Siren's song

Blaise moaned as he pressed the other against him, kissing him hard. Raising his head he looked down at the man he was holding, smirking slowly."What did you suggest that I do?"

Fydra smiled, blushing a little as she ducked her head hiding her shy smile before following him out of the dressing room, having banished her other clothes, she was wearing the dress. Smiling as he paid, just over 60 galleons for the dress and another 20 for the shoes to go with it. But really, the smile on her face at the idea of having the dress she'd been mooning over for months, and still able to look good in it- just made every sickle worth it.
Harry smirked a little. "i told you that you'd better get to fucking me before i conjure up some ropes and fuck you instead." he admitted smirking a little as he watched the other, licking his lips a little. "mmm damn how i would love to see you all bound up in white silk, that pretty skin of yours so dark against the ropes." he teased. "at my complete mercy." damn he was horny.

he smiled a little, more than happy to shell out the money for the dress and the shoes, and he even bought her the matching purse when she wasn't paying attention for another 15. kissing her forehead as they walked down the street, a happy little grin on his face. "what now?" he asked grinning as he held her hand nuzzling her neck before blushing a little. "shut up...i do not have an obsession..." he grumbled, pouting a little before glancing at her. "does it bother you?" he asked his head tilted. "touching your neck i mean..."
Blaise growled, pinning the other against the shower wall, shifting him, and biting his lip as he nibbled on the other's neck, rubbing against him. Teasing him with closeness."Hmmm I would look pretty wouldn't I?"He said asmued."Though if you can control me is a good question."

Fydra laughed softly, shaking her head."I find it cute and endearing."She smiled kissing him, happy to be with him. It was amazing, and the idea of going to the threater was making her giddy."Let's get something to eat, then by the time we're done eating, it'll be time to go to the threater."
Harry groaned softly, smirking a little as he found himself pinned, sighing softly. "mmm that feels good." he purred smirking a little as he ran his hands down Blaise's side, lunging forward and smashing their lips together, spinning their positions so that it was Blaise pinned to the tiles instead. "you doubt my Dominance? naughty naughty boy."

he relaxed, smiling a little at her as he kissed her lips, and then nibbled on her neck with a small chuckle. "well then, i'm obsessed and proud of it." he purred nodding a little. "where shall we eat?" he asked, well aware that she would end up craving something, so he wanted her to chose.
Blaise moaned softly, resting his cheek against the tile as he looked back at the other, looking slightly nervous and amused as he studied his boyfriend. He'd never bottomed, so it was a new experience to be the one pinned."Of course I question it."

Fydra smiled a little as she laughed, amused because it found her neck so delightful. "Hmmm..."She said looking around, trying to decide what she wanted to eat, wrapping a arm around his waist, leaning into him. Amused that he'd learned so quickly to let her cravings decide what to eat."I want chocolate cake. Let's eat at Dragon's Den, I want something decidely unhealthy."She smiled knowing he'd make her eat something healthy before he let her have cake. Heading towards the dining house, amused that a muggle place could make such good food.
Harry smirked a little as he kissed the back of the others neck. "just relax." he purred, smirking a little, his hands trailing along th others body, teasing, feeling, sighing against his ear. "i'll be real gentle." he promised, nibbling at the others ear running his hands down Blaise's belly, stroking along his cock. "you trust me don't you?" he asked smirking a little. "if you like, we can move this back into the bedroom."

he smiled a little. "you have to eat real food first Fy, you need to keep your energy up." he ordered playfully shaking his finger at the other. "a sandwich at the very least, and you need to eat some veggies too, or some fruit. both would be preferred." he admitted snickering a little as he shook his head. "and then you can have all the Cake as you like."
| Blaise sighed softly as the other stroked his cock, leaning back against him before nodding."Bed would be nice."He said squirming away and turning off the water. Heading into the bedroom as he dried off, trying to be calm and waiting for him. Sitting on the edge of the bed as he studied harry.

Fydra laughed softly"I can do that."She smiled as she ducked into the resturant, smiling as they were seated. Pretending to look over the menu though she knew what she was going to get in the effort to make them both happy. "A personal pizza, and a veggie omelete. Along with a big slice of chocolate cake."She smiled with a grin, leaning against draco as she snuggled into his side, amused that they'd been given a private booth, tilting her head as the waitress waited to see what draco would want. Amused because she was going to eat as much as she wanted. Suddenly starving.
Harry chuckled a little as he let the other go, looking amused shaking his head a little."Blaise are you alright?" he asked softly, joining the other on the bed, his head tilted a little. "you're unusually pale." he mumbled softly, gently stroking the others cheek. "i won't hurt you, i promise...haven't you ever bottomed before?"

he smiled, looking over his menu as well, deciding to order the cheese filled Ravioli with meatballs, ordering himself a plate of steamed carrots next to it, ordering himself a cheesecake for afterwords, smiling at Fydra. "i'm glad your having a good time." he admitted reaching out and gently squeezing her hand, offering her a smile.
Blaise shook his head resting his head on the others shoulde, smiling a little."I''ve never had sex before this.Well you."He bluhed, glad he hadnt mentioned it before."there was alot I just knew in theory."he said amused.

"I am. I'm glad you are to."She smiled holding his hand, smiling happily as she started digging into her food.Every once in awhile stealing on of his carrots, though before being pregnant she'd hated carrots. "Remember last time we went and saw beauty and the beast?I thought Lucius would die when he realized Narcissa had taken us to a muggle show."She said amused knowing the older woman had only done it because the wizarding world had no good threaters, and she'd wanted fydra to see a good show for her 13th birthday.
Harry froze, gaping at the other. "seriously!? no one!?" he demanded blinking dumbly at the other. "shit Blaise." harry complained glaring at the other. "i wish you would have told me, i would have made it more romantic." he sighed a little, looking amused. "still, i'm not much better, i was planning on being a virgin for you too." Ron had ruined that plan however. "i'm sort of running off of information that i read up on and got from other people." he admitted laughing a little. "The twins even gave me an extensive book on how to properly have sex with a person of the same gender."

he smiled a little and bent down, kissing her neck and grinning. "yeah i remember, he screamed for HOURS." he admitted chuckling a little. "i remember mom made us a picnic right there in the Box, and i stuffed myself with sweets while you gushed about how sweet and romantic the Play was." he grinned a little. "your not going to cry this time are you? of course kissing your tears away is always nice." he admitted nuzzling her gently. "i love you, you know that right?"
Blaise snickered, wrapping his arms around the other, nuzzling his nek. Amused that they both had been working on the assumption that the other knew what the hell they were doing."I don't think I want to know how they had a book. I've heard enough stories about them to be a little concerned."He said with a snicker.

Fydra smiled a little eating before rolling her eyes, shivering a little as he nuzzled her. Due to his attention, and because she was sensitive to any sort of touch recently, she was turned on, but mostly she was just enjoying the good cuddle."I'm going ot try and not cry, though I am crying easier these days.And if I do you can just kiss the tears away."She said with a small laugh, "And I know. You tell me all the time."She teased looking at him."And I love you to."She said reaching up to run her fingers through his hair.
Harry chuckled a little as he kissed Blaise, nuzzling him gently. "you know whats very frightening?" he asked smirking a little. "all those stories are completely true." he admitted with a small laugh. "even the one involving Professor Lupin." he chuckled as he stroked Blaise's hips, gently nuzzling the others neck, smiling a little. "shall we continue? if you really don't want to, i'm alright with bottoming."

he chuckled as he kissed her cheek before continuing with his meal, humming happily as he started in on his cheesecake, offering Fydra a bite before she even had a chance to pout at him. "want a bite love?"
"Thats disturbing."Blaise said absently smiling a little as he tilted his head. It really was considering just how many stories there were. Before looking at the other he smiled slightly."No. We can continue."he said though he still looked nervous.

"Yes!"She giggled happily taking the bite smiling at him as she ate it before starting in on her cake. When she was done she leaned back with a contented sigh, smiling at him."That was good."She said with a smile, tilting her head at him.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "very disturbing, i'm not even going to comment on what they do to each other." he admitted, snickering as he gently ran his fingers along Blaise's inner thighs, licking the others cock head. "if you need to stop tell me." he ordered softly, nibbling gently on the others flesh, stroking the balls with his thumbs, teasing him.

he grinned and nodded, leaning back and patting his belly. "it really was." he admitted with a smirk kissing her cheek. "we're going to be late for the Play, we better get going." he muttered with a small grin. "i wish we'd brought Harry too, he appreciates things like this." he paused and then scowled. "or not, he'd be commenting on how cute the candlestick is the entire time wouldn't he?" he shuddered a little. "i have no idea how i can have two best freinds who love to scare the shit out of me like that."
"I will."Blaise moaned softly shivering as he wrapped his fingers into the other's hair, squirming a little as he looked down at the man licking him. It felt good. "Hmmm if you keep talking about disturbing things I'm going to go soft on you."He said with a snicker.

Fydra laughed softly."He'd appericiate it...after he finished commenting on how cute everyone was."She smiled as he paid for the dinner before pulling him outside, heading for the old threater, grinning as she walked inside with him, heading for their box. Having gotten the privacy to enjoy themselves."they do like scaring you. Though I'm sure Blaise would just watch the play instead of talking during it. He's polite like that."She said smiling as she walked with him, not realizing they were being watched by ron and pansy from the other side of the threter's lobby area.
Harry smirked a little as he licked and suckled on the others cock head, traveling slowly downwards until he suckled on his balls a little. sighing softly. "Merlin you taste good." he murmured softly, nuzzling the others cock before slowly moving down, pressing his tongue against the others tight little, untouched star with a small sigh of glee. "all mine." harry purred, smirking a little. "all mine."

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "Blaise would be sitting there silently snickering as Harry commented on the positions he'd rather see the dinner ware in." he stated rolling his eyes. "and bitching about how there are never any plays that have a gay lead role." he admitted shrugging his shoulders a little. he also did not notice Ron and Pansy, the red head leaning over to whisper something in Pansy's ear, a smirk on his lips as he watched Fydra closely, patting his belly, obviously commenting on how 'fat' she was getting.
Blaise moaned shivering as the other moved downward, squirming a little as he laid back on the bed."Hmmm yes, all yours."He purred thrusting up a little wanting more. Needing the other. "Harry..."He whined, wanting a kiss, wanting to touch him.

Fydra laughed "Well yea. of course he would want to see candlesticks in a different position."she smiled as she stepped into their box, pulling her wand and waving it, smiling as the uncomfortable chairs became a comfortable couch. Sitting down on the plush cushions,she pulled him down next to her, cuddling into him as she waited for the play to start. Almost giddy with excitement of being at a play with him.
Harry chuckled a little at the Thrust, panting softly. "feels alright?" he asked, hopeful that he was doing it right, rubbing his tongue along the others entrance, teasing and stroking the flesh with a small groan, his nails gently scraping along the others inner thighs, tickling the flesh with a small sigh. "your so wonderful." he murmured, moving up the others body with small kisses, Harry had always been a tease, and now he was being a tease again as he slowly traveled up the others body, his tongue swirling here and there, glad that he had memorized that book as he settled his fingers to the others ass, muttering a lubing spell as he slowly, carefully inserted a single finger. "you ok?"

Draco chuckled a little and snuggled down into the couch as well. and sat through the play without causing any trouble, though he watched her more than he watched the stage, loving the way she got absorbed in the play. "intermission love." he murmured smiling. "and i have to pee." he admitted chuckling a little. "come on, let's go get a snack and then come back up after i've gone to the bathroom." he suggested holding his hand out to her, like a gentleman. "after you?"
Blaise moaned, squirming against the digit moving into him, panting softly as he closed his eyes before looking down at the man touching him."Perfect.It feels so good.."He muttered tugging him up for a kiss.And he wasnt' lying. It was different, but not horrible feeling.

Fydra laughed softly smiling as she looked up at him, "Poor draco.Forced to sit still for longer then a hour."She teased ,kissing him softly as she took his hand walking out with him. Amused that so far she'd managed not to cry. hopefully she could make it through the rest of the play without having to worry about it. If she cried, she'd never hear the end of it. Smiling as they stepped into the lobby she went to the snack bar getting a thing of M&M's, popcorn, and a pop to drink. Waving a hands towards teh bathroom."go. I'll wait here for you."

Tom snarled softly as he watched his daughter from across the room, disliking this. Having followed ron here, he disliked his daughter being here, but there was nothing he could do without getting them involved and revealing why he was here. So he'd wait, and hope the spell killed ron before he had a chance to ruin the couple's evening.
Harry smirked a little at the admittance as he wiggled his finger, carefully moving his finger in and out of the other, sighing softly as he was tugged up, kissing Blaise intently as another finger slid into his lovers ass, touching and stroking and teasing, carefully stretching Blaise out. ""still ok?"

Draco snorted a little, looking amused. "i can sit longer than an hour, just not very easily." he admitted laughing a little before freezing as he caught Red hair in the corner of his vision. "oh he wouldn't be...not here..." but it was. "well if it isn't the little Fag and his fat girlfriend." Ron sneered, smirking as he looked Fydra over, Draco snarling viciously. "Watch it bitch!" Draco ordered, setting himself in front of Fy so that Ron couldn't get to her. "you leave fydra alone!" he ordered his eyes narrowed dangerously. "where's your little Slytherin Slut of a Girlfriend!?" he demanded, baring his teeth at Ron who snarled, grabbing for his wand before recalling where he was. "your the one who should watch yourself you little blond whore! Harry is mine! and don't think i don't know about that black fucker who's touching whats mine! he'll be next!" Ron warned, smirking viciously at Draco. "and maybe i'll even go after your pretty little sister again, before she gets too fat to be at all appealing."
"Hmmm yea."Blaise smiled a little, shifting, squirming a little."Love you."He muttered, running his fingers through the brunette's hair, kissing him softly.Wrapping his arms around him.

Fydra trembled a little, her shoulders rounded, trying to make herself as small and unnoticeable as possible. gently wrapping her hand around Draco's wrist she looked up at him, stepping around to see his face. Careful though to stay out of arm's reach of the red head."Let's go back to our seats.He's not worth worrying over."She said, keeping a firm hold on the thought that tom was going to take care of him. Ron wouldn't be returning to school."He's not worth ruining our evening."She said tears in her voice his words ripping her heart apart. Because her self image was already suffering, it hurt even more to hear him be cruel to them both. Shuddering a little as she felt vae unwrap from her wrist, raising her head to look at the man threatening them, as if the snake wanted to know what the hell was going on.
Harry smiled as he stretched is lover out, kissing him hard, moaning softly as he gently lined himself up, slipping his fingers free. "ready?" he asked softly. "i'll go slow." he promised, nipping at the others neck. "and if you need me to stop tell me and i will."

Draco snarled darkly, advancing on Ron who laughed wickedly, taking a swing at Draco before anyone could even register what happened, Draco yelping loudly as the fist connected to his eye, sending Draco backwards. but before anyone could attack Ron or try to stop the fight Ron gasped, grabbing his chest, Draco leaning against the wall as he touched his blackening eye, grimacing a little. one of the women that was watching Screamed loudly as Ron collapsed, jerking against the floor, Draco gaping, wide eyed, horrified. "w..weasley?"
Blaise sighed softly, kissing him slowly. "I know you will."He said with a smile, wrapping his legs around the other, squirming against him. Wanting more. So glad that harry was the one that he got to do this with.

Fydra stared, looking shocked as she stared at the red head, bending down to shake him, even though she didn't want to get that close. Wincing as someone's hand closed around her wrist.

"Don't touch him.The spell's still in affect."Tom muttered softly, for once looking like the teenager he had been, a little older, a little wiser, but a good illusion spell to let him walk among the muggles without being questioned. Raising his head he nodded towards the seats."Draco, make her sit down. The police...and aurors will be here momentarily. I can't stay."he said straightening wincing a little. Looking at his daughter's sick and tearful eyes he wanted to wrap her in a hug and protect her. But he couldn't. Not if he wanted to protect her from lucius. Because he knew witout a doubt, that as soon as the wizarding world was informed that ronald weasley had been killed-lucius and narcissa would be here to collect their children.

Fydra stared up at him as tom left, trembling and looking horrified as she wrapped her arms around draco. Wanting to leave, but knowing enough about muggles that they wouldnt be allowed to. Crying softly as she followed Tom's orders and sat down, teh pregnant woman gave into the fear and hystics in her as she crumbled. This was her fault. And while she'd been glad to see him dead, she hadn't wanted to witness the death- or to make things worse by have it make things worse while they were in the muggle world. Crying because she knew lucius was going to be livid when he had to come get them.Holding onto draco tightly she struggled to stop crying, to be rational, evene if she wasn't."D-dray?"She stuttered turning her head to look at him, worried about him to.Even though she was the one breaking down.
Harry panted softly as he slowly started to sink into the other before flinching violently, gasping loudly. "Fy!?" he demanded his head whipping to the door, distracted in an instant, looking horrified. "somethings happened...." he gasped softly his eyes narrowed dangerously. "fy's afraid..." he nuzzled Blaise gently. "sorry Love, but we're going to have to get dressed."

Draco swallowed thickly, staring wide eyed at Draco with horrified eyes, wincing as he touched his cheek again, biting his lip hard. "Fy.." he muttered softly, wrapping his arms around her, gently kissing her cheek and nuzzling her forehead. "shh, love, it's's ok." he promised softly, kissing her neck, needing to comfort her, even if he was in need of comfort as well Fydra was panicking, he had to calm her down,. protect her. "shhh Fy." he murmured softly. "it's alright, it's all alright." he promised softly, gently kissing her neck again. "your alright, he can't hurt is now, were safe, no one will suspect us, we didn't do it, everyone saw that...we're safe now." he promised softly, swallowing hard. "Father is going to be so pissed." he muttered, his voice shaking. "oh god..."
Blaise looked startled, but slytherin enough to know when things had to be taken care of before pleasure. Sliding out of bed he tossed harry his clothes, jerking on his jeans and hastily doing up his shirt."They're at the threater."He said struggling to think clearly enough to figure out where they were. afraid of what could have frightened her badly enough to summon harry from cities away. Reaching for harry's hand, apprating them into the general area of the threater. Having never gone with her, he didn't know where it was. Hopefully there'd be enough of a commotion to drw them near.

Fydra wrapped her arms around him, hiccupping a little as she struggled for calm, drawing his head down, making him look at her and not the body, needing to calm him to. "He will.But its not our fault. WE didn't do anything."She whimpered a little, cuddling into him, even as she watched the panic taking place in the room as cops nd medcs started to arrive, wincing a little. Burying her face against his chest, offering as much comfort as she was taking from him. Overwelmed by the body of a man she'd known, and the commotion of everyone around them.
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