Siren's song

Harry laughed brightly as he kissed his granddaughters forehead snickering a little. "i wonder what is up with her and your nose?" he mused his head tilted a little as draco blinked at them touching his chin scowling a little before turning back into the bathroom, Narcissa chuckling a little shaking her head. "well at least he's showing interest..." she muttered smiling a little as Draco came back out. "brush your hair?" Harry asked, Draco pausing again and then going back into the bathroom to deal with his hair harry smiling a little. "there, now he looks presentable at least."
Tom smirked a little, watching draco."Fy's going to be sooo jealous. She's probably not even brushed her hair."He laughed softly, ginning at paige, delighted at the idea of getting back his daughter. Grinning at Draco as the other came back in, handing paige back to narcissa."we'll be back soon."He said kissing her head, before looking at draco."Ready?"He said looking him over, knowing he was so going to get berated by fydra for not taking better care of draco.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "as long as we get her back, i don't care what she looks like." he admitted smiling as he took Draco's hand and held his hand out for Tom's. "let's go." he ordered glancing at Blaise. "i'm sure this will work." he decided nodding a little. "i'm sure we're going to get her back." he closed his eyes and apparated the four of them to the castle, staring at the ward, which he had tried many times to break, setting his hand on it. "we'll get you out Fy... Blaise, what do we have to do?"
Blaisesmiled slightly as he lit the candles settling the four at the four compass points before approaching draco, raising the blond's hand, closing his fingers over fydra's engagement ring."Repeat after me. And put everything you have into it."he said smiling a little, feeling the thrum of magic against his skin." Blood to Blood we call to her, Flesh to Flesh we summon her, Bone of the Brother, Blood of the Father, Love of a Dragon Pure. we call upon her, Wild and Tame, Magic and Mundane, Life and Death, Shadow and Light, Earth and Sea and all she is. we call to her who has been lost, to return her to the Dragons Keep."He sighed softly, smirking as he felt magic, swril around them as tom took it up, and draco,and harry. Their voices being the summons she couldn't resist. "Blood to blood..."he shuddered a little feeling a fourth touch of magic, that lightly inquistive touch, that held a touch of fydra,"we call her. Wild and tame..."
Harry and Draco nodded as they closed their eyes, focusing on Fydra as intently as they could. "Blood to Blood we call to her, Flesh to Flesh we summon her, Bone of the Brother, Blood of the Father, Love of a Dragon Pure. we call upon her, Wild and Tame, Magic and Mundane, Life and Death, Shadow and Light, Earth and Sea and all she is. we call to her who has been lost, to return her to the Dragons Keep." they chanted, again and again, Harry and Draco gasping happily as they felt her touch. "Blood to Blood we call to her, Flesh to Flesh we summon her, Bone of the Brother, Blood of the Father, Love of a Dragon Pure. we call upon her, Wild and Tame, Magic and Mundane, Life and Death, Shadow and Light, Earth and Sea and all she is. we call to her who has been lost, to return her to the Dragons Keep.Blood to Blood we call to her..." increasing their efforts, pouring in as much magic as they could.
Tom gasped softly as he reached out, his fingers closing around Fydra's arms as she appeared to stop her from running, wincing a little as she looked at him, pale and thin the woman looked at him with ice cold blue eyes that held no recognition for a moment,"...fat...her?"She whispered swaying on her feet. Nearly falling, her voice cracking with disuse, long black hair matted and curled. The girl looking like she'd suffered exactly what she'd been, she didn't look human anymore."..dra..."She stopped sway, collapsing before she cuold say the rest of his name.
Draco gasped, life snapping back into his eyes the minute he saw her, snarling possessively when Harry reached out to take her, pulling her tightly into his arms and apparating back to the house, holding her close as he nuzzled her. "shhh Fy, your alright." he promised laying her gently on the bed and drawing the bath so he could wash her up, carefully cleaning her, washing her hair and dressing her in nice clean clothes, kicking everyone out, not letting anyone but little Paige to come in, holding her while he gently brushed Fydra's hair.
Fydra trembled under his attentions, the woman who'd been stripped of everyhing so confused to find herself home, and loved. Looking tired, and worn. The youthful mortal face worn away by the thought of enternity stuck in her cage, the fae looking back at him, different and yet, she was there. Lost, and so confused. Hurting for missing so long. Leaninng helplessly in his arms she trembled, trying to sort through the rage, the anger, and the pain that was eating her. IN the absence of more human feelings the fae had used her rage at ron,at everyhing to keep the girl alive....and it was sklling her, now that she was once again mortal,and in love.
Draco smiled as he brushed her hair, talking calmly to her almost none stop as he bathed her and washed her, letting her know he loved her, kissing her forehead often and explaining what had happened since she'd vanished. talking about how the world was at peace, how pregnant his mother was, how freaked out Snape was, how the Fey had both mourned and celebrated the death of Dumbledore. he talked about how Devlin had gotten so drunk that he had fallen out in the foyer and had slept there. he talked about how much he had missed her and how big Paige was and how she loved to say daddy and how she loved it when she grabbed Tom's nose and he made the funny honking noises.
For hours she listened to him,quiet under his hands as he brushed her hair, slowly relaxing.Realizing where she was. That with each word, he reaffirmed the place, home.She was home.Shivering as she opened her eyes she looked at him,"Draco?"She whispered, voice hoarse and broken, shifting to look at him,hesitantly,unsurely shifting to lean into him. Pressing against his chest as she clung desperately to his shirt. The words,the stories breaking through the coldness that had surrounded her, bringing her to tears as she clung to him.
he gasped when she finally responded and grabbed a glass of water, settling it gently to her lips. "shh love." he whispered softly. "it's alright i'm here now, your home Fy, your home." he promised nuzzling her lovingly. "your home and everyone is here and safe and happy to see you home." he promised, letting her drink everything she wanted. "just rest love, don't try to talk too much, i'm here now, i'm here for you." he smiled and gently lifted the sleeping Paige, the girls fingers in her mouth. "look, it's our daughter, she's gotten so big." he stated with a smile. "she's so lazy though, she sleeps all the time."
Fydra smiled softly resting her head against draco's chest as she sipped the water before setting it down. Swallowing hard as she looked at their daughter, raising a hand, biting her lip, starting to move to touch her, before dropping her hand again. dirty, to broken to touch the innocent one in her life."Takes...after you."she teased, pressing her face against his chest as she cried quietly.
he smiled a little and kissed her forehead. "love, it's alright." he promised gently setting Paige into her mothers lap. "see?" he asked smiling at her. "everything will be all right... ok?" he promised smiling as he kissed her cheek. "are you hungry? i'll have a house elf bring us some food?" he offered, determined to take the best care of her, piece her back together and protect her the way he had failed to do before. "i will take care of you." he promised. "i'll never fail to protect you again.."
Fydra smiled slightly as mother and daughter watched each other, smiling as paige grabbed her hair to get her attention,tugging on the long strands lookiing up at her daddy."Dadadada." Fydra laughed softly leaning back into draco's chest,""She swallowed sipping some water again before nodding."Food...would be nice..."She swallowed harder,biting her lip."...and...harry?"She said looking almost scared, not sure if harry would want to see her.But she needed to see her twin,because it had been hard to say goodbye to him, almost as hard as saying goobye to draco.
Draco smiled at her. "harry...." he sighed a little and shook his head. "harry is very angry with you." he admitted smiling at her as he nuzzled her. "he was sad when you where gone..Blaise said he nearly went insane, broke his shoulder and arm in three places trying to break down the wards to get to when he comes in expect a very stern lecture about doing stupid hero things." he chuckled. "that's HIS job after all, being reckless you know." he sighed as he stroked Paige's fingers. "she just never shuts up." he teased smiling a little. "it's cute really. she even babbles in her sleep sometimes." a house elf appeared with a platter of food which was placed on the bed next tot eh two. "do you want me to call Harry? he's kind of angry with me though, i wouldn't let anyone come in and see you."
Fydra laughed softly, even as she blushed not looking forward to her twin's elling, before nodding."Please."She smiled as she started eating a little bit. Having not had a lot a food at the school, she didnt want to make herself sick by eating to much.Grinning a little as she looked at her lover."Paige' you.Never shuts up."She smiled slowly her voice was starting to even out, even though it still cracked."He's...always angry with you."She teased snuggling down into him, wanting to see harry.
he chuckled a little and nodded, telling the elf to go and get Harry as he grinned at Fydra. "yeah, i can never seem to stop talking huh?" he asked beaming at her before pouting."he's not ALWAYS mad at me....just most of the time." he grinned and looked up as harry walked in, looking so relieved to see Fydra. "oh Fy." he whispered rushing forward and wrapping her up into a tight hug. "oh Merlin i missed you."
Fydra cringed in his hold, whimpering softly in distress, after so many months of no contact, it'd taken alot for her to hold draco and paige. harry was pushing her beyond her limits. Squirming a little she shifted ut of his arms, clinging to draco as paige clapped happily at the sight of her uncle."Harry..."Fydra whimpered tears filling her eyes.
Harry pulled away when she squirmed free, looking startled and confused. "sorry." he murmured softly, Draco gently stroking her hair. "it's alright Fy." Draco murmured softly, Harry smiling as he gently touched her hand instead. "i was going to come in here and yell at you, for being so reckless." he admitted. "but i think you knew we'd get you out, right?" he asked smiling at her before he picked little Paige up and carefully tossed her into the air. "everyone is so glad to have you back Fy...broken or not." he promised smiling at her. "so you take all the time you need. and we'll support you as best as we can."
Fydra whimpered softly, swallowing hard. Feeling hurt that she'd hurt him, or at least confused him.Turning her head to look at draco, needing help. Looking so lost and confused."S-sorry."she said lowering her eyes to teh bed, having done it not knowing that he'd get her out. Having thought she was saying goodbye to everyone. Rubbing at her eyes she sighed waving a hand."You can...yell."She muttered loking up at him, laughing softly as paige squealed in happiness."If it'll make you...feel better."she bit her lip before looking at the two, fear showing on her face."Mother?Father?Did they...try to visit?"She said anxious, worried that they hadn't.Even if she couldn't stand to see them just yet, she needed to know everyone wanted her, that it was okay she came back,even if she was broken even more.
Harry smirked a little and nodded. "everyone tried to visit." he admitted. "but Draco went all fire breathing Dragon on us and wouldn't let us in." he admitted looking amused. "i think i actually saw him spit flames once or twice, specially when Snape tried to sneek in here using MY invisibility cloak, which i want BACK Malfoy." Harry ordered pouting at the blond who glared at Harry. "she was tired! she needed to rest not get swamped by a bunch of people so you can suck it up." he growled pulling her into his arms. "and i was NOT all fire breathing dragon..." he complained pouting at Harry who snickered. "anyway Narcissa and Tom came every hour at least, sometimes they came every ten minutes trying to get around Draco." he admitted smiling at Fy. "and i'm not going to yell at you, even if it does make me feel better." he promised smiling at her as he gently kissed her knuckles.
Fydra giggled quietly pressing her face against draco's chest, poking him as paige giggled, wrapping her hands in her mother's hair."fire ARE a dragon.Daddy's a dragon paige.."Fydra said stumbling slightly over the words,giggling, wrapping her free arm around draco's waist, holding him close, as if afraid he would leave as she curled her fingers around harry's."I'll talk to them...later. Still tired.And not..."She looked at harry, letting harry see just how much the months in confinement had shattered a already broken woman. Not about to let draco know more then he already did.

Before she hid it again, once again the fydra riddle everyone knew before she'd left, broken but not shattered. To anyone who hadn't seen under the mask it was perfect, the pieces that she'd broken willingly fitting once again like a whole, yet the edes of her broken heart and soul were rubbing against each other, and would forever leave her vulnerable when it came to those she loved.
Harry smiled a little and grabbed Fydra's hand gently, giving it a comforting squeeze winking at her as Draco scowled, annoyed. "i was NOT breathing fire!" " set professor Snape's robes on fire... that's as good as." "...shut up Harry." Draco complained nuzzling and snuggling Fydra, determined not to leave her for anything as Harry smirked. "in any case i'll let everyone know your doing just fine but that you want to sleep. i can keep them off for a day or two." he promised, sounding like he was talking to Draco, but really reassuring Fy that she would have a few days peace with Draco before he let her parents in. "everything is going to be alright." he decided smiling a little. "oh! and i got you a present!" Harry chirped happily. "wait here i'll go get it!" Harry chirped rushing out of the room and coming back with a box of Fydra's favorite candies. the really expensive ones that came from halfway around the world. "i special ordered them." Harry chirped, beaming at her.
Fydra looked shocked, eyes going wide as she looked at the box of chocolates she was holding.Giggling as paige wrapped her hand around the brightly colored candies, the babe giggling happily as she played with the wrappers. "Thank you."She smiled sweetly, leaning just far away enough from draco to press a kiss to harry's cheek,hugging him before leaning back. Glad that he had understood that she needed time,and despite wanting to see everyone, she physically wasn't up to it. "Everything will be okay."She said amused as draco clung to her, knowing why he wasn't going to be letting her out of his sight in the near future."Now.Out,riddle.I want to sleep.And if I judge the time right...its about time for paige's nap to?"She said twisting to look at draco,just wanting to snuggle down with her fiancee and child.
Harry chuckled a little as he watched Paige grab at one of the chocolates a bright smile on his face. "i'm glad you like them. look Paige likes them too!" he teased smiling a little before shaking his head a little kissing her knuckles and then her cheek nuzzling her gently. "i'll see you later then." he decided glancing at a none existent watch. "i'm supposed to be joining Father and Devlin for swordplay lessons." he admitted grinning at her as he got to his feet and bounded out of the room Draco sighing a little as he nuzzled Pandora, shaking his head a little. "he's always so... hyper." he complained smiling a little. "but for the first time since you left he...was really actually happy." he admitted. smiling at her. "he's really glad that your alright. i am too."
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