Siren's song

Blaise smiled,blushing slightly as he thrust into him, hands gripping the others hips tightly, lowering his head to bit his neck lightly."I take orders from no one."He smirked nuzzling him, shivering.

Fydra smiled,"I know, and I love you to."She said smiling a little."'re actually going to make breakfast?I didn't know you could cook."She said looking amused, biting her lip as she gently touched his face."I..I didn't mean to make you feel bad."She said fretting a little, frowning as he rested her head on his shoulder. Having only gotten the ring because well, she did feel better knowing he had it, and it was beautiful. And...she had felt a desperate need to get him something perfect. glad that he was happy with both his ring, and the idea of making her breakfast.Stretching out next to him, she cuddled close."Im glad you like it.And I love my necklace. It's what I remember that you're always with me, that you will always love me no matter what happens."
Harry moaned arching into the other, riding with him, panting softly. "mm..mmm then, aaah i guess we'll have to work on that." he moaned smirking a little as he licked his lips, arching into him before dragging him down for an intense kiss. "because i'm a very bossy person."

Draco smirked a little. "well it might not be a very GOOD breakfast." he admitted laughing a little as he shook his head. "you didn't upset me." he promised kissing her forehead. "i was just a little ashamed of myself for simply looking in a store instead of making you something." he admitted smiling a little. "it was one of my many stupid moments, you don't need to worry." he promised nuzzling her. "i'm glad you like your present."
Blaise's laugh was cut off by a moan, shivering as he came, clutching the man against him. It'd been so very long since he'd been with someone, even in the most innocent of ways, that he didn't last long with the person who held his heart. smiling he kissed the other again, "Hmm I think I can live with that."

Fydra laughed, yawning as she settled in, going to sleep."Hmmm I'll look forward to this breakfast."She yawned again, cuddling, starting to go to sleep."My birthday's in a few weeks, just means you'll have to get me something then."She muttered, not realizing that lucius had lied, that her birthday was in june, not january. "Sleep...tomorrow's christmas, and I'm sure harry'll have us up bright and early so he can give us our gifts."
Harry moaned, arching into him fisting his own cock as he felt his lover cumming, panting hard bucking a few more times into the others cock before he spilled his seed all over himself, moaning loudly. "mmm goood yesss." he whispered smiling a little, kissing the other back. "you made me messy." he complained smirking. "can you do the cleaning spell? i'm terrible at them."

he chuckled a little and kissed her forehead. "i think i'll do something simple." he decided smiling a bit. "mmm how do you feel about fruit baskets?" he asked with a small laugh, snuggling into the bed and sighing as he relaxed, simply enjoying laying with his lover. "Harry's going to be pissed when he finds out we did that in his bed though... we might not get presents." he admitted with a small laugh.
"Don't whine.You like the mess."Blaise said smirking as he pulled out of his lover, cuddling into him as he whispered the cleaning spell, tidying them both up before nuzzling the other's neck,yawning."sleep. We have a early day tomorrow."He said closing his eyes.

Fydra laughed,"Fruit is fine."she smiled whining a little."He is going to be pissed isn't he...?Oh well, he's the one who told me I needed with...what happened."She sighed a little before laughing."I'll tell him that if he refuses to give me a gift. Goodnight love."She muttered,cuddling him, relaxed, happy and content for the first time in awhile. More relaxed in bed with him then she had been in months. "Goodnight."She muttered drifting off.

in the morning though, harry didn't have a chance to wake up his twin, as her head was hanging over the toilet, puking up whatever she had in her stomach. The baby was soooo not happy at her at the moment. And she was grouchy and pissed that she'd spent christmas morning with her head in the toilet. raising it enough to glare at her twin through the door as he waked in the room. Her good mood from the night before vanishing along with her breakfast."It's not polite just walking in rooms."she growled, though softly, having set the spell over draco in a effort to not let him hear her getting sick, and let him sleep. So hopefully, he'd sleep through this. Though she was sure he was going to notice harry in the room.
Harry blinked as he stared at the grouchy Pandora, Draco snorting softly as he woke up, blinking sleepily as he looked around at harry and scowled. "go away, it's too early." the blond complained, laying his head back down, flinging his arm across the bed in a movement that was supposed to wrap his arm around Fydra in a rather loving manner, gasping when his arm met empty air, leaping awake and then blinking at Fydra in the bathroom. "potter you pervert get out!" Draco demanded, leaping out of bed, shoving the stuttering and protesting harry out of the room and slamming the door shut, scowling a little.
Fydra snickered, laughing a llittle as she rested her head on the rim of the oilet, her stomach rolling. Oh good, she was done puking at least for the moment."That wasn't very nice."She pointed out."Let him back in.I'm dressed, and not feeling sick anymore.'She said getting up not exactly the truth but she was dressed. Sighing she brushed her teeth before walking out, kissing draco's cheek before pulling open the door."Good morning."She said brightly to her twin, though she looked tired and a little nauseous still.
Draco shrugged a little as he gently pulled her hair back. "you should have woken me up." he murmured gently rubbing circles on her back smiling a little. "are you ok love?" he asked gently looking worried as he gently stroking her hair, yanking on his own clothes and smiling s he joined her in the hall Harry looking worried. "you ok there Fy?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. "hissed at me like a little snake you did." he teased winking at her. "come on, i wanna get downstairs, the rest of the house is already down there waiting to open my utterly amazing presents." he chirped, looking very smug as Draco snorted, rolling his eyes but following Harry down to the Christmas tree where everyone's presents had been grouped together by who was giving them, so that everyone could hand them out themselves. "Happy Christmas!" Harry chirped happily as he bounded into the room and plopped himself next to Blaise smirking a little.
"I'm fine. My stomach and...everything didn't agree with me this morning."She said as tehy stepped into the living room, not about to admit to being pregnant. Her body ached, and she was tired. But she was going to indulge her twin and make sure he had a good christmas morning, even if she was going to be sick for most of it. Curling up on the seat next to draco, she tucked her legs under her, snuggling into his side, for once ignoring the look lucius gave her.She was sick dammit, she wanted comfort."Harry you first."She said leaning forward to hand him his present. Biting her lip because she wasn't sure if he'd like it, but she wanted him to have it, and she wanted him to have a nice christmas. The ring wrought out of onyx and amber made a beautiful representation of a lion, perfect present for a gryffindor. And she hoped draco didn't mind to much she'd gotten harry the same thing, sort of. While draco's was a weapon, harry's was a shield, a ring tied to his own wellbeing to protect him if he got in trouble.

"Good morning."Blaise smiled, wrapping a arm around harry's shoulder, giving draco a look when he realized just how pale fydra was, tilting his head a little worried. Wondering if she was just feeling sick or if she was still bothered with seeing him kiss pansy. Sighing he fidgetted, holding harry's present in his lap, wondering if harry would like it. A almost perfect opposite of fydra's ring-though he didn't know what she had gotten him-blaise had gotten him a way to protect himself. The thin band wasn't made of anything that was normal, formed out of diamond, and totally unseeable unless harry willed it, the ring acted like a wand, but instead of accessing the magic most wizards controlled-it let him have the wild magic, the magic so pure it almost burned to touch it.A powerful and dangerous weapon.... but blaise trusted harry to use it wisely, and to use it if he had to.
Harry looked awestruck at the rings, and he had to fight off tears as he pulled them into tight hugs, kissing both of their foreheads, muttering that they where the greatest freinds ever. and he slid the crystal ring onto his left ring finger, and the onyx one onto his right. he couldn't help but laugh when Draco, scowling, grudgingly gave Harry his gift. harry almost died. "Draco this is.... this is..." he couldn't help it, he gave the blond a tight hug as well, but refused to let anyone see what he had gotten from Draco.

Harry grinned as he handed Draco a wrapped...thing, it was very badly wrapped. "sorry, i didn't have house elf help, i had to try and do it myself." he admitted looking rather smug despite the horrid looking wrapping paper, everyone got a very badly wrapped present. for Draco, Harry had gotten him a large book, on the history of dark spells and how they where created, and when they had been declared as dark. Draco was so speechless he almost couldn't stutter out a thank you. Narcissa got a silver hair adornment, trimmed in a sheen of emerald it suited her color very well, and she gushed over how lovely it was. Blaise got an earring, and a pendant to go around his neck, Harry claimed that the earring was a portkey, that would take Blaise to Harry's secrete house should anything happen, and that the Pendant held a very powerful healing charm, one that could heal just about anything, even life sapping wounds would be healed enough to save Blaise's, or someone elses life.

To Lucius Harry gave a longer present, looking highly pleased with himself. "i had to order this one." he admitted, watching as a cane came out of the badly wrapped paper, it was an amazing construct, the wood was dark, a rich red brown polished to a shine, a silver serpent wrapped around the length elegantly, emerald eyes peeking out at the world. the top of the cane was done in silver as well, the top engraved with the Malfoy crest, and just like his old cane the top came off, and a wand holder was designed to hold Lucius's wand. and even more... "the serpent head comes off as well." Harry admitted, looking very pleased with himself. "you can store potion vials, or small charms inside. i ordered it from the Romanian Forest of Dwalthsar, the wood is one hundred percent Bloodwood." called so, because when the tree was damaged, the sap came out as red as blood. it was very expensive, and harry thought it was just to Lucius's tastes.

then finally, he handed a small box to Fydra, it was unwrapped, and had air holes in it, but it was small. "and for you my dear sister." he purred smiling as he opened the box, and hissed softly in Pareseltongue, a small head poking out, it was a pinkish color, fading more towards white than red, the angular head and long body made it only one thing. "this is an Albino Ruby Snake." harry purred, looking very pleased with himself, Draco and Narcissa's hands clapping to their mouths in awe. Ruby snakes, while not common, where ordinary snakes....but the albino's...they where incredible. the thing was maybe two feet long, and no thicker around than the long part of a screwdriver at his thickest part. "this little darling." harry cooed, settling the snake onto Fydra's wrist. "will imprint on whomever's blood she first tastes." and before she could protest he'd stuck her finger with a needle., drawing a drop of blood, the snake licking it up Harry grinning smugly.

"it can spit venom up to twenty feet." he admitted the snake wrapping around Fydra's wrist and going to sleep. "they stay with you at all times, and usually do that." he explained, indicating the snake wrapped around her wrist like a bracelet. "they can understand humans, and even more can read human emotions, so it will always know when your in danger." he admitted grinning. "now you will always be safe." "Harry...where the hell did you get an Albino ruby snake!?" "oh, that's my little secrete." harry looked very proud of himself, Narcisa was gushing over her present, Draco was struggling not to start reading his, he wasn't sure if Lucius liked his present or not, and Blaise's seamed a little impersonal but harry hadn't known what else to get his big boyfriend...but that was alright because Blaise had a second present, for when everyone else was gone. harry fidgeted, waiting for reactions, looking smug, yet also very nervous.
The three stared at their presents, not sure what to say for a moment, before blaise startled boh lucius and fydra out of the reprives by laughing wrapping his arms around harry, kissing him slowly."Now, that is brilliant. I like it."He grinned, slytherin enough to appericiate always having a escape. Though he was curious to how he'd gotten the snake. Fydra looked in awe as she studied the snake from inches away, for once ignoring her boyfriend sitting next to her."Look at her. She's happy."He muttered kissing harry's head, glad to see fydra truly, absolutely happy and forgetting for a moment. "Thank you."He said holding harry.

Luicus smiled slightly, though he really didn't want to. But...the cane was exquiste, and to perfect to not keep despite who had given it to him."Thank you, harry. Narcissa was just saying my old cane had seen better years."

Fydra smiled as she cooed to the snake, gently petting it as before lowering her arm."i'm going to name her vae."She smiled happily, leaning over to hug harry, kissing his cheek, before snickering looking at draco."You did well. These were perfect for us."She smiled leaning back intoo draco's side as she reached for the presents from narcissa and lucius. Though really, it should just be narcissa , seeing as narcissa always did the shopping.

Blaise smiled tossing draco his gift, the 'what to do when your expecting and when the kid gets here' pregnancy book spelled to look like another dark arts book should anyone but draco pick it up. He figured the blond could use the help.
Harry smiled, looking relieved that everyone appreciated their gifts, smiling happily as he watched Fydra enjoying the snake, considering he'd expected her to punch him for stabbing her in the finger. "i'm glad you all liked your gifts." Harry admitted smiling a little looking up at Blaise as he gently kissed his cheek. "no, thank you." he teased smiling as he snuggled into him, glancing at Lucius, looking rather relieved that the blond had enjoyed his present, Harry had clearly been trying to impress the elder Malfoy, which meant that harry had desperately wanted Lucius to accept him, despite their....rocky past. at least that was how Lucius would see it, it meant, that harry...with the right words, could easily become Lucius's pawn, a fact that Harry was certain that Lucius wouldn't miss.

Draco had smiled at the book and ticked it next to Harry's. "thank you Blaise, it was exactly what i wanted." he admitted smirking a little as he picked up his own gift to his parents, they spent the morning playing with their new gifts and 'toys' and Harry had, at one point, whispered in Blaise's ear that he was to make sure no one would bother them tonight, a sly little smirk on his lips. he honestly hoped Draco liked the second gift, because harry wasn't going to be doing it often.
That evening Blaise smiled as he laid in the bed, looking at the brunette with a slow smirk."So, whatever do you have for me?Besides a explanation to how you got that snake.She's in love with the damned thing. Poor draco."He said with a snicker, having found it amusing all day as fydra awwed over the small serpent.

Down the hall fydra sighed resting her head on the cool tile of the bathroom floor, having been throwing up all day she was so nice ready to go to bed."I'm tired."She whined rolling her eyes to look at draco, startled to find him hovering closeby instead of in bed.
Harry smirked a little. "you have to close your eyes." he ordered snickering a little as he laid a pillow over Blaise's face. "no peeking." he ordered, the sound of clothes changing filling the room. "and i hatched it.' Harry admitted suddenly. "i bought a large clutch of Ruby Snake eggs." he admitted. "their expensive but their worth it, theirs usually at least one or two Albino in a clutch, i only got the one, the rest of the snakes are wandering Hogwarts right now, eating all the mice." he admitted with a small laugh. "ok, you can open your eyes Sir." he teased. Harry had dressed himself a skirt and jacket outfit, he looked like a sexy secretary. he smirked at his lover. "what do you think"?

Draco gently pulled her hair back, kissing her on the forehead, smiling a little. "come on." he murmured gently pulling her into his arms and laying her on the bed, picking up the pregnancy book. "it says in here that you being sick is normal." he admitted. "but that there are potions that you can take to help settle your stomach. i'll get the ingredients and make them in room at Hogwarts.' he promised kissing her forehead again.
Blaise stared, swallowing hard as his body reacted to it, swallowing hard as he looked up at him."Oh damn.I'm going to have to get you to wear that in the library sometime."He growled reaching out and pulling the other into bed with him, laughing at the idea of the snakes wandering hogwarts.Grinning as he kissed him.

Fydra smiled cuddling into him, sighing softly as her stomach settled, laughing softly as the snake around her wrist slid off, curling up on his stomach, her head resting on fydra's wrist."Oh look, we can practice raising a snake before a kid."She snickered a little before sighing."We'll go into diagon alley to get potion supplies tomorrow.Mother and father are going to a christmas party, so they wont wonder what we're going after."
Harry smirked a little. "i was hoping you'd like this." he admitted snickering a little. "and you know what?" he looked around as if expecting someone to be listening in. "i'm wearing a thong." he whispered in Blaise's ear, smirking a little. "tonight, and ONLY tonight." he warned smirking a little. "you get to boss me around." he teased smirking a little. "and i'll even do what you say without my usual snarky comments."

Draco smiled a little as he Kissed Fydra's cheek. "i'm amazed that Harry knew us so well already." he admitted. "and that cane! i didn't realize that he wanted to impress my father so much." he admitted smiling a little. "of course, i'd beleive it more that Harry was up to something." he admitted chuckling a little. "i wonder if maybe i'll inherit that cane? it suits me don't you think?" he teased smirking a little. "besides, we don't need to get potions ingredients, we can get everything we need from the student supplies."
"Oh really?No snark or anything?"Blaise smirked pushing the other up, pointing in front of him,"Now strip.Slowly. I want a strip tease while I sit here and play with myself."He smiled a little as he ran his hand over his cock, sighing at the touch.Oh yea, this was going to be a fun night.

Fydra smiled."Maybe. Or he's making lucius think he wants to impress find out what he's up to."She sighed, gently petting her snake, smirking as she shivered, lowering her hand slowly moving it lower. She had a snake, and now she wanted to play with his snake. Snickering softly at the pun, she knew she'd never admit to thinking it out loud."good.We should still go out tomorrow. I don't want to be stuck here, and with them gone tomorrow, they wont protest us leaving."She said, knowing lucius would have issues with her being out with draco, but for once, she wanted to have a dte that wasn't at home, or at school. Just something normal before she got to fat to go anywhere. Feeling decidely unpleasant and unattractive after spending the day throwing up her food.
Harry smirked a little as he stood up, slowly beginning to strip, moving to a song in his head, using graceful motions as he shimmied out of his clothes as seductively as he could, licking his lips eagerly as he stripped everything off but his thong, gripping his own cock and bucking into his hand twice, just for viewing pleasure before shifting out of his underwear as well. grinning playfully.

"of course we'll go out." he promised grinning. "Harry got reservations for us at a fancy restaurant." he admitted chuckling. "i found the tickets in my book." he admitted kissing her forehead. "Harry is planning on Taking Blaise out to another restaurant for lunch, so those two will be home alone while we go out. so that we all have the day to ourselves."
Blaise moaned soflty. Dammit there was something undeinably sexy about the man being playful.Sighing as he watched the other, he swallowed hard as he watch harry stroke himself, his hand moving over his cock absently."Come here."He growled, needing to touch him.

Fydra looked startled, then shy. Smiling a little as the snake wrapped back around her wrist, offering comfort to the shy and sweet woman."Oh. That'll be fun."She said softly, smiling as she blushed. Though she'd known he'd loved her, she hadn't been sure if he'd want to be seen in public with her, not when she was starting to look pregnant instead of just chubby.Blushing as she grinned against his skin."A day out will be fun.We'll go shopping and everything."She giggled softly, excited now.For the moment forgetting her upset stomach,focusing instead on the man she loved.
Harry purred, smirking as he strode over to Blaise obedient, amusement and lust shining in Harry's eyes as he came just out of reach. "yes sir?" he asked, licking his lips a little as he watched him, his head tilted a little.

Draco grinned a little. "i was thinking." he admitted. "we hit the shops in the afternoon." he admitted. "pick up some things for you, i think there was a bracelet that you've been eying, and we need to get some crickets for Vae." he admitted nodding a little. "we could get you that pretty dress you where looking at too." he decided, grinning a little...Draco sure was observant though. "then we could eat lunch at that Cafe you like so much, i forget what it's called, the one with your favorite dessert done just the way you like it." he smirked horridly, voice dropping to a hushed whisper. "i was also wondering if you wanted to see a Muggle Theater with me? their really very cool, giant moving pictures on a long flat screen."
Blaise growled softly, leaning up to pull the other down on top of him, running his hands over his body."Suck me."He ordered, pushing him down. After all, harry'd said he was the boss today. It was going to be fun.

Fydra looked startled, looking amazed before biting her lip. A movie would be fun,but she had something else in mind.Though how to bring it up..."That sounds like fun."She wrinkled her nose at her observations."How did you know I wanted the bracelet?Or the dress?"She smiled petting vae, tilting her head."But if we get the dress.. its a dress for the night out...what if we go to the threater instead? It's still a muggle show, but they're showing beauty and the beast and the moving picture isn't as good as the play.."She said looking at him, smiling slowly. Getting excited, it was so much fun to have a whole day of just pure indulgence and decandance to do whatever they wanted. Though she blushed, because it wasn't often she could convince draco to go to a play with her, so it was one of those rare treats she treasured when he did do it.
Harry let out a startled laugh as he was pulled down, and then pushed lower, moaning softly as he ran his nose along the others cock, licking and nibbling, lavishing attention on Blaise's cock before pulling it into his mouth sucking hard as he slowly took him deeper and deeper into his mouth, not teasing like he normally would have, simply giving Blaise what he wanted, his own hard on straining against his boyfriends leg.

Draco smirked a little. "i pay attention." he admitted kissing her forehead before hesitating at the theater idea. "well..." he muttered biting his lip before relenting at seeing the look on her face. "oh alright." he agreed sighing a little. "i hate plays, they don't let me eat popcorn while i'm watching." he whined, pouting a little as he grinned at her, to show he was teasing. of course, Draco and popcorn tended to get people in trouble, so it was probably for the best.
Blaise moaned, fisting his hands in harry's hair, closing his eyes as he thrust up into the other's mouth, before pulling him up,"Come here.I want kisses.And to have you ride me."He growled, roughly pulling him up to kiss him, rough as his control started slipping.

Fydra laughed softly, shifting around to kiss him, "If you''d stop throwing popcorn at people they'd let you have it"She pointed out before dipping her head, leaning down to kiss his chest, a playful tongue darting out and licking around his nipple, a light playful tease. Snickering. "But I'll put popcorn in my bag you can eat it. We'll get a private box to watch."She said grinning at the idea, because really, it was the oly way to watch at the muggle threater. Because ony in a private box could they transfigure the uncomfortable chairs into a couch to cuddle on to watch. Raising a eyebrow, curious now."And what else do you notice?"She said wondering what else he noticed without her realizing it.
Harry moaned as he sucked on the other, smiling up at Blaise before abandoning the cock to obediently kiss the other, thrusting his tongue into the others mouth kissing him hard as he reached around and gave himself a quick stretching, muttering the lubing spell so he wouldn't hurt himself. Blaise was gentle with Harry...but Harry was not gentle with Harry so he took precautions. once that was done, harry panted softly, breaking the kiss to suck and nibble on Blaise's neck, thrusting his hips down, pushing the others cock deep inside of him letting out a cry of pleasure arching slightly. "mmm fuck yessss."

Draco laughed a little and smiled, amused as he kissed her forehead. "we could always just make the house elves bring us popcorn once we get there." he teased grinning a little, shaking his head a little. "i notice a lot of things." Draco admitted softly, stroking her cheek. "i know that you can't stand our Pure Blood ways, despite pretending you do. i notice that your scared all the time...and i notice that your not so scared when Harry's with you...i notice, that when you two are together, your so much more powerful than you are when your alone." he smiled. "i notice, that sometimes, you don't really act like yourself, like your hiding someone deep inside of yourself. hiding who you are really are," he smiled a little. "i don't even know if you are aware of it."
Blaise moaned, fisting his hand around harry's cock, moaning as the other rode him."DAmn potter...that...oh hell..."He growled, thrusting up. It felt amazing.It was...exquiste. And he never wanted it to end.Growling softly he yanked the other down for a kiss, hoping that they'd get to do this again. Not wanting to ever leave the manor, because leaving meant they couldn't spend every night together.

Fydra looked thoughtful for a few minutes, wrinkling her nose."I live with your pureblood ways malfoy.After all, you're a pureblooded wizard."She said, shifting a little, her mind circling around the issue that she'd found with being tom's daghter, but she knew better then to mention it to draco, knowing he'd throw a fit for her even considering it."And I've been scared since...this fall when everything happened.and I'm not so scared with you.I hope you know that, you and are my safe people."She smiled slowly,"And....I do?"She said raising her head to look at him.Having thought she hid only the things that would hurt him if she said them, or would make him worry, not relizing she'd sometimes she was that different from herself.
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