra, come on love.” he ordered gently. “we'll go to my house.” he decided, glancing at Blaise as Draco began to outright sob, his hands covering his face as Harry apparated Fydra away before the woman could even protest, setting her onto a couch and handing her a calming potion. “Fy, you know Draco would never have been in bed with that harlot willingly.” he muttered softly. “she's been trying for years, she even snuck into his room several times remember? He did not get into that bed with her willingly. And you know it.”

Draco looked up at Blaise, looking horrified. “believe me!? Believe me!? She doesn't even trust me most days what the hell makes you think she'll believe me!?” he demanded, angry now. “that little cunt is ruining my life!” he complained throwing the paper into the fire, showing that he was talking about the little bitch of a student, not fydra. “Fy is going to leave me! She's.... she hates me! I saw it in her eyes Blaise! She hates me and she's never going to come back...” he collapsed into a chair and sobbed again. “and what if...what if I...” what if he had slept with the under aged bitch? Even her drugging him would not save him from Azkaban for fucking a child. He was screwed, so screwed.
Fydra looked up at him, her hands closing around the calming potion bottle, staring down into the contents, sipping it slowly."I know."She said softly her shoulders slouching.Despite knowing it, she couldn't wrap her mind around it. her heart was being ripped apart. Her whole chest ached. Knowing she gave draco the short end of the stick by not trusting him. But her seperation, what she'd managed to do to herself, had left inrepairable harm, and left her vulnerable."I'll...later.Later I'll talk to him."She muttered standing pressing a kiss to Harry's head as she sighed."I'm going to go stay in our suite at hogwarts."She muttered before apparating out again.glad that they'd probably leave her alone for awhile. At least...draco would. Harry would probably show up in the morning to harass her.Sighing softly, she settled into Draco's favorite seat, studying the fire she lit as she held the photo album in her lap. Lost in memories for the evening, tryng not to think abuot draco raging over her not trusting him. Hating herself for not doing she sat still and quiet, remembering their life together.

"Malfoy, grow some balls."Blaise growled at his friend."There would have been a actual picture of her fucking you if you had. And you know she'll come back. She alwys does.But she wont if you don't fight for her."He growled softly, wondering if draco would.despite knowing his friend loved his wife, he wondered...if her constant insecurities and pain had caused some inrepairable damage to his friend."You want her back don't you?"He asked raising his eyebrows.Knowing Fydra didn't hate her husband she just needed the space to think.Hopefully anyways.And knowing he had to goad his friend into fighting, otherwise fydra would pull away thinking its what draco wanted from her.
Draco was staring at nothing, much the way he had when Fydra had left to destroy Dumbledore. It was as if he had left his body again, but he stirred at Blaise's accusations. “of course I want her. I always want her...” he whispered shaking his head. “but she doesn't want me Blaise... she's always so distant... like she doesn't actually want me talking to her, touching her...” he closed his eyes, tears sliding down his face. “she hates me, and I'm too selfish to take the hint and leave her alone.” “that s a lie and you know it Draco.” Harry stated sternly, glaring at Draco as he apparated back in. “your soul Bonded, that means you can FEEL how she feels! You KNOW she loves you, your just too much of a coward to fight for her!” Draco went red with rage, and then sighed, sagging into the wall. “i can't reach her... it's like somethings blocking my reach...” “it's probably the drugs, come on Draco get up.” Harry ordered, grabbing the blond by the arm and yanking him to his feet and frog marching him to the potions room, drawing some of Draco's blood. Harry was tired of Fydra and Draco's 'malfunctions' it was time to end all of this once and for all.

He was going to prove that Draco had been drugged, no one would deny Harry Potter's truth, and Harry would take Draco to the hospital for a second opinion to be sure of it. It only took the doctors at ST Mungo's an hour to see that Draco had been heavily drugged with a very illegal substance. A magic blocker, as well as a sleeping agent had left Draco as helpless as a newborn ferret. Horrifically enough, with it still so strong in his system, Draco's magic was useless, and he had to stay at the hospital overnight for a constant antidote. Harry apparated to Fydra's room in the morning, watching her intently for a moment before. “they picked up the little Harlot.” he explained. “she admitted to drugging Draco, and to trying to punish him for denying her. He's at the hospital.” he admitted. “he can't even use his magic right now.” he stared at her. “she almost killed him you know. Two milligrams more and he would have died of an overdose.” wasn't Draco so lucky to attract such psychotic stalkers? But what would Fydra do with the new information?
Fydra stared barely reacting to her twins prescence before he spoke.then...the woman who looked up at him wasnt a witch with fae blood running strong in her veins,but a siren who'd put up with to much and who no longer tolerate the threat against her mate. The deadly,feral side of her nature that none of them had seen in years,worse now because she as older, deadlier then when she'd been a child. Trembling slightly with rage and pain, she reactd to knowing she'd almost lost draco.

Wrapping her arms around her waist she swallowed hard crossing the room to lean into harry's arms,trying to regain her barings as rage and fear knocked her off balance. rage becasue she wanted to kill the harlot for nearly killing draco, and fear for what she'd found out that morning. having been feeling sick for the past few days,she'd finally given in and saw the nurse.and the thought terrified her because the one time she'd gotten pregnant since she'd had paige had ened in a miscarry during one of the months her and draco had been this terrified her and excited her,hopefully draco felt the same."you'll take me to see him...I can't apparate..i...i need to see him before anythin else."she said pulling away from her twin to look at him,painful hope showin in her eyes."I know you're tired of us...but i do love him harry.and espie what he thinks,i do trust'd just been a shock to see the piture...please harry let me see him."she said desperate hands clinging to his shirt tear filled eyes staring at him,so hopeful and pained.knowing she did her husband a diservice and needing the chance to make it up to him. More then anything need to tell him that he was going to be a father, and that she'd trusted him with everything she was for years. Because even if he couldn't feel her, she could feel his despair like a brand on her skin, and it hurt so much to know it was her fault.She stared at her twin before the anxious and despair ripped her apart more then her need to protect the baby growing in her. Wrapping her arms around harry's waist and apparating to st. mungo's, sagging tiredly against him as soon as their feet touched the ground.

The babe, barely formed, was already draining it's mother of magical endurance. And fydra hadn't slept well teh night before. For despite bitching about draco's restless sleeping, she had grown used to having him with her, and found herself so lost without him by her side. Hormonal already as tears and draco's despair choked her, hating herself for causing him such pain.
Harry wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her tightly as if trying to hold all of her rage inside of her, kissing her forehead. “shh, Fy you need to calm down first.” he murmured softly. “i have to tell you that they have the little harlot in Auror Custody. So you can't go after her.” he teased shaking his head. “they thought she'd been be-spelled, because she was a minor, but the truth potion knocked her out of THAT little lie too.” he admitted shaking his head. “Draco's resting in the hospital, but the antidote their feeding him makes him sick.” he admitted, making sure that she knew everything before he took her to see him. “and he's a little loopy too so he might not make much sense at times.” he admitted smiling at her, kissing her forehead again. “i'm never tired of you, I'm just a little exasperated. Now, are you calm?” he demanded, examining her before nodding and tugging her into a Side Along apparation into the apparating point in ST Mungoes. Leading her into Draco's room where he was dozing on the bed, as pale as the moon and shivering in chill, despite the three blankets laying over him. Of course, Draco was always cold, and used to much heavier blankets, which Harry pulled out of his pocket and re-sized, carefully laying them over the cold, and tired Draco. “Dray, you need to wake up a little, Fydra's here.” “fy?” Draco asked hopefully, his eyes fluttering open. “gotta tell her.. I gotta tell her...” “hey, calm down she already knows.” Harry promised, Draco relaxing. “i didn't sleep with her. She drugged me.” “i know Dray. Look, Fydra's right there, and she has news for you.” “news?” Draco asked, blinking at Fy and relaxing as he smiled at her. “i thought you where going to leave me..” he admitted with a whisper. “please don't go? I love you...”
Fydra whimpered a little at causing him so much pain. Shifting she crawled under the covers with him, shivering in sympathy because she knew he was cold. shifting, she rested her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around him tightly."I'm not going anywhere."she muttered shivering a little, painfilled eyes closing as she struggled to think around his despair. It hurt to know she caused him such distress."i love you to love.And I trust you.I'm sorry it took so long to tell you."She swallowed hard, raising her head to look down at him, gently stroking his hair as she made sure the blanket was tucked around them both snugly. raising her eyes to look at harry she swallowed hard."Should I tell him..?Would he remember?"She asked softly, worry and pain fliting in her look. Not wanting to cause Draco more distress and pain then he was already in. Worried that he wouldn't be happy with the baby, because it'd be one more thing to worry about. but she still wanted to tell him, because she was so frightened of being alone with the secret, and she wanted the man she loved to know.
he sighed, relaxing when she crawled into bed with him, snuggling into her, relaxing even more at the promise that she wasn't going to go anywhere. Draco always believed Fydra when she made her promises, it made it easy for him to love her, forgive her, and trust her. He'd always been that way, completely smitten. “he'll remember.” Harry promised smirking wickedly. “just like he'll remember telling me and Blaise how he was going to dress up as a pretty pink ballerina and sing a song for you so you would love him again.” he snickered a little. “that was when he first started the antidote, he was crazy, kept trying to crawl out of bed to practice his dance and song number.” harry stuck his finger in his ear. “did you know that Draco can't sing?”everyone knew Draco couldn't sing, he was awful. “twinkle twinkle little star...” Draco mumbled, just happy to be snuggled in with Fydra. “how I love you...” Harry grimaced. “oh god Fy shut him up before he actually starts singing again!”
Fydra giggled as she pressed her face against her husband's chest, her heart aching with just how much she loved him, and how hurt she was for not taking better care of him.Shifting she muttered quiet soft loving words as she nuzzled her husband, just to get him to shut up.amused and touched that he was willing to embarass himself with singing, after all, he was horrible at it. And a malfoy never did something he was terrible at. So him willing to do it, was amazing."Draco....I'm pregnant."She whispered, nuzzling his ear a little, sighing peacefully as she held him tighter. anxious to see his reaction,even as love made her chest ache.
he smiled and snuggling into her, happy to be with her as she nuzzled him, practically purring like a cat, looking as content and happy as a puppy with a full belly. He tensed when she said she was pregnant and sat up, looking at her, blinking rather stupidly before a wild grin broke out across his face before he started giggling happily pressing his lips to her belly, kissing it all over. “baby, our baby...” he gasped and looked up at her in a panic. “but I just turned the nursery into a potions lab! I have to change it! We need to find the crib! I need to get paint! Baby clothes! What if it's a boy!? We'll need boy toys, and blue paint! But it could be another girl! We need pink paint and pink clothes!!!....” Harry was laughing so hard he was hanging off the chair. “this is exactly how he reacted when he found out you where pregnant with Paige! I KNEW he was going to freak out!” Harry teased, Draco scowling at him. “hush you! Everything needs to be PERFECT!”

he paused and gasped, clapping a hand to his mouth. “Paige! We need to tell Paige! Oh god what if she hates us!? What if she thinks we're replacing her! What if they don't get along!?” now he really WAS panicking, Paige was as much his life as his breath was, if she was unhappy he was unhappy. Harry shook his head and silenced Draco with a mild sleeping spell, the Blond whining as he snuggled into Fy and went to sleep, his head cushioned on her belly. “see Fy? He loves you and wants to keep the baby and still loves Paige with all his heart. Everything all better now?” he teased smiling a little at her patting her hand. “Draco will be less frantic once the antidote clears out all of the potion and he gets some rest, but for the moment we should try to keep him as calm as possible.” he admitted chuckling a little. “or rather you should keep him as calm as possible.” he teased smiling a little. Pausing when an Auror rushed in panting hard. “she's escaped!” “...who?” “Tamitha! The little harlot who drugged Draco! She was an animagus!” “WHAT!?” Harry roared, leaping to his feet with rage in his eyes. “she's gone!?” the Auror nodded, looking frantic. “we think she's going to go after Draco again!”
Fydra looked shocked, the laughter and amusement at Draco's reaction draining away as she looked at the auror. The siren looking out those blue eyes, deadly and not willing to tolerate anything else when it ame to her husband.Despite still stroking Draco's hair gently, which made the low simmering rage showing in her eyes even worse. Because she still looked calm and gentle."Let her come."She smiled a little, a world of pain waiting behind that quirky little smile."Harry.Go hme, sit with paige. Just in case the harlot goes to the manor.I'll stay here with him."She said smiling wider, the unmentioned words there. After all, if tamitha came here, she was going to discover the woman she'd taken as a weak willed broken teacher, was deadly when it came to her mate. It was like tamitha had grasped the tail of a cat, and instead of finding the weak willed tamable kitten on the other side, she found a tiger sharpening its claws.

"we'll be fine.Go."She said leaning back against the headboard, still stroking Dracos hair softly, move to try to keep herself calm then she really thoguht he needed it.After all, he as spelled asleep, it wasn't like he could feel it. She just needed to touch him, to reassure herself.
Harry nodded a little and hesitated, well aware of what that look meant before smiling a little. “i hope she comes here.” he stated simply, the Auror looking confused as he looked from Harry to Fydra. Everyone knew that Harry and Fydra where Fey, and that their laws did not govern them, and when the Auror realized what Harry was talking about, she had to struggle not to smile herself. “yes, lets hope she comes here.” she stated, winking at Fy before vanishing with a crack, Harry snickering a little as he too vanished, heading home to warn Blaise and Paige, and to tell Paige that she was going to get a new baby brother or sister.

It was two hours of silence, Draco sleeping resting against Fydra's belly and snoring lightly, looking at peace for the first time in months. then came a soft buzzing noise, a wasp lighting on the window of the Hospital room and slipping under the crack, landing on the floor in the middle of the room and morphing into the little harlot who had tried to ruin Draco's life, looking livid and insane as she rose her wand at Fydra. “you ruined everything you bitch.” the girl hissed, furious and hateful. “you took him from me! He's MINE! I'll kill you and then he'll be mine forever!”
Fydra raised a hand,"Silence.You'll disturb him with your nonsense."Fydra said casting silently, making sure the shield charm was between draco and the girl."How can I take something that's always been mine?Draco malfoy has always been mine, body and soul, child.And I've had enough of you."She flicked her fingers sighing in pleasure at the silent secumpstra drew blood. Closing her eyes for a moment before she shifted away, gently stroking draco's hair as she stood.The movement more cat then human, inhumanly graceful as she finally faced teh girl."I do have every right to kill you you know."she said raising a hand to gently stroke the girl's hair, smirking as she held her still,twining her fingers through tamitha's hair.

"But I have a worse punishment for you. Now. stay still and silent."Fydra said casting, making sure the girl was bound and invisble before she returned to draco's side, sitting on the edge of the bed, gently stroking draco's hair. Having every intention of making sure the girl knew she'd never had a chance of winning draco,even if she' managed to kill fydra. Had every intention of making sure she wanted to die....before she granted the request. She wanted the girl beaten and broken before the end though.

"Draco...Love, wake up."She said leaning down to kiss him gently.
Tamitha shrieked in rage and then in pain as the sectumsempra ripped through her, cutting her shoulder as she gripped the bleeding wound, suddenly she seamed to realize that Fydra was stronger than her before she whimpered and closed her eyes when Fydra ran her fingers through her hair trembling as she was bound tight and rendered invisible and silent as she watched Draco stir, yawning and stretching out on the bed, taking up all of the space the way only Draco could. “mm, Fy.” he purred, smiling at her with adoration in his eyes. “is it true?” he asked softly, reaching out and touching her belly. “i didn't dream it?” uncertain if the things that had happened in his drugged haze had been real or a dream. He smiled when she confirmed, pure happiness in his expression as he pulled her into the bed, laying his ear on her belly. “another baby.” he whispered happily. “another baby... god fy, I love you so much.” he admitted smiling up at her. “i'd die without you.” he admitted leaning up to kiss her, Tamitha screaming in fury in her little corner.
Fydra smiled softly kissing him back, gentle fingers running through his hair."I love you, so much."She muttered softly, "I'm sorry it took me so long to admit to trusting you.But I do."She said quietly, needing him to know, a hesitant happy smile curling her lips as she sighed softly. Happy to be pregnant, to have a child that was his in every way, yet the one other time she'd gotten pregnant after paige, had ended in a miscarriage. So she was nervously happy, hoping that the stress of dealing with tamitha wouldn't harm her or the babe.

"I love you."She said again before leaning back to look at him, eyes studying her."Love, we have a audience. before you get to into kissing me."she teased, waving a hand, letting the invisbility charm fall, looking at draco."I have to deal with her."She said quietly, moving to get up. Worried about what killing the woman would do to her...and wondering if she could convince harry to let the wild hunt run.Now there...a slow, predatorly smirk curled her lips. because there was nothing quite as terrifying as trying to flee the wild hunt."are you feeling well enough to go home?"She asked anxious to be home, to be surrounded by the sturdy safe walls of the manor.
Draco smiled as he nuzzled her belly some more before freezing when he saw Tamitha, actual panic flying into his eyes, terrified the little slytherin harlot would try to do something else to him, trembling against Pan as he realized that the girl was tied up and silenced so she couldn't do anything, sighing softly before shaking his head. “i want to go home.” he admitted clinging to her. “i think the doctor said I could go home...” and if they hadn't, well, oops. Draco wanted to be where it was safe and calm. “let Harry deal with...that.” he muttered, glancing at Tamitha with a shudder as she screamed and raved in silence, glaring at them both as she struggled to turn into her animagus form, anything to get away. “or just call Devlin, I bet he could find some use for her.”
"My thoughts exactly."Fydra smiled slowly, shifting to wrap her arms around Draco, curling her body around him protectively, the slow smirk twisting her features promising to hurt anyone that came near him without her permission. No longer was it draco's choice who he conversed with, at least not for a little while. The possesive deadly side of her nature demanding that she stand between draco and anyone else, even if she was pregnant, and should be the one taking it easy."Deviln, I summon you here. And the wild hunt."She said softly, letting the terror of losing draco fill the words, willing tamitha to feel the panic she had for a moment.Even though she usually couldn't command the wild hunt, not like harry, her and harry had come to terms on how best to use the hunt, and sometimes, like now, if it was a very needful thing, Devlin listened to her.

Without waiting for Devlin to show, she knew he would, and she knew he knew what to do, so without waiting she wrapped her arms around draco tighter, apparating them back to the manor with a sigh, trembling ever so slightly with weariness as she leaned against draco for a moment, responding to her family's presence even before she'd realized they were there. Putting herself between Draco and everyone. Tom raised his hands in surrender, not moving closer, knowing better then to approach a siren who looked that so far gone."Fydra... you need to relax.You need sleep.Both of you do.Let us help you upstairs."He said soothingly, swallowing hard as she just stared at them. Before relaxing."Harry... paige okay?And Sebastian?"she muttered tiredly wrapping her arms around draco as she looked at her twin, wanting to know her daughter and brother in law, even if he was paige's age, was okay. gently urging draco towards the door wanting to lay down. "Mom, we're okay. See?"Paige said wrapping her arms around her papa's waist anxiously helping in walk. Blaise sighed softly, looking at harry."Think we need to dose them both with calming droughts?"he muttered, figuring they were home because tamitha had shown up.
Draco smiled a little as he watched Harry run up and carefully support the shaky blond, who couldn't seem to figure out how to make his legs work, still under the effects of the antidote. “it's a good thing the doctors knew you where probably going to ditch and made sure that Draco got in all of his antidotes last night.” Harry teased smiling as Draco nodded. “Devlin has her.” Draco admitted smiling at Paige. “oh gosh! We haven't told you yet!?.... when did you get here?” Harry laughed a little and shook his head as he laid Draco on the bed. “shut up Dray and sleep, the world will make sense again in the morning.” he promised smiling at Fydra. “we can't give him a calming drought because it will interact with the antidote, but it keeps him pretty calm all by itself so there's no need to worry. By the time he wakes up naturally he'll be back to his normal articulate self.” he smiled as Sebastian, his and Blaise;s adopted son rushed in with one of Draco's calming potions for Fydra, panting softly as he winked at his bigger father, handing it to Blaise. “papa told me to get it and give it to fydra, but she's in scary mood so I'm going to give it to you to give to her ok father?” he asked, clearly teasing Blaise and fydra.
Blaise laughed softly."She is in a scary mood isn't she?All she needs is a fierce scowl and she'll look like grandpa."He snickered a little like always. It was always amusing to think of the dark lord as grandpa. Handing it over to Fydra,he grinned slightly at the calmer look in her eyes as she curled up around Draco."Now.Everyone out."She growled quietly, still not liking everyone near Draco, even if she trusted them all. Her nerves were to raw for it.Shifting her hold on Draco she smiled as paige ducked down to kiss her mother's cheek,"We'll talk in the morning.I wanna hear all about what papa wants to do for the baby."She said, clearly excited at having a sibling. And harry had told her all the goofy things draco had panicked about, making sure she knew she was one of the important things he'd thought about first.
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