Siren's song

the three went bright red, much to the rest of the houses amusement, silently eating their dinner as Harry snickered a little ."please, the Twins are more slytherin than i've ever known, their horridly clever, and VERY sneaky." he smirked a little as the twins pretended to preen under Harry's assessment, Neville just snorted and muttered under his breath about people being foolish, he almost sounded like Draco! who was looking at Fydra with deep concern, frowning a little. "do you need me to get you something else?" he asked softly, setting his hand on hers as Harry cringed at the thought of having a talk with Fydra. he didn't want to have any meaningful talks, he didn't want to talk about what he was sure Fydra would want to talk about...Lucius.
Blaise sighed seeting harry's look, brushing his lips over his ear."She killed him. She wont talk to draco,she needs to talk to someone though.Even if its not about lucius."He muttered knowing why harry was reluctant, but fydra needed someone, and for once, it probably wouldn't be draco.

Fydra smiled a little, "N-no...I'm just not hungry."She said softly looking at him, wincing a little as he touched her. Trying not to think about lucius...trying desperately to seperate nightmare from reality. Even as her stomach growled, giving lie to what she'd said, she just...couldn't eat. It felt wrong to do it when lucius had barely been dead a day. Looking calm and collected to anyone who didnt know her, but to kill lucius, the siren had shattered something within her...and it was killing her
Harry bit his lip hard and then nodded. "your right." he agreed smiling at Blaise. "be nice to them alright?...they just gave up their family...." he already knew Neville had no home, the minute he was switched to Slytherin, Neville had been disowned by his entire family. "he had a feeling however, that the twins would offering him a home, even if it was just a crappy little apartment. "go show them around, i'll talk to Fy." he agreed moving over to his sister.

Draco swallowed hard as he gently kissed her knuckles. "alright." he murmured softly kissing her forehead. "come on, Harry wants to talk to you apparently." he admitted softly, standing up and taking her with him, harry wolfing down the last of his pudding, glaring at everyone who pouted, some had been hoping for a bite left at least. slytherins just naturally liked pudding, or maybe they just wanted what they couldn't have, who knew. "Come on Fy." Harry stated, gently taking her hand and leading her to the common room and then into his room, he didn't want to go to Draco's...didn't want to look at Draco. "your upset." harry stated simply, sitting down on the bed, watching her closley. "i can understand why." he admitted. "killing isn't easy." Harry had killed, though no one knew it, he had killed. "come sit down, we'll talk."
Blaise smirked a little as he nudged draco, before looking at the former gryffindors.Jerking a thumb towards the room fydra and harry had disappear into."That's my room.Don't come in.Ever.You're not welcome. Unless the schools burning down or something I don't care."He said smiling a little, teasing.....mostly. Pointing across the hall."That's draco's. NEVER go in there unless you want to be conned into getting fydra whatever food she's craving."He smirked looking at the shorter blond."Last week he had to get pinapples and chocolate.Absolutely disgusting, but she made him eat it with her."He smiled before lookign around."LEts see..."

Fydra flinched a little, not looking at him, though not surprised that he knew. If draco was only reasonable that harry did.Sighing as she collapsed back onto the bed, she curled up, "....he looks...looked like draco.I woke up screaming, thinking I'd made a mistake. Killed draco."More then actually killing lucius, killing a almost draco was what was bothering her.
the three nodded, Neville as silent as ever, though that could have been because of the violent bruises around his neck. "right, don't go in your room because we'll see you doing things to harry that no man should see." "and don't go in Draco's room because their both insane." "got it." the twins chorused their last line and Neville let out a small snort of amusement shaking his head as the twins laughed. "it's warmer down here than i thought it would be." Fred admitted. "this is the only common room we never managed to sneak into. all the others had secrete passages." "but no, not this one." "Harry got in here once." "back in second year." "well, your second year." Draco snorted a little. "he really did?" "oh yes, Hermione made a Polyjuice potion and turned into Crabbe and Goyle." "we thought it was pretty slick." "...oh my god THAT'S why Crabbe and Goyle where acting so strangely! i am going to KILL harry for that!" he growled, annoyed as the three ex Gryffindors laughed.

Harry nodded and gently took her hand. "Lucius does look a lot like Draco, but there is no way that you could have ever mistook one for the other, even if they where completely identical." he admitted softly biting his lip a little. "Draco is...Warm somehow, he hides it but he's good, and kind and caring, and a bit of a worry wart." he admitted smiling at her. "you could never have killed Draco, because when he's near you, your soul feel it." he kissed her forehead. "Lucius and Draco where only alike in appearance and nothing more."
Blaise snickered laughing as he looked at his friend."Forgive him for his momentary lapse in judgement and not noticing earlier it was potter. It is a well documented fact that that year he'd discovered tht fydra wore a bra, and spent time trying to get her out of it."He said, sounding oh so serious, if not for the smirk on his face. Laughing as he showed them around."There's practice rooms down there, should you want to test spells and such....none of us wanted to mess up our dorm rooms when we were experiementing, and well...we have rooms. And its warm down here because well, it should be, and because pansy boy over here will die of cold if he's not so warm a normal person would die from it."He said poking draco in the side. Trying to distract him from his worry about his lover.

Fydra sniffled looking at him through tangled hair, pain in her eyes."Promise?"She whispered, truly afraid of it. More then anything, she was scared there'd be a day she'd be so lost in a dream she wouldn't be able to see him.Despite her heart knowing better, her mind was to tangled up. Sniffling a little,"He...he wasn't mad....I thought...I thought he'd be mad."She sid softly looking at him."I thought he wouldnt want me..."
the twins laughed and nodded a little. "so i hear someone's getting married." they chorused both of them invading the now flushed Draco's personal space. "that's ok, Neville needs a lot of warm too." "yeah but that's because he's too skinny!" "hey i like skinny." "i o too but really Neville you should eat more!" Neville just shrugged and the twins sighed a little. it was clear suddenly that while Blaise was trying to distract Draco, the twins where trying to cheer up Neville. "in any case there's nothing better than a nice warm bed with dozens of comfy blankets." both twins grinned happily and Draco snorted, though he had to agree with them.

he smiled at her and nodded. "i promise." he murmured kissing her forehead. "Draco is human, Lucius was not. not matter how much he looked like one that man was not capable of humanity, Draco is so much more than him." harry bit his lip them. "if i tell you a secrete, you must promise you won't tell Draco." he murmured softly, making her agree before he hesitated. "when Draco was more than five, Lucius started using the Impirio on him to make him's why he's so little, stunted... the Impirio stunted his growth..." he looked at his sister. "You saved him, Fy... he was threatening to do it again, to make Draco marry Pansy..."
Blaise grinned as they caught on, smirking at draco."I new you were weird, but I didn't know you had to go to gryffindor to find someone who agreed with you."he teased as he headed for the common room, collapsing on the couch."I vote for your wedding, I'm so getting fydra lingierie made out of blankets.You're liable to wear them.That is something I'd pay to see."

Fydra eyes went wide, the words caught in her throat as she thought about that. Before starting to cry. Not able to believe that someone could do that to a child, much less their own.Cuddling against her twin she cried herself into a exhausted sleep. Holding onto him tightly as if making sure he wouldn't go anywhere.She might have accepted that she could never kill draco, but it wouldnt stop the dreams.She just hoped having him, or draco there would stop them.
Draco rolled his eyes and flopped onto a chair, the twins settling themselves rather gracefully onto the floor nearest to the fire, Neville stretched himself out on a couch and promptly fell asleep, the twins looking surprised. "damn, it's been weeks since he felt safe enough to fall asleep in front of people." "it's been weeks since WE felt safe." Fred pointed out, George shaking his head. "i feel a strange sort of irony that we would find ourselves here." "mums gonna be pissed." "who cares? she's been pissed since we came out of her womb." "...that's true i suppose..." george muttered as Draco nodded a little. "with my father...gone, if you need a place to stay i'm sure my mother wouldn't mind." Draco offered with a small yawn. "Harry's going to come stay with us too." "...Dumbledore won't let him." Fred stated with a dark scowl. "harry has to go back to the muggle place, protection spell and all that." the twins didn't know about To being the good guy in all of this. "Harry might be a Slytherin now, but i doubt the Dark Lord will be pleased enough by that to let him live." they sighed a little.

Harry pulled her into a hug holding her tightly as he rocked her, stroking her hair as he started to cry too. all of them had gone through such terrible childhoods, he bet even Blaise had been abused in some way or another. maybe not from his mother, but certainly by at least one of the dozen husbands she had had at one point. "the dreams get better." harry whispered softly. "they go away, after a while, once you stop feeling guilty." he admitted softly, swallowing hard. "until then, it's best to go to sleep with someone."
Blaise snickered a litle at that, but it wasn't his secret to tell. Looking over at draco he raised a eyebrow, sighinng as he clsed his eyes."I'd like dumbledore trying to tell harry he cant go home with her with the baby on the way.She's liable to rip his spleen out through his nose."He said. and it was a common fact. While draco scared the shit out of any rightful minded person, it was fydra you really had to worry about. The only person she really listened to was draco,and sometimes not even then.

Fydra stirred a lttle at the words yawning as she snuggled against him before pulling away slowly. Rubbing her face to try and make it seem like she'd not broken down."Lets go get the boys."She smiled a little, relaxed.Wanting draco, needing to make sure he was still alive. Getting up she straightened her clothes, pulling him out the door after her. Avoiding any other meaningful talks for the moment. Knowing they'd have them,but for the moment she was okay.
the twins grimaced and shook their heads. "Dumbledore..." they swallowed hard and fell silent, simply looking...almost afraid. "Harry will end up back at the filthy muggles." George hissed, rage in his voice. "like every year, and they'll do what they always do..." they sighed again and shook their heads, it wasn't their secrete to tell. "Dumbledore has ways of making Harry do what that old codger wants." Fred explained, looking at Draco who looked utterly furious. "well it wont work this time, mother has sent a formal invitation to Dumbledore to let Harry stay at our place. our wards are stronger than Dumbledore's is anyway." he sniffed. "besides, we'll just kidnap him if it comes down to it." that made the twins laugh. "we kidnapped him once!" "yeah in our flying car!" "he looked so shocked!" "we where afraid the entire world would hear us when we pulled the bars off his windows..." "the what!?" Draco demanded, looking startled.

Harry nodded, smiling a little as he helped his sister straighten herself out, grabbing her shin and holding her still while he cast a few spells, reducing the puffy eyes, and eliminating the tear tracks and straightening her hair before deeming her pretty again and following her out. "should have seen his face when we pulled the bars off his windows..." "the what!?" Harry hissed violently. "the nothing!" Harry snapped furiously, glaring at the twins who cringed under Harry's angry gaze. "don't you have better things to do!?" he demanded of the once red heads who nodded furiously and fled into their shared room with claims that they had homework and unpacking to attend to. Neville just kept sleeping.
Blaise frowned as he looked at his lover,straightening ever so slightly as he moved to get up,but decided against it. Knowing that he'd just have to wait for later to find out the rest of that story."well.I'm kidnapping you now.You have homework,and sleep to be doing. We start classes in the morning again."

Fydra whined, wrinkling her nose at the thought before moving over, sitting down next to draco, uddling against him, resting her head on his chest.Knowing for the most part she looked good despite the faint red puffy eyes from crying. Resting her head over his heart, relaxing even more as she felt the steady pounding under her ear."Potter, I want to hear whatever they're talking about...later.You know...father will want to know."She said slowly, for the first time claiming tom as part of her biological family tree, and maybe the first acceptance of him in her life.
Harry growled his eyes narrowing as the twins fled, highly annoyed by it. "i finished my homework." harry admitted simply, smiling at Blaise. "so i'll probably lay on your lap and distract you." he decided looking entirely too smug as Draco wrapped an arm around Fydra, offering her a kiss tot he forehead. "ok love?" he asked softly, blinking when Harry hissed softly. "i'm not talking about it, and if you ask the Twins i'll kill you all." he spat, suddenly angry again as he turned on his heal and stalked away in a manner that would have Put Severus Snape to shame! Draco blinking a little. "i think it would be better, not to ask Harry about his family... he wouldn't actually kill us but i can tell you from experience that he has a damn good right hook." he smiled at Fydra. "and you called him Father, how did it feel?"
Blaise sighed a little. That didn't sound good.But he wanted to get distracted.Following after harry heading into their room."Hmm I think you can distract me."he said gathering his books laying back on the bed as he started on his homework.

Fydra winced a little at harry's anger, before sighing softly. Biting her lip as she nuzzled his neck."Hmm feels odd...but right."She said slowly."I..I want to have what lucius offered but never was...I think given the chance tom wants to be a father...and you said I should give him a chance."She smiled a little, "If I'm giving the twins a shot, I thought I better give my own father one."
Harry glanced up at Blaise when the other entered, anger still in his features, though it vanished completely once Blaise didn't bring up family again, a smirk on his lips as he settled onto the bed next to the other, reading over his shoulder, breath hot against Blaise's ear as he calmly ran his hands along the others body, gently stroking and teasing, small chuckles falling from his mouth every time he made Blaise react verbally.

Draco nodded, smiling at her. "i honestly think the twins want to help." he admitted softly. "though, i think... that they know more about Harry than their willing to let on. i'd ask them, but they don't need harry beating on them too." he admitted softly, scowling a little. "i think we should see if harry won't talk to Snape, or maybe even Tom. someone he can trust without making them worry." he smiled a little. "i think Tom really wants to be there for you guys, before i forget, do you mind if i invite him over during vacation? i think it would be nice for you and Harry to get to know him."
Blaise moaned softly, shivering a little as he glanced at him.Smirking slowly as he kissed him, going back to working on his potions essasy."Potter, I do have to do work."He muttered sighing a little as he squirmed.

Fydra nodded a little,"We'll talk to one of them."She said biting her lip as she thought it over, trying to decide."Well...I guess it'd be okay."She said shifting, yelping, dragging his hand over as the baby kicked at her hand."He...he should be there.I'll be almost due by the time spring break comes around."She said smiling up at him.
Harry snickered a little as he kissed the other, smiling happily at the others complaint. "bah, who cares about potions." he complained flopping back onto the bed, sighing a little. "fine, i'm gonna take a nap, wake me up when your finished ok?" he offered smirking at the other. "and i'll distract you some more."

Draco blinked when she yelped, looking worried as he set a hand to her belly, as if he could detect what was wrong just by doing that, gasping when he felt the baby kicking, his eyes wide. "wow..." he murmured softly, licking his lips. "that's amazing... i didn't know baby's could do that." he admitted smiling at her. you could see it, in his eyes, that he was already in love with the little baby inside of her, his or not, keeping it or not, Draco loved it.
Blaise smiled, "WEll, when I don't have it done YOU can explain to snape why its not done."He said setting the books aside pulling the other closer, kissing him slowly. More then willing to be distracted. For the moment at least.

Fydra smiled softly, lovingly as she watched him with his hand on her stomach,reaching up,gently tucking his hair behind his ear. Biting her lip. She..she didnt know what she wanted."Well it's probably practicing it's dueling already. Thinks its time to take on potter.After all you were dueling him at a young age."She teased stealing a kiss. She wondered what he wanted her to do, she could already see he was in love with the baby, but he'd said it was her choice."...I'm keeping it."She said softly, looking at the floor. "With fa..lucius gone, there's no reason to be worried about how anyone feels about it. Mother will welcome the baby, even if she hates how it happened...and you're already in love with her."She teased."I think I'mm jealous."She teased stealing another kiss.
Harry snickered and kissed the other intently, deciding to be a horrid cock tease. "now now, you know better, just because I got MY homework done early doesn't mean you can slack off on yours." he taunted, smirking as he laid back down, making sure his pants slid down a little, and his shirt slid up, revealing slender ribs and slim hips, and just the beginnings of the curve of his ass. teasing his lover as he hummed, as if he was about to start masturbating, Harry always made the same noises when he contemplated stroking himself off, with Blaise tied up, helpless to do anything but watch.

Draco smiled when she tucked his hair, his head tilted at her, even more love filling his eyes when he looked at her. "me and potter hated each other the second we met in Madam Malkinsons shop." he admitted with a small chuckle. "we didn't actually start dueling until second year." he smirked as he watched her, gasping when she said she was going to keep it, worry flashing in his eyes. "are you sure?... you don't have to, i don't want you to do something your not willing to do..." but he wanted it, wanted to keep it..her... "it''s a girl!?" he asked, voice alight with wonder. "i always wanted a little girl..." he grinned at her, kissing her. "are you sure you want to keep it love? i will be perfectly fine if you don't... the Twins would take care of it if you didn't want to keep it..."
Blaise growled at him, moaning a little, sitting up on his elbows reaching for the other."Tease."He growled, rolling them over pinning the other to the bed as he leaned down to kiss him."You'll help me with my homework, you know you will."He said thrusting against the other slightly.

Fydra smiled softly, kissing him."Yes I'm sure."She said resting her forehead against his, closing her eyes. Breathing softly, the look in his eyes had confirmed that she was doing the right thing.. While she wasn't sure she'd do well as a mother, or that this would be perfect, she knew he wanted a child, and if this was the only one she'd ever had, she didnt want to spend a lifetime regretting not keeping her."Yes, its a girl."She smiled slowly."We're having a girl. "
Harry smirked as he was called a tease, gasping, and then moaning as he was pinned to the bed, letting off a small snicker. "mmm of course i'll help you with your homework." now that he had Draco for a tutor, Harry was actually pretty good at Potions, much to Snape's disgust. "now stop being a Wanker and fuck me good and proper." harry ordered smirking as he let out a low guttural moan and hissed something in parseltongue, just to drive Blaise wild.

Draco beamed at her, looking ever so excited. "we're going to have a girl." he whispered eagerly before he rushed down the room, yanking the door to Draco and Blaise's room, ignoring their intimate position. "WE'RE KEEPING THE BABY! IT'S A GIRL! I'M A DADDY!!!!!" "congratulations, go away." Harry ordered slamming the door in Draco's face, the blond beaming as he skipped back to Fydra, completely uncaring about Harry's utter lack of manners for once. "what are we gonna name her love!?"
Blaise snickered rolling on his side as he pulled the other back into bed with him." thats kinda scary."He said sounding amused, trying to work back into being in the mood. Smirking a little as he watched the brunette.

Fydra laughed shaking her head."You're skipping."She teased pulling him back down to lay down with her, sighing as she let him lay down on top of her, kissing him slowly.Just enjoying his excitement for a moment."Paige.I want to name her paige."She smiled sighing as she turned her head, looking over the edge of the couch."You better have a good excuse for interrupting a good making out moment."She said raising a eyebrow at the twins who looked curious as to what had draco yelling....though they werent the only ones.Most of slytherin had turned out to see what its resident ice prince was yelling about.Blushing as she buried her face against draco's shoulder,embarassed about being caught in the moment of intent to seducing draco in a public area.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head a little. "i'm surprised she want's to keep it." he admitted simply, flipping over onto his back and pulling the other down for a kiss, thrusting his tongue into the others mouth before smirking. "come on, i'll help you with your homework."

Draco smirked a little. "hey, i can skip if i want to, i'd like to see anyone try to call me out on it." he pointed out, snickering a little as he shook his head a little. "Paige, Paige Malfoy." he paused. "or Paige Riddle?" he narrowed his eyes then. "no, Paige Malfoy, Harry can continue the Riddle Line." he decided snickering a little as he nuzzled her belly. "i think Draco hit his head." Fred Decided, George nodding, several others snickering as they waited for Draco's explanation. "go away! can you not see that i'm trying to seduce a woman here!?" he demanded glaring at everyone who vanished, fearful of Draco's wrath. "i love being a Malfoy. it's almost as good as being a Riddle." he admitted with a small laugh.
Blaise laughed a little kissing him,sihging softly."Hmmm tomorrow you can ask her if she's going to."He said kissing hi again,shifting a little,sighing, his body telling him he needed to be naked soon.

Fydra sighed softly running her fingers through draco's hair, whining a little when draco nuzled her."Riddle you cant be.You're to good at being malfoy."She said, biting her lip,"poor draco, his seduction isnt working for him."She teased kssing him softly."Cant even seduce his woman properly without having to skip away to tell someone he's a daddy."She smirked wrapping her arms around him,shifting,laying on her side,making him lay down on his back,absently stroking a hand over his body.
he chuckled a little and nodded, dragging Blaise's textbook over to himself, looking it over. "hmm... i'll let you cheat off my paper if you fuck me." he offered, flashing Blaise a playful smirk. "i'll even let you do that kinky thing you like so much."

he chuckled a little as he kissed her, nibbling gently at her ear flesh a smug little grin at her. "my seduction is working just fine, i am only saying that the Riddle intimidation is a little bit better than mine." he purred kissing the other eagerly. "now then, if we're going to keep little Paige, we're going to have to get some baby things, i'm certainly not going to leave her in Mothers care, she'll spoil the little one to no end! and i will not have our baby spoiled!" he was teasing.
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