Siren's song

Harry nodded and handed Paige to Snape, offering the man a hesitant smile. "Thank you Professor." he stated softly. "be safe yourself." he ordered softly swallowing hard before turning to watch Fydra and Draco, his eyes sad. "he will never get his hands on page." Draco snarled. "i'll kill him myself before he EVER touches our daughter!" Draco promised holding her tightly. "Harry! talk to your father and see if it would be alright if Mother and Paige stay with him instead. it's safer there." Harry nodded and turned to snape. "you heard Draco. talk to tom for me would you? i'll send a message through our minds but it still hurts like a bitch when i do that." he admitted sending a loop to Tom. i'm sending Narcissa and Paige to love with you, it's safer there. and cut off the link before he gave himself a migraine. "i don't know." Harry admitted to Blaise's question turning to blink at Devlin. "can i?" Devlin nodded. "of course you can, you are our Lord and Master. we are your vassals, your weapons." he explained Harry nodding. "good. Blaise, i want you to come with me and Devlin, Fy, you and draco stay here, get some rest. Dumbledore doesn't know about this place and none of the guests will tell." he promised. "Draco, make sure you get some rest too."
Snape smiled leaving, taking the small girl with him. Knowing that tom's home was waiting for them. Blaise smired a little getting up, "Draco, I will beat you up if you dont rest."He said smirking a little as he headed out with the other two.

Fydra huffed tiredly, getting up so she could transfigure their couch into a bed, smiling as she crawled back in it with draco,cuddling close. Wrapping around the other tightly, she rested her head against his shoulder."I'm scared."She muttered,for the first time admitting to it. "But we will be fine."She said swallowing hard."I'm afraid for harry to."
Harry chuckled and straightened up, transfiguring his clothes into tight fitting black pants and a tight black shirt, giving him a dangerous sort of look as he winked at Blaise. "Devlin, bring your weapons." Harry ordered calmly the man nodding as he shifted all of his weapons into view, three daggers, two swords, and a bow. that done Harry turned and headed up to Dumbledore's office, ordering the Gargoyle to move, using his new found power to make the thing do as he wanted, heading upstairs and facing Dumbledore. "we need to talk." Harry stated simply, his eyes blazing with Rage.

Draco nodded. "Harry will be fine." he stated softly. "if we all have to, we can easily just run away to Tom's." he pointed out. "with Harry suddenly not on Dumbledore's side, a lot of people will switch sides to Voldemort. a lot of the students in the school are Loyal to Harry, not to Dumbledore.
Dumbledore straightened looking startled. Looking startled to see him alive before setting down his tea cup as he looked at the other, then the two men with him. Paling even more when he realized it was the fae lord standing with him. swallowing hard he tried to see what he could do,"Harry.What did you need?"He said.

Fydra nodded nuzzling him before relaxing even more."That...that makes sense.And tom would like us to go with him."She said laughing at the reminder of her father's begging her to leave school."I love you."she said with a yawn.
Harry stared at Dumbledore his eyes narrowed. "don't play with me old man." Harry snarled. "you think i don't know exactly what you just tried to do!? tried to kill me and my sister!?" he demanded holding his hand out to Devlin, the Elf following Harry's whims and setting a dagger into Harry's hand, which Harry pointed at Dumbledore. "i should slit your throat where you sit!" he snarled. "how DARE you use me and my family like this!" he hissed before pausing. "but, killing you know would only make you a martyr."

Draco smiled a little and gently nuzzled her, nodding a little. "i have a feeling we'll be leaving the school fairly soon." he admitted snapping his fingers and summoning a house elf. "have Fydra and my things packed and brought down here." he ordered the elf nodding frantically and vanishing so she could gather all of their things. "you and i are leaving tonight, i don't want to risk Dumbledore trying something else tonight."
Blaise smirked as the old man gaped like a hooked fish, "Yes it would. I say we let him run.....and let the wild hunt go after him."He said smirking because it had been his idea before. "And when they catch him, don't kill him. Bring him to stand before the fae queen and the huntsman."He smirked knowing he was going to enjoy this."who he just had killed." Dumbledore started, staing because he realized the depth of his errors, before doing what hogwarts only allowed her headmaster to do.He apparated out of the room. "...damn."Blaise sighed looking around.

Fydra looked at him startled, "no.You're right.We'll go to my father's. And we'll be with paige."despite the worry still gnawing at her, she brightened at the idea of spending all day with their daughter. Biting her lip."we'll wait, tell harry we're leaving, then go."She frowned a little."Him and blaise should come to."
Harry smirked a little, looking rather viscous as his head tilted a little, "oh yes." he purred. "you an i are going to have some fun Albus Dumbledore." he stated before snarling as he watched Dumbledore apparate, snapping his fingers and looking at the house elf. "have you and your freinds pack my, Blaise's, the Twin's, Neville's, and Luna's things." he ordered pausing. "and Notts too while your at it." he ordered. "we're all leaving. inform them of this." he ordered the house elf nodding as it vanished, Harry turning to Blaise. "we're all going to Tom's/ i'm sick of Dumbledore." he admitted looking at Devlin. "Hunt the fucker down." Devlin's grin could have sent terror down anyone's spine. "yes my lord." he purred, vanishing without a noise or warning, calling the hunt to him to find, and capture Dumbledore.

Draco nodded. "of course we'll wait and tell harry." he teased smiling a little. "and i'm sure Harry will come with us, even if he takes a day or two longer to settle some things." he shrugged a little jumping when a house elf apeared. "Lord Harry is saying that you and you is to be leaving with him within the hour. we is packing your things." the elf stated bowing to them before vanishing, Draco blinking. "well... looks like we and Harry had the same idea..."
Fydra nodded looking even more worried."I guess something happened when he went after Dumbledore."She shuddered a little before climbing out of bed, wrapping her arms around draco, and apparating to where she coudl feel her twin, trusting the elves to get their thinsg ready."What happened?" Blaise yelped looking at the two malfoys-well soon to be malfoy anyways- and glared."dammit!I didn't think anyone could apparate in and out!" "Normal people can't."Fydra said blushing a little, having researched it after she'd done it when she went in labor."The wards cant keep out the fae. Our magic is just that much different,even if we're doing a wizard's spell."She said amused looking the two of them over worredly, looking to see if they were hurt.
Draco nodded and gasped, startled when she apparated, his eyes wide as he blinked at her. "fy. that ..." he complained Harry blinking at his sister and then smirking at the explanation. "that's good to know." he admitted closing his eyes. "Devlin, flood the school with your people." he ordered. "make sure none of the students get so much as a SCRATCH do you understand!?" "of course My Lord." Devlin agreed, just suddenly behind them, the sounds of screams suddenly flooding the below floors as Elves rushed through, grabbing and detaining students, making sure to hurt none of them.

"i can see the headlines tomorrow." Harry teased smirking a little Draco gaping at harry. "Hogwarts attacked! Headmaster Flees!" Harry chirped. "make him seem like a coward don't you think? Devlin when the teachers start fighting back make sure that everyone gets out. we don't want any Fey casualties either." "Of Course My Lord." Devlin purred, looking rather pleased with his new Lord. "Fy, you and Draco Floo to Malfoy Manor, and then to Riddle Manor." Harry ordered calmly. "Blaise and i will stay here to give our tearful account of how we where up here to send Fy home, i'll make up a reason." he shrugged. "Elves burst in, Dumbledore Flees, leaving me and Blaise to handle the group ourselves. i'll rough up the place a little to make it more truthful." "...Harry, remind me to never get on your bad side..."
Fydra laughed softly as she shook her head, watching her twin."I love you.Be careful."She said kissing his cheek before stepping back, tilting her head a little before dragging draco with her, flooing to the manor. Immediately going in search of narcissa and paige, needing to know their daughter was okay. Nearly startling Snape into a heart attack when she pounced on him as he fed Paige her bottle on the couch next to narcissa."da-Fydra!"He scolded, wincing as he nearly cussed.

Blaise smirked a little looking at Harry."Our tearful stories is it?Does this mean I have to have a tearful frightened story of how both draco and fydra freaked out, and ran away because they knew the headmaster was a coward and wouldn't protect them?"He asked smirking.
Draco chuckled as he followed Fydra through the flames. "be careful you two." he ordered softly, Harry nodding as Draco vanished through the flames, Fred and George, Neville and Luna and Theodore Nott running into the room, panting hard. "we're being attacked again!" "i know!" Harry hissed softly. "Dumbledore ran away! Floo to Riddle Manner, Draco will explain." Harry ordered thrusting the pot into their hands as Devlin drew his word and smiled at Harry. "shall we then my lord? for when the teachers finally arrive?" "sure, i've always wanted to practice Dueling." Harry admitted chuckling a little as he grabbed the Sword of Gryffindor off the wall and faced Devlin. "make sure to give me some good cuts, we'll say that everyone was trying to kill me and Fy." "which is the truth." Devlin agreed Harry smirking at Blaise. "you throw some spells at the elves who try to come in, make it look convincing." he ordered as the last person fled through the flames, Harry swung at Devlin. "oh, and as for Draco and Fy and the others, we ordered them through the flames." he winked at Blaise. "and Draco pushed them all in when they protested." Harry snickered a little as Devlin easily blocked his swing, this was going to be fun.

Draco chuckled as he followed Fy through the house shaking his head a little. "why is everyone's stuff here?" he asked blinking as he saw red Weasley sweaters and the tell tale marker of a remeberall sitting ont eh pile of things that had been delivered. "...oh hell Harry's making EVERYONE come here!" he complained shaking his head as he rushed back to the fire to great everyone and bring them into the Living room, Fred was sporting a black eye and Luna had a split lip from fighting off the elves, but where otherwise fine.
Blaise smirked as he waded into the fight,amused on how much fun this was going to be.the minutes passing quickly,until the elves retreated.Pouting slightly as his fun was put to a end.Turning his head to search for harry he panted as he made his way to the other's side, "You okay?"He asked looking him over,kissing him lightly before looking around the great hall,glad to see there seemed to be no serious damage.

Fydra paled drastically, gently kissing paige's head before following draco to the front foyer,wrapping her arms around herself as she looked over her friends.Flinching a little when she saw the twins.Not so much because she was afraid of them,more because she'd been so nervous that she'd made harry exclude them..."Is everyone okay?"She asked softly holding onto her shirt to stop her trembling. realizing that it was her fault they'd gotten attacked.and so very afraid for them all
Harry was panting hard, covered in long cuts and scratches, Devlin had been given orders to cut harry as often as possible, so long as he didn't accidentally kill Harry anyway. Blaise might hold a few injuries but for the most part it was just Harry, who was regretting his decision to try and take on Devlin. "ow...ow...ow..." "Harry don't poke it!" Madam Pomfry ordered sternly, glaring at the boy who lived who was prodding a particularly long gash across his leg. "i'm Fine Blaise." harry promised as McGonagal rushed over. "where the hell is Dumbledore!?" "he ran! the fucking coward ran!" Harry hissed McGonagal looking shocked. "he.." "Fy and Draco where up there with us, they had to go home because Fy was having Anxiety attacks. me n Blaise went with them to make sure they made it okay,then everyone started screaming and Fred and George and everyone ran in and started yelling about how we where all being attacked! then the OW!!!" Madam Pomfry had poked one of Harry's cuts with her wand, probably to make him stop talking so she could focus. "anyway as soon as the elves rushed in Dumbledore apparated out! the coward!" "he just left!?" McGonagall demanded eyes wide. "but... but..." "and for that matter why is it that you are the only student harmed!?" "because they wanted to kill me, kept saying that they where sent to kill Harry Potter and Fydra Riddle."

Fred immediately pouted at Fydra. "Fydra! George Punched me!" he whined sulking like a child as George gasped. "you tattle! it was only because i thought you where an elf!" "liar! you where just gettign even for me accidentally hitting you with that stinging hex!" "oh yeah! Fyyyy! Fred hit me with a stinging hex!" "and you said i was a tattle!" "both of you shush." Neville ordered sternly rolling his eyes. "and you wonder why you always have detentions. where either of you hurt?" Neville asked looking Draco and Neville over with worried eyes as the twins pouted at him. "hey! your OUR boyfriend why aren't you worried about us!?" "i will silencio you." Neville growled scowling at them, the twins pouting at him but falling silent. "good boy." "aaaw Nev, you have them trained so well." Draco teased shaking his head a little.
Blaise swallowed his laughter.Fucking hell harry was a good actor. Damn dumbledore was going to have a hard time with his people now. Smiling in relief and amusement he sighed softly looking at mcgongall."And speaking of being attacked, we are leaving.Fy is in not shape to be at school, espicially now. And if anyone asks, they'll know she's gone to the manor, she'll want people around."he sai logcially tighteing his grip on harry.

Fydra laughed softly smiling slowly as she wraped her arms around draco,swallowing hard."I had a elf take your things to bedrooms. Now. Do you want to sleep or see your niece?"she said almost shyly smiling slightly at the two.
Harry yelped as another one of his cuts healed over McGonagal shaking her head, muttering about the world coming to an end as Harry sighed. "i think that Fy is going to have to rest for at least a week before we accept visitors Blaise." harry pointed out wisley shaking his head. "hell i'm not sure that i'm ready to have visitors." "Mister Potter, did the elves say anything else?" "" Harry muttered softly. "but... i think Dumbledore's the one that Called them... i can't prove it but... the way he looked at me before he left..." he shook his head, wincing as his last cut was healed. "come on Blaise i want to go make sure Fy is ok."

The twins brightened eagerly as they squirmed. "we wanna see!" they chorused Neville rolling his eyes. "you two really need to calm down." he ordered, the twins pouting but calming a little. "can we really see her Fy?" fred asked looking worried. "i know it's hard for you, out family wasn't so good to you. we understand if your not ready to let us near your daughter."
Blaise nodded smiling a little as he wrpped his arms around him."Let's go then."He said pulling the man away from the teacher and crossing the room to the fireplace.Smiling as he tossed the floo powder in, pulling harry with him, yelping as they nearly walked into everyone else in front of the floo."You all okay?"He said looking them over.

Fydra smiled looking at her brother in law, nodding slightly before looking at the twins."Yes.We'll go see her before she goes down for her nap.Sev and mother have her."She smiled relaxing even more. Not only was it her fault they'd been in danger, draco,harry, blaise snape and her mother were there. Enough protectors for her to feel safe letting them near her. Looking slightly uncomfortable, but paige was their neice, and they'd given up any other family.So...she could do this.she could.
Harry smiled as he was pulled away, pausing a moment. "hold on Blaise." Harry ordered softly, looking at professor McGonagal. "before i go... i'm done with Dumbledore." he explained, his voice ringing across the Great Hall, all the students pausing to stare at Harry. "he abandoned us when we needed him the most, and he's let me walk into danger too many times to count, encouraged me even... i'm done with him, and you all should be too..." he sighed and shook his head. "go home to your families... in times like these, those are the only places you should be." and with that he kissed Blaise's cheek, opened the floo, and stepped through.

the twins wiggled excitedly and they both kissed her cheek. "oh! before we forget sister dearest!" they chorused offering her two huge presents. "one is for you." "and the other is for Paige." the first was smallish, and when it was opened it revealed a small, but insanely expensive necklace that was laced with so many protection charms even Draco couldn't get near her if he was angry. harry might have been able to break through the spells if he'd been angry enough, but by the time he'd finished them off he;d have been too tired to swing a fist. the one for Paige was an enormous playmate, spelled to be safe and housing all sorts of fun toys and learning games, like the blocks you put in the cube and stacking cubes and adorable stuffed animals attached tot he floor using week sticking charms, like velcro. "we hope you like them." they chorused happily.
Fydra stared at the presents, starting to sniffle. Amazing an hurting because it was such a thoughtul presents, that it hurt her heart to realize she hadn't wanted them near the two of them."T-thank you."She stuttered amazed at both the presents and the claiming of her as sister. For a moment, forgetting harry had added them to the family. Blushing lightly she smiled as she put on the necklace, turning her head to look at the two arriving, breathing easily when she saw they were fine."Good.You're fine."She smiled moving away as she put on her necklace."Come on then.You two to bed, and I'll take the twins to see paige."

Blaise smiled wrapping a arm around harry's waist, tugging him towards the door."Come on then.Let's go to bed love."He said suddenly feeling tired and wanting to lay down.
the twins beamed at her as Neville chuckled and patted their shoulders. "you two really know how to make the pregnant woman cry." they gasped as they realized she was indeed sniffling and they quickly moved to comfort her. "oh stop it you two! your worse than Draco is!" "b..but!" "but we love her and harry more than we ever loved that stupid red headed clan..." George explained calmly. "why shouldn't we protect and care about someone who we love?" Harry chuckled when he heard this, smiling a little. "oh go jump off a cliff." Harry ordered rolling his eyes. "you love everybody." "excluding a few." Fred agreed smirking a little. "but we love Fy most off all!" "aside from Neville." "because she's the cutest!" Fred continued, as always ignoring George's commentary, Harry laughing as he nodded. "she is the cutest." he agreed winking at his sister. "look sis now you have THREE people in love with you. Draco's going to be so jealous!" "no he won't." Fred chirped George smirking. "yeah, we aLL know he's better than us." "and he makes sure we know it too!" Neville Luna the Twins and Harry all laughed at that. Harry yawned and snuggled into Blaise as he was tugged away. "mmm bed, yes, i agree." he murmured smiling a little. "i'm also glad i let Madam Pomfry heal me before i got here. Fy would have flipped her lid!"
Blaise snickered as they headed upstairs, nodding slightly."She would have. Then sicced narcissa and snape on you to make sure you were okay."He smirked a little looking tired as he walked into their room, starting to undress before sliding into bed.

Fyra smiled a little,blushing softly."Of course Draco's better.He's draco. Though he will be jealous...."She said before showing neville and luna to their rooms, before heading down to the sitting room where she'd left draco, severus, narcissa and paige. Swallowing hard as se stopped in front of the door, swallowing hard as she summed up the courage and walked in, smiling slightly at the sight of draco cuddling paige."Hey love."She said walkng over,sitting next to the blond, looking up at the twins."Well come here."She said biting her lip.While she could let them see her, she wasn't sure se'd be able to stand them holding her yet.Even with feeling bad about it, she couldn't force herself. Smirking a little as she looked at her lover, smirking as she thought about it, because well she wanted to get kisses and cuddles, which he'd been avoiding since she' given birth, afraid to hurt her. Maybe making him jealous would get her cuddles. Smiling as she gesture the twins closer, taking paige's small hand and raising it a little, taking fred's and gently resting the small hand on his palm as paige blinked sleepily at them."This is paige."She said sounding slightly nervous.
Harry pretended to shudder with a laugh. "oh no, anything but that!" he teased smiling at Blaise as he snuggled into the blankets. 'mm i should take some swords lessons... they really kicked my ass." Harry mumbled softly as he drifted off towards sleep.

the twins laughed and nodded, both of them squealing when they saw page, leaning forward to blow raspberries on her belly, or tickle her toes or make silly faces at her, both of them laughing when she did something funny, Neville joining in on the fun as Draco grimaced and growled and scowled whenever any of the three did something he didn't approve of, but none of them asked to hold Page. as stupid and silly as the twins where they understood Fydra's hesitance, so they beamed and cooed from a slight distance and nuzzled her with cute toys and gushed about how perfect she was. 'you know Ferret." Fred said suddenly. 'you don't look much like a ferret anymore." "hey yeah! your face isn't anymore." "not so pointy." it was true, Draco's face had softened, had become less Lucius's and more Narcissa's soft pretty features. and his hair had decided on an almost dirty blond color now, if his roots where anything to go by.
"Ask devlin."He muttered falling asleep.

Fydra smiled slightly resting her cheek on draco's shoulder,closing her eyes before turning a lttle to look at draco."Oh well.She bit herlip trying to figure out how to explain."He's my son.The spell is fading."Snape said from across the room.Fydra smiled a little nudging draco before shifting as paige yawned."Okay everyone.Time for bed."She smiled getting up, taking paige as she did.
Draco grinned at the twins shell shocked expressions, pouting when Fydra picked the drowsy Paige up, Fred gently gripping Fydra's shoulder. "thank you for letting us see her Fy." he murmured, sounding honestly grateful. "we know this is hard for you...don't push yourself too hard on our count alright?" he asked softly before turning to Draco. "our rooms are next to Nevile's right?" "yes, Neville has already been shown where to go, Luna is in her's already. we'll see you all in the morning, if you need anything the house elves will tend to anything you need." "Thanks for your hospitality." the twins chorused bowing to Draco before they followed Neville out of the room, Draco smiling as he kissed Fy's temple. "they really do care very much about you." he stated smiling at her. "it meant so much to them, that you let them see her." he admitted chuckling a little. "but their right...don't push yourself too hard ok?"
Fydra smiled slightly watching them go before saying goodnight to severus and narcissa, headng upstairs with paige and draco, the baby making content sleepy sounds."I...they shoul know her.They should be able to."She said blushing a little.Truly angry with herself for not being better about it. Smiling a little as she looked at him."I love you."She said stepping into their room, tucking the babe in the crib,gently stroking the baby girl's hair as she leaned against the edge of the crib.
Draco chuckled as he kissed her forehead. "they will know her...when your ready." he murmured softly. "you suffered something very traumatic at the hands of their family Fy... you can't expect to just be ok with that overnight." he stated calmly, kissing Paige goodnight before bullying Fydra into bed as well, sighing a little. "i wish you would take more care of yourself, instead of worrying what everyone else will think..." he murmured softly. "the twins understand fy, their not going to get upset with you for recovering at your own pace." he promised smiling at her. "in fact they might even be glad for it."
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