Siren's song

Harry brushed nonexistent dust off his shoulder and straightened out his 'cape' before he strode into the room, offering Tom a small smile. "yes." he stated, standing, hesitant and backward. unsure how to act or what to do. he'd never had a father before and he'd certainly never had affection from an adult before. ", like what you've done tot he place." he muttered looking over the shrieking shack. "you know, i was thinking of buying this place." he admitted biting his lip a little. clearly uncomfortable and uncertain.

she sighed a little and closed her eyes a little, nodding. "your right. Fydra and Harry are strong. Dumbledore can't do anything against them..." she sounded like she was trying to convince herself of that. "i don't know anything of the Fey." she admitted softly, looking up at him, biting her lip hard. "do they even know what they are?"

he chuckled a little and smiled as he held her back, kissing her neck, giving it a nuzzle. "we can be perfect together, and make everyone else will have to bow down to our awesomeness." he purred, pleased with this idea. "we will be rulers and our perfect children will help us lead the world into perfection!" he snickered a little. "of course, i doubt harry would let me try that."
Tom snickered waving the other to a chair, nudging a plate of food towards him feeling rather awkward himself."Well, I'd suggest not. Being that close to dumbledore would be a bad idea."He said wrinkling his nose before sighing, holding up a potion holding it out towards him."You asked for this. It'll help...with memories, and dreams. And if you give some to blaise, he'll be able to dreamwalk into your dreams to help you through them."He said tilting his head a little.

Severus snickered a little."Most definately not. Tom doesn't talk about paige, at all.Hell the last person who brought her up found himself in a early grave. But...he will tell them.Soemtime.Though if draco or fydra read any at all, they'd realize a siren is a purely fae creature, and not wizard."

Fydra sighed softly, shivering as he nuzzled her laughing."No, I don't think he'd let your"Snicker" perfect chidlren rule the world."She smiled sadly resting her cheek on his shoulder, sad that this wasn't his daughter, that she'd be his in the ways that matter, but there would surely be some trace of the weasel in her.Nudging him a little she smiled,"Come on, lets go lay on the beach.I brought out a book, and we'll tan while we relax."She smirked a little looking at the nearly desserted beach.Then again, there were other things to do...
Harry blinked, startled as he stared at the potion, hesitating before he picked it up, biting his lip a little. "thank you." he murmured softly, looking up at Tom. "really, thank you. i've been...remembering so much lately." he admitted tucking the vial carefully into his pocket, looking up at tom and offering him a smile. "i might even be able to sleep now, for more than a couple of hours. and Blaise being able to help me with them...that's more of a gift than you could ever imagine."

she snorted a little. "Harry and fydra? picking up a book willingly? you MUST be joking." she teased smirking a little. "i'm sure they'll find out on their own, telling them right now will only add more fuel to the fire, their already so stressed out. i don't think they need this on top of everything else." she sighed a little. "but i hate not telling them something so important. i feel like i'm manipulating them..."

he chuckled a little as he rubbed her belly again, kissing her belly again. "who's going to be my perfect daughter?" he purred softly grinning at Fydra. "god i can't wait to buy her some cute dresses, and beat away all her ugly little male freinds away with bludger bats, and buy her, her first pair of earrings, and complain constantly about the amount of makeup that she wears, and...and." Draco was clearly very excited about having the baby. it wasn't his in flesh, but it sure as hell was his in heart soul and mind.
Tom tilted his head, nibbling on one of the sandwiches he'd made."No, I can imagine."His look became distant before he smiled."Your mother did it a few times for childhood wasn't the happiest, and she let me walk through the memories with help."He shrugged before smiling slightly."You'll let me know when you run low, yes?I don't need the weasley bitch cursing either of you again because your to tired to counter."He scolded lightly.

Severus kissing her head."I know, but at the moment, neither of them needs to know.And tom WILL tell tehm, when he thinks its right."He sighed softly."I hate it to, but telling them, runs the chance that dumbledore will remember who paige was, and take measures to make sure that their fey blood wont stop him from manipulating them for real."

Fydra laughed,finding it amusing and heart warming that he was already so in love with their daughter."I think we'll have a few years until boys and makeup."Seh said heading for the blanket, dropping onto it with a sigh."Though if we leave her in narcissa's care, she might be dressing up early."She smiled laying on her back,pulling on a pair of sunglasses, intent on actually tanning."And no beating up the boys with bludger bats. My father's been very kind about you being with me, I think our daugheter deserves the same."She teased.
Harry grimaced a little. "my childhood was pretty hellish as well." he admitted simply, shaking his head. "Dumbledore placed me there before the Goblins even had a chance to get to my Mothers Will, where it specifically stated that i was NOT to go to the Dursley's." his green eyes flashed with rage. "by the time they got the will, it was too late." he admitted sighing a little as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "i'll make sure to tell you when i run low, i don't intend to suffer these nightmares any longer...not alone at the very least." he shuddered a little his eyes looking up to match Tom's, another ow pulse of power fluttering through the air, not enough to do anything, but enough to be felt.

she nodded. "this is true." she muttered sighing as she laid her head on his chest. "i wonder how red Draco is going to be when he comes back. he always burns so terribly when he spends too much time out in the sun."

he snorted a little. "if she's even half as pretty as you, she'll be attracting boys as soon as she's born. i was beating back guys when we where FIVE!" he complained pouting at her. "you where mine even then, but you still flirted with them. used to make me so jealous." he teased smirking a little. "besides, a woman should always dress up, so should men for that matter. it's the clothes that create confidence and our daughter MUST be confident. no one's gonna push our little girl around." he admitted smirking before pouting at her. "but... i'm a good boy...the ones that come after our little girl will be BAD.... i can't let her be with any boy that's not up to standard!"
To shuddered a little looking away, that soft flutter of power was like being in the room with paige, or with one of her kin, not realizing he'd almost triggered a soul gaze.Sighing at the memoroy he bared his teeth in a snarl,"Your mother's name was paige. By the time I realized where you'd gone, it was to late."His eyes fille with pain sighing softly,"I'd lost both you and fydra within days of each other to the potters and lucius, and paige to james potter's wand. I wasn't...I wasn't thinking clear enough to come for you. And I'm sorry that I left you there...I couldn't...when I tried to remove you from godric's hollow...well you know what happened."He sighed looking away.

Snape snickered."He'll be red but he'll have fun."He smiled kissing her head getting up."Come. We have papers to grade."

Fydra snickered kissing him,"Oh I'm sure my father feels the same about you.After all, your doing all the things to his little girl that someday our daughter will be doing."She smiled, really she couldn't help but tease him. He was getting so riled up about it, and she wasn't even born yet. Blushing ever so softly as she looked at him. Knowing he found her beautiful, and having him heap so many compliments on her at once was to much."And you got jealous of anything I paid more attention to, though if it helps, I was already in love with you to."
Harry snarled a little his eyes narrowed. "i don't know what happened actually." he admitted his eyes narrowed furiously as he looked at tom, reaching up and baring the curse scar to him. "i don't understand how this happened... i don't understand how all of this shit happened." he admitted staring at Tom, another pulse of pure power filled the air and when Harry caught Toms eye, they where flung into each others minds. Tom was suddenly in Harry's childhood, being beaten, starved, locked away, treated like a house elf. pawed at by his uncle, though Vernon had never raped harry, he had felt him up when he was drunk enough. Tom watched as Harry was beaten by Dudley, pushed down the stairs at school by Peirse, sent to the hospital with a broken arm and two black eyes and the doctors never even questioned why harry was so thin and small, or why he had almost a dozen half healed fractures along his body. Tom watched as Harry's aunt petunia held Harry's hand onto the stove for burning dinner, beat him with a frying pan for tracking mud on her floor. they would even take away Harry's little cot like bed in the cupboard when harry really pissed them off. most of it, however, was the words. 'freak, slut, worthless trash, you got you mummy and daddy killed, all your fault, waste of space, should have left you there to die! and worse, so much worse. it was amazing that harry hadn't turned Dark by the time he was five!

she whined but nodded, getting up and having a house elf fetch her papers so she could grade then in Severus's rooms, not wanting to part from him so soon.

Draco scowled at her, pouting a little. "well i'm sure he approves of me." he stated with a sniff. "in fact i'm certain of it." he chirped with a lofty air, chuckling a little as he kissed her cheek. "well it's not MY fault you would ignore me every time you found something new!" he complained grinning at her as he nuzzled her neck. "i think i was in love with you the moment we set eyes on each other in that silly little shared crib of ours." he admitted smiling a little. " you know how i told you that Lucius wasn't my real father?" he asked softly, leaning back in the warm sand. "i know who is." he admitted softly, offering her a smile. "it's uncle Severus."
Tom snarled at the memories, before he winced, as harry was drawn into his. Fighting with dumbledore, a brilliant but abused child, who'd been left to the mercy of his caretakers, even when he told others what was happening. A abused teen who came out darker and more vicious then any that had past through hogwarts in years. Years later, the late twenties tom smiling sweetly at his dark haired wife, the two holding their twins. Dumbledore's fight to keep from letting tom be in peace, to have power that he wanted, or peace to be himself. Not willng to let a dark wizard be that powerful, when he realized tom had married paige sidhesan the only siren in existance, flashes of a fight, curses flying, struggling to protect his toddler children and his wife, facing off with james potter, realizing his daughter was dead and paige was gone....realizing that harry was still alive. That desperate rage that had sent him to godric's hollow, the rage and grief consuming him, and his son's misguided attempt to protect lily, because she looked like paige, had destroye his father. In the end, it hadn't protected any of them...jerking his eyes away he cursed softly, panting. "Fuck.FUCK!"He cursed getting up, pacing, hating to go through those memories. Hating to relieve losing everything because dumbledore was a selfish bastard who wanted power.

Fydra looked at him startled, before starting to laugh."Now that, makes more sense then lucius."She smiled pulling him down for a kiss."I like him better."She smiled rubbing her hands over her face."And you know they only made us share a crib because lucius didnt trust me to not try to leave."She smiled a little, having searched for the memory before she had killed him, her heart aching at how much pain both dumbledore and lucius had willingly inflicted on her father, in a attempt to keep power. She might not trust the man, but life would have been so different if she'd been raised with her father...not that she could ever imagine anything but loving him"I love you. No matter who your father long as I can call you mine."she smiled raising his hand, pressing a kiss to his palm,then the promise ring, shifting cuddling against him.
Harry swayed on his seat, flickers of images still running through his head, his own and Toms, blinking stupidly as he tried to figure out what had just happened. "that wasn't..legilemency...i had my walls up...what happened? whats a sidhe?" he asked sluggishly, trying to recover from his first real use of sidhe magic. "oh...i don't feel so good." harry complained, laying on the table and closing his eyes, trying to ease his dizzy nausea. "i killed you." he whispered suddenly. "i really did kill you." he muttered staring in wide eyed horror at Tom. "i thought Lily was my real mother and i killed you because you where trying to hurt her..." he shuddered hard, clapped a hand to his mouth and sprinted over to the corner, throwing up his lunch. he hadn't been able to take the trauma of all those memories at once. sixteen years of torture pressed into a minute and a half had not been pleasant for harry, probably not for tom either.

he chuckled a little and nodded, kissing her back. "mmm well i am glad that he did." he admitted smiling. "i'm not glad that he kidnapped you, but i am glad that we where raised together." he admitted smiling at her as he tangled his fingers in hers. "i am always yours." he promised, kissing her cheek. "always." he murmured smiling a little as he silently summoned the ring, setting the box into her hand. "i could never imagine a life worth living, without you in it. your my life, and my joy and my soul, and i want to ask you proper...will you marry me?"
"Yes, you did."Tom panted as he bent over his knees, panting, trembling a little. WAving a hand and absently cleaning up the puke, pressing his hands against his face, trying to calm his racing heart. Bending over his knees, resting his forehead against his knees."Sidhe are fae. Your mother was one of the fae."He swallowed, his heart hurting, wanting paige there, she'd know how to explain this."And that, was a soulgaze. Its a bit of fae magic, that allows you to see what a person really is like, and what shaped them into who they are.Fydra already soulgazed draco by accident."HE said with a slight quirk of hs lips. Even though fydra hadn't said thats what she'd done, he'd read between the lines when she'd wrote him."And it was my fault for being reckless. And even more dumbledore's. He should have never taken you away from me, and lucius should have never taken fydra.When i went to godric's hollow I made a mistake, because I was greiving...if I was thinking clearly, I would have done it differently. Its not your fault harry, just mine and dumbledore's."

Fydra laughed softly before looking startled, opening the ring box and staring at the ring. trailing her fingers over the soft white gold ring, a woman's signet ring, sapphires so dark that they were almost black, holding diamonds that were a soft grey, a almost exact copy for draco's eyes. Laughing softly as she saw the serpent and siren symbols. Before starting, realizing she hadn't answered him, and was probably making him nervous."Yes!Yes I will!"She grinned wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his lips.
Harry shuddered hard. "Fae..." he shuddered again and shook his head, moving over to the table and grabbing a glass of water, taking a sip and grimacing before taking another. "well, i certainly saw enough of you to know that your no threat to me or Fydra." he admitted sighing a little. "i have to admit, i'm relieved to know that." he smiled at Tom. "...don't tell anyone? about me i one knows, Blaise doesn't even know, Dumbledore doesn't even know the extent of it." though knowing the silver haired bastard he knew enough. "i don't want anyone to know how i was..." abused, ashamed to he had tried to kill himself when he was six, again when he was nine, how he'd been about to try again when Hagrid burst down the door. "and none of this was our fault, mine or's all Dumbledore's fault, only Dumbledore's fault."

Draco was nervous in fact, he was fidgeting when she didn't respond right away, and he beamed when she said yes, wrapping his arms tightly around her. "oh and, thats how i know that Tom approves." he admitted with a smirk. "he's the one that sent the ring, it used to belong to his mother i think, or maybe his grandmother, i can't remember. anyway it's the same ring he proposed and married your mother with. he changed it a little for us though." he smiled at her. "i think it's perfect for us."
Tom raised his head enough to look at his son, before nodding."it is."He took a shaky breath before snarling."No one's going to know, because they're not going to be alive long enough for anyone to care."He sighed softly, already planning the torture and death of his son's abusers. Rubbing his face he sighed,deciding they needed something else to talk about."How is fy?"he said, knowing the girl wasn't telling him everything that happened,or how she was feeling."And the she weasley?Has she done anything else to be a bother?"

Fydra blushed,smiling happily at the idea of having something of her mther's, something to hold onto the woman she couldn't remember."It is. Perfect."She said softly kissing him, cuddling against him with a smile.
Harry grimaced a little and closed his eyes. "i want them dead." he admitted softly. "the sooner the better, before Dumbledore ends up sending me back." he swallowed hard and grasped the change of subject eagerly. "oh she's hormonal." he chirped, shoving all his depression to the back of his mind, just as he always did. he was going to have nightmares tonight, he knew it. memories of his fat uncle pawing at him, beating him for protesting or trying to get away, his aunt wailing on him, Dudley chasing him. he couldn't decide if he wanted Blaise to see these memories or not...but...if Blaise knew..then he could help. "Ginny's been keeping to herself but that fat fuck of a mother of hers disowned the twins for taking my side of things." he admitted simply. "so i adopted them into the riddle family, just so you know. i'll bring them by sometime, you'd like them i think." he paused. "or you'd try and kill them, i'm not sure which one just yet, their a bit obnoxious." he smirked. "course, that's what makes them so fun."

Draco smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. "i thought you'd like it." he admitted softly, nuzzling her as he slid the ring onto her finger next to the promise ring. "i love you Fy."
Tom twitched a little, his mouth hanging open slightly. Well....that really hadn't been what he'd expected when he asked after the weasel."I... damn. Not only do I have two teens to take care of, I Draco. the twins.Damn."He grinned though, it would be fun having that many people to fuss over.He thought paige would approve."Now. I think blaise is waiting for you."He said raising a hand, grinning as the dark haired slytherin tumbled through the door he had been leaning against."uh, hello."Blaise stuttered blushing slightly. Having just arrived, he'd been easedropping in the attempt to figure out how to interupt without pissing either off.

Fydra smiled brightly, uddling against him."Love you to."She said yawning curling her hand in a fist, letting the ring glitter in the was so nice being with him.And now that she was settling down, she was tired, nd fell asleep on the beach.

Snape smirked a little as he looked at the man sitting in front of his desk, absently noting that narcissa was was eavesdropping, not that he minded.After all, they needed to figure out what the headmaster wanted."Professor, I assume you are here for a reason?"He asked, wondering which twin he wanted to know where they were. Harry was on a date with blaise, and fydra was...well she and draco were enjoying france.
Harry smirked a little. "i thought you might enjoy that. going from kid-less to having six all in one fell swoop." he teased smirking at the other before sighing a little. "i wish i had known you, before all of this." he paused. "and we still have a lot of things to talk about...mostly i...i want to know about the Scorcerer's stone, and the Triwizard tournament." he admitted, well aware that Blaise was waiting, pausing to laugh as his lover stumbled in. deciding to forget his concern about Tom trying to kill him for now, he was sure his father had a good excuse, one he was certain would involve insanity. "Blaise! come meet my father." harry ordered, smiling a little. "Tom, this is Blaise, my boyfriend. be nice to him." he ordered scowling at the Dark Lord.

he smiled as he watched her, nuzzling her neck. he moved her inside once she was asleep, he didn't want her to burn after all, not that she would. she seamed to have some pretty tough skin. he on the other hand, was already horridly pink. "dammit Fy." he whined pouting a little as he examined himself. "this is going to hurt like hell tomorrow. i hope you realize that your going to be rubbing lotion into my skin every hour." he teased her sleeping figure, smiling as he cast a numbing spell on his sunburn. "but, i think it's worth it."

Dumbledore sighed a little. "i think the Dark Lord has possessed Harry Severus." Dumbledore finally admitted. "the boy has changed drastically, without warning! Fydra and Draco are also missing and no one can find either of them, no one even has a clue as to where they could have gone! Harry said that he had permission from his guardian to go out tonight, but i certainly did not give him permission, which means that he must have been adopted by someone!" he was still under the belief that Severus did not know who Harry's real father was. "but those damn goblins won't tell me anything! Severus you have to tell me what you know!"
Tom grinned a little raising his head in surrender."I'm nice to everyone."He said wining a little at the memories he'd brought up. Not wanting to tell him, he knew his son would freak when he realized death and stress had driven him insane for the better part of 17 years. Blaise snickered a little tilting his head."Hello."

Hours later fydra stirred a little, nuzzling his neck before wincing, seeing just how red his skin had gotten."I'm sorry love!I'm sorry!"She sat up hurried looking at him worried, looking him over. Whmpering softly when she saw just how very red he was.

Severus smiled slightly."Why,fydra riddle did.As the last of her line, she adopted mr. potter.And as her guardian, narcissa gave him permission to leave the school."He said mentally smirking. Let the old man chew on that, and try to figure out if they knew, or just accidently found each other. He snorted a little. Thinking about it. How anyone would mistake fydra or shade riddle for anything but their father's children was amazing, now that he looked, he could see him in both."Lord voldermort ant touch the boy albus remember. Its painful for him."He pointed out tilting his head."And his change in attitude could very well be that his best friend is a rapist who touched his adopted sister, and him. And that he is now friends with draco and fydra."he paused looking at narcissa."Did I miss anything?Oh yes, draco and fydra are on a weekend retreat together, so that she can prepare for the birht of her child, she is getting close, and she wanted a weekend without the stress of the weasleys."
Harry snorted and rolled his eyes. "no your not." he stated wagging his finger at tom before standing up, hesitating a moment, clearly undecided about something before he leaned over and gave his father a hug, a tight, warm hug and when he withdrew he had a smile on his face. "i've always wanted a father to hug." he admitted, voice choked with emotion. "i'll see you around then." he decided, he had to get out of there before he burst into tears. Harry was a pureblood! and a Riddle and he was NOT going to cry dammit!

Draco chuckled a little as he shook his head. "calm down Fy." he ordered smiling. "it doesn't hurt, i already put a numbing spell on it." he promised. "i ALWAYS get this red and it was worth it." he admitted touching his nose and grimacing. "i'm going to peel though....Blaise is going to laugh at me, so when he does you have to beat him up for me."

Dumbledore was staring at Snape, looking stunned. "oh," he looked so releived. "i had forgotten about the abilities to adopt." there was a pause and then a chuckle. "why, that means the Twins are Riddles now." he chuckled at his own bad joke. "yes that would also explain his...moody behavior." he sighed a little and sagged in his chair. "i fear i might have over reacted to Voldemort's sudden appearance into the castle." he admitted. "i don't know what he and Harry talked about but it worried me." he admitted softly, shaking his head. "i know that he cannot physically touch harry, but possession, as he had during the boys fifth year... well can you blame me for being worried?" he asked softly. "and poor fydra, i fear what Voldemort would do to her should he find out she still lives. he would kidnap her for certain, tear her away from her freinds and family, no doubt lock her away, and that's the best case scenario i can think of!" he scrubbed his nose with his fingers. he sounded so convincing, hell, he might have believed it all himself. Dumbledore, after all, did not realize that Tom had regained his sanity. "i will let you be then." he decided. "thank you Severus for explaining all of this, would you tell Harry that i wish to speak to him when he returns?"
Blaise smiled softly as he winced at the sound of tom kicking the door shut behind him, most likely having his own emotional moment. Blaise smiled wrapping his arms around harry's waist, pressing a kiss to his hair."So, do you still want to go to a fair?Well its not a fair exactly, but its a shopping carnival thing, where people gather...I couldn't find anything better."He said looking upset that he couldnt find something better to do.

Fydra laughed softly pressing a kiss to draco's nose, gently running her fingers through his darkening blond hair."I'll beat him up.Then make him watch his goddaughter."She said smiling as she got up, groaning a little,pushing him towards the house,"Come on, I want to put some of severus's sun cream on your back, maybe it wont hurt so much then."She said fretting. Already sounding like a mother.

Sevrus nodded,"I shall let him know."He said seriously, and he could see voldermort in his grief stricken insanity doing exactly what dumbledore had said. Though he was sure his master would have the best intentions. "No, I can not blame you for it."He said waving the headmaster out of his room."I'll keep an eye on them, and tom has been quiet. I'll see what I can find out about him visiting."He said sighing softly as the headmaster left, sighing softly as he looked over at narcissa casting a silencing charm on the room so even if dumbledore stayed he couldn't have heard what was happening inside."You're being quiet.What do you think?Is he faking, or does he really believe he's doing it for the best of everyone?Even if it means destroying to teens?"
Harry smiled a little and snuggled into Blaise. "i'm tired." he admitted softly."i did something weird. i need sugar, and cotton candy, and snow cones, and whatever else junk food they have at a Carnival." he ordered pouting playfully at Blaise. "we can pick up presents for Fydra's birthday." he decided grinning happily. "i know just what to get her too." he purred nuzzling Blaise's neck. "and after you hop[ me up on sugar, and maybe even a little booze, i'll let you fuck my into the nearest available surface, how's that sound?"

he smiled a little as he leaned forward and gently kissed her neck, nuzzling her. "that sounds good." he muttered smirking a little. "we'll have to make sure that Paige is properly horrific for him." he purred smiling a little. "and yes, yes you will be rubbing cream into my sunburn." he teased looking amused. this was an old game they played, as Fydra often dragged him out into the sun to get sunburned. "and you will be doing so every hour and calling me the lord and master as you do so." he chirped, letting her know in such a playful way that he wasn't upset

Dumbledore nodded as he glanced at Severus, hesitating a moment then. " be safe, Severus. i fear the Dark Lord may be slipping deeper into madness." he admitted softly. "if you feel your life is threatened, do not stay there. i want you to leave and come back here if you even suspect your life is threatened. i need a spy yes, but not at the cost of your life." he stated calmly, before he left, Narcissa blinking in surprise. "i honestly think he believes that he is doing to better good for this world." she admitted softly, setting her hand on his. "he does not see two teenagers however. he see's two weapons." she sighed a little. "he thinks he's right, but in truth, he is very wrong."
Blaise laughed,"Oh you did something weird huh?When is that new."He teased pressing a kiss to his head as they walked into the busy carnival like shopping end of town."And that sounds good."He smirked a little thinking about what surface to bend him over, before frowning a little."Wouldn't fydra's birthday also be yours?What are you getting her?"HE asked though he sounded a little distressed, because he hadn't thought about it, and he had nothing to get his boyfriend.

Fydra laughed softly as heh nuzzled her, bullying him into the master bedroom before she answered."Oh yes lord and master, I will do just what you want lord malfoy."She muttered sounding properly chasitised though she was grinning.She couldn't help but drag him out in the sun!There was things to do outside. Amused by the old game. Shivering a little before frowning at her ring."You said my father gave this to you?"She asked, wondering if that was why her body ached like she'd burned though she hadn't.Having a feeling her father had given her a way to keep a eye on her lover.Smiling slightly, relaxing glad he wasn't mad.

Severus nodded looking over at her, squeezing her hand a little."Two teens that he doesn't understand, and who are as deadly as their father. Maybe more so, because they still have the person they'd kill for."He muttered nodding slightly."Only in the beginning when paige died was his rage and insanity that complete...the longer he's back, the more he's regaining."He said smiling slightly though he worried about his friend. Knownig seeing both his twnis alive was wrecking havoc on the dark lord.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. "this was weirder than usual." he admitted laying his head on Blaise's shoulder. "hey, i need to talk to you tonight, don't let me forget ok?" he asked softly, worrying his lip in worry. he was going to have nightmares again tonight, but he didn't want to walk them alone he could only hope that Blaise would be able to handle that. "oh, i keep forgetting me an Fy share the same birthday now, anyway i don't celebrate my birthday normally. the most i ever got was a good beating and a week without food so i pretend it doesn't exist." Harry admitted with a small shrug. "i can't remember when my and Fy's birthday is, i'll have to ask my father later." he decided. "i don't know what i'm going to get her, i had an idea." he paused to grin wickedly. "but i don't feel like getting maimed."

he smirked and shoved his nose into the air and sauntered into the house with a fake, exaggerated air trying to make her giggle before grinning at her. "yes he did. he told me to only let me and you touch the ring, something about protective spells. i expected him to give me the third degree 'don't touch my daughter' sort of thing but he just glared at me and told me to take good care of you." he was glossing over the threats that the Dark Lord had offered him. he sighed and settled into a chair, grabbing the burn ointment. "love? would you put the lotion on, the spell is wearing off and it's starting to stink again."

she sighed a little and settled into his lap. "everyone thinks Dumbledore is a good person, but he sent Harry and Tom back time and time again to be abused... you and i back time and time to be abused." no one knew, not even Lucius or Draco had ever known that Narcissa, Bella, and Tonks had been brutally abused time and time again by their father. Snape knew, but that was because Narcissa trusted him, it was bad enough, that it had driving Tonks to run away, and caused Bella to go insane. "if we could just...get the world to realize the pain he's caused all of us... bring him down from that steeple of light."
Blasie nodded pressing a kiss to his head."I'll remind you."He said trying very hard, and very valiantly to not scream at the idea of harry being hurt.And yet, the vicious dark side of his nature had him howling for his 'relatives' blood."And what would get you maimed?Granted, I don't think she'd like it if you got her pregnancy clothes, but I cant see anything else."He said poking his lover in the side trying to make him laugh as he looked over the jewelry in the windows. Wondering what to get them both. And knowing he'd have to remind draco, well, if the blond hadn't proposed by then.

Fydra laughed softly shaking her head as she got the lotion, making him sit down as she gently rubbed it into the burnt skin."I know it is."She smiled a little as she focused a small spark of magic, just enough to make it stop making her hurt at the ring but not to dismantle it, smirking as it sparked a little."He added wards to it. Made sure I could tell when you were hurt."She said sounding amused, tilting her head at the other."No threats?Really?I'm suruprised.You got more from harry then."She said amused,because she had a feeling he was leaving out parts of her father's quiet interference.

Severus nodded."I will see if we can get it out."He said reaching over wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to his head."I wont let him hurt them again. Any of them."He said softly, as fierce protective of the dark lord as he was of the children and narcissa."IF we want to look at anyone to blame for tom's issues all you have to do is look at when he snapped. Paige is...was the only reason he's as sane as he is. And the one will hurt them again. We wont allow it."
Harry smiled a little as he kissed Blaise's neck. "Tom's going to be killing the Dursley's i'm sure." he admitted sighing a little. "he saw nearly every pain they ever caused me.. i don;'t know how." he admitted shaking his head. "i don't want to think about it." he smirked a little. "i was actually going to get her a bondage kit, something to use on Draco but i honestly think the blond would Maim me for it." he paused then. "have you noticed that his hair is getting darker? not more yellow, it's like it's turning black." he admitted looking confused. "anyway, i was thinking of getting her a kitten."

Draco snorted a little. "Harry was WAY more frightening than your dad is." he agreed, complexity honest for once. sure the Dark Lord was scary in that 'i'll torture you into madness' sort of way. but harry was a whole new class of 'i just pissed myself.' "really? he did that?" Draco asked, looking startled. "i wonder if it works both ways?" he muttered worrying his lip a little. "let's never find out ok?" he asked offering her a smile as the bright lobster red started to fade into more of a cherry color. Severus's lotions worked amazingly, they really did. there was no need to tell her about the words Tom had said either, nope. she didn't need to know that. "aaah thanks love, that feels so much better. remind me next time to put on sunscreen." not that it would help, like Severus Draco would burn no matter the steps they took. not that Draco knew that. there was a reason why both men preferred dark dank dungeons.
"Yea, its getting darker. Maybe he did something so it wouldn't look like lucius."Blaise said thinking about it, before snickering."Oh.Yea.Im pretty sure you;d get hurt for giving that to her."He snickered herding his boyfriend towards the animal area of the shopping area, only stopping long enough to get them both mugs of firewhiskey, handing it to the brunette as he sipped his own. Taking harry at his word, and planning on getting drunk."And a kitten.She'd like that.Something else to snuggle."

Fydra snickered softly, letting it go. Knowing that both her male relatives were frightening. Nodding slightly she pulled him up,"I'll try not to hurt."She winced a little as paige kicked at her ribs,"Though she seems determined to make it hurt."She sighed sitting down in his lap after she was sure he was comfortable and it wouldn't hurt him to badly, cuddling into him after casting another numbing charm just to be careful."Love you."She muttered nuzzling his neck, wincing a little.
Harry shrugged a little, grinning as he accepted his firewhiskey. "i love this stuff." he admitted eagerly as he took a long swallow, letting Blaise lead him along. "we should get Draco a kitten too." he purred smirking a little. "get him one with a pretty pink bow on it." he snickered a little. "just to piss him off." he admitted pausing o examine some hand carved items his head tilted a little. "we should get Narcissa and Snape something too." he muttered calmly, examining the table full of trinkets. "i think a nice necklace for Narcissa, and some rare potions ingredients for Snape, get him on my good side."

he winced when Paige kicked her in the ribs and set a hand on his side, looking startled. "what was that!?" he demanded blinking at her. "that HURT, was that the BABY!?" he demanded gaping at her. "i didn't know carrying a baby could hurt! how often does that happen!?" he didn't look too worried, but he did look concerned and confused. he didn't know enough about babies to understand that getting kicked in the ribs was normal.
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