Siren's song

Harry grinned a little. "your going to make a wonderful Mum Fy." he admitted polishing off his pudding quickly, feeling a strange sensation inside of him, like he was getting aroused, only his cock wasn't getting hard. it was the strangest sensation that Harry had ever come across, but it was also...pleasant, nice, Harry liked it. "your right!" Draco finally agreed, smirking a little. "we need seven!" he decided wickedly rubbing his hands together. "seven ickle Demons to torment my Godfather." "snape is your godfather!?" Harry demanded, looking startled before he snickered a little and nodded, looking around now, as if looking for someone, looking almost confused.

"Harry? are you alright?" "huh?" Harry asked his attention snapping back to Draco. "yeah i'm fine, just looking for Ginny." "...what? why?" "oh there she is!" Harry chirped, his face lighting up eagerly as he shoved himself away from the table and headed straight for the entirely too smug Gryffindor who stood and beckoned the entirely too happy to be obeying her Harry over to sit next to her. Harry settled down where he was ordered and smiled happily as she laid her head on his shoulder, smirking viciously at Blaine.
Fydra looked startled. Sorting through everything that had been said in the past few minutes she tilted her head as she tried to figure out what was going on. Wincing at the look of pain on blaise's face as he watched his lover settle next to ginny.

"Not hungry..."Blaise muttered pushing his plate away before getting up, and walking out.

"...that's not natural."Fydra said slowly, the slow snarl twisting her lips, a siren's call raising in her voice. Demanding that she fix whatever was wrong, because harry looked way to relaxed for someone who'd been raped and hurt by her brother. "Draco?"She asked looking at her lover, struggling to think clearly around the fear for harry. Fear making her cloudly, and not aware that under the fear, there was rage. Rage for whatever ginny had done.
Harry was smiling, he looked almost stoned as he sat next to Ginny, letting her paw at him, which was even more strange, because the last time a girl, any girl, had tried to touch him like that he'd completely panicked and stuttered that he was gay and fled. that was originally how the entire school had found out that Harry was Gay. and it wasn't just Blaise or Draco noticing, it was most of the school, everyone was silent as Ginny silently fed Harry bits of sweet rolls and pudding, giggling as she chattered with him. "love potion." Draco stated simply grabbing Harry's pudding Bowl. "i'll analyze this and get an antidote, will you go calm Blaise down and tell him Harry's not in his right mind?" he paused and gently set his hand on hers. "hey, Fy calm down, Harry's not being hurt, he's just a little befuddled right now, as soon as i make the antidote he'll be fine."
She nodded slowly, "I'll be fine.Ask uncle severus for help."She muttered kissing his cheek, before heading out to try to calm blaise down. And reduced to kicking everyone out of slyhterin's common room while the black man lost control, and patiently-well as patiently as she could while getting yelled at, not that she minded because she knew blaise needed it but still- patiently waiting for draco to come back so they could get harry sorted out.
Draco nodded as he vanished out the door to get Snape's help. it took almost four hours before they had the antidote, it had taken longer, because Ginny had combined two love Potions. the entire time, Harry followed Ginny like a love struck puppy, laughing at her bad jokes, and doing whatever she told him to do. if anyone where to pay attention though, you could almost see a darkness riding up behind Harry's emerald green eyes as his mind struggled to fight the love spell. but a potion was nothing like an Impirio, of which Harry could easily shake off. fortunately for everyone, Ginny hadn't had a time to get Harry alone yet, all the gryffindor's knew of her plan to have Harry 'make love to her' and get her pregnant, so that he would have no choice but to marry her. the gryffindor's could only hope that Blaise, or the twins, or Fydra didn't find out until it was too late.
Fydyra pounced on drco when he entered the common room, stealing the two antidotes from the blond."Thank you!Stay with him!"She ordered, pointing towards the black man still pacing the common room. Before heading to find ginny. Searching the castle before smirking as she walked into the lunch room, well, there was no better place then there to humiliate the red head for failing once again.

"I'm not staying here."Blaise growled dragging draco out after fydra. Having been confined to long, and unwilling to hurt fydra to get out and go to harry had driven him insane with anger. Following the dark haired girl into the great hll he slowed, watching fydra head for gryffidnor. Following her, just to make sure that ginny wouldn't hurt her. Worry showing on her face.

"Hmmm ginny, you really are to stupid. You must think slytherin are filled with morons instead of some of the top potion masters and wizards of our generation."She said before handing her twin his potion,forcing him to drink it before looking at ginny, lowering her head so they were face to face. Ignoring blaise and draco as they got close."Checkmate, bitch."She growled, a evil little smirk curling her lips as she straightened up.
Draco blinked, startled as he looked at his suddenly empty hands. "huh?" he asked, looking a great deal more tired than when he had began, making the potions had been draining beyond all belief. he blinked again, watching Blaise leave, looking confused before he spun on his heal and followed them both, poor Draco got so confused when he was tired. he paused next to Blaise as Harry sputtered around the potion, trying to refuse and swallow at the same time, slumping over the table once the antidotes had been swallowed, Ginny looking compleatly furious. "You wont get away with this!" the red head snarled, yanking out her wand and aiming it at, not Fydra, but Draco. who blinked as heat, and rage suddenly coursed through him, making him snarl and jerk as if in intense pain, Ginny grinning viciously, darkly until there was a loud BANG, Harry breaking free of the love potion slammed his fist onto he table, a true fury in his eyes as he stood up and advanced on the now terrified Ginny. Draco staggering and collapsing in the corner where he had been struck by Merlin only knew what.
"Harry!"Fydra's words rose in a panic over the sudden voices that filled the great hall,crouching down in front of draco, hands running over him trying to figure out what was wrong."Harry!"Quickly losing control, power flowing in the words.

Blaise winced, reacting to the fae magic tinging the air, turning his head to look at the malfoy children, before pulling harry away from ginny,"She's not worth it.And your...fydra needs you."He said not about to tell everyone how the two were related, shoving harry towards fydra and draco, wincing when he saw the heavily pregnant woman trying to pick draco up to get him some help.

"Draco!Draco whats wrong!?"Fydra whimpered in fear as she helped him to his feet, staggering a little as she was more or less carrying him then he was standing up. Staggering into the edge of the table she winced, whimpering as she kept them both vertical, though it was a near thing.
Harry snarled as he advanced on Ginny who was whimpering in terror and soiling herself, lifting a hand as if to strike her when he noticed that she really had pissed herself. the little red headed bitch had pissed herself, he figured that was punishment enough and allowed Blaise to drag him towards Draco instead, leaping for Fydra, grabbing Draco just as the man jerked, nearly slipping out of her grasp, the blonds eyes fluttering open, hissing in displeasure. "get your hands off me you filthy mudblood!" he ordered Harry who gasped, startled, dropping Draco obediently, the blond getting to his feet and brushing himself off in a manner that made Harry think far too much like Lucius...Draco, Draco was suddenly Lucius... a personality spell? but those where banned, like the Cruciatus it was punishable by Dementors Kiss, had Ginny really used such a thing!? Harry didn't know, he was too scared, trembling as ice cold silver eyes landed on him, as if threatening to do what Harry feared most.
Fydra snrled pushing harry away, wincing as she stumbled a little."Oh come off it draco."She growled, gently pushing harry towards blaise. Turning to face her lover again."You're not lucius, never can be."She said her voice trembling, not knowing what was wrong, except that draco was reminding her terribly of the man she killed. In her need to protect harry, and having a flashback of lucius, she forgot about the weaslette and the personality spell.

Blaise growled softly pulling harry back before pointing to ginny."Make sure she doesn't go anywhere,I'll get snape."He said glaring at the rest of the room,as if daring them to interfer. Knowing that only fydra had a chance of talking draco into being calm until they could get him some help.
Draco's eyes narrowed as he watched her. "how DARE a filthy thing like you tell me what to do." he hissed, his voice as Cold and violent as Lucius was, Ginny giggling wildly in the corner, too terrified to realize that she was no doubt an inch from death. "you think that i am not my father? well i am, i am everything he ever wanted me to be." he sounded so PROUD of that. "your nothing but a common little half bread SLUT." he hissed, glaring at her as he finished straightening himself out. Harry was trembling too badly at Draco to deny Blaise anything, he just grabbed Ginny and shook her. "what did you do to him!?" "invisius Ego." the red headed bitch stated with an eager smirk. "it made him what he most fears to become." "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" "Harry stop!" the Twins yelped, one Grabbing Harry, the other restraining Ginny. "Don't! you don't need to go to Azakaban for the likes of her! Neville! come over here and help me restrain Ginny!" Neville rushed over and bound the red head with magically conjured ropes as Harry snarled and struggled against both twins now, wanting nothing more than to slaughter the little bitch.
"You're everything a coward would be.After all, in the end, thats all he was."Fydra snarled her anger hiding her fear, trembling as she faced off with him. Struggling to be calm, pressing a hand against her stomach as paige kicked at her rib cage.

"Professor!Ginny weasley cursed Draco!"Blaise cursed as he nearly ran into the door jab of the potions lab, skidding as he ran, panting as he looked at the potions master. Before he could think better of it, he grabbed his head of house's arm dragging the potions master away from his desk, heading for the great hall. Not realizing he'd passed other teachers, others who could have helped, because he trusted snape to be able to take care of this better. After all, who better to handle a young lucius malfoy copy then snape?
Draco sneered at Fydra, suddenly advancing on her, the entire room silent as they watched with horror at the situation, no one knew what to do. Harry was trying to kill a restrained Ginny, Draco was attacking Fydra verbally, though no one had ever even seen them fight before, and Harry's unleashed magic was pinning a great many of them in place so they couldn't do anything. Draco payed no attention to anything. "i am no coward you little brat." Draco stated, anger in his eyes. "i am better than you, i will always be better than you. you are nothing more than a silly." his finger jabbed her in the chest. "little." another jab. "girl, who clings to me like a parasite because you want to beleive that SOMETHING on this Merlin forsaken world could ever love you. but the only thing, that you are worthy of, is being a little fuck toy for those who are better than you." he smirked viciously. "and you are such a lovely little fuck toy aren't you? even if you are so much of a slut, that you can willingly carry another mans baby, even when you claim to love me. a real woman would have killed the thing and have been done with it." he never noticed Blaise returning with Snape, all he wanted was to emotionally damage Fydra as much as he possibly could.
Fydra stared up at him, wincing every time he touched her, her shoulders rounding as she stumbled back a step. Pain and teaars filling those eyes, and something shattered. He really had damaged her... damaged and broken something in the siren that owouldn't heal...not right anyways.Even as blaise drew her away she wasn't there. At least not in any discernable way was the fiery feisty womn she was.

"Enough!"Snape snarled as he cast the counter curse, spinning to face the next problem,"Now, Mr. Potter enough.You have someone to be taking care of."Snape snarled as he released harry, shoving him towards blaise as the black man cradled fydra in his arms, fear showing on blaise's face as he pressed a kiss to fydra's forehead. Before he looked at his godson again."Now. You will go tell your mother to meet you in... harry's room."He said looking around, wondering if anyone had already informed the eldest malfoy on what was happening.
Draco staggered again, falling sideways into a table, gripping it tightly to keep his feet, looking Dizzy and confused as Ginny laughed, seeing the pain in Fydra's face. revenge was sweet, Ginny was pleased, and better yet Dumbledore would make sure that she stayed out of Azakaban. Harry froze as he snarled at snape, but rushed over to Fydra as Draco shook his head, trying to understand what had just happened, he was dizzy and confused and his legs where shaking. Harry gathered Fydra into his arms and picked her up, sprinting off with her, taking her to his own rooms, asking Blaise what had happened, leaving Draco alone and wondering what in the hell everyone was staring at him for. "professor? wha happen?" Draco asked, slightly slurred. the sudden shifting of personalities did that to a person, Draco needed to sleep, Fydra needed to calm down, and even worse, Draco would remember everything he'd said as soon as he recovered from the 'attack.' things where not going well.
"Nothing.We'll talk in the morning."Snape said gently, picking the other up, pressing a discreet kiss to his godson's forehead. Knowing it was no use to talk to him.Heading downstairs he sighed, letting blaise and harry take care of fydra, while he and narcissa dealt with making sure draco got some sleep.

A long day later snape looked up tiredly as draco stirred, gently nudging narcissa as she used his shoulder as a pillow, the two adults settled into the room's couch to wait for draco to wake."How are you feeling?"He asked softly pressing a calming drought into the blond's hand, wanting him to take it before he remembered to much.

In the other room blaise sighed tiredly as he shared a look with harry, holding the trembling but absent woman in his arms, the small siren cuddled between him and his lover. "Do you think she'll be okay?"He muttered, "She already has nightmares about mistaking draco for lucius....will she...She's not here.She's breathing, moving...but she's not there."he muttered, even when she cried, there was a startling, and frightening absence of personality, of a look at the person who made her her.
Draco obediently swallowed the calming drought without even asking what it was, assuming it was a headache potion, he certainly had a hell of a one. "head hurts." he grunted, rubbing his eyes as the memories slowly eased their way into him, making him tense, his eyes wide as he gritted his teeth. "i...i....i..." he shuddered violently, pulled his knees into himself, buried his face into them and let out a sob. "i broke Fydra." he wailed, remembering the look on her face. "i broke Fydra..."

Harry was gently stroking Fydra's arm and hair, trying to calm her down, sighing a little. "Fydra will recover." Harry said with a certainty. "and so will Draco." he bit his lip a little. "it might, take a while but their both strong, they can handle anything." he sighed a little and closed his eyes gently stroking her hair. "i need to talk to my father." harry admitted softly. "i can't live like this anymore...i can't be afraid anymore..." he looked up at Blaise. "and he might know how to help Fydra too."
Snape sighed sofly sitting down on the edge of the bed, gently stroking his godson's hair, as he looked at narcissa, before looking down at draco."You didn't mean to. And you will see her soon.She's...not okay, but she needs you."he said softly, knowing it was going to take alot for draco to fix what damage he'd caused, but it would be done. Because she needed him.

Blaise sighed softly watching the two, "He should be arriving soon. Draco sent him a letter yesterday to ask him to come to see you....this will just bring him that much faster."He said watching fydra drift off to sleep under harry's gentle touches.

Which, was what was currently happening. The dark lord had come to hogwarts, for the first time in years. And he was not pleased. Looing like the man he'd been at 20, young fit and deadly the dark lord opened the door walking into the great hall s he heded for the head table. Ignoring the weasley bitch at the gryffindor table, it was bound to make him lose control, and his control was preciously thin as it was. He'd come because his children had needed him, and as he met dumbledore's eyes he smirked.Kill him now...dumbledore would make him a matyr instead of a evil villian. "Where are my children old man?"He said slowly, the deadly edge in his voice as he looked at the headmaster. Power rolling through the room like to hot bathwater, it felt good for a moment ebfore the body recognized tht it was deadly.
Draco leaned into his mother, who was now hugging him tightly and gently rubbing his back. "i did mean to!" Draco wailed rather pathetically. "i DID mean to and that's what makes it so bad! i don't know what happened! i was" "easy darling." Narcissa murmured softly. "it was a spell, the Weasley cursed you that's all. Fydra will understand..." she hoped.

Harry froze, a small hitch in his breath. "he's coming HERE!?" he demanded, looking afraid, not for himself, but for his father. "He'll sign his own Death Warrant doing that!" he shrieked, gently maneuvering Fydra into Blaise's arms and taking off into the halls, following the power he now felt flowing through the Castle.

Dumbledore could only gape, his eyes wide as he stared at Tom, at The Dark Lord. "children, Mr. Riddle? i wasn't aware you had any children." Dumbledore lied effortlessly. "though you must not be intending Harm to anyone here if you got through the wards..." he wasn't sure what was happening or what was going on, all he knew was that this was going to prove disastrous. "Mister Riddle." Harry stated, his voice as cold as ice as he strode forward, his eyes glancing from Dumbledore to Tom, uncertain as to what he should be doing either way. "please, come this way, we to disgust you and i." Dumbledore knew in that instant, that he had lost Harry. Harry didn't even pause, he just turned on his heal and left, expecting Tom to follow, the entire hall stiff and silent, waiting for something to happen.

Harry led Tom right into an abandoned classroom, his eyes snapping with rage. "are you out of your MIND!?" he demanded in Parseltongue so that they couldn't be eavesdropped on. 'what in the HELL where you thinking coming HERE of all places! you think Dumbledore isn't willing to just kill you dead where you stand!? Armed or not!?' he spit out a few well chosen words, that would have had several people gaping at him in astonishment. Harry was, understandably upset that Tom had put himself in such danger. 'i only just got you! you have to be more careful!...i need you, now more than ever.'
"She'll understand."Snape said, biting his lip because he wasn't sure. He just hoped for both of them that they'd be able to handle this. Wincing as he felt the power,groaning lightly."When I told him, I hadn't expected him to show up here..."He whined a little shifting, glancing at the door as blaise carried fydra in. The black man bit his lip, looking at draco,"Harry left. Alone. I didnt want to leave her alone, but I didn't wnt him to go alone."He explained looking torn, not sure what to do with the quiet woman in his arms as he settled her on the bed, letting her curl up against narcissa.

Tom sighed softly wincing as he was scolded by his son. IT was a unqiue feeling to be yelled at by the man who should be a kid instead of dealing with this.Yes I am actually, and well you should have told me before now what Lucius did. And that you've been having problems. He rubbed his hands over his face, for a moment looking like a exhausted 40 year old instead of the 20 year old he looked like.I'll leave. But come in a few days to hogsmeade, I'll stay close by, and I know you needed to talk to me. Give fydra a few days before I get invovled. he hissed back, wincing a little because he knew what damage draco ating like lucius could have done. And if he got involvd it was going to get so bloody really quickly.
Narcissa sighed a little and shook her head. "he was never one for thinking." she pointed out pulling Fydra into her arms as soon as Blaise came in, murmuring softly to her daughter as Snape took over the task of trying to comfort the aching Draco, who was now staring at Fydra, silent and still, as if uncertain what to do, terrified of how she would react with him there, swallowing hard as Narcissa hesitantly nodded to Blaise. "go help Harry, i doubt anything has happened to him but...well no one knows what Dumbledore might do."

Harry flinched at the mention of what Lucius had done and shuddered hard as he looked away. ' i was....ashamed...' Harry admitted softly. 'i still am...' he sighed a little as he set a hand to his eyes, hiding the pain in those emerald green orbs. 'Draco...he was too tired to even duck...that weasley bitch... i'll make her life hell. i don't want you to get involved in that, she's mine.... everything else... i think your the only one who CAN help me. ' Harry admitted looking up at his father, swallowing hard. 'i can't sleep at night, i have so many nightmares...and not all of them are about Lucius. ' he admitted softly running his hand through his hair. 'even worse i had a flashback last night and now i can't even hardly hold Blaise's hand without flinching! he sighed a little and closed his eyes. 'everything is all fucked up Dad and i don't know how to fix it... '
Blaise nodded before ducking out of the room. Snape sighed as he wrapped his arms around draco,holding him close. Not realizing in those few moments, he was acting more like draco's father then lucius ever had.Brushing a hand over dracos hair he swallowed."she's okay. See."he muttered, wincing as fydra whimpered, cuddling closer to narcissa. "Mom...?"She said softly wrapping her arms around herself, not even realizing that cuddled up against narcissa, she couldn't hide just how pregnant she was.

Tom sighed nodding a little, raising his wand as he saw blaise run into the room. Staring at him a moment to long before looking at harry, pulling the brunette into his arms, resting his chin on his son's head, kissing his hair.I have a few things that could help with dreams...but it'll take me a few days to get them. he sighed tightening his grip on his son.Everything might be fucked up, but we'll get through it.Together. he bit his lip, leaning back to look at him. Worry and fear on his face, having realized just how afraid he could be for his children when snape had told him about what was going on.I'd take you two out of school, but with me, you'll be in even more danger.
Draco tensed when Fydra spoke, swallowing hard again as he watched Fydra, Narcissa smiling. "i'm right here darling," she murmured softly stroking Fydra's hair as Draco turned away, shame on every feature as he hid his face in Snape's chest and pretended to sleep, trembling in the potions masters arms as Narcissa kissed Fydra's forehead. "Harry's going to be here soon darling, he's just dealing with something."

Harry offered Blaise a smile, Tensing hard when Tom pulled him into a hug, as if he wasn't sure what was happening before he slowly relaxed into the affectionate touch, closing his eyes and sighing as he let himself be comforted, closing his eyes as he enjoyed one of the few hugs he could get, that he had ever gotten. he knew Blaise would hug him all the time, if only Harry wasn't so afraid all the time, Harry was going to be able to let Blaise hug him, whenever they wanted, whenever they needed...but he had to get over being raped so ruthlessly first. 'Taking us out of school would be nice, but it won't accomplish anything, and i won't leave Blaise behind, and no matter how upset Fydra is she would never abandon Draco like that. he admitted slowly stepping away from tom, green eyes matching his Fathers gaze intently, the spark of some unknown power flaring, then it was gone, as if nothing had happened, and Harry hadn't even seemed to notice. "Go home." Harry ordered sternly, waving his finger at Tom, looking much more at ease now. "and for Merlins sake Be Careful!"
"oh...okay..."Fydra sniffled a little, shifting, blinking slowly looking at draco, trembling a little before settling back down. Drifting to sleep she whined softly."Take care of draco...I dont know know whats wrong....I just did everything wrong....."She muttered drifting away again, to exhausted to stay awake. Snape tightened his arms around draco, "I told you she'd be okay.she's not broken, just hurting."He muttered.

Tom sighed looking at him."I'm always careful."He said as he met his son's eyes, his feeling the flare of power,but not enough to cause a soul gaze, just enough to get him to realize something more was going on. Ruffling his son's hair he sighed,"I'll be back in a few days with your potions. And for gods sake, be careful until then."he said befre disappearing out the door. Blaise snickered a little tilting his head at his lover."It is a oddly amusing thing to see you bossing the dark lord around."
Draco turned towards Fydra, looking incredibly guilty but he just shook his head. "she didn't do anything wrong...i'm the wrong one." he muttered softly sighing a little as he closed his eyes. "i'm so tired." he muttered softly. "and so empty." he sighed a little. "why couldn't you have been my father?" he asked softly, no doubt offering Snape the greatest compliment of his life. "i hope Fydra can forgive me."

Harry smiled and nodded. "i'm always careful." he just had bad luck. he grinned at the Hair ruffle, sticking his tongue out at his Father before moving over to Blaise, hesitating before taking his hand into Blaise's, tangling their fingers together. "i've always been able to boss him around, even when i thought he was actively trying to kill me." he admitted simply. "i'm stronger than he is anyway." he admitted looking amused. "remind me to tell you about the graveyard one of these days."
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