Siren's song

"Come on love, time to lay down. It's time for paige's nap."Tom said gently tucking paige in the crook of one arm, shifting the babe to help harry get narcissa upstairs, tucking her into bed before shifting the pillows around so that paige could lay with her."Now that's a sweetheart, just rest."He said kissing narcissa's head.

Fydra bit her lip as she muttered a sleeping spell, sitting up slowly, gently looking down at him. Gently stroking his hair, feeling horrible for using what she knew about him,against him. Swallowing hard as she stood dressing."Goodbye love."She whispered dipping her head, kissing his forehead."I love you."She muttered apparating to Hogwarts, closing her eyes as she started weaving the spells, the bounds, the wards. Shivering a little as she whispered the command. Knowing she had to finish this before the spell wore off and draco woke. Whispering for dumbledore to join her. And as she turned her face to look at the confused look on the headmaster's face, she whimpered softly. Before doing what she must.

Tom shuddered biting his lip, swallowing hard. Feeling magic dancing over his skin like a butterfly's kiss, a gentle hug, as if..."No....oh not yet...."He whispered, knowing what this was.It was Fydra saying goodbye...beore the wretching pain hit him,and he knew she'd seperated her soul, to bind dumbledore to her.
Harry jerked out of bed as he realized what he was feeling, diving for his pants, kicking Blaise out of the bed. "Blaise! wake up we have to stop her!" he roared, eyes wide, panicked. "she hasn't even given me a chance! i can't let her do this! oh god no!" he complained grabbing his wand and calling Devlin to him, looking at the Elf. "Stop her!" he ordered Devlin sighing softly and shaking his head. "i cannot..she has commanded, and i must obey." Harry let out a sound of rage, shoving him away and apparating to the castle. Narcissa had only just started sobbing, curling up in her bed, trembling in horror as she realized her daughter was leaving already, Draco crying softly even through the sleeping spell she had pushed on him. "FYDRA!" Harry roared, racing through the forest, trying to reach the castle before she sealed it away. "FYDRA DON'T!"
Tom cursed as he and blaise ran through the undergrowth,cursing as he saw the wards forming. Saw his daughter turn at the call of her name,raise a hand in goodbye."Goodbye."The wind carried the sound of her voice to them even as they ran into the wards. Tom howling, banging his fist on the wall, trying to get through to the girl he could still see just beyond. The wind howling his rage, the rain that started falling crying their heartache..."NO!FYDRA!"

Sev rushed into the room shoving a calming drought into narcissa's hand, trembling himself, tears falling down his face even as paige screame in unhappiness, already feelign the absence of her mother."Narcissa Drink. NOW."He demanded holding her close.
Harry didn't even pause, he continued running, leaping through the air and slamming his shoulder into the side of the wards, trying to break it down physically, because he knew that he wasn't strong enough magically. running back and leaping it it again, striking it with his magic and then his shoulder. screaming in pain and rage as he tried to break through, again and again until his shoulder was bleeding and broken, and continuing on until Blaise grabbed him and made him stop, harry screaming in agony as he continued trying to attack the wards.

Narcissa sobbed, shaking her head but obediently swallowed the calming drought when he pressed it to her lips. "Draco...where is Draco." she whispered once the calming drought had her relaxed. "my son...where is my son!?" she demanded, terrified she was going to loose both her children.
Blaise cursed, wrapping his arms around harry, holding him close, sparing a look for the dark lord."I'm taking him home."He growled apparating back to the manor. Carrying harry to their room.Eyes wide and panicked, "Harry!Stop!"He winced as the other continued trying to get away.

Severus's eyes went wide, "I...I dont know."He said clibing out of the bed, pausing as he tried to decide what to do. before he realized someone was still here. Rushing down the hall he barged into harry and blaise's rooms looking panicked."Where. Is.Draco?"He demanded. Blaise gently shook harry's shoulder, gentle hands trying to rouse him."Harry. where'd fydra take draco?"He asked knowing fydra wouldn't have taken him with her
Harry growled, struggling against Blaise, trying to get free so he could apparate back to the castle, groaning as he slumped, the pain finally hitting him and knocking him out. the pain, and the over use of his magic. he was still out when Snape ran in, his shirt off and his arm bruised and broken in full view of snape when the man came in. "huhn?" Harry asked sleepily. "he's... Fey.." Harry groaned, wanting to go back to sleep. "ask...Dev..." he mumbled dropping back to sleep. because in sleep it wouldn't hurt so wouldn't be so painful.
Sev relaxed for a moment,"Devlin.Come here."he said ading magic to it, knowing he didn't HAVE to obey, but hoping that the fae lord would bring his son back with him.Hoping draco was asleep and hadn't noticed Fydra was gone. Growling as he walked out of the room he returned in a few minutes to start working on fixing harry up,gently fingers setting bone, soothing in potions into his skin. His heart breaking for them, and for naricssa, and mostly.Draco.
there was an answering brush of magic, Devlin responding to the call before he stepped into the room in time to hear Harry whimper in pain as Snape carefully rubbed in the potions. "he tried to break down the ward." Devlin explained softly, gently laying the still crying Draco next to harry on the bed. "i have kept The Dragon asleep." Devlin explained. "so he would not suffer alone." he admitted sighing a little. "they Fey mourn...and the ground bleeds with pain for the one that has saved us all..."
Severus swallowed hard, his heart breaking as tears slid down his side, wincing as he watched blaise curl up around both boys in the bed, tilting his head."Will you please go make sure Tom's not trying to break the wards?Send him back here please."He said smiling a little before walking out, not waiting for a answer as he went back to narcissa, "Come.Draco's in harry's room."He said helping her up before taking paige from her, cuddling the wailing baby as he headed back to the other room.Feeling the grief and pain like a tangiable emotion, it clung to them all
Draco and Harry both curled into Blaise, both of them clinging to him, Draco's eyes finally fluttering open. "she's gone...isn't she?" he asked softly, looking at Severus. "she...left me..."he sounded so...empty. he swallowed hard and closed his eyes, still crying silently. "she left me..." he whispered, Narcissa sobbing as she pulled her poor little son into her arms, holding him tightly as Harry slept, drugged to the teeth with sleeping potions that Devlin had fed him, dragging Tom back by force and dumping the man practically in severus's lap. "know this greasy man." Devlin stated his eyes brimming with emotions. "i follow your orders only for The Lord. where this any other time, under any other circumstances, you would have been punished for daring to command me."
"I know.And for these is the only reason I dared.'He said tilting his head sighing softly watching the fae lord leave, as he transfigured the bed into a bigger one, settling them all in it before he laid down and drugged next to narcissa cuddling paige even as he stroked draco's hair ,even as they all settled into sleep. Knowing this was going to be painful for them all.

In the morning Blaise sighed softly as he sat up,gentle fingers fingering harry's shoulder, looking worried biting his lip as he looked down at the blinking harry."Harry?Love, how do you feel?"He said, absently reaching behind him to stroke draco's hair as he whimpered.
Harry groaned a little and shook his head. "it hurts... but it hurts more...that i failed her..." he admitted softly, his eyes opening slowly. "damn Devlin...he drugged me." he complained softly, reaching over and wincing when he touched his arm. "ah...ouch.." he complained softly looking over at Draco, who was asleep and cradling the sleeping Paige as if she was the only thing in the world that mattered....maybe to was. "how's Draco doing?" no one knew, he hadn't taken the time to wake up yet.
Blaise smiled tiredly, having stayed up with them for most of the night."I don't know. He hasn't woken up enough. He stirred a little bit, to cuddle paige, but thats it. He's been like that all night."He said shifting wrapping his arms around harry, his heart breaking a little."Love, you didn't fail her.You gave her a family, when she would have lost everything."he said softly, having a feeling that even with draco with her, she wouldn't have survived her rape without harry."And now she made the choice to save you,and more important to her, Him."He said knowing that everyone else could have gone to hell, had fydra been able to assure her twin and lover would have survived.
Harry sighed a little and curled into Blaise. "i just... i could have gotten him Blaise..if she'd just given me a little more time...that
s all i needed was just a little more time..." he complained softly snuggling into Blaise. "i fear a world without Fydra in it." he admitted softly, Draco swallowing thickly. "i never realized, that when she was saying i love you....she was really saying...goodbye." he whispered softly, voice toneless and eyes blank as he nuzzled the stirring Paige, who whimpered, wanting her mommy, and her bottle. "shhh, shh Daddy's got you." he whispered, slowly getting out of bed to get the bottle and some milk for his baby girl Harry swallowing hard. "...we have to get her back..."
"We will.Tom knows how to.And you three will bring her back."he said watching draco get up, swallowing hard. Not wanting to say what he was afraid of. Not that they wouldn't get her back, but how much she would be changed. Swallowing hard he watched draco walk back to the bed, shifting to make room for him and paige."Draco...she does love you,she wasn't just saying goodbye."He said softly, stroking harry's hair. Knowing why Fydra hadn't given him more time, because more time put them in danger, and it wasn't in fydra to let that happen if she could help it
Harry sighed a little as he watched Draco come back in and settle back into the bed, silently feeding Paige. he didn't bother to respond, he just stared into nothing as Fydra ate, burped, and went back to sleep. "we will get her back Draco...i promise." Harry said softly, gripping the others hand, looking worried when Draco didn't respond in the slightest other than to pull his hand away so that he could adjust Paige's blanket, Harry swallowing thickly. "...we have to get her back..."
Blaise paled a little as he watched his friend."As soon as Tom gets up, we'll start working. I promise. I wont let her go without fighting."he said holding harry close, kissing his head. Worried about draco."We'll get her back."He sighed kissing harry's hair.

Which, six months later, he was starting to lose hope in. Each time...something was wrong. They couldn't...something was wrong with their summons, couldn't reach the siren they wanted. Until... blaise had realized what was wrong. While tom and harry were blood and family, they weren't trying to summon just her body, they were summoning her heart.And Draco held that. Rubbing a hand over his face he was glad both tom and harry had sorted out the ritual... all they needed was draco.Draco who'd lost even more of himself with each day that past, every day becoming more withdrawn, only coming alive for Paige. Even as his mother started showing her body growing round with pregnancy, draco didn't respond beyond nodding to show that he'd heard the announcement.

Pain filling Blaise's eyes as he walked into the nursery with Harry, crouching down in front of draco as he played with the sleepy 7th month old, snapping his fingers in front of the blond's face to get his attention."Draco.We need to talk."He said gently, biting his lip. Looking up at harry needing the support to see his friend hurting so
Harry too was becoming to get depressed. he had thrown himself into the work, spending days without sleep or eating at times to try and find out what was wrong, why it wouldn't work. but now he wasn't eating, simply because he didn't feel like it. he ate when Blaise told him too, which was often. Draco on the other hand, didn't teat at all unless Narcissa practically force fed him. he was starting to get very thin because she couldn't feed him enough to keep up with his metabolism. she could only get so much into him before he simply refused to unclench his teeth. still, he blinked at the finger snapping, and looked up at Blaise, Paige giggling happily as Harry swung her around in the air.
Blaise smiled a little as he watched paige for a minute before looking at draco."We need your help.I think...we've figured out what's wrong. It's you."He winced a little. Having tried to exclude draco, having not wanted to get his hopes up to much,but now...they had to have his help."We can call her body, but draco, you hold her heart and soul. We need you, to make it work."He said gently stroking the blond's hair, his heart hurting
Draco blinked at him before, for the first time, he actually reacted, a small bloom of hope filled his eyes and he stood up, looking himself over, shaking his head and walking into the bathroom, closing the door and for the first time, he took a shower without being told to do it, Paige giggling happily. "ah! Ah!" she cried, wanting to be tossed around some more Harry beaming at Blaise. "he's doing something Blaise... if he puts his heart and soul into calling for her, i know she'll answer!" he decided, hope in his eyes as well. "i know we can do this!"
Blaise smiled grinning, "We will.and I'm glad he's showering, she'd flip if she saw him like this."He grinned a little stealing paige from his lover, cuddling the baby in his arms as he settled in to wait, smiling a little when Narcissa came in."He's showering.Then we're heading for hogwarts."he said smiling. Another plan of Blaise's, to get close as they could to fydra physically, because they didn't know how drained she was magically. The closer the better. It would work.
Harry smiled and nodded as Narcissa walked in, the woman looking astonished. "really!? which one of you told him to do it?" "neither, he's cleaning up for Fy." he explained chuckling a little as he shook his head. "i hope he remembers to shave." "oh, i don't know, he looks kind of handsome with that stubble." she admitted with a small chuckle as she shook her head. "should i get Sev? or leave him here? he's still making potions for her.."
Blaise bit his lip thinking about it."let him be. If...if the unthinkable happens...I wont destroy another person's heart today.Let him keep thinking we're working on it"he swallowed hard, smiling a little. "Besides we'll be coming back here."He said before snickering."He does look handsome doesnt he?Though I dont think she'd appericiate whisker burn."
Harry nodded. "alright." he agreed looking at Narcissa who smiled. "i know you boys can bring her back." she admitted. "i have a good feeling about today." she admitted, pausing when the shower turned off and Draco started getting dressed in there. "ah, i'll leave you to it then." she promised smiling as she took Paige gently from Blaise's arms. "my your getting so BIG little one! soon you'll be able to eat something other than mushed pee's and smashed carrots hmm?" she teased smiling at the babe in her arms.
Blaise laughed as paige giggled happily, clapping her hands as she looked up at her grandmother."dadadadaada"she giggled happily, turning her head clapping more when she saw draco coming out."Dada!" Blaise laughed softly looking at draco, grinning a little. "You shave?No reason to give the girl whisker burn when you kiss her."He teased looking at his friend. "You guys ready to go?"Tom said as he stepped in the room, paige reaching out, making grabby motions with her hands, still obsessed with her grandfather's nose."Dada!"
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