Siren's song

Blaise snickered nodding."That's disturbing longbottom. You being a spy.... though it is perfect."He said thoughtfully before smirking."Now out. I want to show my unproper riddle how a proper zabini should act. Now shoo!And don't disturb fy and draco.I know I know, they're sickeningly cute, but its no reason to tease them."he said absently kissing his boyfriend at the same time.

Fydra smiled,"Love you to."She smiled as she watched narcissa leave before looking up at draco,tickling his ribs."Oh you think you can make me do something malfoy?"She tesed sitting up, squirming away, pushing t her feet. Glad that they were excused from classes for the day, and could spend it together, in peace and quiet.
Neville chuckled a little. "Harry isn't the only one who should have been put in slytherin." he stated simply with a small yawn, the twins snickering. "what? did you REALLY think i was that stupid?" he asked smirking at Blaise. "don't answer that." he ordered rolling his eyes as Harry laughed leaning into Blaise as Neville and the twins departed to their own room. Neville headed for Dumbledore's office to begin the chore of spying on...well, everyone. the twins actually did leave Draco and Fydra alone, amazingly enough. "mmm i love your kisses." harry purred, smiling at Blaise.

Draco laughed a little before squealing as he was tickled, writhing about on the couch as he giggled. "Mercy! mercy!" he wailed, still giggling when she finally released him, offering her a pout. "no fair, i can't tickle you! the last time i tried you nearly broke my nose!" he smirked. "i was thinking though." he admitted. "if you would like to try going on another date with me? a proper one this time, maybe in France somewhere so we won't be bothered by anyone we know."
Blaise smiled softly, stealing another kiss."Hmmm I love you to."He smiled wrapping his arms around the other, running his fingers through the brunette's hair. Smirking slightly, "Draco wnts to ask fydra to marry him."He said, smirking. Feeling content and tired, but awake enough to do whatever his lover wanted.

Fydra lughed, kissing the pout away."Oh....oh a date would be nice."She said blushing as she looked up at him as she walked him into their rooms, nudging him onto the bed before cuddling up close to him."This weekend? Father is...going to be in accepting as I am...I still feel awkward around him."She said blushing ever so slightly."A date would be grand."She perked up a little smirking at him."Can we go to the threater?"She said laughing softly. knowing he wouldn't like it, and knowing she'd let him not go, but she couldnt help teasing him.
Harry grinned a little and nodded. "i think he already has." he admitted. "there's a promise ring on both their fingers. he just has to get the real proposal ring, no doubt he couldn't before because of Lu..." he swallowed hard and then barreled through like he did everything. "because of Lu..Lucius." he seamed rather pleased with himself. only one stutter! he sighed a little and snuggled into Blaise, gently nuzzling the others neck with his nose, a smile on his lips. "would you want to get married lover?" he asked his head tilted. "i know i'm overly difficult, and that i'm broken right now, but i will never love someone as much as i love you."

he chuckled a little and nodded settling into the bed. "yes, a date would be nice, preferable without our tag alongs." he teased winking at her. "they might be your brother and my best friend but they can be highly annoying at times." especially when they where together. when the word Father left her lips a panicked look crossed his face. "father!? but he's de...oh you mean YOUR father." he muttered sheepishly, "sorry, old habit, when you say father i think of..." he shook his head then. "you feel awkward around him because you don't know him that's all. it will take time to build trust between the two of you. Harry accepts him already because the guy's an idiot, and has lived his entire life without love, affection, or family. Tom is hi last hope for happiness aside from Blaise, while you've had mother, me, and all of our aunts and uncles to shower you with affection." he smiled a little at her, kissing her forehead. "just take it slow, and be yourself. don't stress over if he loves you, or even likes you. as long as your happy, he will be too."
"YOu're a moron.Of course I love you."He yawned, nuzzling the other as he wrapped his arms around the brunette, kissing his head."Now.Sleep. It's been a stressful few days, and I want to sleep.Because I have a feeling its just going to get more exciting."He muttered snuggling close, already starting to fall asleep.

Fydra giggled a little gently stroking his hair when he looked panicked."I guess that's true.I'll try."She smiled slightly, shifting to get comfortable before yawning,"We'll go somewhere no one can find us. And have a real date as young kids, before we have to be parents."She muttered, head on his chest as she drifted to sleep. She'd planned on staying up and talking to him, but it'd been a long few days. And she wanted to sleep!

That weekend Fydra smiled as she walked to the couch where draco and blaise were studying-aka, sleeping- and nudged draco awake."Love, come on love, time to get up."She smiled with a happy smile. Having gotten snape and their mother in on the plan, she had planned the perfect weekennd getaway.

Blaise whined, shifting, his head resting on draco's shoulder, having been kicked out by harry in their bedroom for being annoying while the brunette tried to study.
Harry chuckled a little. "getting married and loving someone are two completely different things love." he murmured softly snuggling in tight to Blaise sighing softly. "mm i love you." he murmured gently, hissing softly in parseltongue. "My dark Flower." he purred smirking a little, content in the knowledge that Blaine would have no clue what harry had just called him. and because Blaise was almost asleep, the other wouldn't even question him about it!

Draco groaned as he was nudged awake, his eyes fluttering open, his forehead resting on the top of Blaise's head. blinking sluggishly as he straightened up, causing Blaise to, no doubt, fall into Draco's lap, making the Blond tense and shove the dark skinned boy off the couch completely. "i wasn't sleeping!" Draco protested grabbing his book and shoving his nose in it. "see! i'm studying! i'm studying real hard!" he had missed what Fydra had said and so was afraid she was scorning him about not studying.
Fydra's lips twitched slightly as if she was trying not to smile as she studied her lover, "WEll, its the weekend. You're allowed not studying. And seeing as we're leaving, I demand you leave your books here."She smiled, waving a hand towards blaise as the other protested being pushed onto the floor."Harry was looking for you."WAsn't, but at least her twin would keep his boyfriend busy.

Blaise grinned before scampering back to their rooms pouncing on the brunette reclining on the bed as he studied."You wanted me?"He growled, nuzzling him. Trying to work around how to bug him again. Just because he'd been mostly asleep, hadn't meant he'd been aware to being talked to. And he really wanted to know what harry called him....not that the bunette had given in and told him. He thought harry was probably getting perverse pleasure in not telling him. And bugging him about it had lead to his getting kicked out of the he'd just have to be more subtle about it.
Draco blinked a little at her then. "really?" he asked smirking as he tossed the book, which was actually Blaise's, over his shoulder, accidentally hitting one of the seventh years. "oh, sorry." Draco never sounded all that sorry though. "so, you must have something planned then." he asked grinning a little as he got to his feet and enveloped her in a hug, kissing her chin, a smirk in place. because he had gotten a package this morning, one he'd been waiting for. one that Tom Riddle himself had sent. Family rings, wedding rings.

Harry sighed a little as Blaise bounded in and gave his boyfriend a look. "if you can be quiet and let me study you can stay my Dark Flower." he was having a great deal of fun teasing Blaise with that secrete name, that Harry was sure that Blaise would hate. but that was half the fun. "Draco and Fy are leaving i take it?" he asked, flipping a page in his potions notebook. ever since Snape had found out that Harry wasn't James son, the man had been much less acidic to Harry, but that wasn't helping him with his grades at all.
Fydra giggleda little as she was kissed,ducking her head before nodding."Of course I have something planned.Come on."She smiled having already gotten a trunk of clothes for them both waiting for them in snape's rooms, she looked up at him."I have clothes and things we'll need while away, do you need anything else?"she said smiling. Glad that the potions master had a floo in his private rooms, so no one except their closest friends would know that the two slytherins were gone.

Blaise nodded smirkign a little."They're getting ready to.I can't believe she's making him go to the beach with her."He snickered, already imaging just how burned the boy was going to be. But...they'd have fun, and they deserved the time alone. Snuggling his boyfriend he whined, disliking not knowing what his boyfriend hissed at him."You perverse little shit.But fine, I'll lay here and be quiet so you can study."
he smiled a little. "alright." he chirped taking her hand in his. "where are we going?" he asked curiously his head tilted. "i don't know what i'll need if i don't know where we're going." but if Fydra told him he'd no doubt start begging to go anywhere else, and sulk for hours on the beach. but if it was a surprise, he would actually enjoy himself...yes, the blond WAS very odd.

Harry snorted a little. "he clearly has no idea where he's going or he'd be sulking already./" he stated simply, sighing as he slammed the book shut and shoved it away so that it hit the ground with a hard thud, pouting at Blaise. "you don't even know what i'm saying, how can you call me perverse?" he asked smirking at the other. "i want my kiss." Harry whined softly as he caught the older boys lips in his own, kissing him furiously. "besides, i like the look of annoyance on your face when i hiss at you."
"I lready packed your things.You wont need anything.And we can always floo mother if we forgot something."She said wisely, knowing better then to tell him. Having been putting up with his ecentrics for years, she ws used to not telling him things."Come on, mother and snape are waiting for us."She said herding her boyfriend towards snape's private suites, knocking lightly. "Come in."Snape smiled slightly as the two walked in, tilting his head.

"It's perverse that you enjoy harassing me."he stated, raising his head to look down at him. Rolling his eyes."and if I dont want to kiss you?"He asked amused.
Draco sulked a little but then smiled a little as he imagined presenting his wedding ring to Fydra, the riddle ring glimmering with all of her favorite colors, a siren on one side a snake on the other, it was the perfect ring. apparently Tom had altered it to suit the two's upcoming proposal, and Draco had thanked the Dark lord so many times it had no doubt gotten annoying. "are they coming with us!?" Draco demanded his eyes wide. "oh god, their together aren't they!?" he demanded groaning a little as he scrubbed his face with his hands, Narcissa giggling as she watched her son. "sorry Draco but your godfather is just SO handsome." she hadn't told Snape Draco's little secrete yet. she intended on telling him when they had real privacy.

Harry snickered a little and watched his lover. "well if you won't kiss me, then i'll just have to enjoy having sex on Draco's bed all on my own." dirty little bastard wasn't he? he smirked a little at Blaise. "i'm meeting my Father this weekend too." he admitted, biting his lip a little. "i'm a little nervous." he admitted, tugging on his longer hair and biting his lip. "i was wondering if... uhm, after you might go on a date with me?"
Snape smirked a little, "I am aren't I?"He laughed softly before shaking his head. Having been asked his opinion on the riddle family ring, he knew draco'd been climbing the walls trying to get it perfect. Hmmm draco wasn't going to be the only one surprised."But alas, you two are going to have a totally private weekend, without interferance from anyone here."He smiled at the two."You're just using my floo so dumbledore doesn't know you're leaving." Fydra smiled bending to kiss narcissa's hand, taking their shrunken trunks from her."You'll call if anything happens?"She asked smiling. Looking forward to a day by herself. Snape snorted a little, knowing no such call would be made, even if things were going to hell. The two needed time away.

"Ooohhhh okay, for that, I might have to kiss you.As soon as we're sure they're gone."He snickered a little before kissing harry again, sighing softly."Of course I'll go on a date with you."He frowned a moment, looking a little nervous."Does this mean I'm getting introduced to your dad?"
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head, kissing his mothers cheek and shaking his godfathers hand and pointing at the man. "you treat my mother well or so help me i will buy every Weasley Wizarding Wheezes product on the shelf and use them on you." he grinned and turned back to Fydra grabbing her hand. "they'll keep us in the loop love, don't worry about it." he ordered chuckling a little as he motioned for her to do the floo thing.

Harry snickered a little and leaned down, running his tongue along the others neck. "i want to go somewhere fun." he murmured softly. "a carnival, or a fair...i've never been to a carnival before." he admitted smiling a little as he laid his head on his lovers chest. "no, i don't think i want you to meet him yet." harry admitted softly. "i mean, i'm not even all that sure of him myself." he admitted. "i want to get to know him a little more...that way, if i have to kill him, the only person who's hurt by it is me."
Snape snickered as he watched the two floo to the french ocean side before looking at narcissa."He's going to have enough to worry about when he realizes he's on a beach."He said, blushing ever so slightly though.

Fydra smiled as she tugged draco out of the fire, tilting her head as she looked around the home that had once been her parent's. Having asked tom if he knew where a place was they oculd go...trusting him enough to get his opinion.And he'd offered this...the home her mother had loved once."Welcome to riddle cottage.And we're going swimming!"She giggled happily already starting to strip to her swimsuit, to excited by the water, sand and warm weather to be nervous about being more then half naked and as big as a whale around people she didn't know. It would be so much fun to just be kids for a weekend.

Blaise sighed softly, running his fingers through the other's hair."Hmmm your sister might ahve a issue with that idea."He said before dragging him up for a kiss."But a carnival would be nice.I'll see what I can find."He said already thinking it over
Narcissa chuckled a little and nodded before she bit her lip a little and glanced over to Snape. "Severus...we need to talk." she admitted softly. "the things i am about to tell you, Draco already knows." she admitted softly, taking his hand and leading him into the bedroom, sitting him on one of the plushy armchairs as she sighed a little. "you remember, before Lucius and i married...don't you?" they had spent three days, simply being together, sleeping together, enjoying each others company until she was pulled away and married to Lucius.

Draco gasped when he saw the house, and gasped again when he found out who it belonged to before chuckling a little. "you dragged me to the beach." he whined, smiling as he dragged his swimming trunks out of his suitcase and stripping down before pulling them on and running his hair back into a ponytail so that it was out of the way. "we should find some shells for Harry, i heard him say he collected things like that."

Harry chuckled a little. "Sister has gone to the beach." he stated simply. "besides, if i end up having to kill Tom, it's most likely because he hurt her...or you, or Draco." he shrugged. "either way, i would rather not have to. according to the prophecy, if i he dies, do will i. at least, if i kill him....of course, according to the prophecy only i CAN kill him so i guess there is that too..."
Sev nodded slowly tilting his head. Looking curious and worried, smiling slightly at the memory. Those three days, were sometimes all that got him through the years.Seeing her with lucius, being dumbledore's puppet..."of course I remember cissy."He smiled as he watched her.

Fydra blushed a little, smiling as she took his hand, heading outside."Shells for harry. seaweed for blaise."She snickered, blushing and smiling happily, glad he wasn't freaking out over being made to come to the beach. having been truly afraid he'd whine and bitch about the chance of getting burned, that he'd ruin this weekend.

Blaise growled softly at the idea."If you die on me, Im rescurating you so I can kill you myself."He snarled pulling the other into a hard kiss. Not willing to complate a world without harry in it.
Narcissa smiled hessitantly. "well... we...i..." she bit her lip then. "i got pregnant, right away, do you remebure that? little Draco was supposedly conceived the day of the wedding but.... that is a lie." she admitted softly. "in fact...he was conceived before the wedding." she glanced at him, watching his reaction. "Draco is not Lucius's child Sev... he's yours..." she swallowed hard. "i couldn't tell you...Lucius would have found out, he would have had all three of us killed..."

Draco snickered a little and nodded as he headed out onto the beach, gasping loudly. "oh my god i GLOW!" he wailed in horror, seeing his overly pale skin in the bright sunlight made him cringe. "i'm shocked i don't blind people!" ah, so that was it. he wasn't bitching because he was hoping to get a tan out of it...too bad Malfoy's never tan...then again, the blood spells that had turned Draco Snape into Draco Malfoy where dissolving with Lucius's death. Draco was going to start appearing as less than a Lucius look alike, and much more like Snape over the next few months.

Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "i don't intend to die Blaise." Harry admitted simply, kissing his lover back, his tongue tangling into his mouth, stroking Blaise's gums and reaching down to cup the others crotch. "but." he murmured softly. "i have to get ready. i'm meeting my father today after all." he admitted softly, a smirk on his lips. "try not to touch yourself while i'm gone."
Sev stared at her. Shocked and hurt, buut understanding, because he knew the man lucius was...had been.he would have killed his wife and the infant for the betrayal."I..."HE stoped,biting his lip a little."Does draco know?And does he know...that the spells that make him look like lucius, will fade?At least enough to not be a perfect replica, just a good look alike?"He said, worried for his son now more then ever. knowing that even as the spells faded wholly, there was no changing his total bone structure, just small changes here and there..his things. And hopefully, things that both draco and fydra would understand.

Fydra laughed snickering as she smiled."You do not glow. You're just not tan. Look at me, I glow!"She smiled spreading out the blanket she'd carried down with them, before heading for the water, dragging him with her. Splashing him as she ran in.For once, a carefree 16 year old, instead of a siren who had to many responsiblities.

BLaise sighed softly, shifting against the other's hand before nodding."I now.Go. I'll try and be good until you get back.Hopefully I'll find something we can do for our date."He said stealing another kiss before getting up, dragging harry to his feet."Get ready, I'll walk you to the passageway."
Narcissa looked relieved when Severus didn't blow up on her, sighing softly. "Draco knows your his father, but he doesn't realize that the spells are going to fade." she admitted. "i wasn't sure how you where going to react about all of this and..well i haven't told him about that part yet." she admitted shaking her head as she gently took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "i was...i was hoping you might talk to him, like a father, instead of like an uncle...he's so afraid that your not going to want him."

Draco laughed a little as he smiled at her. "but your so pretty when you glow."he teased grinning a little yelping as he suddenly found himself in the cool water. "fyyyydddrraaaa." he whined pouting at her as he re emerged from the water, having tripped over the sand and gone under. he laughed though as he settled onto his back and kicked away from the shore, floating peacefully. "this is really nice."

Harry smiled and kissed Blaise back before quickly getting dressed in black leather pants and his buckle boots. Dumbledore hated it when he wore his 'emo clothes' as harry called them, pulling on his open robes so that his pants where visible but his chest was not. it was like a mix between a long sleeved shirt and a cape. "do i look dark enough?" harry asked smirking a little. "should i put on my eyeliner? i wanna look good for our date later."
Sev nodded a little squeezing his hand before rubbing her hands over his face. Sighing softly before nodding again."I'll...I'll talk to him when he gets back.He needs to know before they fade enough that he actually notices on his own."He smiled slightly pulling her over for a kiss,hugging her."I'll make sure he knows he's wanted."

Fydra snickered as he went over, floating next to him, black hair swirling around her in the waves as she floated."It is. And its all we have to do for two days.Its just me, you and the cottage."She smiled easily before sighing, looking at herself. Pouting a little. Realizing that she probably wasn't as pretty as she'd been a year ago, small and tiny in her swimsuit. Raising her head to look at him she smiled easily, swimming over to steal a kiss."I'm glad you like it."

Blaise snickered a little, tilting his head."I think we need to let dumbledore see you on your way out. You have permission to leave to hogsmeade for the evening, so you we shoud give the old man a heartattack. That...and well, you do look like your father, though not as much as fydra does. I swear, if she was male, she'd be as much as a copy of tom as draco is of lucius.And no makeup, you look perfect as is."He smiled slightly wrapping a arm around his lover's waist, heading out. Looking forward to their date.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded grabbing an earring and slipping it into a hole in his ear, a hole that certainly hadn't been there a week ago. "Fydra did it for me." Harry admitted smirking as he threaded the fang earring into place, one that almost looked like Bill's. "now THIS will give the old man a heart attack." he teased winking at Blaise as he took the others hand and let him lead the way out into the Great Hall, letting Dumbledore and most of the student population see him, all of them gaping in astonishment, Dumbledore simply looking mildly unhappy with the situation. "Mr. Potter." McGonagall stated glaring at him. "that is not proper school attire!" "that's ok, because it's the weekend and i can wear as i please outside of school hours." he stated simply making the woman stutter, Harry shrugging. "well it's the truth."

Narcissa smiled as she leaned over and gently kissed him, on the lips no less. "you know, even when i was trying to convince myself that Lucius was a good man... i never fell out of love with you." she murmured softly, running her fingers along his cheek. "i missed you so much Severus." she admitted softly, kissing him again before laying her head on his chest, sniffling a little. "i'm so glad to be where i belong again."

Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "i look forward to it." he admitted with a bright grin as he leaned over and gently kissed her. "i love you. you know that right?" he asked smiling ay her. "and you are never going to be anything but beautiful, so get that thought out of your mind, i can see it on your face." he admitted stroking her cheek.
Blaise snickered a little, resting a arm around harry's shoulders as he studied the matron of gryffindor."And of course, since we're going out today, you can't dicate what we wear into hogsmeade."He smirked slightly, "And before you ask, yes, we have permission from not only our head of house, but our guardians to go out."He smirked wider, almost daring the woman to question who's permission they'd asked. After all, being his biological father, tom had given the man permission to leave, and well, that was one thing dumbledore would never want to get out. Not when fydra was the one he wanted to control, and harry was a convienant way of doing it.

SEverus smiled slightly hugging her close, pressing a kiss to her head."Me to. Now if only we could get the rest of our family settled down, and get dumbledore to stop meddling, everything would be perfect."

Fydra blushed shifting to stand in the sand, smiling as the waves moved her a little bit."I know.I love you to."She sighe softly leaning into his hand, her eyes closing at the touch."But...but dray, I'm huge!"She pouted a little.
Harry laughed as the woman stuttered with horror, her eyes wide as he looked from Dumbledore to Harry with an outraged look on her face until Dumbledore sighed and nodded, motioning for Harry and Blaise to leave without a word, Harry smirking as he strutted out the doors and into the grounds, snickering. "did you see the look on her FACE!?" he demanded snickering brightly as he nuzzled Blaise's neck. "i'm going to Apparate as soon as i'm past the wards." he admitted shaking his head. "i'm already late." he admitted still looking amused as he kissed Blaise. "you know where we're going to be, come get me when your ready for our date." he purred gently nibbling on Blaise's ear.

she sighed a little and shook her head. "he's trying to control Fydra, and he thinks he's in control of Harry. i'm terrified what he will do when he's not in control of either. he might even use the imperious on them, if he thinks he can get away with it." she shuddered. "but i don't know if Fydra of Harry can be affected by such a thing, so there's no telling what Dumbledore will do."

he laughed a little. "your not huge." he stated rubbing her belly. "your pregnant, your belly is a little bit bigger because you have a baby in there, that's not fat, that's amazing." he admitted kissing her belly and gently tickling it with his pale slender fingers. "your going to be just...perfect with a belly full of baby." he promised smiling at her, beaming. "your always perfect."
Blaise whined, squirming away."I will. Now go."He waved his lover off, smirking as he headed back inside to get ready. Meanwhile in the shierking shack tom smiled slightly when he heard the crack of apparation, tilting his head as he leaned back in his seat."Shade?"He called, waiting for his son. Not about to run and hug him...after all, he had to have some sort of dignity.

Severus snorted a little."No there's nothing to say what he will do, but they are tom's children, and more then that, they are paige's."he smirked slowly, already considering it."Dumbledore has been a fool, will be a fool if he thinks he can control a siren, or a fae lord. Paige was a siren, daughter of faerie, if he tries to control them, they will respond in kind."He muttered, more worried about fydra then harry. He knew harry'd kill dumbledore given the chance, but fydra was pregnant, and weaker because of the way she'd been raised. She was a princess, she was just learning how to fight back....she'd be the weak link that would snap."But for the moment, all we can do is watch, and wait for him to do what he will."

fydra pouted a little laughing as she squirmed away from him, before leaning into him again,"That tickled."She said blushing, resting her head on his shoulder,cuddling close, letting the water hold her as she held him."Your pretty perfect to."
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