Siren's song

Snape brushed his lips over his hair.Really, he was honored at the thought his godson wished he was his real father."She will.Now sleep."He muttered before giving the blond another potion, a dreamless sleep this time, wanting to knock him out so he'd actually sleep instead of fretting. Sighing as he looked at nrcissa."I'm assuming we're going to have all four teens sleeping in here....would you..."He stopped stutter, blushing a little. He'd always liked her, and yet, she was lucius's wife, and she had loved him.So...he'd never done anyhting about it, he seemed to always fall in love with women he couldn't have. Sighing sadly he looked at the blond woman, not wanting to be alone, but not wanting to stay here with all for teens."We need to get some sleep.Its going to be a long few days..."

Blaise laughed softly, kissing his cheek."I will,someday."He muttered heading back with him towrads the dungeons ducking into the common room with a sigh wrapping a arm around harry's waist, kissing his head."Fydra's in with draco...I'm assuming you want to stay with her to?"He said, having every intention of sleeping in draco and fydra's room. knowing the blond wouldn't want to be alone with her, not when fydra was that listless.
Draco nodded as he obediently drank the potion, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep as Narcissa sighed a little, looking at Draco sadly. "i always... put a blind eye to Lucius." she admitted softly closing her eyes. "we where an arranged marriage, but my mother assured me that i would fall in love with him... for a long time, i was able to convince myself he was a good person, that i really was in love with him... but when i found out...what he had done to poor Harry...." she sighed a little and looked up at Severus. "would you adopt Draco Sev?" she asked softly. "i know he would welcome it, and he deserves a real Father."

Harry sighed a little, smiling as Blaise kissed his cheek. "yes, i want to stay with fy...but i..i need...we need to talk first." he admitted softly. "about...what happened last night." he admitted leading Blaise into their own room. "what happened last night, i want you to know it wasn't your fault." Harry admitted softly, sitting down on the bed and sighing a little. "i...panicked, and then i remembered...and then...i was...with him all over again..." he admitted softly biting his lip looking up at Blaise. "i'm really sorry Blaise, i didn't know that was going to happen."
Snape looked startled staring at her, before nodding a little."I would be honored."He said softly before looking at the two sleeping teens, smirking a little, realizing that even when she was upset with him, fydra had searched for draco.Smiling a little as he looked at her fingers tangled with his."They'll be okay."He said before shifting draco around, laying him down before settling fydra on the bed, pulling narcissa up."Come. You need some sleep."He said gently herding her towards the bedroom door, intent on settling her in bed before coming back to wait for harry and blaise to come back.

Guilt and pain flaired in blaise's eyes as he nodded a little, leaning into the touch for a moment before wrapping his arms around his lover, holding him close."I'm sorry."He muttered, nuzzling his neck."Love, we'll get through this together....I'm sorry you remembered, and I'm sorry I caused it, but...its past. We'll be better for figuring out what caused problems, we'll be fine."He said kissing him softly, looking up at the osund of a door opening. raising a eyebrow at the sight of his head of house and narcissa.
she smiled a little and shook her head a little. "you need sleep more than i do Severus."she admitted softly. "you have classes to teach, i don't." she paused. "which, actually i was thinking..." she bit her lip. "there are a great many student's, i've found...that would like to learn various healings... do you think Dumbledore would permit me to teach a class?" Narcissa had always wanted to be a teacher, ever since First year, but Lucius had said no, now she had her chance. she didn't even seam to realize he was herding her into the bed, she was too tired to complain anymore anyway.

Harry sighed a little as he leaned into Blaise. "your not the one who needs to be sorry i am." he muttered softly. "i should have stayed calm, just asked you to take the handcuffs off... you didn't know." he shuddered hard. "i'm having such terrible dreams Blaise, of Lucius...and of...other things." he shuddered hard. "i'm dreaming of Maggots." he admitted softly. "bad things always happen when i dream of Maggots...people always DIE when i dream of Maggots." he blinked as he watched Narcissa chattering, completely oblivious to the potions master subtly guiding her into a bedroom. "...well that's new."
Sev smiled softly helping her out of her outer robes before tucking her into bed."He will. If he doesn't...I'll remind him of somethings that he's let happen this year."He said smiling slightly at her kissing her forehead before sliding out of his own robes and laying down on top of the covers next to her, looking comfortable in his slacks and a loose dress shirt."Sleep narcissa. Its going to be a busy few days."

Blaise held him tighter,"No one we care about. I WONT let anyone take anyone I care about."He growled smirking a little as he watched draco's mother get herded into the potion's master's bedroom."...Now that's almost disturbing. I dont want to know know what he does."He said with a fake shudder before tugging harry into draco's room, smiling slightly at the sight of the two malfoy's curled up together, even if it wasn't their normal cuddling, fydra was still curled up, her head resting on his shoulder with her fingers tangled in the blond's."Now. Time for bed."He said nudging harry towards the huge bed.
she smiled a little. "mm blackmail, i like it." she purred, slipping off to sleep, the blankets shifting as she wrapped her arms around him, yanking him back into her as she held him like a teddy bear. she'd always been a cuddler, several girls in their years had often jokingly complained that Narcissa would sleep walk into the other girls beds and cuddle them to death.

Harry nodded, looking a little upset. "is it any less frightening, or upsetting, if it's someone we only know?" he asked softly. "is it any less guilty, if i didn't know the person, and yet they died because of me?" he asked his head tilted. "no matter what anyone says, a lot of those people who died under 'Voldemort' are just Dumbledore keeping me under control." he admitted, stripping off his outer robes and slipping into the bed next to Draco, smirking a little as he winked at Blaise, motioning for him to lay next to him. "i want cuddles Blaise." Harry whined softly. that was the one thing harry could handle, the gentle touch of Blaise holding him as he slept, it kept many of the nightmares at bay, and Harry would have the added bonus of Draco freaking out at them in the morning.
Snape looked startled as he was cuddled, before smiling. Falling asleep as he held the former mrs. malfoy.

Blaise laughed softly."Hmmm cuddles are good."He smirked before sighing."Dont worry about it."He said kissing the other's head, worried about what was going on,falling asleep holding him. Smirking a little at the idea of draco freaking out.

In the morning Blaise groaned a little as he lifted his head off draco's shoulder, having cuddled up against him,even as harry laid aginst his other side, looking at the smaller blond then the siren laying apart from them, even with her hand tangled with draco's, she was sleeping apart. Sighing frustrated, he knew things would be bad, he rubbed his eyes, before turning his head to watch draco,waiting for him to wake up.
Draco groaned softly as his eyes fluttered open, blinking at Blaise who was inches away from his own face, looking down at Harry who was hugging Draco's lower half, using his belly as a pillow, making the blond shudder violently. "you both have five seconds to get the fuck off me." he growled in an icy tone, Harry jerking awake and flinching at the tone of voice, looking adorably confused when he realized that he was hugging Draco. "uuhng?" he whined as Draco slid free of them, offering them only a very icy glare that made Harry grin a little. "morning Dracy poo." he purred making Draco go green. "i hate you both." Draco spat, storming into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. "well HE'S in a peachy mood this morning." but harry looked relieved, that was a normal reaction from Draco, that meant that Draco was going to recover just they just had to worry about Fydra.
Blaise snikered a little sitting up, leaning back on his hands as he watched draco disappear. Laughing in sheer relief that he seemed to be okay."Yea, you know, he cant help it. We'll give him coffee, he'll feel better."He said wisely.

"'re being loud."Fydra whined from under the blanket, shifting to look at them through her hair before sighing, relaxing again. Before tensing.Sitting up."I-I have to go."She said starting to panic as she looked around for draco, her panic only increasing when she didn't see him. Hurriedly getting dressed, afraid that she'd do something else to make draco yell when he got she'd leave.
Harry snickered a little before pausing when Fydra complained, grabbing her when she tried to dart out, holding her tight to him. "hush, love your alright." he murmured softly, gently stroking her hair. "Draco's not under the curse anymore remember? he's feeling very guilty about everything, even though it wasn't his fault. he won't yell at you." he promised softly. "Blaise and i just pissed him off a little this morning and that's why we where being loud." he promised smirking a little. "now just lay still until your mother gets back, we're already dismissed from classes." or they would be.
Fydra trembled, looking up at him with wide eyes as she looked around for draco before nodding a little, shifting to rest her head on harry's chest. Blaise swallowed hard, his heart aching at the sight of the panicked woman. There was only so much one could take, and he wondered if fydra was reaching her limit. She was sheltered princess once, and everything was shattering around her."You need to talk to sev anyways. I think you're going to have to a talk with him."He said with a snicker, trying to distract her from her panic.
Harry smirked a little as Draco stepped out of the bathroom, the blond pausing as he saw Fydra, hesitating a little, uncertain what to do. Harry wasn't sure what to do either and he turned to Blaise for instructions, his lover always seamed to know the best thing to do. but Draco did something first. "Fy." Draco whispered, his voice laced with fear and guilt. "oh god Fy i am so sorry, i didn't mean any of those things, i didn't! none of them where true! i'm sorry, i'm SO sorry!" he fell to his knees near Harry's lap, but didn't try to touch her. not yet. "Fy please, i love you.. i need you, p[lease, i'm SO sorry."
Fydra cringed away from him, shrinking back against blaise as she looked at draco with wide eyes. Nightmares in those blue eyes, struggling not to see lucius. Struggling...and failing. That was the true crime of ginny's curse. For fydra, who'd killed lucius, and was afraid she'd kill draco... to suddenly find herself with draco acting like had scared her. Looking at him she shifted, buried her face against harry's chest as she cried. She didn't know what to say, couldn't...struggling. Because she didn't want to make him feel bad, she didnt want to stress him...but it hurt, and she was still scared.

Blaise winced a little, brushing his lips over fydra's hair, looking worried as he watched draco."Lets go get breakfast..."He muttered slowly, looking at his friend. Wondering if food would help...feeling anxious and worried, because he had no idea how to make this better...except maybe kill ginny, but then again, it'd only makke him feel better
Draco swallowed hard as he watched Fydra cringing away from him and he sighed a little, closing his eyes before he stood up and walked out of the room without a word to anyone Harry hesitating a moment, uncertain what to do before eh glanced at Blaise. "go after him, he's likely to do something stupid." he muttered softly. "and he won't listen to me." he gathered Fydra into his arms and held her close, letting Blaise go after Draco, who had effectively vanished. by the time anyone found him it was too late, he'd already mutilated himself, with...god forbid, the twins help. "...i look stupid..." Draco was complaining to the twins who just laughed at him. "you look more like a YOU, instead of a HIM." one of the twins stated. "what if Fydra hates it?" "you look sexy, stop worrying." the other twin ordered as they turned to look at Blaise and smirked.

Draco's hair, his poor hair had been cut very short, short enough that it would spike in all the right places, and even worse, they had colored it! no longer was it a pale white color, now it was almost a golden yellow, that brought color to his face, making him look much, much less like Lucius, and now more of his own person. "Blaise!... i look stupid! don't look!" Draco ordered trying to hide his poor mutilated hair the twins rolling their eyes again. "Draco, we would NEVER let someone as pretty as you look stupid." "...why do i feel insulted!?" Draco demanded glaring at the twins who snickered and shrugged.
Blaise smirked a little as he loked him over,"You look good. Better. now you don't look like a lucius clone..."He smiled grabbing the other's chin tilting his head this way and that, nodding slightly."Don't feel insulted. You and fydra are the most beautiful couple in the school."He said running his hand over the spikey hair."She'll love it.She loves you, she's just upset you look like lucius.Well, now you dont."He smiled, tilting his head, wondering if that was just it. Or wondering how upset she was over what he actually said. Knowing fydra she'd already forgiven him for what he'd said....and probably continue to fret over what parts of it he meant, even if she knew logically he didnt mean any of it.
Draco bit his lip hard as Blaise examined him, Draco had always had an inferiority complex. he was always struggling to be better than everyone, because he knew that everyone was actually better than him. a low self esteem forced him to care far more about his looks than was really healthy. he relaxed however when Blaise informed him that he looked good, Draco might spend half of the time angry at Blaise, but Blaise was the one person's opinion that he valued even moderately close to Fydra's. "i just hope that she can forgive me for the things i said... i didn't mean any of them." he sighed a little. "but i don't know how to prove that to her..." he bit his lip hard. "well, i have one idea...but i don't think she'll appreciate it right now..."
Blaise tilted his head as he looked at the blond. Knowing he had inferority complex helped him understand exactly what he needed do to do for his friend, though it was true, draco was beautiful and complex, and perfect. Not that he'd ever tell him that. Smiling a little he studied him."And what's that?"He asked, herding the blond towards the great hall, having every intent of meeting up with harry and fydra for breakfast.And ending draco's torment, or at least where it was concerned with his appearance...he couldnt do anything till fydra was comfortable again.
Draco offered Blaise a rare true smile, a shaky thing as if Draco wasn't really sure if he should be smiling at all, and then it was replaced by his usual smirk. aside from Blaise, only Fydra had ever really seen that true little smile of Draco's. not even Narcissa had held that privilege. "well, now that Father is gone and Pansy is dead i..." he hesitated, slipping a hand into his pocket, gripping something there. "i though that maybe i might ask her to marry me..." he admitted. "but then that weasley BINT..." Harry would have been gaping. "cursed me... i don't know if Fydra would even...even consider it..." he hesitantly felt his hair, his eyes slightly worried as he moved into the Great Hall where harry was casting spells on his morning pudding, checking for spells, and potions this time, even as he tried to get Blaise to eat.
Blaise snorted a little, "As a wedding gift, think harry'd let me bound up the wealsey twat and give her to you?"He questioned smirking as he looked over the crowd, moving slightly forward, glaring at them all. As if to dare any of them to comment on draco's hair.

Fydra picked at her food, not really eating, but eating just enough to make harry leave her alone. Looking up startled at the other two as they dropped into their seats, staring....draco looked so...."Beautiful."She muttered softly, offering him a shy beauitful, hesistant smile. As if afraid he'd yell at her for commenting on it, for being the parasite he'd accused her of being. Mentally she knew it was the curse, but her heart had taken the beating and she was hesitant and nervous.
Draco smirked a little. "i do beleive Harry will be taking care of the weasley himself." he admitted simply, his eyes flicking over to said girl who was looking entirely too smug with herself about not even getting a detention for what she'd done. Draco glanced at Fydra, anxiously reaching up to touch his new hair. "you really like it?" he asked softly, biting his lip. "i wasn't sure... the twins did it... it's awful short..." he offered her a shy smile when no one was looking and then stared down at his food, hesitant, uncertain. but you could see his fingers twitching, wanting to reach over and take Fydra's hand, but too afraid to, wary that she was still angry at him.
Fydra nodded smiling a little."Shorter then you've had it since we were kids."She said shifting a little, her own hand twitching as she ate, wanting to take his hand. Biting her lip, looking just as shy and hesistant before shifting, brushing her knee against his, just a gentle brush before she moved back. Wary to get yelled at.

Blaise smiled relaxing, glad to see the interplay between them. Having been really afraid that fydra would still be angry.But...she was acting more shy,like she didn't know how draco felt, more then angry. And he knew he was right, the girl had already forgiven him...forgetting would just take time.Tilting his head he looked at the wealsey girl, smirking slowly. "Well, I have a better idea. Wedding gift from harry's dad. Dray, no one would have more fun then he would."He pointed out, already invisioning tom's reaction if he got ahold of the woman who hurt his children.
Draco bit his lip and nodded. "i'm...i'm tired of being associated to... that man." he admitted stiffly. "i figure... that the best way to start is to change my appearance... and now Harry can look at me without flinchig." he couldn't take it anymore, with the brushing of her knee on his he reached down and took her hand in his own, giving it a gentle squeeze, loose enough that she could pull away. "the bitch is mine." Harry hissed without warning. "Ginny weasley is MY prey, i've already made that VERY clear to my Father." Harry stated sternly glaring at the three of his best freinds. "and if you get in my way i will tie you up and lock you in the closet." Draco went beat red at the suggestion and waited for Blaise to call Harry a kinky something or other, quickly tuning them out to save himself the mortification.
"Kinky. Are you joining me in this closet?"Blaise said smirking at his boyfriend. Amused at the idea."If not, dont lock me in with them.They're liable to something cute."He wrinkled his nose, his smile relaxing when he saw the two malfoy's talking quietly.

Fydra blushed softly, smiling again, a little more sure before closing her hand around his, though it was still loose, as if she expected to be tricked. To be hurt for wanting to be with him...and she was. Sort of. Smiling shyly she looked at her boyfriend,"It looks good."she said smiling a little wider."Though I wont have anything to wrap my fingers in."She said before blushing harder, avoiding his eyes. Remembering how many times she'd wrapped her fingers in his hair as he kissed her, as they made love. Blushing so hard she felt light headed she dove into her food.
Harry snorted a little, looking amused. "of course not, i'd lock you in separate closets, we are in school you know, no Hanky Panky." he teased snickering a little as he finally shoved a spoon of pudding into his mouth before letting off a panicked expression and spitting it back into the bowl. " tastes funny..." he groaned. "goddammit she ruined pudding for me! now i have to find something else!" he bitched, throwing a mini sized temper tantrum. it had taken DAYS for harry to find out that Pudding wouldn't set his stomach on edge, and it was one of the few things that didn't have even a hint of salt flavor to it. Harry couldn't handle salt anymore, Salt made him think of... but that wasn't important.

he pouted suddenly. "i know!" he whined. "i told them only to cut a LITTLE off! but they went and cut it ALL off! they where so mean to me Fydra!" he whined, his eyes glittering mischievously. "you should help me punish them by shaving them bald." he wiggled his eyebrows at her. "and we have to shave their eyebrows too, so they match." "oi! we HELPED you ungrateful git." the twins chorused playfully as they sat down in front of them and snatched up various foods. "your hair will grow out."
"I lie it shorter."She smiled leaning over, kissing his cheek quickly before leaning back again, starting to eat more.Blaise sighed softly, "We'll find something."He said shifting different foods towards harry before looking across the room towards ginny. Smirking drkly, disliking that harry wouldnt let him handle him.Before looking down at draco, smirking. Time to get everything thinking about the things that they were arguing about."Hey Draco, your mom spent the night with snape."He snickered, laughing when fydra squeaked. "What?What?!?"Fydra yelped twisting in her seat to look at the staff table.

Meanwhile sev glanced at his house, smirking as he looked at narcissa."Your children are staring at you."He said discreeting tilting his head towards them, looking at the blond woman.
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