Siren's song

"Oh which kinky thing?"He smirked rolling the other onto his back, pinning him to the bed as he tossed the book aside."And you think I an't do my own work without cheating?"

Fydra whimpered softly as he nibbled on her ear shivering a little."As if you could stop mother from spoiling her."she laughed, knowing draco was going to be just as bad. He was so going to spoil her."We'll get baby things."She said raising her head to kiss him again, before realizing they werent alone anymore. Burying her face against draco's neck to keep from blushing as she noticed their company."I forgot to tell you mother was coming to stay. Dumbledore wants her to be protected."She muttered hoping, praying however unlikely it was, that narcissa hadn't heard about the baby.she didn't need narcissa fussing over her as much as draco did.
Harry smirked a little. "any kinky thing." he teased snickering a little, licking his lips eagerly. "and of course you can, i just like insulting you occasionally, get's your attention faster." he teased leaning up for a kiss, pouting when he realized he couldn't reach because of how he was pinned. "kiss love?" he asked hopefully.

Draco sniggered a little. "i can sure as hell try! i should be the only one who get's to spoil..." he paused when Fydra buried her face into Draco's neck. "Fy? you al...mother!?" he shrieked, so startled that it actually came out as a shriek as Narcissa leaned around and kissed her son's cheek. "so nice of you to welcome me warmly." the woman teased Draco clutching his heart. "give me a heart attack you will!"
"I should be kinky and deny you, but you're so pretty when you pout."Blaise smirked lowering his head to kiss him slowly, before raising a hand summoning handcuffs, slapping them on the other before he could realize what he was doing."There. Now you're all tied up for my enjoyment."

Fydra laughed softly, from where her face was still buried in his neck, snickering because well..."You sounded like a girl.That was such a girly shriek."She announced leaning bak to look at her mother, "Hello mother."She said squirming a little so she wasn't pinned under draco, and so it wouldn't look like they were doing exactly what they were going to do.
harry smiled as he kissed the other, freezing when the handcuffs where on, a panicked look crossing his face, terrified. "NO! no Blaise get them off!" he shrieked, terror lacing his voice as he struggled against the bonds, a small sob falling from his lips. "please! please take them off! i won't do it again!" he was sliding back, remembering what Lucius had done to him, remembering how the man had restrained him, made him like it. "lemme go please!" trembling violently, unable to help himself. "i'll be good!" remembering how Vernon would tie his hands up, and beat him with his cane or belt until he bled...and then... "PLEASE!"

Narcissa watched them with a raised eyebrow, looking almost amused. "hello children." she muttered softly setting her bags down, two house elves appearing and taking off with them to set her up. "where are Blaise and Harry?" she asked smiling a little. "and how is Harry doing? still ill?" she asked deciding that her children needed a change of Topic.
Blaise looked startled, rearing back as he looked down at the man under him, "Hey hey hey, you're okay. I'm not doing anything to you.Harry love,"He said begging the other to think clearly. Not knowing what to do.

"Yes."Fydra sighed sitting up, resting her cheek on draco's shoulder."Still sick.Some....but its more dreams then anything else.And for what they're doing...well...."The blush that stained her cheeks was bright and embarassing as she pressed her cheek harder against draco's shoulder. Having almost admitted to her mother that what they were doing was what she wanted to be doing to draco....poor fydra. She just wanted cuddles.Glad that narcissa hadn't heard the part about the baby, at least for the moment they wouldn't have to piss off the woman by informing her what happened.Because she just knew narcissa was going to be livid with how she got pregnant....then set about spoiling paige rotten. Shifting slightly she yelped as she heard the door bang open.

"Fydra!Get in here!"Blaise yelled, his voice panicked, beause he hadn't been able to calm his lover. Scrambling off the couch she nearly tripped over not only her own feet, but draco and narcissa in her rush to get to the boy's bedroom, ignoring their state of undress as she climbed on the bed, trapping harry's face between her hands, making him look at her, black hair falling around them, blocking out the rest of the world. Demanding that he paid attention to just her."Harry!Stop!You're okay. I wont let anyone hurt you!"She growled, anger at lucius for doing this, and power in the words. Demanding that he bend to her will...even if it wouldn't work, the siren hoped that it'd startle him enough to snap him out of this.
Narcissa nodded, looking greatly amused at her daughters admittance of what Blaise and Harry where doing. "i'm glad that Harry has recovered enough to do such things." she admitted watching Draco with a keen eye, the blond blushing hard, pretending to ignore the fact that his homosexual best freinds where just that. gay. it was what he always did, he just pretended they weren't snogging, even when they where doing it right in front of him. he jumped, as did Narcissa at Blaise's yell, Draco looking stunned as he followed Fydra, gasping as he watched Harry, untied now, curling up in the fetal position, his hands over his head, trying to protect himself as he sobbed wildly and apologized to people who weren't there.

Harry screamed when she grabbed him, flinching away from her...normally harry would have struggled, struck at her, tried to defend himself, but this time... he just cringed and cowered. "please! please The Freak will be good! The Freak Promises! Don't hurt the Freak!" he pleaded, his eyes fluttering open, terror and pain washed in those usually vibrant green orbs was enough to break anyone's heart as he sobbed, shuddering as he felt her Power, felt her words, shuddering violently as his eyes rolled back into his head, passing out then and there. Draco gaping. "the freak?" he asked softly, looking, and sounding confused. "Merlin Above i think he was talking about himself...why the hell would he call himself the freak!?" "i don't know." Narcissa whispered. "but i think we had better get Tom involved." that startled Draco, he hadn't realized his mother knew, but then...his mother DID know EVERYTHING.
Fydra nodded a little, keeping ahold of her temper with both hands, really, really, really wanting to yell, to scream her rage that her twin ws this hurting."Draco, send tom a letter, asking if he'll...."She frowned keeping her eyes on harry s she gently stroked the other's hair, controlled rage in her words."If he'll meet with him in hogsmeade. We can get him out of the school temperrarily."She frowned whimpering because she couldn't do more for her twin.Shifting snuggling down into him,holding him close."Blaise stay with draco tonight.I'll stay in here."She said, wincing at the look on blaise's face. Anger, pain, and hurt. She knew he wanted to be the one hel[ing harry but whatever et him off... it was better not to be someone male with him. Someone that was smaller and less a thret for him when he woke."Go.Send the letter, and I'll see everyone in the morning."Pain showed on her face as she smiled sadly at her mother."Goodnight."She said, knowing she had so many things to talk about with narcissa, and that her mother would understand, but at the moment, harry was more important then her.
Draco swallowed hard and vanished out the door, well aware that if Harry saw him, he'd only backslide even more. he hated how much he looked like Lucius, he pondered the idea of getting some hair dye from the twins as he wrote the letter to tom, explaining the problem and what Draco was hoping Tom could do. Narcissa gently leaned forward and kissed her daughter on the forehead. "your so good to him." she murmured softly, gently stroking Harry's face. "such a good sister to everyone." she smiled a little and gently ran her fingers through Fydra's hair leaving as Harry started to whimper in yet another nightmare, twitching lightly as if he was trying to struggle. terror etched onto his face still, but he settled as soon as Fydra comforted him, sleeping peacefully now as he snuggled into her, a few tears escaping him. but he did not stir until morning.

"Fy?" he asked sluggishly, confused. "what are you doing in my bed?" he blinked a little, and winced as he suddenly recalled the previous nights events. "fuck..." he snuggled into her some more, wanting the comfort that only his Twin could offer him. "Blaise must be so pissed with me...."
Fydra smiled a little shifting slightly, tucking her head under his chin,cuddling close."He's more pissed ebcause he had to share a bed with draco then anything else.He's worried about you."She said sleepily, raising her head to look at her twin.Rubbing her eyes,"And I'm here because I'm the only one that wasn't a problem....I'm just not intimidating enough."She said sounding sad at the idea of not being intimidating.
Harry smiled a little as she cuddled him, sighing as he relaxed. "your intimidating." he admitted softly. "you scare me far more than Tom ever did." he admitted softly. "specially when your mad, you can even beat Lucius on my list of 'don't piss this person off.' he admitted, shuddering as he said the Blonds name. but harry had to get over it, had to stop being afraid. "i'm sorry... i didn't mean to freak out like that... i just..." he sighed a little and shook his head. "i'm so broken can Blaise love me, when i'm so broken inside?"
Fydra sighed, stroking his hair out of his face."The same way Draco can love me."She said studying him, before laying back down."It doesn't matter what happens, he's loyal, and he's as mean as a pit bull when he wants to hang onto something. And you my twin, are the one person blaise would fight for till kingdom come."

Blaise swallowed his snicker as he ran his hand over draco's side, smirking as the blond sighed in his sleep. "Draco, time to wake up. I want kisses."He said mouth hovering over the other's, doing a mini cry of fydra' voice, he couldn't help it!He was in bed with his best friend, who tried to ignore him being gay. He really couldn't help giving him a hard time.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head. "i suppose your right." he admitted softly, yawning as he rubbed his eyes. "i'm hungry." no he wasn't. "lets go and get some breakfast... did you hear that?" he asked looking baffled at the sound of a very high pitched, girly scream of horror.

Draco sighed and smiled a little. "mm Fy." he murmured turning and pressing his lips tight to Blaise's, his eyes flicking open and an outright horrified look crossing his face as he jerked away, fell off the bed, rolled onto his feet, stared at Blaise, realized what he had done, and screamed, in a very high pitched, rather girly manner. "YOU GODDAMN SONOFABITCH!" Draco roared, grabbing the nearest item and flinging it at Blaise's head, a lamp, that missed the dark skinned boys head and shattered on the stone wall. Blaise had succeeded in actually pissing Draco off.
Fydra frowned, turning her head to look at the door. "Yea...."She said slowly before sighing. Realizing she knew that scream."Goddammit, Blaise just cant leave it alone."She sighed sliding out of bed, heading for her room, opening the door a crack, not wanting to be hit with random things if they'd devolved into throwing things.

"Fuck malfoy!You nearly hit me!"Blaise yelped as he rolled off the bed avoiding a book thrown his way. "You kissed me!Dont yell at me for where you put your lips!"
Harry blinked as he followed her, blinking as he watched Blaise ducking out of the way of another book, his eyebrow lifted. "YOUR A FUCKING BASTARD BLAISE!" Draco shrieked, throwing another book at the mans head. "PRETENDING TO BE FYDRA! I AUGHT TO KILL YOU FOR THIS!" Draco was pissed, and it sounded like he had every reason to be, Harry did what any normal person would do...he burst into laughter and flicked his wand so that everything light enough for Draco to throw became stuck to the surfaces that they where laying on, the Blond panting hard as he tried to rip a book off the table, Harry grabbing Blaise by the wrist and yanking him out of the room as he winked at Fydra. "good luck calming him down."
Fydra wrinkled her nose at her twin, smiling slightly."Oh thanks for giving me the fun job."She said grumpily before ducking into the room, relieved for the spell sticking things in place.Even if she was sure draco wouldn't intentionally hurt her, draco in a temper was a scary thing. Swallowing hard to brace herself she stepped in, walking around to face him."Dray, you know he only did it because you'd get angry."She said calmly, struggling to not laugh at him. It always amazed her that he was best friends with a man who was gay, and loved giving him a hard time.
Draco snarled when he felt hands on him, but relaxed when he finally noticed that Blaise was gone and that it was Fydra who was holding him. "i don't give a flying fuck why he does it!" there was a strange tremor in his voice, he had never told anyone why he was so afraid of being intimate with another man. never explained why he got so pissed when Blaise pulled shit like that, and it was doubtful he ever would...but when his voice wavered like that, he almost sounded afraid. "if he does it again i'm hexing his goddamn balls off!" he decided, storming over to the bed to find his wand, it had fallen behind the bed table and now he couldn't reach it, lucky Blaise. "fucking hell! why am i freinds with that man!?"

"that wasn't nice Blaise." Harry stated, scowling at his lover as he tangled his fingers with the black man's. "you know how Draco is about stuff like that. why on earth would you trick him into kissing you?" Harry didn't even bother trying to hide the jealousy in his voice. HE should be the only one who got to kiss Blaise! "though i do have to he can have two gay best freinds when he's such a homophobe?"
"Beause he loves you like a brother and you him, even if he gives you a hard time."Fydra frowned tilting her head at the odd sound of his voice, turning her head to watch him as he got his wand. Hearing the lilt, hving heard it before. In harry's voice, and her own. Frowning as she looked at him."Dray..."She bit her lip getting up, gently resting her hand on his arm. As if she ouldnt get the words out, even if she wanted to ask what was wrong with him.And needing to know what scred him.Struggling not to get angry as she thought over the reasons he got so angry about things like that..."Lets go get something to eat..."She said slowly, gently brushing his hair out of his face."You'll feel better after."

Blaise sighed as he tangled his fingers wiit hharry's, heading back to their room to get dressed.He was hungry and he wanted to go to breakfast. Stealing a kiss, he sighed. Feeling bad for making his lover jealous."I dont think its a fear of gay men, its a fear of what they'll DO to him."He said slowly, the relization sinking in. Looking disgusted as he considered it. And if Luius had done it.....he hadn't suffered nearly enough."Lets go to breakfast."He said as he pulled his shirt on.
Draco sighed and slimped against the tabler, closing his eyes as he let go of his anger. Draco was odd like that, it took a great deal to actually piss him off, and yet he could so easily let go of his anger, no doubt the result of forever being in control of himself, Lucius's training had made Draco easy to handle. "i'm not hungry." he complained softly as he tried to get his wand, looking upset still, but no longer angry. "i can't get to my wand, Fy would you give me a hand? you have longer arms than i do." he glanced at her, looking thankful that she was there as she gently kissed his forehead.

Harry paused, looking startled as he dropped his pants at Blaise's suggestion his eyes wide. "you don't think...Lucius?" but no... Draco had never been raped, he had said that himself. the blond had not been lying when he had promised harry that no one had ever done that to him, when harry had been fearful that perhaps he wasn't the only one Lucius had raped. "no...Draco's never been raped... but that doesn't mean he hasn't been molested... Christ..." he suddenly felt guilty for all those times he had teased Draco, playfully touched Draco on the arm to make him shudder. "i'm suddenly not hungry anymore..."
Fydra wrinkled her nose as she slipped away from him, crouching down so she could crawl halfway under the bed to get his wand."You'd make the pregnant woman get on the ground?"She tesed shifting back, looking delectably seductive there on the ground on her hands and knees. But for once, she wasn't aware of how she appeared. Glancing up at him she smiled as she got up, gently stroking his hair as she stood in front of him, nudging his legs apart so she could stand between them."Are you sure your okay?"she asked, wondering if he was just being strong and calm because she needed him to be instead of actually feeling it.

Blaise sighed sitting down next to him, wrapping his arms around the other, pressing a kiss to his lips."If he was really truly hating it, fydra would have cursed one of us by now. It might have been uncomfortable for him, but he knew we really didn't mean it."he sighed."I startled him awake this morning, which probably why he got angry."
Draco smiled as he watched her, a loving expression on his face as he licked his lips. "damn your sexy." he whispered softly curling his hands into fists so he wouldn't touch, he wanted breakfast, and he knew she did too, and if he touched, then they'd never make it to breakfast in time to eat. "yeah, i'm alright, Blaise just startled me that's all." he admitted running a hand through his hair. "i wasn't expecting him..." he shrugged and laid his nose against her neck, taking a deep inhale of her scent. she always calmed him down, made him feel less afraid of the world. "mmm you always make me feel better." he murmured softly, grateful that she was there with him. "come on, lets get you some food, you must be starving by now."

Harry hesitated and then relaxed, nodding a little. "that's true." he agreed biting his lip a little. "it was still pretty mean of you." he teased smiling a little. "i wonder why he wasn't hexing you though? throwing things is such a...MUGGLE thing to do." he admitted shaking his head a little as the twins popped up at his elbow, making Harry shriek in surprise before he laughed as the twins gave him funny looks. "sorry, i'm a little jumpy." "ah, hey Harry listen, we gotta talk to you." the twins looked worried about something and they glanced at Blaise, hesitating before. "well to both of you really."
Fdra laughed softly kissing his forehead."I AM starving. Its not nice to keep a pregnant woman from food."She pouted poking him. Grateful that he was fine, though she knew she'd keep fretting over how he was doing for awhile. Shivering as he sniffed her he sighed softly, easing bak, pulling him to his feet."Come on then, food then class."She said wrinkling her nose. Not looking forward to potions.

Blaise gve them a look."If this is about me waking everyone up, its NOT my fault Malfoy yelled."he said before tilting his head, growning serious. "What is it about?Seriously."He said concerned on what was going on, The twins looked to serious, and the knot in his stomach wouldnt be going awy anytime soon
Draco laughed a little and nodded nuzzling her neck as he headed down the hall, blinking as he saw the expressions on Harry and the twins faces, pausing just out of sight of the group as Harry frowned. "what's wrong guys?" "we... we're not sure." Fred finally admitted. "Ginny's been acting very strangely lately, almost like she's been possessed." "and... god harry i think our Fathers been put under an Impirio, he came to school today and he didn't look at us." "when we cornered him he just... he didn't even seem to know who we where!" "something bad is happening, something VERY bad." "and we think some of the Gryffindors are in on it." "when you left we started...noticing things." "bad things." "very bad things... some of the Gryffindors, their... their.." "for lack of a better termt heir worse than Slytherins!" "which are actually a rather lovely sort astonishingly enough."

"gee, thanks." Harry teased shaking his head. "alright, did you hear the Gryffindors planning anything?" "yes!" Fred admitted swallowing hard. "they said that you, and Draco where going to get what was coming to you." "we figured, you know a harmless prank." "but last night we came up on a small group of them and..." "well it's clearly not just a harmless prank." "their out for blood." "a lot of blood." Draco and harry both shuddered at the same time. "shit..." Harry muttered running a hand through his hair. "this could explain some of my nightmares." "have you been having nightmares again Harry?" fred asked sounding worried. "you know you should pay attention to those." "yes yes i know, Voldemort might be up to something blah blah." both the twins, and half the room flinched at Voldemort's name. "listen you guys, just keep your heads down, and don't attract any attention to yourselves. and thanks for the warning." "hey, you've always been like a brother to us, and we protect our own." one of the twins informed him, offering him a shy smile. "pass on the warning to Draco and Fy? we don't want them getting hurt either, our families already done enough to them, we don't need Gin or our dad hurting them too."
"Prisoners in hell will be wearing ice skates before ginny weasley learns anything more dangerous then a bat bogey hex."Fydra said absently as she stepped into the room, though her expression was more concerned than teasing. Shivering s she pressed against draco's side, hand instinctively resting on her stomach.Not afrid for herself, but her daughter. Swallowing hard she smiled slightly "Come.Lets get something to eat."She said herding them all out of the room and upstairs.

Blaise snickered s he let himself be herded, wrapping a arm around harry's waist as he traded a lok with draco, looking anxious and worried. "You know, you're going to have to have a whole horde of kids, she's to good at being bossy to just have one."
the twins had already vanished out into the hallway but Harry shook his head for them instead. "i've seen what Ginny is capable of." he admitted, a look in his eyes. "she let loose a cruciatus in my fifth year, on a Death actually worked...we all pretended not to notice though, Ginny is a very powerful person, we're going to have to be careful of her...i don't think you have to worry about her Fy, she'd never attack a pregnant person, no matter how Dark she's gotten...the rest of the gryffindors though...." he shook his head. "lets just go eat." he decided letting Fydra lead them into the Great Hall, Harry immediately grabbing his Potions laced Pudding and shoveled a spoonful into his mouth, suddenly feeling very hungry, unaware of a certain red head staring at him from across the room. "i think Draco and Fydra should have at least five children." harry decided, nodding a little Draco sputtering in horror at the idea. "i'd go mad! lets start with three and see how it goes from there."
Fydyra sputtered a little as she looekd at the men sitting with her. "And you're so sure that I'd be good at being a parent?"She said though looking shocked, she looked hopeful. Smiling at the three slytherins."We'll be okay."She said cuddling into draco as she dove into her food. Singularly intense in wanting to eat.

Blaise smiled a little as he sipped his juice, brushing a kiss over harry's hair as he looked across the room at ginny, a slight smirk curling his lips before looking at draco."No, five at least. Perferably more. Just think, snape's sure to retire at the idea of teaching with a malfoy in each year."
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