Siren's song

Harry sighed a little and immediately shoved all of the meat away and sniffed hesitantly at a soup, tasting it a little before he gagged a bit and shook his head. there was no way he was going to try a banana, but maybe the carrot slices would be ok? not the broccoli, or the cauliflower, the cantaloupe might work.. "Fruit salad." Harry decided nodding a little. "i want a fruit salad...." he blinked as a fruit salad suddenly appeared on his plate, his head tilted. "that was...strange." he admitted before shrugging and picking out the parts he didn't like and nibbling on everything else cautiously.

he nearly choked on a grape, Draco coughing and sputtering under his breath, trying to keep his cool composure as he choked as he looked up at Narcissa who smirked a little. "Blaise saw you bullying me into your bedroom that's why." she teased nibbling on a piece of chicken. "i do thank you for that by the way, i never would have slept otherwise. and i AM terribly sorry about where my hand was this morning." she'd had a very tight grip, and it had left Severus too afraid to try and get free.
Blaise snickered looking at the others, smirking.Ha!he was smarter then people gave him credit for. He'd gotten harry not thinking about his food issues, and fydra and draco looking shocked and surprised as they sat close together. Looking disturbed at the idea. Fydra wrinkled her nose a little smirking as she looked at draco, though it was wary around the edges she tilted her head."Oh, just think you could have to call him dad."She teased, leaning away in case he smacked her for it.Not that she really thought he was just, a engrained moment, for dealing with lucius, and even if he didnt look like lucius anymore, hearing him speak like lucius had reminded her how violent the older blond could be.

Sev smiled slightly ignoring as his face flushed."I-It's okay."He muttered avoiding looking at her. It had been a tight grip,but not wholly unpleasant... not that he'd tell her that."And you are welcome. Draco and Fydra need you awake and aware, not walking around like the zombie draco's looking like."
Harry paused as he studied the two. "your mom just made snape blush." he pointed out simply. "there's definitely something going on." Draco didn't seem too disturbed by it however. "he was always like a dad to me." the blond stated with a simple shrug. "besides Mother needs a good man in her life, she'd mope if she stayed single for too long." "not to mention she fancies him." Harry added, watching narcissa push some food onto the potions masters plate to make him eat more. Draco just smirked at Fydra. "you know, uncle Sev always HAS liked mother." he pointed out. "he was never very good at hiding it."

Narcissa smirked as she saw his blush and pushed some more food onto his plate. "you need to eat more Severus, your skin and bones. and when was the last time you went outside? you yourself look FAR worse than my son does, he only looks pale, you look like the living dead." she teased shaking her head a little. "i DO like Draco's new haircut though, doesn't he look so handsome?"
Fydra snickereda little."I like that.She deserves to be happy."She said glad that snape was so much better then lucius ever was. Yawning she shifted hesitanting before resting her cheek on draco's shoulder."Oh gods.She slept in bed with him last night....draco...she cuddles."She said horror in her voice, having long become used to the elder woman's cuddling tatics, she looked mildly horrified to snape being sufering it.

Sev laughed a little."He does. Less like lucius, more like you."he said smiling a little, and it was true. Instead of the white blond, draco's hair was the yellow blond that narcissa's was now. "And I eat well enough.And I work in the dungeons. Not exactly a chance to get sunshine."He pointed out.
Draco nodded. "mother is already flirting with him... the poor idiot has no idea." he muttered rolling his eyes. "why are adults so DENSE?" he asked smiling as he very gently stroked Fydra's cheek, a comforting gesture he'd used since they where children after they'd had a fight. he hoped the familiar gesture would help ease her fears before he froze. "...that poor...poor man. let's just hope she didn't grab hold of anything that she shouldn't have."

she huffed a little and offered him a small glare. "don't you make excuses with me Severus Snape, i know you better than that. i will see you this afternoon after your classes are finished for a walk around the lake and i will NOT hear any arguments about it. a man your age needs exercise and plenty of sun!" she nodded hard, ignoring the way that several of the teachers where snickering behind hands or napkins at watching Snape get browbeaten. but, then Snape did always have a soft spot for Narcissa, and her best friend Lily too.
Fydra smiled a little relaxing at the gesture, nuzzling his hand as she snickered."WEll,he'd probably ENJOY it if she grabbed something."She said wrinkling her nose, "Okay. Now that we've made the pregnant woman lose her appetite, I vote we do something. Its a nice day. And we're dismissed form class."

Sev glared at the teachers down the table dislikng the hidden snickers before sighing, looking at narcissa."Does this mean your going on this walk with me?A woman your age needs sun to.Even if her nose peels if she spends time in the sun."He teased sipping his drink, relaxing. Finishing his food and leaning back before narcissa had a chance to decide he needed mre.
he shuddered a little. "why, why did you have to say that?" he whined softly shaking his head. "come on, lets go back to the common room and play a game or something." Draco decided, Harry snickering brightly as he nibbled on another piece of fruit, but he hadn't eaten much, he hoped no one would notice. "i agree! lets play poker!" "no." "why not!?" Harry demanded, sulking Draco glaring at him. "Because you'll want to place bets and you CHEAT!" "i do not!" "you do too!" "i do not! and even if i did you wouldn't know it!" "you just admitted to cheating!" "your putting words in my mouth!" at least Harry felt well enough to bicker with Draco, that was a good sign.

she smirked a little. "of course i am going on a walk with you, and i do not peal." she stated stiffly with a small uptight sniff of her nose. "oh but i AM excited!" she admitted beaming at him. "Dumbledore said it would be fine for me to run a trial period, for teaching students how to heal! it would be an extra curricular activity, like a club, but that is only the first step! i can't wait for tonight's announcements!"
Both their significate others laughed, getting up as they looked at the other two."Well if we're going to play poker, its a slytherin tradition to cheat. And he'll not cheat if he's playing strip poker."Blaise smirked looking at them. Fydra laughed dragging draco up,"Come on love, lets go relax."He smirked kissing the other's cheek softly, wrapping her arm around his waist, relaxed and smiling, smirking at ginny. Knowing it would upset her more then fydra falling apart. Let the bitch stew because sh couldnt break them up.

Snape smiled slightly."You do TO peel."He stated before tilting his head."You'll do well. And you need to tell draco he needs to take it."He said, knowing it would do well for the blond to be ready when fydra had the baby...but he wasnt sure how to bring it up to his mother, because well he knew narcissa was going to be pissed when she realized how her children had ended up in this predictament.
Draco sulked and Harry snickered a little as he looked Blaise over. "i don't think Draco could handle strip poker, i don't think he'll handle having two men hotter than him and BIGGER than him...." "YOU ARE NOT!" Draco hissed blazing with masculine pride as Harry snickered. "sure we are! look i'm almost a foot taller than you!" that just made Draco sputter indignantly because they ALL knew harry had not been talking about height.

she glared at him and gently smacked his arm, shaking her head. "both of them will be taking a specialized class." she stated firmly before hesitating. "who's the father?" it was hard not to notice that Fydra was pregnant. "i know it does not belong to Draco, he always uses protection, always, and would not impregnate Fydra out of marriage, so that means that it has to be someone else." she looked at him, worry shining in her eyes. "what happened to my Daughter?
Blaise snickered, wrapping a arm around harry''s shoulders as they walked out of the great hall, smiling a little as he looked at his best friend."Well you could always strip to prove it."He said leering a little. Growing serious when Fydra pulled away from draco as he sputtered looking nervous, though she kept ahold of his hand."Oh hell, we're just hotter." Fydra wrinkled her nose looking up at her lover, tilting her head."No they're not. You're so much prettier. And with your new hair."She smiled happily, content, becuse she really did love his hair. Slipping into the slytherin common room she smiled laying down on the couch, pulling draco down next to her. Wrapping her arms around him, trying to stay calm. And him not looking like lucius was helping.

Snape bit his lip as he watched the children left, before looking at Narcissa. Knowing not only because it was out of wedlock it wasn't draco's, but he'd never put fydra through the strain of being pregnant while still in school.And after a little digging, he'd found the horrifying truth."Ronald Weasley..."He said softly, anger showing in his eyes."And he died for his abuse of her. Tom saw to it."He muttered softly.
Harry snickered and Draco choked and shook his head hard. "i do NOT want you two looking at my goods! those are for Fydra only!" he stated sternly, harry snickering a little. "that's ok, i'll strip and Fydra can tell us who's is bigger." he chirped Draco rolling his eyes. "for the love of god harry PLEASE keep your pants on." Draco pleaded harry snickering as he flopped onto the floor, right in front of the fire. Harry always sat as close tot he fire as he could physically get. only a fireproof spell kept harry from catching on fire half the time. Draco smiled as he was pulled down next to Fydra and nodded. "now if only i could do something about this pale skin of mine." he muttered softly. "it's a shame i burn so badly or i'd go out and sunbath."

Narcissa tensed when she realized who's it was and the slender wine glass in her hand shattered as she realized what that mean. "and what do Ronald's family know of this?" she demanded, her eyes narrowed in rage as her eyes flicked over to the still infuriated Ginny and then over to the now black headed twins who where whispering to each other in low voices, shooting poisonous looks at their sister. "i'm going to assume the twins have abandoned their Family?" she didn't notice when an Owl flew down and dropped a smoking red letter on the twins plates.
"Hmm mom can probably make snape make a sunblock potion, and well...naked sunbathing is all the rage."She said with a snicker, shifting to rest her head on draco's chest. Content for the moment, just to be with him. "And harry, I dont want to see ANY of your body, I'll be scarred."She smiled watching her twin. So focused on teasing him, and talking that she didn't realize just how relaxed she was in draco's arms. Proof that she had really forgiven him for the ginny induced insanity, even fi she wasn't consciously aware of it.

Snape nodded slightly,waving his wand to get rid of her glass."His siblings know, and his parents don't. Fydra...fydra can be soft hearted."He smiled slightly,"She wouldn't have let any of them know who's child it was if ginny hadn't attacked her when they returned."He sighed softly,"And they did. The offered to help with the baby....and fydra and draco both are cautiously letting them. And I think they're the ones who helped him with his hai-"He stopped when he realized the twins had gotten a howler.
Harry snickered a little as Draco went beat red and shook his head. "i am not getting naked ANYWHERE." he complained, sulking now as he nuzzled Fydra's neck. "besides, i was thinking of getting an earring, and maybe a tattoo." something to further prove he wasn't his father. Lucius would never have 'sullied his body' in such a way, save for the Dark mark, the thought made Draco twitch. "ok maybe not a tattoo." Harry grinned a little. "i'm getting my dick pierced." "HARRY!" Draco roared, slapping his hands over his ears shaking his head hard. "you suck!" "yes, yes i do." harry purred, licking his lips suggestively. "Blaise control your pet damnit!" Draco whined sulking again as Harry laughed.

Narcissa sighed a little. "Draco and Harry understand, Fydra knows this...but Lucius, Lucius planned to make her abort." she admitted softly. "and i think Fydra knew.... she wouldn't know how i would react to it, i've always stressed that their not to get pregnant, or impregnate out of wedlock. she must be terrified of how i will react. i'll have to talk to her about i...." she paused, also noticing the red letter which burst open. "FILTH! WASTE! HOW DARE YOU BETRAY YOUR FAMILY LIKE THIS YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING SCUM! YOU ARE A TRAITOR TO EVERYTHING THE WEASELEY FAMILY HAS EVER KNOWN! NEVER SHOW YOUR FACE AROUND US AGAIN! CONSIDER YOURSELF NAMELESS YOU USELESS TRAITORS! YOUR DISOWNED! YOUR VERY LAST NAMES ARE STRIPPED FROM YOU! YOU ARE FRED AND GEORGE NOBODY! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE NOBODY! ROT IN HELL YOU BLOOD TRAITORS!" both the twins had gone completely pale. their own mother...had stripped them of their heritage, their family...there very names... Fred suddenly burst into Tears, George quickly moving to comfort his poor nameless brother.

"those poor children!" Narcissa whispered, horrified as she got to her feet. "we must tell the children what happened." she whispered as Neville moved over to help comfort the poor twins as Ginny began to laugh, the rest of the houses bursting into an uproar as Dumbledore got to his feet, trying to order everyone to calm down as Narcissa headed straight for the Slytherin common room where she knew she would find Draco and the rest of her unofficial children.
Blaise snickered raising his eyebrow as he looked at his friend."But he's amusing.And I like the idea."He smirked smiling as he watched fydra relax under draco's attention."Awww but love you wont get naked for m-"She stopped, blushing, stuttering to a stop as she looked over the edge of the couch at their mother.Pressing closer to draco,seeking comfort when she saw the look on her face."What happened?"

Blaise srambled to his feet, pulling harry up after him because he was pretty sure something was wrong, and he wasn't about to let fydra go running around taking care of it, even though she'd try to.She was in no condition to take care of other people's problems. Well...even harry probably wasn't, but at least he was physically okay and still able to run without inducing labor. Smiling a little at the thought he wrapped a arm around harry's waist looking at narcissa."Whats wrong?"He said at the same time fydra spoke.
Harry and Draco both swallowed hard at the horror stricken look on Narcissa Malfoy's face as she watched her children. "the Weasley twins received a howler from their mother." she stated softly, shaking now as the woman settled onto the edge of the couch, she had practically run there to get ahead of the other students. Draco tensed, wrapping his arms tightly around Fydra, comforting his woman even as Harry looked completely confused. "so?" Narcissa smiled tensely. "so... the Weasley clan has denied the Twins." Draco gasped, horrified, but Harry looked completely clueless yet again.

" means..that their not Weasley's anymore. their mother disowned them in every sense of the word." he explained gently Harry's mouth dropping open as he realized what that meant. "they have no name, because it was their mother who disowned them. they can't even take their mothers maiden name like they could have if it had been Arthur who had done it...they truly have no family left." Narcissa explained softly, watching The Boy Who Lived begin to tremble in rage. "poor Fred burst into tears..." Narcissa admitted softly, shaking her head. "i wanted you to know, since their trying to hard to be good to you." she admitted glancing at Fydra and Draco. "the whole school is in an will probably be in the papers tomar..." she was cut off by a loud CRACK. the fireplace molding had cracked from Harry's magic as the boy stood and stalked out of the room without a word. "d...did i do something wrong?" Narcissa asked, startled. "Blaise!" Draco gasped, surprised. "you better go after him!" Blaise was probably the only person who would be able to calm harry down before he killed someone.
Blaise twitched, growling softly."If I get killed, I'm so haunting you."He growled before following after harry, snarling in rage himself. Angry, nay, livid that the weasley's would disown the twins because they were trying to be good to a woman who their brother had abused.Snarling as he followed after harry, he wondered if he really would be a restraining force...or the one joining harry in slaughter.

Fydra sniffled, though through her tears of distress there was rage showing there. Cuddling into draco because she knew he wouldn't let her up to go out into the madhouse that was the school, she sighed. Well, if they couldn't have their mother's name, she knew who to ask before she offered. After all, tom riddle would understand orphans...even if he balked at being kind to the rapist's family."No, you didn't do anything wrong. He's just wickedly pissed."She smiled tiredly at many things just seemed to happen.Burying her face against draco's chest, she smiled as she comforted him just as much as he was omforting her. Wanting to be there for him, and becase well... she had no idea how to talk to narcissa, since she seemed to know why the twins had been kind to her....she just had no words. Because she remembered narcissa's talks about getting pregnant.
Harry snarled as he stalked through the halls, the entire Dining hall falling still and silent as Harry stalked over to the twins, Fred still crying as Neville tried to comfort the two as Harry watched the two closely. "your mother is a hag." he stated sternly, George scowling as he opened his mouth to protest. "she has no idea what she's done, giving you two up. you are proud, powerful wizards who have wonderfully perfect personalities. she had no right to do to you what she did." George was looking confused and Fred had stopped crying. "i would like to welcome you to my family instead." Harry stated thrusting his hand out to the twins who's jaws dropped, their eyes wide. "ha...harry we couldn't..." "we..." "you can, and you will." Harry stated Anger dissolving as he smiled at the twins. "you have always been like brothers to me...lets make that true." both twins choked on tears as they hugged Harry tightly, Ginny going nearly purple with rage in the corner.

Narcissa paused watching her daughter closely then. "come here darling." she ordered, arms out for a hug, pulling the distraught girl into her arms. "you have no idea how PROUD of you that i am." she murmured softly. "Snape explained everything to me..." she admitted, gently stroking Fydra's hair. "i have never met a woman so strong as you." she admitted smiling at her. "i am glad that you didn't kill the baby." she admitted softly. "even though you had every right to i am so glad that you are giving the little one a chance at a happy life." she promised. "i know i always said no babies until marriage, but sometimes we can't control things like that." she kissed fydra's forehead. "i am always here for you darling, no matter what happens in your life." she promised, smiling at her daughter. "i will always love and support you, no matter the events in your life, or the reasons that they happened."
Blaise swallowed hard, choking on the anger as he smiled. Proud of his lover, sitting down next to the twins, he leaned in close."Though he probably should tell you, before you become a riddle...well potter. Harry, you really got to talk to your dad about that. Its confusing."He wrinkled his nose before smirking,"You should know that in accepting this, you're gaining fydra as a sister, and tom riddle as a father."He muttered looking around the room, tilting his head at the weasley bint. purple was so not her color."And by proxy, me and draco as brother in laws.And you know how we are about family."He smirked, the positive evil thing was, family he had no problem killing for...and ginny had so crossed so many lines.

Fydra leaned back looking shocked, before smiling shyly, leaning into her arms, sniffling a little. It was so, so good to hear that. That narcissa would be there, hell or high water. Sniffling she laughed softly, "Well you know, I couldn't really do anything different.Dray's already in love with the idea of a daughter."She smiled before her eyes went wide again, grinning as she grabbed narcissa's hand, pressing it against her stomach as the baby kicked."That's grandma. Now stop beating up your mother."She scolded softly, with a smile on her face.
the twins jerked back to gape at Blaise, looking from one to the other and back again, Harry snickering as he nodded. "for now they'll be Potters, we don't need Dumbledore realizing i know who my father is." Harry muttered softly. "when everything gets settled then they can be Riddles." he decided snickering as the twins gaped Harry shaking his head. "come on, we'll explain everything in private rooms with many silencing spells." he offered standing up as the twins staggered after harry, Neville smiling happily for the twins as he followed. he wanted to hear about this too after all. "Blaise, no killing." Harry ordered sternly, a sick smirk on his lips. "at least...not yet."

Narcissa smiled before she gasped, looking startled, and immensely proud. "your going to keep it?" she asked her eyes brimming with tears. "i'm going to be a grandma?" she cooed lightly at Fydra's belly, bursting into overjoyed tears when she felt the baby kicking, Draco making a distressed noise as he tried to comfort his mother, unsure of what the hell was going on. "yes, we're keeping our little baby." "you have to...let me visit...every week!" Narcissa ordered with a bright sob as Draco smiled and nodded. "and we'll let you baby sit all the time." he promised. "though you might have to beat Blaise back for the rights, he's already begging me to be the godfather." he snickered. "of course, being as how Blaise and Harry are most likely going to get married i don't see why they both can't be the godfathers."
Blaise pouted as he followed after them, whining a little."But harry, she looks ugly. CAn't I put myself out of my misery?"he whined distracting the rest of the school from wondering what they were talking about, as tehy headed back to the dungoens."Just think, you're gaining a niece twice over.Poor kid's so screwed."he snickered opening the ommon room door staring at the sight of the small malfoy family."...draco if you start crying with them can I take a picture?"

Fydra snickered shifting, moving back to sit with draco,tilting her head."Of course I'm going to keep it. Why else would I have her?"She frowned a little before snickering."Though harry might have to be godMOTHER instead."She smiled looking up at her twin, resting her head on draco's shoulder. Looking tired,but content.
Harry snickered a little as he patted Blaise's head. "later love, later." he promised blinking at Fydra, suddenly worried that she might not like that Harry had just accepted the Twins into the family. "er...." he had never been one for thinking things through. "Blaise will you go get the twins settled into our room so we can explain everything? Neville too i suppose." he muttered looking Fydra over, biting his lip as Draco blinked at him,. "Harry? is everything alright?" "i...i acted without thinking....erm... Fy i.. i gotta tell you something." he admitted kneeling in front of his sister."i.. i sort of adopted the twins into our family.. i hope that's ok?" he asked hesitantly, Narcissa gasping in astonishment. "Harry it takes a lot of love to do that..." "i do love them...they have always been like brothers to me. when Ron was being an ass, when everyone hated me they where the only ones who stuck by my side... i love them just as much as i love Fydra, and Draco, and even you Mrs. Mal..." "it's Black now darling." she stated softly, looking awestruck. "i didn't realize you cared for me at all... oh gosh now i'm crying again..."
Fydra laughed softly, patting harry on the head."You made my mother cry. Bad harry."She said snuggling her blond before smirking."I was going to do it, well...I was going to ask father if he cared.But he wont, after all, he knows what it's like to have no family. So...well to the family."She smiled turning to yell after teh twins,neville, and blaise as they disappeared into their rooms, before poking draco."You look worried. Don't be worried."She said stealing a kiss before she sat up.
Harry let out a small breath of relief as he realized that Fydra wasn't upset with him smirking as he leaned forward and gently kissed Narcissa's forehead. "now, if you'll all excuse me, i have two new brothers to talk to. they have NO clue what the hell is going on." he admitted with a laugh as he skipped into his bedroom to explain to th twins, and Neville, that Tom was the good guy, Dumbledore was an ass, and that Harry and Fydra where twins.

"are you sure this is alright Fy?" he asked softly. "i know you where nervous about them..." he didn't want her to be nervous, not in her own family. "the twins would understand..." he gently muzzled her neck, glancing at her mother who was wiping her eyes.
Blaise smirked as he listened the the explaination, piping up a comment here and there, before adding."And we're going to tell you this now, so you never mention it to fy, dumbledore's behind all....the things that have gone wrong. At least. some of it. Lucius to."He said, having noticed how the headmaster had acted when fydra was around, or harry. And espicially when tom showed up.

Fydra sighed softly smiling a little."I...guess. Its fine. They need family, and my father needs family.And your family. I' fine."She smiled holding him close."I wont rob them f another family just because of ron."
the twins where practically shaking with rage. "ron too no fucking doubt!" George spat, rage in his eyes as Harry's head tilted in surprise. "it's no goddamn wonder the bastard was never expelled!" he spat hatefully shaking his head hard as Harry blinked. "yes, well...anyway now that you know the truth." harry chirped deciding to change the subject. "your going to have to start acting like proper Riddles." "you don't act like a proper riddle." "exactly!" that had all of them laughing as Harry sighed a little, staring up at the ceiling. "i wish i knew what Dumbledore was up to..." "i think i can handle that." Neville stated suddenly. "Dumbledore doesn't expect me to be up to anything. all he knows is that i am deeply loyal to Fred and George. i could play spy for you." "Neville that's a brilliant idea!" the twins chorused, looking surprised.

Draco nodded as he snuggled her lightly as Narcissa got up. "i must be going, my first class." she admitted blinking at them. "you both will be taking extra classes with me, so that you can prepare for the birth AND the raising of a child." she stated sternly, Draco sighing in relief. "yes mother. i'll make sure Fy attends too." Narcissa nodded and then smiled at Fy and Draco again. "i love you..." she promised softly, blowing them each a kiss before she headed for the Healers Wing to start her first class.
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