Siren's song

Fydra smiled a little as she kissed his head again before slipping out of the room, returning with the potion. Sitting on the edge of the bed as she watched him drink the potion. Fear and worry showing on her face. " I worry about lucius being angry at me?"She asked softly, biting her lip. Really worried. And thinking about it... wondering if this was going to cause trouble between draco and her twin...even not knowing about the rape, she could understand why getting punished could cause strain between the two men who meant the most to her."Nevermind...sleep love."She muttered softly stroking his hair.

Blaise frowned as he tilted his head a little. That didn't sound good. If the man had just gone to sleep after punishing harry, this couldn't be good. But for the moment...he just didn't think to hard on what could be going on. Because if he did it meant telling draco, who'd tell fydra. And she didn't need that kind of stress when she was dealing with the baby, ron's death,being afraid of lucius and worrying about pansy. This would just be to much. Sighing he looked at the blond smiling a little."well, maybe that means he drunk himself into a stupor and forgot to be angry."
Harry hesitated a moment then. "no...i think he took out most of his anger on me." he promised smiling a little gently stroking her cheek. "i love you sis, you know that right?" he asked softly, getting sleepier and sleepier with every passing moment. "i'm going to protect you, no matter matter who i have to kill." he mumbled softly. "i won't let no one hurt you ever again." he yawned and closed his eyes, falling asleep thanks to the potion, breathing softly, muttering Blaise's name in his sleep as he smiled a little, enjoying the gentle strokes to his hair.

Narcissa nodded. "or he screamed himself hoarse." she agreed sipping on her tea. "he does love to yell." s smile. "i'm sure Harry is fine, and that Lucius didn't do anything too harsh. Lucius seams like a brute, but he's really very kind when he want's to be, he's a good man, no matter how hard he tries to hide it." Narcissa was delusional, Lucius had her believing he was a good man, the only reason why she was still with him, even when he occasionally lost his temper and struck her.
Fydra rolled her eyes as she stepped into the room, just in time to hear Narcissa's words. She loved the woman, but she was deluusional if she thought her husband was genuninely a good man.Slipping into the seat next to draco she smiled tiredly, having not slept well the night before she stifled a yawn,"Goodmorning.oh....muffins..And jam."She said smiling happily as she dove into breakfast with the eagerness only a pregnant woman could pull off.

Blaise snickered laughing as she ate, nodding a little at draco and narcissa."I'm sure that's what it is.I'm just glad he's not here having breakfast. Talk about a unpleasant morning."He said smiling a little, tilting his head as he looked at fydra. Trying not to worry about harry.
it was obvious to everyone in the room that Narcissa was blind in her love for Lucius. she loved him, and she believed that he loved her too, really she was little more than a puppet, and a breeder to him. "good morning darling." Narcissa chirped, smiling at her daughter. "yes it would be an unpleasant morning, particularly if my husband has a hangover, he can be a bit of a grump when he wants to be." he could be a bit abusive when he wanted to be. "how's harry?" Draco asked nervously, for Blaise. "sleeping alright?"
Fydra nodded as she chewed what she was eating. Not going to tell him she had to give him a dreamless sleep potion to sleep well."Perectly. He's just not feeling well, but he's sleeping okay."she said smiling as blaise, though she was still worried over her twin, she knew blaise would obsess if not reasurred."Now.We're going to forget how sick he is for the moment, enjoy this amazing breakfast, then do something. Like go read a book.Or...I dunno. Make draco do something for me."She smiled, having every intent of lazing around with draco all day.

Blaise smiled relaxing,"Thanks fy."he said trying to do as she said and not think to hard on it. Knowing harry'd be upset that he upset him.
Draco nodded looking relieved. "that's good. he must have eaten something bad yesterday, that's all. harry did always have a very sensitive stomach, he can't eat most of the food at Hogwarts." "really?" Narcissa asked startled, Draco nodding. "no one notices, even that mudblood witch friend of his never noticed." he shrugged. "he rarely eats breakfast too, i never thought to ask him about it." Draco admitted taking a bite of fruit, pondering. "i always assumed he had a stomach condition." "a stomach condition? the poor thing." Narcissa muttered. "no wonder he eats so little." Harry did eat very little, a shockingly little amount, Draco always assumed he went to the kitchens and made his own food, but the House Elves at Malfoy Manor had reported that harry had never been in the kitchens..not Draco really was worried. but he said nothing, not wanting to worry anyone.
Fydra smiled, nudging blaise, "Don't worr.y We'll take care of him."she said leaning over to kiss his cheek. Knowing all of them worried, and none of them would say anything, not wanting to worry any of the others.

Well, two days later, she'd gotten tired of harry not talking. Blaise's grousing about not being able to help him feel better, and draco's silent worry about them both. Marching into the bedroom she plopped down on the bed next to her twin, glad that she'd convinced draco to pack their things to go back to school."What is wrong?You've been avoiding draco, blaise is going insane, and you're not talking to me. What's up?"she growled softly looking over at him. Hating that he looked so tired and worn down. Even just with two days by being 'sick' he looked worse then ever."I...I know he used to be a friend...I'm sorry I got him killed, but harry, you cant worry about him."Fydra said thinking he was worried about what the weasley's would do when they got back to school more then making the connection to lucius. Though she knew draco was fretting because harry seemed to eb going out of his way to not see him.
Harry winced a little as she yelled at him and he turned his head away, he was tired, and his ass still hurt. if he moved the wrong way it would start bleeding again, even Ron hadn't been that rough, and the worst part was, Lucius had laughed the entire time, and had made Harry cum, had added pleasure to the pain like the sick and sadistic man he was. Ron had just been pain, Lucius...Harry had liked it in some way, physically he had liked it. he looked up at his sister, startled. "oh fy, it's not about Ron." he promised, stroking her cheek, looking down at his lap once more. "he stopped being my friend a long time ago." he lay down and turned onto his side, sighing a little as he closed his eyes. "it's not about you, or Draco or Blaise." he promised softly rubbing his face with his hands. "i'm just...having really bad nightmares lately and it's making me feel... weird..." not all a lie.
Fydra frowned a little as she watched him, biting her lip as she studied her twin."Can...can I help?What can I do?"She said, desperate to make things better. Most people declared that she was the ice princess of slytherin, but it wasn't true. She hid behind that emotionless mask because truly, she cared to much. And seeing harry like this was cutting her up."Let me help. Somehow."She said gently stroking his hair.
he sighed a little as he watched her, offering her a small smile. he had dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, the Dreamless Leap potions had proven ineffective, and they trapped him in his nightmares, so he simply didn't sleep. he hadn't been eating either, unable to hold down his food, no one knew this of course, they simply thought harry was suffering a pretty damn harsh bout of the flue or something. "don't worry so much Fy." he murmured softly chuckling a little. "it's just the flue, people get sick all the time. i'll get better, i just need rest." which he couldn't get. "but...maybe you could get me some pudding?" he'd discovered that morning that he could hold down the sweet flavors of the heavy Pudding that the Malfoy House Elves made. "the Vanilla kind, i can hold that down." he admitted smiling at her, certain that if she saw him eating she'd calm down a little.
She nodded summoning a elf to get him a bowl of pudding studying the other, holding it out to him. Watching intently as he started to eat. Relaxing as he did so."We're leaving for school in a few hours."she said,"Blaise is packing both your things. And...I'm worried about going back to school."She said looking at the blankets, truly worried about what the weasley's had been saying since their youngest son had dropped dead. Having avoided the paper or letters, she had no idea what the wizarding world was saying about the death.
he smiled as he stuffed a large spoonful into his mouth, sighing happily as he swallowed it without feeling nauseous the way he had when the house elves tried to bring him the soup, or the hamburger, or the fruit. "a few hours?" harry asked hopefully, eager to hise himself away in the room of requirement to handle the agony of his rape alone, he could lay in bed, struggle to sleep and eat pudding and ignore everyone until he could look at Blaise and not feel ashamed, and not look at Draco and feel as if he was going to rape him. even standing next to Fy made him feel nervous and twitchy. "how are we leaving, Floo? Apparation?...please don't tell me we're taking the train..." harry wasn't sure he could handle that. "i'm worried about going to school too... i'm not sure how the Weasleys...even how the other gryffindor's are going to react to all of this... i might have to sleep int he Room of Requirement, i doubt they'll let me in the common room, let alone the Dorm room."
"Apparating.And..."She twitched a little, looking nervous before her smile turned feral. "This came from dumledore today."She said holding out the letter, having begged draco to get it done before they arrived back in school."You're getting the dorm room that used to be mine...but because of this.."She waved vaguely at her stomach,"I demanded Id be allowed sharing Draco's dorm, since it was big enough for us both, and he's head boy, so he had his own room. Anyways, I digress, you get the one between ours, and blaise's.Perfectly safe.I promise."She said, looking anxious, that he accept it. Needing to be able to offer that much protecion. Among their fellow slytherins, the malfoy children ruled with a iron fist, if not perfect control, they would cause trouble if disobeyed and someone gave harry a hard time.

"And yes, a few hours. Its only taking that long because Draco's searching for clothes that'll fit me in a few months."She blushed a little, having given up on finding pregnancy clothes when she realized she was going to get fat, she'd been putting it off, and draco had needed to do he was gathering things he liked.
Harry blinked looking surprised "Dumbledore knows your pregnant?!" he demanded in a small whisper, accepting the paper from her hand looking even more hesitant. "int he slytherin rooms?..but...Snape is going to make my life even more of a living hell..." he groaned shaking his head before smiling and hugging his sister. "thank you." he murmured softly. "this means the world to me." he admitted kissing her forehead. "i take it i'll be transfering into the Slytherin house then?" he asked his head tilted as he looked the paper over again, rubbing his tired eyes, trying to get them to focus. "i think i'll sleep until Draco gets back then, i'm still really tired, i'll have to Side Along, i still can't apparate on my own yet, i lost a foot my last test." he admitted snickering a little, feeling much better, being alone with his sister. he knew that wouldn't last when he saw Blaise or Draco. maybe, if he was very lucky...he could find someone at school to talk to, get help for the shattered pieces of his soul. somehow, he doubted it.
"Well...yes.We had to tell him, because I'm going to need medicial attention and checkups."She fidgeted sighing a little, "But he thinks it's draco's, and I'm more then happy to let him think that."She smiled tiredly, laying down next to him, uddling close. More then willing to lay around until the others got back."Yes, you'll be a slytherin.And snape protects his slytherins,even if he doesn't like them that much."She said laughing softly,"But sleep."She said stroking his hair until he fell asleep, content and hppy hoping he'd stay this well when they got back to school.

A few hours later fydra growled protectively, sitting up as the door opened, not relaxing until she saw Draco stepping through.relaxing as she snuggled back into harry's side, smiling a little at her lover."Time to go?"She muttered sleepily. Now that she'd taken a nap, she was still tired.
Harry smiled a little as he snuggled into his sister and went to sleep, he was trembling by the time Draco came in however, curled up tight into a little ball as he dreamed of the rape, dreamed of the pain and the pleasure all combined into one, a low, soft whine falling from his lips as Draco paused looking concerned. "he's having another nightmare." he realized. as of late, Draco had been coming in to check on harry while the brunette was sleeping, he had learned the signs of a nightmare. "you better wake him up, he'll try and deck me it i do it." but no one needed to wake him up, he surged upwards, moaning as he clutched his stomach, heading over to the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it so he could Vomit in peace, Draco grimacing. "i'll go get Blaise..."
"No need, I'm here."Blaise said as he slipped into the room, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed having already gotten smacked for interrupting the vomiting once, he didn't want to upset harry more then he already was."Go.We'll be right down."He mutered.

Fydra nodded grabbing theother couple's trunks from where they were and dragging draco out with her, tears filling her eyes."I c-cant do anything!He wont tell me whats wrong!"She cried, upset that she couldnt make her twin better.And it was only going to get worse when they were back at school, of that she had no doubt.
Draco gently held her in his arms, kissing her temple. "calm down." he murmured softly rubbing her back. "you know how harry is, he doesn't want us to worry, i'm sure it's nothing serious. he's been taking dreamless sleep potion's hasn't he? maybe he's just having some really bad nightmares." he paused then. "once, when we where younger i dreamed i'd killed you, i couldn't look at you for a week, remember that? maybe he's having nightmares like that?" made sense to him. "don't worry so much, he'll tell you when he's ready."

Harry staggered out of the bathroom, flushing when he caught sight of Blaise, before he could even stop himself he burst into tears at the sight of his lover. he missed Blaise so much, and he couldn't touch the other, not even a little. he'd taint Blaise if he did, he would make Blaise dirty. and he couldn't bring himself to do that. he fell to his knees and buried his hands in his face, wishing he could tell Blaise to go away, to find someone else, someone who wasn't so broken and filthy...someone who wasn't a slut...but harry was too selfish for that, he wanted Blaise to love him still, even though he knew better than to think Blaise could ever love someone so filthy.
Fydra nodded rubbing her eyes.That made sense. Surey it was't more then that...though she'd still tr to convince harry to talk to her..smiling a little she looked at the blond, snickering."You made me not sit by you for a week.Very unpleasant since you made me sit on the other side of parkinson."She said wrinkling her nose.

Blaise looked worried, sliding off the bed as he crouched in front of the other he gently tugged his hands down, concern and fear in his face."What did lucius do?"He whispered, his stomach tightening. Because he understood when all this started. More then the malfoy children who were almost willfully blinding themselves to something that lucius had done, he understood that lucius had hurt harry."Tell me."He said, needing to know. And if it was bad enough.....well fydra wasn't someone he'd want as a enemy, not with draco backin her up, and he was pretty sure whatever was wrong with harry, would make lucius two deadly enemies.
he nodded, determined to beleive that harry was only having nightmares, determined to think that Lucius had not done anything evil like THAT. he had to beleive, because in all honesty, Draco was already terrified that he was going to end up like his father. he chuckled at her complaining and nodded. "which ended up being very annoying, being that she ended up thinking i liked her because of it, Christ." but the bitch was going to be dealt with, and soon. Draco already had a plan, and even a way to keep Lucius from trying to set him up with another woman. it would all be done soon.

Harry flinched away from Draco and sobbed harder, shaking his head as he tried to cringe away from Blaise. "he...he... oh god please don't tell...please don't tell him i told you... please don't tell Fy and Draco please Blaise!" he pleaded, gripping him now, terrified that Blaise had already found out, he knew that Lucius would rape him again if he found out that Fydra and Draco had found out. Lucius wouldn't stop at just once this time, Harry knew better, he would fuck ?Harry to death, would let him slowly bleed to death, and force him to like it the entire time. "i'm so dirty! so dirty and he LAUGHED so much, laughed...and i screamed. i screamed but no one would come, and he LAUGHED.." it was obvious now, what had happened, so horridly obvious. "and i LIKED it." Harry sobbed. "my body LIKED it, he made me cum and he LAUGHED at me when i did and he said such horrid things and please, oh god Blaise please don't leave me...don't tell Fy or Draco PLEASE don't tell." he pleaded, burying his face into the others chest, sobbing still, completely distraught.
Fydra nodded, smirking."Of course she did.She loves you!"She teased twisting to kiss him. Looking up at him, seeing what he was afraid of. And knew just as certainly that she could be his fail safe. Not that she'd ever tell him...but she'd kill him before she ever let him become the monster lucius was. It'd destroy her to do it, but she would do it, because if he ended up like that he'd want her to. sitting down on the stairs she smiled at narcissa as teh woman followed them down the stairs."Goodbye mom."She smiled tilting her head at her.

Cold fury filled Blaise's eyes as he shifted, wrapping his arms around him."I'm not going anywhere.And I wont tell them."He said, lying smoothly. He wasn't going anywhere but he'd be damned if he didnt tell fydra what happened. She was going to rip lucius apart...shifting his attention back to the man he sighed softly, wrapping his arms arund him tightly. Smoothingly running a hand down his back."Shhh shhh he wont do anything to you. I promise. You'll be protected at school.I love you, I'll protect you."
he grimaced a little. "yes well, i would rather kill her than marry a whore like that." he stated stiffly, wrapping his arms tightly around her shoulders, shooting a glare at his fathers study. "she will be dealt with, and soon." he decided haughtily smiling as he kissed her forehead before wrapping his arms tightly around Narcissa, who had a small bruise on her jaw from trying to interrupt Lucius in whatever it was that he was doing. "learn a great deal at school for me." she ordered, smiling brightly as she gave Fydra a tight hug. "and be very careful on those dreadful stairs!"

Harry sobbed as he clung tighter to the other, trembling violently as he let himself be comforted and consoled, hiccuping in his over emotional state of being as he clung to Blaise. "he'll get me... i know he will, he'll get me and he'll make me bleed again!" harry was already bleeding again, his torn ass pulling open again and slowly leaking blood down Harry's inner thighs. the brunette needed medical attention, but he would refuse and they both knew it...there was no need to tell Blaise that he'd been puking up small amounts of blood... no need at all...
Blaise sighed, knowing it was useless trying to make him think everything was fine. Or that he needed medical attention. Kissing his head he helped the other up,giving him a healing potion, at least he could take care of that. Forcing him to drink it."Now. Back to school, hopefully we'll beat the crowd back, and we wont have to see anyone."He said helping the other up, leading him slowly downstairs. Needing to get him in bed, which meant getting him back to school where he could look him over, and talk to draco.

Fydra nodded smiling as she hugged the woman back, "I will."She said, wincing because she hated lying to her. Frowning a little at the bruise before sighing, bending to kiss the shorter woman's cheek."I'll talk to you later."She said, knowing it was only a matter of time before Narcissa found out she was pregnant, but she was putting it off as long as she could. Looking up startled when blaise and harry appeared."Ready to go?"
he whimpered at the kiss, getting to his feet, struggling feebly against the healing potion, but swallowing it when Blaise put it to his lips, struggling to stop the tears as he carefully got changed. Draco and Fydra would have noticed the blood stain. "please... don't tell..." he pleaded with Blaise, horror, terror....and shame in his voice. "please Blaise don't tell anyone...." he begged, following after him, paler than ever with heavy bags under his eyes from the crying, swallowing hard as he kept his eyes down, Narcissa looking utterly shocked, and horrified at the boys condition. Harry couldn't even look at Draco or Fydra, he didn't dare try to look at Narcissa, so he just kept his eyes down. Narcissa said nothing, she just kissed Fydra's cheek, gave Draco another hug, and led them to the Apparation point. "please be careful." she pleaded to the four of them, Draco smiling a little. "don't worry mum, we'll be fine, come on, Harry looks like he's going to Vomit again, let's get him to the dorms."
Blaise nodded, glad that he'd cast the illusion spell to hide the condition of harry's clothes.At least long enough to keep the other two from worrying. Draco had enough worries for the moment.Apparating back to the school he sighed as he felt the wards on the school settle around them again,looking around, taking the bags from drao and fydra."Go eat. I know she didn't eat breakfast this morning cause she wasn't feeling well.I'll get harry in bed."He said already moving on, not looking at the other two. Wanting harry out of their company before they realized something was wrong. Bundling harry into the dorms he pushed open the door."Come on.Change clothes then we'll sleep."He said gently, pushing him onto the bed.

Fydra frowned watching them go. Not sure what to think. Her twin looked horrible, and she felt helpless to stop it. Before stopping..realizing what blaise had said. Sputtering al little."I ate!"She whined, though she hadn't. Her stomach had been to upset to do so. Whining as she let draco bully her towards the great hall she stopped at the sight in front of her. Cursing softly. Of course the weasley's had to be among the first back to school. Worse then seeing parkinson.Sighing she shifted, cuddlnig against draco, trying to figure out how to get them past the weasley's without getting talked to.
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