Siren's song

Draco smiled as she calmed down, kissing her forehead, sighing softly. "yes lord majesty of all." he complained rolling his eyes at Blaise as he laid down, holding Fydra, harry pressed tightly against her as he mumbled under his breath about kittens.

when Fydra and Draco woke up, the kittens that Harry had gotten for them where laying on their bellies, sleeping peacefully, pink bows on both of their heads as Harry followed Madam Pomfry around, begging for a hangover potion, the woman completely ignoring him. and in fact making much more noise than was really necessary to make Harry suffer his hangover all the more, the boys whining not affecting her in the least.
Fydra stirred a little frowning at the sight of the kittens raising her head to blink stupidly at draco, rubbing her eyes."I had a baby. Where is she?I didn't have kittens!"She cried starting to look panicked as she sat up slowly so she wouldn't hurt herslef, olding the kitten against her, cuddling her kitten even as she looked around for paige. Forgetting that narcissa had taken the girl down to snape's rooms, in a effort to keep her away from dumbledore."Draco!Where's paige!?"she whimpered, wide blue eyes filled with panick and pain
Draco shifted and rubbed his eyes. "shh, love it's ok." he mumbled sleepily pulling her back down and snuggling into her. "mother has her remember? we wanted her to be safe. Paige is with mother." he promised kissing Fydra's cheek before pausing, blinking at the kittens. "what the hell?" "their kittens!" harry chirped, chipper now that he'd had a hangover potion. "i thought you would like them! i didn't think you'd go into labor the day i got them." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i know it's early but Happy Birthday fy!" he chirped holding out the presents that Harry and Blaise had gotten for her, all wrapped up in pretty paper.
Fydra blinked stupidly at the presents staring at them as she calmed down at realizing where paige was, before tearing up again,gently stroking the kitten she was still holding.The small kitten looking content in her hold."I-I didn't get you anything!"she said looking extremely upset at the idea as she rubbed her eyes. Turning to look at draco,"I didn't get him anything!"She said crying softly. Poor fydra and her messe up hormones. between the hormonal shift, and the worry and panic about paige and draco and what dumbledore would do, she was so so messed up.
Harry laughed a little. "it's not my birthday!" he promised grinning a little before frowning a little. "i never celebrate my birthday... i'm going to get a new one." he decided grinning at her. "you can get me something then ok?" he offered smiling brightly at her as he sat down on the bed, kissing her forehead. "now calm down and open your presents." he ordered grinning happily at her.
She sniffled a little frowning at him before she settle on smiling, leaning back against Draco''s chest as he sat up cuddling both kittens as they sat in her lap, opening her presents. Looking amused as she did so. Biting her lip because speaking of birthays, she wanted to go get paige something for her birthday, even if she wasn't even 12 hours old yet.
Draco smiled when she opened the emerald necklace that Blaise had picked out, piles of Fydra's favorite candy, a decorated hair pin, half a dozen baby clothes, two kittens of course, and all of the kitten supplies they needed, and a summer vacation all paid vacation to Paris. Harry grinned, pleased that she had gotten everything that Harry Blaise and Draco had pulled together. "you'll get more presents later i'm sure."
Fdyra blushed putting on the necklace, smiling slightly as she turned to press a kiss to draco's lips, shifting to wrap her arms around him truly happy with everything before leaning back to look at him."We...I need breakfast.Lets...go downstairs."She said knowing it was going to be a long walk,but she couldn't stand the thought of apeparing weak,even if she was, she needed to give dumbledore the apperance that she was as strong as she ever was.
he smiled a little and nodded kissing her forehead as Harry bounded to his feet, being as happy and chipper as he could possibly be to try and make Fydra feel better, draco smiling as he comforted his lover, kissing her temple as Narcissa walked in, Dragging Snape in after her. "you have to tell him NOW Severus." she hissed at the hook nosed man before beaming at them all. "morning all! Severus has to talk to Draco for a moment so i'm going to take Fy and Harry to breakfast." she chirped clapping her hands together. "can you stand darling?" she asked her head tilted Harry scoffing lightly. "of course she can!" he stated proudly smiling at his sister, offering her his arm. "shall i escort the lady?" giving himself for her to lean on, without actually offering to help, saving her pride.
Fydra smiled gladly taking his arm,leaning against him a little as she stood."Ah yes sir knight."She smiled bending to kiss draco's cheek."Come find me when your done."She said looking nervous as her narcissa and harry left."How's paige?"She said looking at her mother worriedly, biting her lip.Knowing the girl was safe enough with blaise,who she assumed had the child, after all he'd been begging time with his goddaughter before she'd even left the womb.So it made sense he was atatched to her now.

Sev sighed softly shaking his head as he watche the trio leave before sitting next to draco on the bed,biting his lip.For once looking decidely uncomfortable."How are you draco?"He said looking at his son worried,trying to figure out how to tell him.
he laughed a little and shook his head a little, grinning a little. "Lucius isn't Draco's real father is he?" he finally asked his head tilted as he looked at the other. "that's why his hair and eyes are going dark." Narcissa choked and blinked at Harry before smirking a little. "yes, that's true." she admitted softly. "she's fine, Blaise is with her now, in the safe house." she admitted. "i needed to come teach class and Blaise has free period now so io asked him to watch her. he's been begging me since you birthed her anyway." she admitted grinning a little.

"i'm fine." Draco stated looking suspicious. "Uncle Sev what's going on?" Draco demanded crossing his arms a little. "mother said you had to tell me something... did you do something wrong?.... your not in love with me are you?" he demanded his head titled a little, a smirk playing his lips, trying to relax his godfather by cracking a joke.
Fydra laughed softly."he's almost in love with her as much as draco is."She said smiling shyly at the twins as the met at the doors, by that time leaning more on harry then not. It hurt so much to be up and about,even with pain potions and healing spells.some things just needed time to heal.Paling a little as she saw ginny, pausing not wanting to walk by her to get to her seat."Harry...I cant do this.."she muttered,seeing ron.Pain and fear choking her as she looked at ginny. She reminded fydra so much of ron.

Snape yelped a little giving him a look for suggesting it before laughing softly."No."He smiled a little.before deciding just to be blunt."You know lucius isn't your father.Well.I am.Its why your hair's darkening, and your sunburns not so bad, and why your eyes are a darker grey."he bit his lip." wont change everything. It'll change little things, your skin tone, your hair,eyes...but it wont change you totally. You've lived to long as a malfoy, its how you indentify yourself, so your magic and body are going to keep lucius's looks, even if your not his just wont be a perfect replica it had been. You'll look similar, but that's it."
Harry smiled as he accepted her weight, the twins flanking her, protecting her from whatever might happen, Harry pausing as Ginny smirked darkly at all of them, lifting an eyebrow at them as Harry paused. "come on Fydra." he sneered glaring at Ginny. "let's go eat in our rooms, there's FILTH here." he stated sniffing hatefully at Ginny who snarled darkly, gripping her fork so hard she bent it with her thumb as he led Fy away, the twins following, muttering to themselves about how to deal with Ginny.

Draco stared at Snape for a long time, his head tilted a little as he examined the other closely before swallowing hard, reaching up and touching his own hair before stepping over to Sev, trembling before grabbing the other, hugging him tightly. "i always did love you more." Draco whispered. "always felt closer to you... if anyone could have been my father i would have wished it to be you." he admitted softly. "i don't want to be a Malfoy, i want to be your son...not his...isn't there something i can do? something to make me look more like you? be who i really am?"
Fydra smiled a little as she noding slightly, leaning against harry as they headed downstairs to the slytherin rooms."I'm glad paige'll never know her."She said her voice trembling a little,truly afraid of the weasley girl now that she was even weaker and vulnerable then before.

Snape smiled hugging him back just as tighter, truly touhed by the words.having been afraid his son would pull away from him when he knew the truth."No,not beyond what the spell will do as it fades."He smiled slightly,."And besides that, your mother looks like a malfoy,des[ite being one by marriage.You wont become dark haired and hook nosed,you're going to stay pretty, dont worry."he teased,knowing for the most part the malfoy genes would fade, and leave black and snape behind. Biting his lip,knowing fydra's love went deep enough to not care about what he looke like, much.But he was really afraid that the girl would have a breakdown if he changed totally into someone else.She was pushing herself harder, and further then he knew she should,but there wasn't anything he could do to stop her.So...he'd take care of the small things, and not let her stress about them more.
Harry nodded. "she'll be dead long before we ever have Paige in Hogwarts." he promised grinning visciously. "i might even do it myself for what she did to me." he admitted simply before shaking his head. "Anyway, i was thinking of hosting out Dinner in my new Secret room." he admitted grinning a little. "it's really very pretty." he admitted tilting his head at her. "the house elves don't even know about it."

Draco sighed a little shaking his head. "i'd rather look like you, than that rapist bastard." he admitted softly closing his eyes. "you will always be a father to me...always HAVE been." he admitted softly. "i always loved you more than i did him." he admitted softly. "and... Fydra might not be so scared of me if i stopped looking like him." he admitted softly looking up at Snape, offering him a smile. "is it alright if i call you Father from now on?"
Fydra perked up a little as she sat down on the couch, smiling as the house elves brought them breakfast, smiling at her twin softly."A dinner?Can I help!?"She demanded perking up, enjoying the idea of being a hostess. Grabbing onto the thought with the rabid fascination of a dog with a bone, needing something to concentrate on besides how much her body was hating her, and how very afraid she was about what dumbledore would do.

Snape smiled nodding a little."I would love for you to call me father...son."He smiled wider getting up, "And Fydra...she will probably take it as a good thing that you don't look like Lucius. But for each person the spells different. I'm not quite sure how much you'll change really."He bit his lip."But lets go. I know you, and while you're talking calmly, you're worried. Fydra's somewhere,without you. Lets go get her."He smiled heading for the door. Amused because he knew just how devoted his son was, it reminded him of him an narcissa.
Harry grinned a little. "of course you can help!" he agreed chuckling a little. "i was thinking we could invite everyone. all of our freinds i mean. Blaise and Draco of course, but maybe Nev and Luna too, maybe Milicent too, she's a very nice person. it could be like a mini Garden Party." he decided tapping his lips. he pondered inviting the twins but was uncertain that Fy could handle them right then.

Draco beamed at Snape and swallowed hard. "yeah, i don't like her being on her own... i know Harry and Blaise will protect her but their just not paranoid enough for my tastes." he admitted biting his lip a little as he offered Snape another tight hug. "i'm going to tell EVERYONE that your my father! their going to be so amazed!" he admitted grinning a little as he turned and rushed down the hallway to try and find Fy, following the link between their rings without even really thinking about it.
Snape followed slower, smiling as they entered teh common room, tilting his head as he listened to them planning the party. Pain showing on his face as he looked at his almost daughter in law. This, this was how she should be all the time. not broken, not hurt."Not paranoid enough?"He teased looking at draco, smirking as harry reacted to their presence.Holding his hands up in surrender."Its just us."

Fdra smiled a little getting up moving away from her twin and wrapping her arms around draco,nuzzling him.Needing the reassurnce that he wanted her. Wanting her daughter, but knowing it wasnt safe for her, so she was reassuring herself that draco wanted her."We're having a party!"she smiled excited
Harry paused, hand and wand raised eyes narrowed before he relaxed once he decided it really was Draco and Snape as Dracoo grinned a little and wrapped his arms around Fy and kissed her eagerly pulling away to beam at her. "am i invited?" "no!" Harry growled playfully Draco pouting at him. "i was asking Fy! we ALL know it's HER party!" he teased back, Harry laughing in agreement as he nodded. "we where just thinking of who to invite." Harry admitted Draco pausing. "hmm, well us four, Severus too of course, definitely mother, oh! i almost forgot! i found out who my real father is!" "really!?....wait...what!?" Harry demanded looking baffled.
Fydra laughed softly, hugging Draco tighter resting her head against his shoulder. Glad she was short enough that it was easy."Potter, your'e the one who asked mother."she reminded him,amused he was baffled when HE had been the one to notice first.

Snape raised a eyebrow, smirking a little as he looked around for narcissa."Where IS your mother?"

"Uh...she was going to your room for something."Fydra's voice was muffled from where her face was pressed against Draco's neck, clinging to him.Because she needed to. Relaxing when he didn't move away, tugging him to the couch and making him sit down with her, curling up against him, resting her head on his chest. Looking small and cute, and oddly innocent sitting like that
Harry nodded. "yes but i never expected it to be SNAPE!" he admitted Draco staring at potter before looking up at his father. "and you keep saying he's stupid..." he muttered softly looking about two seconds from bursting into laughter. "congratulations Draco! i guess we can invite Snape to the party too." he decided writing Snape's name down as well as Draco snuggled with Fydra on the couch, laughing when two little kittens leaped onto th couch with them, batting playfully at fydra's hair. "what about the twins?" Harry finally asked softly, throwing a hesitant look at Fydra. "they'll understand if you don't want them around right now fy..."
Fydra looked confused, biting her lip as she shifted,smiling a little as she played with the kittens, amused that Draco got one two."If..."She stopped."If they want to come.they should..."She said rubbing her hands over her face,not sure.Cuddling her kitten as her snake hissed softly as it looked at the newest addition to their group.Amused that harry kept buying her animals. An they were so cute!Distracted for a moment she gently stroked the kitten and vae's head before turning her head to look at Draco.

"What...what do you think?They should know paige shouldn't they?And since mother and snape are coming...and we'll all be in harry's secret room, no one would find us..."She said chewing on her lip looking anxious and almost scared. She loved her daughter, wanted to protect her. but she didn't want to hurt her friends by not inviting them....she was so confused. She lowered her eyes to smile a little as she studied the kittens,smiling as she watched them play.
Harry smiled a little. "we'll invite the twins another time." he decided. "let things calm down before we bring them too close to you, they won't mind." he decided nodding a little as he set his head on Blaise's shoulder pondering a little. "i think we should have cake, vanilla or chocolate? hmm maybe white? i know this great strawberry cake recipe...what do you think Fy? it's your party." he teased grinning a little. "we'll have Sushi too, oh and i think some nice soups, lets see what else?"
She bit her lip, still looking unsure about the twins before smiling a little."Chocolate."She said shifting resting her head on draco's shoulder as she stroked the kitten, "Sophie.I'm naming her sophie."He muttered before smiling slightly wider."Soups would be nice."She said. Blaise frowned a little watching her before pressing a kiss to harry's head."Candies.Whiskey.Things she hasn't been able to have since she got pregnant"he smiled softly, still amazed at his goddaughter. Very,very in love with the girl.
Harry laughed a little and nodded. "and some Rum! ooh Rum glazed pork chops would go excellent with a vinaigrette salad you think?" he mused writing all of this down. "some wine too, champagne. hmm, i think some honey glazed chicken too, and maybe some marbled Duck." he decided. "Venison of course, maybe with a sauce. fudge too of course. what about fruit?" Harry mused sucking on the end of his quill, forgetting he wasn't using a sugar will and then simply not caring.
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