Siren's song

Harry looked shocked and then, almost afraid as he stared at his father, swallowing thickly as tears rose in those emerald green depths. "your just a fucking bastard, Harry whispered. "you keep secretes, and then when i step out of line, you good as hit me...if that's not like Dumbledore...not like my uncle...i don't know what is." and witch that he kicked Tom hard in the stomach and squirmed free of his grip and fled to find a hiding place, find anyplace where Tom couldn't follow. "DEVLIN!" Harry roared, voice choked with tears as the elf came, and took harry away, letting the poor boy calm down in the place where he should have been all his life, the kingdom of the Fae.
Tom cursed softly, resting his forehead aginst his knees. Knowng he hd few choices and he''d messed up with his son....he would't lose his daughter just because he had found another answer. Swallowing as he lited the spell he sighe as he settled down to talk to her.

That evening Fydra sighed softly as she stared out the window, shifting a little as seh pulled her sweater tighter around herself, sighing as she leaned back into draco's chest as he walke up behind her."I love you.""She said, sadness and longing in the words.Longing she didn't have to make the choice she had to make.
Draco nodded, wrapping his arms tightly around her. "i love you too." he admitted softly gently kissing her neck. "i promise, we'll do everything we can to make sure you never have to make that choice." he promised, kissing her cheek, holding her tightly. "i wish Harry would come back." he admitted softly. "i don't know what happened, Blaise won't tell me and Tom's holed himself up again." he admitted looking worried. "i'm sure Harry's safe, but i'd like to know for sure." he admitted softly as he gently nuzzled her neck. "you must be worried too huh?"
Fydra moaned softly, nodding as she leaned back into him. As much as it was upsetting, she was glad her father had told her.If...shivering in his arms she knew what needed to be done, but now...she wouldn't make it. Not yet. Tilting her head away she he could nuzzle her, he sighed,closing her eyes as pleasure twisted through her body. Swallowing hard as she turned, wrapping her arms around draco's waist."I think...I think I kno how to find him."She said closing her eyes,holding onto draco tightly, focusing on Harry, relaxing.

Focusing and apparating. Swaying on her feet when they landed, holding onto draco, resting her forehead on draco's chest as she panted,not realizing they'd apparated directly into harry's bbedroom at the palace, shivering in draco's arms."...he's in fae..."She muttered feeling the difference from the real world, shivering as she tilted her head to look at draco,yelping when she realized they were in the room with harry."Harry!"She pulled away, stumbling to his side, pouncing on him.Having not eaten enough the last month, her body was protesting the use so much magic.
he smiled as he kissed her forehead. "i still think we should go to Egypt, Korea maybe...perhaps'd like Ireland." he teased smiling down at her blinking in astonishment when Fy closed her eyes, and opened the portal between the realms, Harry gaping as his sister and her lover dropped into his room, a pair of fine silk pants in one hand and a pair of leather in the other, as if he'd been trying do decide which one would look better. "Fydra! good lord!" Harry complained, catching her and laying her out on the bed, ignoring the fact that he was wearing only a pair of boxers. "you shouldn't have used magic like that Fy your going to overtax yourself again! you should have called Devlin to come get you." he complained frowning at her, worried. "has something happened!? whats wrong?"
Fydra blinked sleepily at him, shifting to cuddle into draco's arms as he settled on the bed next to him."Was worried about you.Didn't know where you were. Father was upset. Worried to."she smiled a little shifting to look at draco,biting her lip."Ireland would be nice."She said with a soft smile, settling against him.Despite already making her decision,she needed this moments, for herself. To be with draco,and harry...and of course, paige.
Harry relaxed and sighed a little. "i...said something wrong, that's all." Harry admitted sliding into bed with his twin, Draco snorting a little. "what else is knew?" "...i...said Tom was no better than Dumbledore... and he got upset and grabbed me and i panicked...told him he was no better than my abusive relatives... i'm sure he's still really mad at me...i'm scared to go back." he admitted softly, pressing his face into Fydra's leg, snuggling his sister, Draco looking stunned. "i don't want Father to be upset with me...when he didn't mean it...when i didn't mean it..." he sighed a little. "i'm such a coward..."
Fydra chuckled sleepily, stroking harry's hair as she looked down at him."He's worried. And angry, because....he's scared love."she muttered sighing a little, stroking his hair."Go back,he'll be glad to see you.Unless you want to stay with me and draco.I think...we're going to stay here for awhile. have a few minutes to ourselves."She said blushing, showing just what she meant by alone time.
Harry wrinkled his nose playfully. "no thank you." he teased chuckling a little as he got up and pulled on the leather pants, shaking his head. "you two enjoy your peace." he ordered softly, sighing a little as he looked around. "call Devlin if you need anything." harry ordered calmly, smiling at her. "it's nice here." he admitted sighing softly. "we belong here...but...we can't stay Fy." Harry admitted softly. "not forever...we have...our roles to play." because Harry knew too...Harry knew, that if he failed, Fydra was the only one who could save them all. but Harry was already working on a plan, to bring her back when she left.
"Go."She said waving him off, giving him a look, just for him.Sadness and pain in that look, even if she didn't know it, she longed to be safed from this. But...she was willing to do it. And she wanted her day with draco before she did."Let mother and severus know that we'll be home in the morning."She said sitting up on her elbows, already feeling better,nuzzling draco's neck.Wanting him,needing the good memory, before she stripped herself of the memory of this. Needing to make sure he had a good memory,free of pain,free of memories, and free of her being pregnant. she needed to give him this.
Harry smiled and nodded. "rest well you two." he ordered, stepping into the shadows and vanishing, reappearing in the Riddle Manor with a small sigh, shoving his hands into his pockets and heading for his Father's study, deciding he had just apologize to the man instead of prolonging it, well aware that he would get punished more. the longer he hid himself away from Tom's fury. some part of him honestly expecting to be smacked around for his lip, the other part laughing at the idea that Tom would ever hurt him, there was only one way to find out which half was true after all, so he raised his hand, and knocked on the door.

Draco frowned when harry vanished. looking angry. "he didn't mean that have no part in the war! you have no role to play...everyone else will take care of everything, you'll won't ever have to make that choice." he whispered softly, pulling her tightly into his arms and holding her close and safe, trying to protect her like a Dragon struggling to protect it's treasures.
Tom looked up startled when his study door came open, eyes going wide for a moment before relaxing, looking relieved to see him."Harry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-I did....I dont want to make her choose."He said shuddering a little.

Fyra smiled slightly cuddling into his arms, pulling him down for a kiss. "I'll let you guard your treasures,dragon."She muttered, teasing as she shifted brushing his hair out of his face, gentle hands running over his body. And she would let him protect his least some of them.she'd let him take care of paige, the only person she really trusted with her daughter, because he was a dragon under the skin.
Harry winced at the apology. "your not the one who should be apologizing." he complained, looking confused. "i'm the one that was wrong.. i didn't mean the things i said... i know you could never be like them... i was just...scared... i didn't...think that there could ever be...another prophecy." he admitted staring at Tom before pulling the other into a tight hug, pressing his face into Tom's chest. "i'm afraid...that i won't be stop Dumbledore..."

Draco sighed a little, relaxing at her promise. "you and Paige are my treasures." he murmured softly. "my only treasures." he mumbled softly. "the only treasure in this world that matters." he kissed her cheek. "your my whole world Fy..." he admitted softly. "the thought of loosing you...terrifies me."
tom shuddered a little."I know.I thought...I thought I could stop dumbledore....and it didn't work."He swallowed hard, hugging the man tightly. Knowing that they couldn't stop fydra from making the choice, but they could bring her back."Paige...paige left a idea...on how to bring her back.But...its not a quick one."He shuddered a little. Knowing she'd make it, but it would take them months to do what needed to be done.

Fydra swallowed hard, her heart aching for decieving him,even just a little. But...she had to.Kissing him again she gently tangled her fingers in his hair,kissing him gently, softly as she tugged at his clothes."Your my treasure to."She smiled sliding her hands over bare skin
Harry sighed a little and shook his head. "all these years...i stood right next to him, and let him manipulate me, i could have killed him at almost anytime and i can't even find the fucker." he complained softly, grateful for the comfort that his father was giving. "as long, as there is a way to bring her back...i think, i think we can all..." they could handle it if Fydra was only gone for a little while.

he smiled as he nuzzled her, sighing softly. "you smell good tonight." he admitted softly, moaning as he was kissed before he pulled away, shaking his head. "fy don't... don't push yourself so hard." he whispered, shivering at the hand on his skin. "i don't to have another panic attack... oh that feels good." he groaned as her fingers, as always, found the sensitive places along his back and belly.
Tom nodded,"We can."He said kissing his head."It'll take some working, but I will get her back. Now that I have you two, neither of you are going anywhere."he growled leaning back enough to wipe his eyes before looking down at his son."Now.Lets stop doing the upset thing, and go see paige. She's spending to much time with her other grandpa."He said pouting as he heade for the door.

Fydra laughed softly gently fingers finding the spots he loved,"I wont. And I want to."she said smiling a little,feeling better then she had for months.Her breakdown with harry, having released her. Shifting she slid out of her own clothes, settling against him with a sigh,gentle fingers stroking over his skin."I love you."
Harry nodded and wiped his eyes chuckling a little. "you sound like a jealous old man." he teased smiling a little as he headed out of the room and into the living room where Narcissa was feeding Paige with a small smile on her face, Harry freezing. "...should we tell them Tom?" he asked softly. "should we tell them about the prophecy?"

he groaned, arching into her talented fingers, his eyes flicking open to blink at her, offering her a smile. "if you need to stop, please do." he ordered softly, licking his lips. "i don't want you to push yourself." he promised. "i'll let you be in charge." he promised, gently stroking her hair. "i'll let you be on top. so it's not so hard for you." he promised smiling a little as he kissed her gently, wanting this, wanting the physical connection, but worried that she was going to break for pushing herself so hard.
Tom froze, looking at the picture of contentment in front of him. Before shaking his head."No.Not yet."He swallowed."Let Draco do it." He said, swallowing again as he watched the two, his heart aching. Knowing fydra had already made her choice, and being faced with this...was so much harder."How's she doing?"He asked walking in, smiling at narcissa.

Fydra grinned,"IT wont be.And I wont."She smiled seeing the worry in his eyes, gently stroking his hair as she shifted to straddle his waist, pining him there as she looked down at him,lowering her head to kiss him as she sighed and slid onto him,shivering a little as she did. Moaning softly.
Harry sighed a little and nodded. "your right." he agreed shaking his head a little before grinning as he tickled Paige's feet Narcissa chuckling. "she's babbling up a storm!" Narcissa admitted, the little baby giggling as she babbled little baby talk at her uncle and her grandfather, reaching out for Tom. she liked Tom's nose, it was fun to grab onto.

he smiled at her and reached up, gently stroking her face back before moaning eagerly as she slid down onto him. "oh god...fy, you feel wonderful." he moaned straining against the urge to move, not willing to do anything without Fy's permission, not wanting to frighten her. "ah...ah your always so, perfect Fy." he moaned, smiling at her. "i love you."
Tom laughed bending closer to let the baby grab at his nose, grinning as he stole her from narcissa, cuddling her close.Needing her, now that he knew he was losing her mother."Oh your just going to be talking and talking arent you.So like draco."He teased. Sev snickered as he walked into the room."Who thought we'd see the day when the dark lord was gaga over a baby."He teased.

Fydra moaned shifting against him, riding him slowly, smiling at him."I love you to."She said lowering her head kissing him again, "You can move.I'm fine.Really."She said softly, kissing him again.
Harry smiled as Paige babbled and babbled and babbled, Harry chuckling as he glanced at Sev, shaking his head. "we all knew it was going to happen, he's just a big teddy bear." he teased smiling sadly at Paige, well aware that soon...she was going to be the only thing he had of Paige. "...whats wrong?" Narcissa finally asked, frowning a little. "what's happening?"

Draco moaned and nodded, thrusting into the other, panting eagerly as he moved inside of his lover. "oooh god yes, Fy i love you so much." he moaned kissing her eagerly running her hands carefully over her breasts, determined to give her all the pleasure he could.
Sev studied the two, frowning harder when tom refused to look away from his granddaughter."Okay you two.Tell us.Whatever it is."He growled. Tom winced a little cuddling his granddaughter sighing softly."There's....They found Paige's journal."

ydra moaned panting as he touched her, hands running over his chest as she trembled, shivering as she rode him, kissing him just as eagerly before her eyes went wide, surprised as her orgasm crashed over her her body tightening aorund the blond's cock almost painfully.
Harry hesitated when Narcissa frowned, confused. "i don't understand." she complained standing up as Harry offered her the Diary, he'd been carrying it with him ever since he'd realized that there was no stopping Fydra. in hopes that Paige would give a clue on how to stop it from happening. "oh my god...sev.." Narcissa whispered, reading through the 'story' with wide eyes.

he moaned eagerly as he felt her cum, trembling against her as he thrust slowly, riding her through her orgasm before pulling out and cumming with a groan, not willing to impregnate her again so soon. "ooh god yeesss Fy!" he moaned tipping his head back. "oooh yesssss."
Tom swallowed hard, closing his eyes."Paige...paige never discovered how to stop it from happening, only a way to call her back when she did it."Pain filled his face as he gently stroking paige's hand, smiling down at the baby. Sev paled flipping through the rest of the book, biting his lips."Potions.She'll need potions when she comes back."He stood, hussling out of the room, to tom's bitter amusement. Knowing the man was focusing on the only thing that wouldn't send him insane.

Fydra shivered moaning at the feel of him cumming,feeling cum coating the backs of her legs, shifting to snuggle down into him,laying easily on top of him,gently nuzzling his neck."Perect."She muttered sleepily."I love you so much..."She muttered, just realizing that she couldn't tell him goodbye, because he'd fight her into the she'd tell him that needed him the only way she could. Letting the words be her goodbye, when she would go with the dawn.
Harry swallowed hard and watched Sev run away, Narcissa swallowing hard as she collapsed, sitting on the floor now, shaking hard. "not my baby..." she whispered. "please... not my little girl." she pleaded, to who, no one would know. "Narcissa." Harry muttered carefully helping her to stand up. "lets get you to bed okay?"

he moaned smiling as he stroked her hair. "i love you too." he murmured kissing her neck wrapping his arms tightly around her, nuzzling her all over. "i love you so much. i'll never let anything bad happen to you." he promised softly. "i'll never let anyone hurt you." he was already falling asleep, sex always knocked him out cold, and a well placed sleeping spell would keep him sleeping even as she slipped from his arms.
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