Siren's song

"I'm sure he'd love a pretty pink bow. ell fy she has to make him wear it in his hair."He snickered softly before nodding, "Snape doesn't have a good side. Though he does have a semi pleasant one."Blaise said amused as he ran his fingers over the jewelry. Before picking up a serpent twisted necklace, the world serpent holding a beautfiully faceted emerald in its grasp."I think this would be apporiate for Narcissa."He said amused before moving to look at the kittens in the stall next to them,"A girl kitten for draco?"

Fydra nodded laughing softly,"Yea, paige kicks me. Its normal.It happens the closer I get to being due."She smiled slightly kissing him again, smirking."Well I guess that answers the question about the wards going both ways."She said before wincing again, shifting. Okay, that wasn't normal. Whimpering softly as her body contradicted, not understanding that she was going into labor, just that it wasn't normal,and it really hurt, and she wanted it to go away.
Harry smirked a little and nodded. "that's true. but at least if i buy him some really nice black market potions ingredients he might like me a little bit better." he admitted with a small smirk. "of course, my father NOT being James might help." he admitted plucking up a necklace with a small grin. "look at this! it's perfect for Narcissa." he chirped holding out a snake necklace to Blaise, made of silver with glittering emeralds for eyes, the snake looping around itself. he paid for it and then moved over to the kittens with a grin, plucking up one of them and living it a scratch behind the earls. "girl kittens for both, male cats tend to piss on everything and if we get one male and one female they might end up with kittens."

he sighed a little and rubbed his ribs, shaking his head before grimacing again. "is it normal for you to be in this much pain?" he demanded gripping his belly tightly. "we should get you to Madam Pomfry, this isn't right." he groaned, sitting up and gripping her arm. "from what mother told me it shouldn't be THIS painful, it shouldn't be painful at all..." he grimaced again as he gripped his belly. "come on Fy, you have to stand up, i can't apparate us with you laying down."
Blaise laughed softly."True.And no giving them things that reproduce.Thatd be bad...though we could give one to snape if it happened."He looked amused as he downed a little more of his firewhiskey, sighing as he felt it fuzz up his nerves. Not drunk, but not sober either. Nodding a little, that was perfect."Narcissa'll love it.And the fact of who your father is, probably scares the shit out of him.Hell tom's enough to make anyone nervous."He said smiling."we'll have to go to london for the ingridents, we wont find anything he'll want here."He observed smiling a little as he wrapped around harry as his lover chose a kitten for them

Fydra whimpered letting him help her to her feet, leaning against him."No. No this isnt normal."She whimpered louder, burying her face against his chest, before apparating. Not even realizing she'd done the impossible. Tearing hogwarts wards down just enough to apprate them directly into the hospital ward, collapsing back onto the bed as soon as they got there,curling up whimpering. To foucsed on stopping her body hurting that she didn't realize what she'd done, or to focus on what madam pomprey was saying, or the woman sending draco to get narcissa and snape as she focused on looking over fydra. Not wanting him there for a few minutes while she figured out what was wrong.
he chuckled a little and nodded, feeling pleasantly drunk as he picked through the kittens, picking out two with a grin, one pure white, the other white and gray. "these two, their perfect." Harry decided, smiling a little as he shook his head. "we can hit London later." he decided pouting at his empty firewhiskey. "i am sad." he whined. "someone drank all my alcohol..." he drank all his alcohol, he was just too drunk to remember drinking it.

Draco was practically freaking out now as the ring stopped the pain now that Draco was taking action, running through the halls to grab Narcissa and Snape, who where snuggled on the love seat in the dungeons.Narcissa was racing after Draco before the blond, turning brunette could even say anything. she saw his panicked look and leaped to her feet and followed after him into the Hospital room. she took one look at Pan and told Draco to sit and stay before she closed the curtains around Fudra's bed and gently took her daughters hand. "your going into labor, i need you to calm down sweaty. Poppy can we administer a calming drought?"
Blaise laughed as he paid for a basket to so they could carry the kittens, pressing a kiss to the other's lips."You drank it all, pretty boy."He teased wrapping his arms around the other."WE should head back."He decided wincing as he cast a sobering charm on himself, just to make sure he wouldn't splich them before apparating back to school, heading inside. "Come on love. I cant carry you and the kittens."He said helping harry walk inside, cursing that they couldnt just apparate into the school.

Fydra whimpered as poppy gave her the drought, looking at her mother."It hurts.Stop it!I dont want this!"She whimpered louder, holding tightly to draco's hand. Calming enough to follow instructions as poppy told her what she needed to do, listening to both the nurse and her mother.

outside the wing tom paused in the doorway as he stepped in, memories pressing at him. Swallowing hard as he fought the memories of the soul gaze, before walking over towards draco, smirking a little, knowing the glamour he had on would hold for anyone, even someone who knew what and who he really was.As narcissa really was Fydra's godmother, tom had done the simple thing, and taken severus's form, with stern orders for the real potion master to stay downstairs and out of sight. Swallowing hard he studied his son in law, tilting his head, trying to act like severus, and getting it right for the most part."Think they'd let me in?"He asked studying the curtains, and wincing at the sound of whimpers and pain sounds coming from his daughter. Wanting, needing to be there for her,even if she wasn't aware he was there.Before frowning looking at draco."What are you doing out here?"
he frowned a little, still staring at his empty firewhiskey bottle. "but... i'm not done yet..." he whined looking at Blaise's bottle of Firewhiskey, wondering if it was full yet and if it was worth stealing, or trying to steal it anyway. he giggled eagerly as they apparated, the kittens mewling as they wrestled in the basket, Harry leaning against Blaine. "mmm maybe i don't want you to carry me? maybe i want to do something ELSE instead?" he purred grinding himself into the others hip.

Draco winced as Narcissa gently stroked her daughters forehead. "shh love, shh." she murmured softly. "your alright Darling, the pain won;t be too bad." she promised, they just had to wait for a while before they could administer the pain medication.

Draco jumped and spun to face Severus, or who he thought was Severus tears in his eyes. "i don't know what's happening.. no one will tell me anything...sev i think she's dying!" he whispered, panicked and out of sorts, he couldn't even manage to stand up. "mother told me to sit here and to not move. i don't think she wanted me in there, i don't know why." he flinched when Fydra cried out in pain again and a small whimper fell from his lips, trembling violently as he stroked his ring, trying to send comfort through it and to Fydra.
Blaise sighed softly, wrapping his arms around the an tightly as he headed inside."Now, I would love that. Let us get inside first."He growled softly sighing, wanting to really pin harry against the nearest flat surface."Behave."He whined heading for their rooms.

Fydra whimpered as she knew this would be a long drawn out affair, but dammit it hurt. Poppy smiled slightly as she ran a diganostic test, "Sweetheart it'll be okay. Just think about paige."She muttered knowing there was nothing they could do until fydra's' body was ready for the baby to come out.

Tom tilted his head, listening hard before comprehension dawned in his eyes. He knew what was happening, and dammit, it was harder listening to his daughter's pain then his wife's. Crouching down in front of draco he let the glamour fade for a moment, letting draco see who it was before it snapped back into place."She's not dying. She's having a baby. And boyo, she wont want yu in there for that. Its bad, and she's going to be bitchy."He said soothingly, trying to calm the malfoy heir, knowing another reason why fydra didnt want him there, but that was fydra's secret, and he already knew draco felt bad for yelling at her-even if the hex hadn't been his fault. Tilting his head again he sighed, searching the magical signatures in the school before getting up."Narcissa. Me and draco are going to go get harry and blaise."He said cupping a hand under draco's elbow, pulling him after him like a puppy on a leash, not able to stay and listen to her pain, and not wanting draco to suffer.Hoping to distract draco for a moment.
Harry snickered a little as he pressed against Blaise even more firmly. "mmm yeah, lets not behave." he purred, sultry and seductive in his lovers ear. "i bet you wanna bend me over the nearest surface, fuck me hard n fast, n front ah all the teachers n the students." he bucked his hips into Blaise again. "wanna take me in front ah everybody, make them watch as i beg for more, cu, for you and only you, like a dog staking a claim on another dog, fucking me in front of everyone, making me yours in front of everyone..." that was just not fair.

Narcissa smiled as she stroked her daughters hair. "it will be alright honey." she murmured softly. "my little Fy, just hang in there, mommies here." she promised softly. "mommy's here and she won't let anything bad happen alright?" she asked softly, kissing Fydra's forehead. "now just focus on your baby, she's going to look so precious, and so little. do you remember how to hold her?"

Draco blinked in astonishment at Tom, looking confused for a moment after, as if trying to figure out how to feel about his fiance's father seeing his weakness before shaking his head. "i don't care." he whispered hoarsely. "she can bitch at me all she wants if that's what will make her feel better." he stated turning back tot he closed curtains, eyes still shining with tears, flinching when Tom suddenly started dragging him off. "what!? NO! i can't just abandon Fydra! let go! let GO of me!" he demanded, yanking at the others hand, trying to pull free before lunging forward and sinking his teeth into Tom's wrist, too panicked to realize, or care, who it was he had just bitten. too panicked and shocked to care that Tom was right, all he knew was that Fydra was in pain, and someone was trying to drag him away from her.
Tom yelped as he was bitten, his anger like a whip snap through a air as he let go of the malfoy heir, wincing. "Stay then."He growled moving away before he seriously hurt the boy. Watching him settle back in his chair to wait for fydra to need him, tom turned and left the hospital wing. Frowning at the sight of his son and blaise in the front hall. Anger and embarassment hitting him when he heard his son's words.Casting a silent sobering charm he growled."Potter, Zabini. hospital wing. NOW."He ordered before moving past them, knowing he had to leave before dumbledore came to investage that flash of temper, knowing no one else would be mistaken for it. knowing dumbledore would know it was him. Glad that he could apparate out. Sighing as he did so, wanting to stay. He'd just have to come back.. Never realizing that his flash of temper, could be mistaken for the twins. After all, they seemed to be gaining power by leaps and bounds.

Blaise winced as he dragged the still somewhat drunk hary after him, he stumbled upstairs before panting, looking at draco then at the soft cries as fydra cursed and raged as poppy and narcissa coaxed the baby girl into the world."What's going on?What happened?"he growled worried, making harry sit down in the seat besides draco. Fear and worry on his face. Tilting his head as he listened to the woman talking, paling a little at the sound of a tiny baby's crying. She sounded so small!

Fydra whimpered looking at narcissa as she cleaned up paige, pain and exhaustion showing on her face."Mom?Is she okay?Is she fine?"She whimpered when narcissa didn't answer. Not realizing the woman was enraptured with her granddaughter and paying attention to her so much she hadn't heard her daughter. Fear making her start panicing.
Draco broke away from tom and resumed his place by Fydra's curtains, trembling as she cried out in pain again, another small whimper falling from his lips as he fought not to rush into the bed and cradle her. no matter what anyone said, he knew the sight of him would throw her into a panic, no matter the color of his hair he still looked too much like Lucius. "please be ok..." Draco whispered softly. he looked over at Harry and Blaise when they entered, Harry going pale as he realized what was happening, his eyes wide as he looked over at the pale and trembling Draco. "i can't go in." Draco whispered hoarsely, tears in his voice. "see if you can...i..i don't want her to be alone..." he forgot his mother was in there, but Harry was blood family, he could help her. it took him a moment to realize that Harry was drunk, or mostly so. "Fydra's gone into Labor." Draco finally clarified for Blaise, swallowing hard.
Blaise cursed sotly sitting down next to him, wrapping his arms around his pale friend, brushing his lips over the other man's forehead, swallowing hard."She'll be fine."He said biting his lip.

Fydra whimpered as her twin came in, whimpering as she leaned up, wrapping her arms around her twin, leaning against his chest as her body caued so much pain.Whimpering as she buried her face against his chest."It hurts..."She whimpered.

Poppy smiled slightly as she gently eased paige waway from her mother, cradling the small child whispering a quiet cleaning charm, smiling as she looked at narcissa."Do you want her, or should I let draco in?"She muttered softly, wincing as fydra collasped back against harry, pale and trembling.
Draco nodded, bursting into sobs next to Blaise, hiding the tears in the other mans shirt as he had only done once before. only once, when his mother had ended up in the hospital and was rumored to not survive. Draco crying, meant that he loved Fydra more than he had ever loved anyone in his entire life, but it also meant he was terrified she wasn't going to make it.

Harry wrapped his arms tightly around her, gently nuzzling her face and neck as he murmured comforting things. "i know it hurts darling." Harry whispered, his voice a little slurred from the alcohol still as he gently massaged her shoulders, still managing to hold her tightly. "just listen to Madam Pomfry and it will all be over soon." he promised softly, glancing at the healer and the woman who was as good as his own mother, searching for comfort as well.

"me." Hary ordered softly, taking the baby, and holding her so Fydra could see, soft downy red hair and little fists resting against a tiny chest. "look Fy...she's beautiful." Harry whispered, well aware that Narcissa was helping him hold the little girl, in case he dropped her in his drunken stupor. "you made such a beautiful little girl...she looks just like you." he smiled, relieved. if she had looked more like Ron, he wasn't sure Fy would have been able to look at her own daughter. "shall we let Draco in love?"
Blaise held the other tighter, his heart aching at the sight of the blond rying. Because it hurt to think of fydra not surviving

.Fydra smiled softly as she looked over the baby, reaching out and gently touhing a tiny hand."She's so beautiful."She said softly, looking up at her twin,happiness, exhaustion, and relief showing in that lok. Having been afraid the girl would look like ron. Smiling as she nodded,"Let's.He's probably going insane."She said sleepily, not even thinking bout how she'd react to being hurt and seeing draco, who looked like lucius. But she wanted the man with her

Madame pomprey smiled slightly moving to the door and opening it, eyes widening slightly at the sight before her. It'd been one thing to know the boy loved his fiancee,but it was shocking to see the malfoy in tears. Smiling a little as she rested a hand on her arm."They're both fine Draco. Fydra'd like you to come in."She said smiling as blaise helped draco up and into the room.
Harry smiled at her and nodded, bending down and kissing her forehead as draco walked in, tears still staining his cheeks as he hessiatntly walked towards Fydra, gently touching her arm. "how are you feeling love?" he asked, voice soft, worried, a tone that Lucius had never used in his entire life. "oh Fy...she's gorgeous." Draco whispered beaming at little Paige. "she looks just like you!." he paused and sulked. "and she looks a lot like Tom too..." he admitted wrinkling his nose as Harry laughed a little. "she does doesn't she!? she has the riddle nose." Harry preened smiling down at the little baby. "wanna hold her Dray?" Harry offered Draco stuttering. "i..i can't! i'll.. she's so tiny! i'll hold her wrong! or drop her! or...or...Harry!" Draco complained when he suddenly found himself with an armful of baby. "calm down, here you support her head like this, hold her close so she doesn't get cold... there... your holding your daughter."

Draco looked stunned as he looked down at little Paige, looking up at Fy with an awestruck and amazed look, fresh tears pouring down his face. "we have a baby Fy." he whispered, amazement in his voice that cracked with the force of his emotions. "we..we have a little daughter...we... we..." "Christ! he's gonna pass out!" Harry yelped, relieving Draco of paige before the blond groaned and slumped, passing out like harry had said he would. "you owe me Five Sickles Blaise!" Harry chirped smirking a little. "i TOLD you Draco would pass out."
Fydra yelped as he passed out, whimpering softly as she leaned over the edge of the bed to make sure draco was okay as blaise got him off the floor. "Potter, you and I both know I'll pay you back better in something else." "Blaise!"Fydra whined softly,"My mother's in here!Dont talk like that."She whined laughing softly as the dark skinned boy scooted them around, letting draco cuddle up against her. Smiling softly as she gently stroked the blond's hair she smiled slowly, kissing his forehead as his head was resting on her shoulder.Gently shifting to take the baby from harry, cuddling the baby who looked content to doze, and just watch the strange people around her.

"Dray?"She muttered softly, kissing his head again as paige discovered her mother's hair, drifting to sleep with a gurgle and a fistfull of hair.
Harry smirked a little as he leaned back against Blaise. "mmm yeah i'd like that." he agreed, Narcissa sputtering indignantly but choosing not to comment as she checked her son over. "he's alright Fydra darling. just a little overly stressed that's all." Narcissa promised smiling at her. "he'll wake up in a moment, just give him a bit." she promised stroking her daughters hair, beaming at the little baby. "oh Fy. i'm so proud of you..." she admitted sniffling as she too started to cry. "your going to make such a wonderful mother!" Draco just groaned a little as his eyes fluttered open. "whu happened?" "you fainted." "...course i didn't, i'm a Malfoy...we don't faint." "you totally fainted." "...shut up potter." Draco groaned shaking his head before smiling at Fy. "you look so beautiful. holding Paige.." he muttered softly smiling down at Page and gently tickling her toes as Harry whipped a camera out of nowhere and snapped a picture, Draco yelping as spots appeared before his eyes. "dammit Harry!"
Fydra smiled softly ducking her head blushing as she studied the small family around her,blushing harder at narcissa's compliments, shifting to lean into draco, mother and daughter cuddling against their man."Some warning next time."she whined as she blinked the spots out from her eyes, brushing her hair back over her shoulder. Turning her head to look at draco,"You okay?"she asked looking at him worriedly, kissing him softly. Blaise snickered a little watching draco and fydra, smiling as he kissed harry softly. They were just so...perfect together."I love you."He muttered as he nuzzled harry's ear.

"Your dad's not here."She muttered looking around for snape, a slight look of longing on her face, wanting her father. Wanting to share this moment, anger crossing her face when she saw dumbledore stepping into the hospital wing. Cringing back a little, huddling against Draco, and making sure harry was close by.
Harry beamed happily as he snuggled into Blaise, taking another picture as Draco and Fydra Kissed, snickering a little as he examined the super adorable picture, looking very pleased with himself as he nibbled on Blaise's neck. Draco looked confused however at the mention of his father, looking at Fydra oddly. " fathers dead remember?" he asked Narcissa grimacing as she realized Draco still didn't know that snape was his real father, and was simply not noticing that his hair and eyes where going black. Harry noticed Dumbledore first and he frowned a little at the man, moving to stand in front of Fydra. "what do you want sir? is everything alright?" forcing himself not to sound drunk or angry that the man was there. " Draco wrapped his arms around her and muttered a reassurance that nothing was going to happen.
Fydra winced a little, nodding slightly."I know. I just...I wish...I just miss dad."she muttered, letting him take the words as she meant them. She wanted tom. She wanted to show him his little graddaughter, and show him how precious she was. Cuddling against Draco she whimpered, her body hurt, and she shifted paige into Draco's arms, not feeling well enough to be protective, if it should happen. Dumbledore shook his head smiling a little."No my boy, I just heard that Fydra was down here, and I wanted to make sure that everything was fine."He said meeting harry's eyes, swallowing hard as he felt the tug of power.
Draco blinked and then nodded, kissing her forehead. "i understand." he murmured softly, nuzzling her neck as Narcissa smiled a little. Harry smiled a little at Dumbledore and nodded, too drunk and too tense to realize he;d let off a pulse of power, green eyes meeting Dumbledore's twinkling blue and gasping as their minds where flung together, Harry seeing all the loathsome things Dumbledore had ever done, Dumbledore seeing all the abuse that Harry had suffered at the hands of the Dursley's. "oooh..." Harry groaned, breaking the connection, a hand to his forehead. "oooh i did the strange thing again." he groaned, shaking his head. "i think... Voldemort.. is in my head again." Harry lied. "see things... not true..." Harry whined before staggering to pass out, Draco gasping in horror as he realized what Harry had just done. "harry!?" Draco asked eyes wide as Harry sagged into Blaise's arms. "i'm so drunk..." Harry groaned. "gonna puke..."
Dumbledore stared in shock before swallowing."I must...I must take care of things. Congradulations ms. riddle."he said watching the two before hurrying out. blaise whimpered softly shoving a basin into harry's hands, wincing as the man threw up, gently touching his hair."Shhh sweetheart, you're okay. You're going to be fine." Fydra looked shocked raising her head from watching the baby studying her twin then looking wide eyed at Harry, realizing that something was going to go terribly wrong. If it worked the same way as her and draco's haid. Swallowing hard she watched as dumbledore left the hospital wing, whimpering softly as she cringed back against her fiancee, cuddling him as blaise settled harry in the bed next to her."Sleep love.Sleep."Blaise ordered gently. "You to fy. You need to sleep.Give narcissa paige, and all three of you get some sleep."He said looking sternly at the twins and draco.
Harry hurled into the Basin and groaned as he was bullied into a bed by Blaise, crawling into it, too miserable to protest as Draco clutched Paige, swallowing hard. "mother... i want you to take Paige and Pan and leave." he ordered softly, Narcissa gasping in astonishment. "but why?" she demanded eyes filled with worry as Draco bit his lip. "because the shit is about to hit the fan as they say... and i don't want Fy getting caught in the crossfire... please? just for a week..." he took Fy's hand. "i couldn't bear it if something happened to you... i will say you had complications and that it was better for you to go home for bed rest... somewhere in Italy, i know how much you love Italy..." he was terrified that Dumbledore was going to try and take the little baby, the daughter of a Siren was a powerful thing, half blood or not. "please Fy? for me? i fear for your, and Paige's safety..." "he's right darling." Narcissa whispered. "we need to leave...just until we can be sure Dumbledore isn't going to try to take Paige away..."
Fydra looked at them wide eyed, tears filling her eyes as she studied him shaking her head."I can't. I wont leave you."She whispered swallowing hard."Mother will take paige. Take her to itlay, I'll stay here with you, and harry. We'll see what Dumbledore is going to do.Draco, please. I can't go. I can't not be here to see what happens."She begged quietly looking desperate."Let mother take paige. Let me stay."She whispered truly afraid, feeling it like a ache in her bones, like a gossomer's kiss, that something horrible would happen if she hide with paige, but yet, she felt torn.She needed to protect them both. whimpering in fear as she wrapped her arms around herself before nodding a little. Knowing that she held Draco's heart in her hands, and that if something happened to her and paige because she'd been foolish to think she could handle it,even weak as a newborn kit after having paige, she didn't think he'd recover. Nodding a little she looked at him."You'll be careful?And take care of Harry?And Blaise?"She whispered swallowing hard, tears filling her eyes.She hated the idea of leaving him."You'll write?You'll let me know your safe?"She bit her lip, "We'll leave after breakfast.We'll go.We'll eat down in the great hall, just so he wont come looking for me sooner. Because given the fact we'll supposed to be in class, dumbledore wont realize I'm gone until its to late. We'll go draco, please be careful."She said before her calm started to break."Please, oh please...I cant...I cant. I love you...I cant leave you."she whispered breaking down in tears. Having tried to get her body and mind to agree with him,that she needed to go, but her heart an mind violently resented the idea of being seperated from her mate."I cant. Oh draco, I can't. We'll let mother take paige. Dont make me go...please oh please..."She hiccupped starting to beg. Needing to be with him.
Draco looked startled when Fydra started breaking down and he swallowed hard, wrapping his arms tightly around her. "calm down love... calm down." he whispered gently stroking her hair. "calm down love i won't make you go." he whispered softly. "m,other will take Paige for now." he whispered softly. "we'll come for classes on the weekdays and on the weekends we'll go home to take care of her." he promised softly shaking his head. "we'll protect Harry and Blaise together, and i'll protect you and you can protect me, and we'll all protect each other...alright?" he asked softly gently rubbing her back as he nuzzled her. "you've been given a leave off classes so i want you to stay in the room alright? just to recover."
Fydra whimpered softly as she cuddled against him, relaxing slowly at the reassurance that he wasnt' going to make her go.Sniffling as she closed her eyes,"I'll stay.Alright.Everything will be alright."She said slurring her words a little, starting to give into the exhuastion now that she had his reassurance that he wasn't going to make her go, and that paige would be well taken care of. Blaise laughed softly kissing harry's head before looking at draco, "Now, settle down.Sleep. Me and narcissa can handle paige."He said bullying draco into laying down, smiling as fydra urled up between the blond and her twin, taking comfort in the nearness of both.
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