Siren's song

Harry moaned eagerly, rocking with Blaise, using his quidditch muscles to rise himself up to Blaise's tip, and then drive himself back down, moaning loudly in pleasure, uncaring if anyone heard him or not. "BLAISE! fuck yesss, so good, oh GOD it's so good!" he moaned panting hard. "love it when you fuck me." he moaned, gripping the others shirt tightly, unable to do anything else as he rode his lover like a horse.

Draco smiled at her softly. "i hate the rules that my father has placed on me." he admitted. "pure blood traditions...they drive me insane." he admitted simply, laying his head on her chest. "i am no pure blood, it's only that no one realizes it yet." he admitted smiling a little. "i know your not afraid around me." he admitted stroking her cheek. "but the fear is still there, even when harry and i are both with you." he admitted sighing a little. "you..when you turn into that someone else, it's usually when your very pissed." he admitted smiling again. "i love that part of you, just as much as i love's like.." he paused, trying to decide how to explain. "it's like your only just beginning to discover who you really are."
Blaise moaned, hands gipping the other's hip hard, coming s he cried out, holding the other tightly against him, sighing as he relaxed. It felt so good to be with the other like this. And it felt amazing to be buried in him, espcially when he'd thought he'd never get the chance.

"We'lre goign to a muggle threater. We'll have fun breakng the rules tomorrow."She said laughing softly as she stroked his hair, frowning a littel."Not a pureblood?"She said refusing to remark on her fear. She was always afraid, but she was getting better. Discovering herself as she worked through the fear. smiling slowly."I think I might be just discovering who I am.I've been to afraid of lucius and people to truly be who I am...and when Im pissed, it doesn't matter. I just want to inform someone I'm pissed."He laughed a little, "And I am happy."She yawned, clsoing her eyes, starting to fall asleep. It'd been a long day, and she wanted to be well rested for tomorrow.
Harry moaned,arching hard as he spilled his seed all over Blaise's chest, panting hard. "mm fuck yes." harry moaned grinning a little licking his lips a little. "mm yeah, i wish that i could stay just like this forever." harry admitted, panting softly.

he chuckled a little and closed his eyes, swallowing thickly. "Lucus...isn't my father." he whispered softly, as if fearful of being overheard. "Mother had an affair." he licked his lips. "i look so much like father that no one knows." he admitted softly. "no one would even guess." he closed his eyes. "i only know, because Mother told me." he admitted. "after Father punished me for being so...unruly." he admitted shaking his head a little before smiling at her, rolling onto his belly. "Father doesn't even know." he admitted looking amused. "besides, it's good to inform people that your pissed, it makes them realize that your not about to be a pushover."
"Me to."Blaise smiled pulling out of the brunette, before pulling him down to cuddle against him."Me to.Wish we could stay."He muttered, starting to fall asleep in the post climatic bliss.

Fydra jerked. Dammit, that'd woken her up. Looking at the blond with his head resting on the curve of her breast she bit her lip, smiling slowly. ""she whispered just as soft, not wanting to be overheard either.Because she knew it would get their mother hurt if it was found out."who?"She whispered, wondering. Because he did look like was...amazing to know draco wasn't his son."I'm don't have to tell me."She muttered kissing his head, shifting around, snuggling into him, curling her body protectively around him. Willing to fight to protect him, no matter what the price would be, she would protect him.
Harry sighed softly, smiling a little as he snuggled into the other, laying his head on Blaise's shoulder, closing his eyes. "i have tickets to a fancy restaurant tomorrow for lunch." Harry admitted, grinning a little. "want to go?" he smiled at the other, his head tilted a little, looking hopeful.

Draco nodded a little. "yeah." he muttered softly, looking almost ashamed. "i don't honestly know, i don't think mother even knows." he admitted pressing his face into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. "i think mother used an 'adoption' spell on me, to make me look like Lucius instead of my original father." he admitted softly. "there are such things, though rarely done because you have to be young, still in the womb young enough." he admitted, kissing her forehead, shaking his head a little. " one knows but me and mother, and now you."
Blaise smiled, "of course."his smile widened, kissing harry's head, shifting, pulling him closer."Does this mean we're leaving the happy couple alone all day?"He asked, willing to do it, but hoping that nothing would happen. After all, pansy could come and go as she pleased, and he really really hoped she wouldn't be up to anything."But either way, I would love to go with you."

Fydra blushed a little, shifting as she snuggled into him."I don't care who's son you are, as long as I can call you mine."She growled possessively, wrapping her arms around him smiling. "And you are narcissa's son, nothing else can change that. and she loves you."She said shivering as he sniffed at her neck.She found his obsession with her neck endearing and cute instead of weird like harry seemed to think it was.her chest tightening, feeling special and loved that he'd trusted her enough to tell her
he chuckled a little. "no, their going out as well, i got them tickets too." he admitted grinning a little. "and knowing Pan she's probably dragging Draco off to the Theater." he admitted smiling a little. "she's my sister, did you know?" he asked smiling a little as he snuggled into Blaise sighing softly against the others neck. "and my name isn't actually Harry potter either." he admitted sounding amused. "it's Shade, Shade Riddle." he chuckled a little.

Draco smiled a little as he nuzzled her. again "your mine too." he murmured softly. "and i will always be yours, always and forever... sometimes i think we where meant to be together." he admitted wrapping his arms around her, laying his head on her chest and sighing softly. "i love you." he murmured softly. "when all this is over, will you marry me?"
Blaise thought it over."Shade. It fits you."He said smiling a little, coming to terms with everything that meant."oh damn, draco's going to be your brother in law."he snickered, already imagining the family reunions. "And I could see fydra making him go to the threater. Though probably not giving him popcorn."

Fydra jerked, yelping as she looke at the man lying on her, "What?"She yelped, before smiling, shifting to get more comforable. "Yes, I will."She said before pulling away. "I'll be back."She said padding out of the room quickly, ignoring her short shorts and tshit, opening harry's door, ignoring the nakedness."I'm getting married."She announced.
Harry grinned a little. "i just wanted you to know." he admitted nuzzling the other. "my father is Voldemort too before i manage to forget to mention that." uncertain if Blaise knew that Riddle meant Voldemort. "why can't we give Draco Popc..." he was cut off by Fydra, looking a little baffled. "Draco Proposed? seriously!?" he asked looking pleased. "congratulations! we'll throw a party after we all come back tomorrow night!"
Fydra grinned."Yea.After the threater."She grinned walking over, hugging her twin before bouncing out of the room again. Crawling back n bed with draci she smiled,cuddling down into him to go to sleep."Harry says congrats."She muttered. Emotionally exhausted now, and wanting to sleep.

Blaise snickered,"Oh she's going to be bouncing off the wall tomorrow."He said snickering, rubbing his eyes. Though it'd be exhausting to be around, he was glad she was happy. Thinking the voldermort thing over,but he realized he didn't matter. He loved the toehr, it wasnt his father who mattered."And draco doesn't get popcorn cause he'll get bored watching the play and throw it at someone. Fydra gets frustrated with him because she loves plays, and he doesn't."
Draco chuckled a little. "of course harry says Congrats." he teased kissing her temple. "you'd hurt him if he said anything else." he teased chuckling a little wrapping his arms around her and sighing softly. "i love you." he murmured smiling a little. "i'll do my very best to behave tomorrow."

he snickered a little. "good thing we're not really going to be around her tomorrow." he eased smiling a little. "i can't really blame him for throwing popcorn at people, it is fun." he admitted yawning a little. "i don't like plays unless they're musicals." he admitted snuggling into Blaise. "my recent favorite is Rent." he admitted grinning a little. "Collins is cute." he teased chuckling a little. "other than that i really like Cats, and Chicago, oh and Phantom of the Oprah of course." he paused then. "oh my GOD i am GAY." he whined laughing a little. "it shocks me that Hermione never knew. really it does." he rolled his eyes. "Ginny still doesn't realize...idiot. i swear red heads are just stupid by nature."
"Good."Fydra smiled snuggling into him, and falling asleep. Content and knowing he'd be good.

Blaise snickered,"Well at least the red heads belonging to wealsey's family."He yawned, closing his eyes."Love you.Now sleep."He ordered, drifting to sleep himself. Excited about tomorrow, ad wanting to look good for it instead of like he was lacking in sleep.
Draco was up in the morning when Fydra woke up, straightening himself in a mirror, naked but completely clean, because everyone knew Draco took almost twice as long as Fydra to get ready for anything, he was so picky about looking as perfect as he could. he offered her a smile as he fixed his hair just so, completely nude in front of the full length mirror, just like always. "morning." he chirped. "i got you breakfast." he admitted trotting over and handing her a steaming tray of food. "did you sleep well?"

Harry was also up before Blaise was, but Harry was always up before anyone. instead of getting ready, he lay in bed next to his boyfriend reading a book, flipping slowly through the gay muggle novel that he had sent a house elf to go and get for him, nibbling on a breakfast pastry, a smudge of cream on the corner of lip showing he'd already eaten at least one already.
Fydra grinned sitting up in the bed, taking the tray from him."I did. How about you?"she smiled starting in on the waffle. Not saying anything, even though the edges were burned, it was the thought that counted. Smiling slightly as she leaned up for a kiss before starting to eat. Taking her time eating because well, maybe by the time she finished eating, draco would be done getting ready.

Blaise stirred, nuzzling harry's hip as he shifted closer, wrapping a arm around his waist."You're warm...and reading?What are you reading?"he asked lifting his head, blinking blearily at him.
he smiled at her. "i had a few very pleasant dreams." he admitted laughing a little smiling as he continued to get ready, picking over his hair for almost ten minutes before he was finally satisfied, picking over his clothes and getting dressed just about the time she finished her rather not well cooked breakfast. "did i cook alright? i was going to ask Harry but he was reading." he admitted sheepishly.

Harry smiled as his boyfriend stirred, stroking his hair affectionately grinning a little. "it's a muggle book." he admitted chuckling a little. "about werewolves. it's a Gay novel, here listen. Harry read a few emotional sentences, one werewolf trying to calm the other down, ending in a searing kiss and a rather graphic sex scene, harry smirking a little. "fun yes? even if their idea's of werewolves are a little off."
"It was fine. Perfect. Though a little burnt."She teased slipping out of bed,pressing a kiss to his lips."It was good."She smiled as she slipped into the bathroom, taking her clothe swith her. Returning in a few minutes wearing a pair of form fitting jeans and a loose tank top that despite being loose, couldn't hide that she was getting rounder. Blushing a little she realized she needed to buy new clohtes. sighing she looked at draco as he finished dressing."Let's go say goodbye to harry, then we'll go."

Blaise blushed a little as he read, "Hmmm that is good.Might have to try that, after we go to town."He smiled slightly."A little off, but sometimes the muggles have good ideas."
he grimaced a little. "yeah i burn a lot of stuff." he admitted sheepishly, grinning at her a little when she stepped out, dressed in her clothes. "mm you look dashing." he admitted kissing her gently and nuzzling her neck, before pausing. "i don't have an obsession with your neck." he protested, even if he did give it a kiss. "and harry can bite me, he was rude this morning." but he sounded amused.

Harry laughed a little and nodded. "they really do." he agreed closing the book and sliding out of bed, stretching and groaning a little as he smiled. "mmm we should get ready, don't want to be late for our lunch date."
Fydra snickered at his denial of a obsession, nuzzling his neck before she stepped back."Why?What did he say?"She said amused, and relaxed. Taking comfort in that he found her attractive. Heading out of the room, and down to harry's. Knocking on the door but not opening it, not wanting to scar herself by seeing anything.

Blaise grinned,"No we don't."He said getting up, pausing as he reached for clothes, looing at the door."We're naked.Go away."He said sounding amused, before walking to the door, wearing boxers, and about to shock draco. poor poor homophobi draco...Grnning he opened the door, smiling."Hello."
Draco smiled a little and then pondered. "let me recall...ah yes, he said that i was an annoying blond bastard who should shut up before Blaise woke up. and that if i woke Blaise up harry was going to sodomize me with my own dick...which i don't think is anatomically possible but knowing harry he would have found a way." he admitted laughing a little.

Harry didn't even bother getting dressed, he just slid out of bed and headed for the shower, giving Draco and Fy a good view, Draco flaring bright red at the sight his eye twitching a little. "i hate you both, i hate you both immensely." he complained with a small growl. "we're leaving..>" he stated simply Harry laughing wickedly in the bathroom.
Fdra laughed softly, blushing as she wrapped a arm around draco's waist. running a hand down his back soothingly."We'll be back this evening."

Blaise smiled, kissing her cheek."Have fun.And don't give draco any popcorn."He snickered as he headed towards the bathroom himself, stripping, giving them a good look at his ass before he disappeared into the bathroom.Getting in the shower with him, he kissed harry's head."I think we scarred draco."

Fydra laughed softly wrapping her arms around draco before he could process that his best friend had just flashed him. Apparating out to muggle london she smiled, leaning against him, trying to decide what she wanted to do first.
Harry laughed a little as Blaise joined him. "i noticed." he admitted snickering a little. "his eye is NEVER going to stop twitching!" he looked entirely too pleased. "so, what should we do tot eh poor Twink next?" he asked pausing a little as he snuggled into the other, sighing happily.

Draco sputtered and stuttered blushing hard, his eye twitching even harder. "hey Fy... i think i've gone blind." he admitted simply, his eye still twitching. "can i kill them? please?" he pleaded, swallowing thickly as he shook his head and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "so, where to first? Theater or shopping?"
"I'd say groping him in bed, but then Fydra'd get involved and that'd just be ugly."He snikered, kissing the other's head."Maybe let him walk in on us having sex. That would scar him."

Fydra snuggled into his side, wrapping a arm around his waist, biting her lip to keep from laughing at him. That just wouldn't be nice when he appeared to be tramatized."Shopping. I want to wear my dress to the threater."She said smiling dragging him into the store she'd apparated them near, so that she could find her dress. Walking through the rakcs she let him look around as she got her dress, the soft red dress, heading for the fitting room. A few minutes later a indigniant sqeak escaping, followed by a soft whimper as she sniffled, looking at herself in the mirror. It was a tight fit, it was nice, so pretty...and she thought it didn't look well. She just couldn't stand outside herself and see herself as beatiful in the form fiting dress. That's what she had draco for.

(the dress, only in red:
Harry snickered a little and shook his head, yawning as he stood and stretched, hissing softly in parseltongue as he headed for the bathroom, tossing Blaise a smirk. "Care to join me in the shower?" he asked with a slight teasing tone to it, cocking his naked hip suggestively, and seductively as he headed for the tub.

he smiled a little and nodded waiting outside for her, knocking on the door as he heard the squeak and then the sniffles, carefully opening the door. "Fy? Love?...oh my." he whispered, staring at her with wide eyes, and an awestruck face. "my god you look beautiful." he whispered, clearly stunned by her appearance. "i don't think you should wear that, i might not be able to control myself..."
Blaise moaned softly, shivering at the parseltongue, following after him."That's not fair. A poor serpent cant help but follow."he whined turning on the shower as he got in with the other, wrapping his arms around him.

Fydra sniffled looking up at him, "R-Really?"She asked rubbing her eyes as she turned in place, showing off for him. The diiamond bobby pins in her hair sparkling like stars in the night sky against her dark hair. Smiling as she moved over, kissing him softly."You'll be able to control least concerning the dress.With popcorn, I'm not so sure."She teased.
Harry smirked a little as he wiggled his eyebrows at the other, hissing in parseltongue again, and from the wicked smirk on his face he was suggesting that Blaise do something very, very naughty, pressing his groin into the others as he silently banished all of their clothes, kissing the other hard.

he smiled and nodded. "really." he admitted with a soft whisper smirking at her comment. "oh, but i'd much rather play with you than play with some popcorn." he teased, chuckling a little as he kissed her cheek. "come on, lets see how much your pulling out of my account for this snazzy little item."
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