Siren's song

Blaise nodded slowly getting some pudding for his lover, putting the smallish bowl in front of harry. Gently kissing his head."there love.Fy'll be back soon."He muttered glancing across the tble, looking at draco. Not looking so healthy himself. Taking care of harry was draining the man faster.

Fydra shook her head."They wont."She whispered sitting back, looking at narcissa, pain filling her eyes as she looked at her, " was me. Father raped harry while we were here...and threatened draco.I...I had to take care of it."Tears filled her eyes as she slouched over, knowing narcissa wouldnt tell anyone what she'd done. Crying softly."I'm sorry!Im so sorryDont hate me!"She whimpered hugging her knees, the pregnant woman losing her fine hold over her control as she broke down even more. Budying her face in her knees.
Draco swallowed hard as he read the letter and set it down, glancing at Harry. "Lucius is dead." harry jerked violently, two glasses and his bowl of pudding fell tot he ground and shattered, making Harry jump violently his breath catching as he shuddered, uncertain what to do, panic? cry? yell in joy? he trembled as he leaned against Blaise and closed his eyes, and did nothing. he couldn't cope with that sort of news, and it didn't change what had happened, so he decided to ignore it. he would deal with it in the privacy of his room.

Narcissa gasped, her hand over her mouth as she stared, shell shocked at Fydra, her eyes wide, horrified. "oh my god... i.. i.." she pulled Fydra into her arms, holding her tightly. "i knew Lucius could have his moments but i..i never thought...that poor boy..." she held Fydra close to her, trembling wildly. "i'm so sorry you had to do that my darling." she whispered, trying to console her daughter. "but i'm proud of you for doing what had to be done." she murmured softly. "i never thought Lucius was capable of such a thing..."
Blaise nodded a little, rubbing the other's back."well, at least as soon as the aurors let her go, fy'll be back."He muttered gently helping the other out of his seat kissing him softly."Come on love, lets go to our rooms.We'll relax and wait for fy."He muttered looking over at draco. Then around the room to see how everyone else was takng the news of lucius's death.

Fydra whimpered curling up against her as she cried, burying her face against his chest, sniffling. Soon calming as she trembled, clinging to the only mother she knew."Draco's not going to be happy...he's going to hate me..."She whimpered rubbing her eyes sniffling. Knowing she had to get ready to go, but for the moment she needed to have her breakdown, before she got to draco.Because for once, she was going to be strong for him be the one in contol
Harry nodded, brightening a little at the prospect of Fydra coming home. he still couldn't look at Draco, but he as beginning to recover, he was able to touch Blaise now, and even had offered him a kiss that morning. he couldn't eat yet, but he was starting to sleep without nightmares, so long as Blaise held him all night. he blinked when the twins rushed into the room, breathless and astonished. harry could only gape at them, they had died their hair! it wasn't red anymore! it was black, so black that they had blue highlights! they ran over to Professor McGonagall, and then to Snape, whispering furiously as the two teachers got tot heir feet and rushed out of the room, the twins hot on their heals. "Dumbledore's probably throwing a fit." Harry uttered softly, still looking astonished. "hat did they do to their HAIR?" "their denying their family." Draco stated simply. "they changed their appearance, as a first strike to emancipate themselves from their family."
Blaise snorted a little, looking at draco."I assume this means Fydra talked to them?"He twitched a little, having heard about the scene and the hospital moment. Sighing a little, glad at least it seemed that fydra wouldn't be totally alone with a red headed child. Though it made him nervous to see them like this. He wasn't sure if he trusted them or not.

Fydra winced as she walked into the castle, really wishing she could just go find draco,but having been summoned to see dumbledore, it wasn't like she could avoid it.Though she really didnt want to think how angry the elder wizard was. Sighing she headed upstairs, frowning when she heard snape, mcgonagall and the twins talking. Rapping lightly on the door before stepping inside."You summoned my professor."

Snape winced looking at her before looking at the twins again Not sure if he trusted them, but they seemed to want to get away frm their family, and slytherin would let them do that.
Harry blinked then. "i trust them." he admitted softly. "their not like the rest of their family. back when everyone thought hermione was using me for my fame, they where the only ones who still talked to her. when everyone thought i was the Heir of Salazar, they still teased me...their not like other people." he admitted swallowing hard. "i feel sorry for them." he admitted softly. "no doubt their being horridly bullied by the gryffindors... they can be viscous, gryffindors...much worse than any slytherin."

Dumbledore was scowling lightly when Fydra finally stepped in, and if she where to look closely, she would realize that they both had split lips, and bloody noses, and rope burns around their wrists. the Gryffindors where not well known for being vicious, but those that did know, would understand that they had tied Fred and George up, and beat the shit out of them. Percy and Ginny had probably orchestrated it, though Percy had long since graduated, he still frequented the school. the twins looked terrified, and they where hissing, almost begging the two heads of house to let them transfer.

"ah, Fydra, do come in. Fred, George, i will allow your request. you will switch tonight at dinner. you are excused." they nodded and fled the room, moving to go and hide until dinner, McGonagall's lips pursed with fury, not at anyone in the room, but at her own house. "leave." Dumbledore ordered Snape and Mcgonagall, making sure the two left before he fixed his gaze on Fydra. "how are you feeling my dear?"
Blaise nodded looking thughtful."We'll see what we can do."He muttered, wondering if it would make things worse to try and protect the twins or make it better. Sighing softly as he walked with harry into their dorm room."Now. Sleep.You're not resting enough."He said handing the other his potion.

Fydra's lip curled into a sneer, as she watched the twins leave before looking at dumbledore."I'm pregnant and I was in a house with a murdered man,how do you think I feel?"She said warmly, though there was ice and steel under the words. The same voice lucius had heard. Here was the other that draco had said she was becoming. It wasn't so much she was changing, she was just settling into herself, discovering the siren under lucius's obediant daughter.
Harry whimpered a little and shook his head. "i don't want to sleep." he whispered softly, pressing himself into Blaise. "the nightmares..." Harry was so afraid of the nightmares, far more fearful even of the ones Dumbledore sent, of Tom slaughtering innocent people. "will you hold me?" Harry asked hopefully, timidly. he was still afraid that Blaise was going to leave him for being unfaithful, because some part of harry didn't see what happened as Rape...Rape was only rape, if you didn't like it, so no matter how harry had pleaded, he had still Cum, and that made it not rape. but he hadn't told anyone about that, not even Blaise, Blaise didn't know harry had liked it, and that made Harry feel guilty too.

Dumbledore sighed and nodded. "i am terribly sorry Fydra." he murmured softly. "please, take a seat." he muttered gently. "i was thinking of bringing Narcissa into the school to protect her from whatever evil man killed your father." so he didn't suspect Fydra after all. a relief, it was helped by Narcissa claiming that she'd seen who did it. "and the weasley twins wish to be transferred to slytherin, i thought i should warn you before hand, so you would not be shocked..." he watched her closley. "the gryffindors tied them to the ceiling and beat them... if it was not for a brave young man by the name of Neville, they might have been beaten to death." he admitted, looking greatly troubled by all of this, though certainly not for the reasons he appeared to be. "i might have to transfer Neville as well... the Gryffindors have become so violent..." he seamed to realize that he was babbling. "would you rather i moved them into ravenclaw, instead of into slytherin? the slytherins will afford them more protection, but i am more concerned with your well being." he concerned about the baby more like.
Blaise smiled at him, holding him lose, pressing a kiss to the other's head."As long as you want me to."He smiled holding him close. Worried about his boyfriend, and exhausted himself. Though he struggled not to show just how exhausted he was. Smiling a little."Fydra's coming home. She'll want to see you.Good thing not to sleep then..."He said trying to make him feel better.

Fydra's sneer turned vicious."You can't blame a family for what one of their members did. If the wealsey's want to be in slytherin, fine. We'll let draco deal with gryffindor."Her sneer became a smirk as she thought about the overwelming havoc drco could cause. And of course, she could cause. Between revenge for them treting harry so badly, and what they did to the twins....oh yea, slytherin was going to close ranks around its newest members. Wrinkling her nose a little because she knew his concern wasn't for her, but for the baby she carried."Narcissa would be welcome. I know draco would like to see his mother, and be a comfort to her now that she's lost her husband."She said looking at the floor, eyes downcast and a approiately mournful look on her face, despite the small smile playing at her lips."Can I go now?Draco was worried when I left, and I would like to be the one to break the news about lucius, if he doesnt already know."
Harry smiled as he was held, feeling better as soon as he was in the strong grasp of his lover. "i...i want to talk to snape." he admitted softly. he had heard the other Slytherins talking about Snape, how the teacher always listened when the students came back to school traumatized from home, how he helped them through the painful times in their lives. "he probably won't care about me but.... i..i'm so scared all the time, maybe he can help...and then you won't be so tired all the time..."

Dumbledore nodded. "i'm afraid that the Auror's saw fit to alert Draco." he admitted. "i will inform Snape that he has three new housemates." he agreed getting to his feet. "and Fydra, if you ever feel the need to come and talk to me, about anything, please feel free." he ordered, gently taking her hand, much like the way a worried father would. "please take care of yourself." and with that he let her go to find Draco, who was sitting in the common room, staring at the fire with a blank expression. the other slytherins had long ago learned to leave him alone when he had that look on his face. "fydra...where are you?" he mumbled softly to himself, unaware that she was right behind him.
Blaise smiled tiredly, kissing his head."We'll go see snape in the morning. He'll be surprised, but he will help."He stifled a yawn looking at the other. "Don't worry about me.I'm fine."He muttered nuzzling him softly.

Fydra smiled softly as she walked up behind the couch, watching the flames cast shadows on his hair for a moment, rubbing her hand against her leg. Feeling icky for letting dumbledore touch her.But it was nice to know she wasn't suspected of murder.Quietly sneaking up behind her lover she rested slender fingers on his shoulders, bending to press a kiss to his hair."You've terrified the others into going to sleep love."she muttered softly, though her voice was soft and amused, it hid fear under itFear that he'd draw away from her.
Harry frowned a little. "no your not." he murmured softly, laying his head on the others chest. sighing a little. "i'm tired." Harry mumbled, closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep, feeling safe in Blaise's arms. Blaise wouldn't let anyone hurt harry. Blaise kept the nightmares away.

Draco squealed in surprise at the touch and the kiss, jerking away looking about ready to murder the person who had drawn such an undignified noise out of him, gaping when he realized it was Fydra. "your alright" he gasped gathering her into a hug. "oh god Fy i was so worried! when they said Father was dead i was so scared! i thought he'd attacked you!" he kissed her forehead. "i'm so glad your here, i was so worried!" he held her tighter. "i thought Father had..."
Fydra laughed softly as he swealed wrapping her arms around him, "No, he didn't attack me."She smiled burying her face gainst his neck, smiling softly."He didn't do anything."She said, trembling a little. Knowing she shoud tell him she murdered his father, but the words wouldn't come. She couldnt force herself to say them
he sighed in relief, holding her closley. "with Father dead, we don't have to worry about him anymore." how could he sound so relieved? "he can't hurt us anymore." it almost sounded as if Lucius had hurt him at one point. "he can't tell me what to do, he can't use you... i just wish you hadn't had to kill him." he admitted softly. "you must feel terrible..." she didn't have to say anything, Draco already knew. just like everyone knew that Draco had killed Pansy. it was just one of those things that you knew. "come on, let's get you into a nice bed." he paused. "or did you want to see how Harry is doing first?"
Fydra stepped back looking startled, staring up at him, not knowing what to say."He'll...he'll be sleeping...I'll see him in the morning."She said though she was worried for harry,she felt dirty, unclean to see him yet. Looking at draco she studied him, tears fillign her eyes. Like with narcissa, she'd expected to be hated and...he sounded relieved."Draco...."She said slowly staying wehre she was, watching the firelight play over his face."I'm sorry..."She said, looking away from him, ot wantnig to see what he was feeling.
Draco blinked, looking surprised as he watched her. "sorry for what?" he asked, looking worried, gently tipping her face up to his. "i have no love for Father Fy and i never had... he used to do horrid things to me, to make me do what he wanted, to make me into the perfect son... he hurt you, he hurt harry, he threatened to hurt Blaise and he was beating our mother... you did the world a good thing Fy, you saved many people, who knows how many people have suddenly been freed of the Impirio at his death, we never have to worry about him going after Harry again, we never have to worry about him hitting you or mother...i never have to worry about..." he swallowed hard. "come on, lets get you cleaned up." changing the subject he gently kissed her and led her to the bathrooms. "a nice hot soak in a bath."
Fydra smiled a little following after him, though she was curious about what he didn't have to worry about, it was a question for another day. Rubbing her eyes she smiled slightly, letting him take care of her. Feeling numb and out of it. Glad that he knew what he was doing, and what she needed.

Though she'd made it through the bath and eating some fine, the numbness wore off as she was sleeping. Dragging her back to malfoy manor, making her live through her worst nightmare.

You dont think I can kill you?I know you can't kill me..." Fydra said raising her hand, staring at the elder malfoy as she vanished his heart, before looking down at the beating appendage, before raising her eyes again. Wanting to see him die. "No!"She gasped seeing draco, realizing she'd killed draco.

"NO!Draco!"She cried tossing and turning, the blankets keeping her trapped. For once the multides of blankets he kept was a bad thing, trapping the already frantic woman as she tried to wake herself up, tears streaming down her face.
Draco gasped when she screamed, and ripped the blankets out of the way, grabbing her firmly into himself, higging her tightly so she wouldn't hurt herself or him. "shh, shh Fy it's ok, it was just a nightmare, i'm here, i'm right here." he promised, kissing her face all over as he stroked her hair, trying to calm her down, trying to ease her pain. "shh love your alright, your just fine, i'm right here, nothings happened, see?" he carefully pulled away from her so she could see him. "i'm just fine..."
Fydra cried softly looking up at him, tears streaking her face hair tangled as she looked at him,hands roaming his chest, trying to make sure he was fine. Looking at him with wide eyes."You're okay?fine?"She asked raising her head, resting a hand on his chest, sobbing as she felt a steady thump of his heart.
he smiled as she examined him, gently kissing her forehead. "i'm fine, i promise, it was just a nightmare love, i promise." he murmured softly. "do you want me to get one of the house elves to get you a Dreamless Sleep potion? or would you rather get up and go to dinner? it's almost time." he admitted. "Harry will be up too by now, he likes the ice-cream for dessert." he admitted. "and he can eat a little bit now, as long as it's sweet." he admitted, trying to calm her down by informing her of Harry's recovery. "and he can let Blaise touch him now, he won't go to sleep unless Blaise is holding him tight." he admitted smiling a little as he stroked her hair ever so gently. "come on, lets go down to dinner, Snape said we where going to have a surprise." Draco, Harry and Blaise, in fact all of the slytherins had no idea that they where getting three new housemates.
"Dinner."She muttered as she stomach rumbled, slipping out of the bed, getting dressed. Brushing her hair out before reaching for him, attatching herself to him really as they headed upstairs. To distraught to take even being seperated for a moment.

Blaise smiled nudging harry when they walked into the great hall, smiling slightly."it's good to see you two back.I was afraid you'd be in bed having a enenous amount of sex."He teased though he looked worried for how pale and strained she looked
Draco nodded and got dressed, wrapping his arm tightly around her Hip, silently offering her the reassurance that he wasn't going to leave her alone for even a second as they met up with the sickly looking Harry, who offered Fydra a happy grin and a kiss to each cheek, Draco smiling, glad that harry seamed so pleased to see his sister. "i'm hungry." Harry stated simply as they headed for the table. "lets eat." he grabbed his usual pudding, that was always waiting on the table for him, stuffed with nutrient potions, made by snape himself, so that harry would be able to survive on pudding and ice-cream, and sometimes strawberries, if they where ripe enough. harry didn't like bitter things, never had. he jumped when Dumbledore cleared his throat and stood as the twins and Neville, both of them sporting a great many bruises now, Neville had hand prints around his neck, Harry gasped in horror as he spotted the three. the twins with their new black hair, and Neville with his now missing tooth.

"may i have you attention please?" Dumbledore asked the room falling silent. "as of late, several students have come under attack from their own house. this i cannot allow." Dumbledore stated, sending withering glares to the Gryfindor house, angry not because they had done it, but because they had been caught doing it. "because of this, the gryffindor house has lost all of their house points." their three thousand some points vanished in an instant. "anyone who was involved shall be serving no less than four detentions with Professor Snape, and the three who have been attacked are now re sorted, into Slytherin." the slytherins gaped as the three battered boy's robes changed from red, to green. "enjoy your dinners." Fred, George and Neville took their seats as far away from the rest of the slytherins as possible, hesitant and uncertain that they wouldn't be beaten there as well, Harry simply looking astonished, too shocked to even reach for his pudding even though his stomach was growling loudly.
Fydra looked startled, raising her head from where it was resting on drco's shoulder, smiling a little sickly at the newest slytherins,absently eating food. More because draco kept giving it to her."Well, its good to see you looking better."She said looking over the twins, looking sick and worn out herself. Smilng a little easier as the slytherins moved to give them seats.

Blaise smiled, wrapping a arm around harry's waist, nuding him a little."eat."He ordered, poking him.Smiling eaisly, but tiredlly at the three."You're welcome to stay.Dont worry...we may be abusive to outsiders,but we're protetive of slytherins."
Harry had finally recovered and was stuffing himself with Pudding, glaring at anyone who even looked at it, several slytherins had made the mistake of trying to steal a few bites while harry wasn't paying attention, not realizing how possessive Harry could be over something so silly. one of the boys still had puncture marks where harry had stabbed him with a fork. he kept glancing down at the ex gryffindors, trying to hide his worry in case Fydra was angry with them or something. the three relaxed when Fydra spoke, all of them offering her hesitant smiles. "thank you." Neville spoke first. "i know we're not real slytherins, but we'll try to do our new house proud." they would try at least, that was all they could do. "we appreciate your hospitality." Fred stated softly, George nodding. "we promise not to put Canary creams in your food." the rest of the slytherins relaxed and laughed a little as Fred took a bite of his own food, Harry glancing at them again. "did the gryffindors do that to you?" the three nodded but said nothing more on the matter, their pride getting in the way, they didn't want to admit that they ha been over powered. didn't want to admit that once freinds had tried to beat them to death.
Fydra wrinkled her nose, "And they call slytherins prideful."She snorted a little, eating as she leaned against draco. Wincing, setting down her fork, staring hard at the table as her stomach threatened to make her throw up.Between her nightmare, killing lucius, and being pregnant, she was never going to eat again. Whimpering softly as she looked at draco, waving off his concern,"I'm fine."

Blaise frowned at her, smiling slightly as he kissed harry's head."WE could think of worse people to add to slytherin."He said looking at harry, rubbing his back."Now. You eat more.Then you're going to have a nice long meaningful talk with fydra while me and draco introduce these three to the rest of the house."He said wisely.
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