Siren's song

Harry yanked on his clothes, his eyes narrowed dangerously, leaking a murderous air that previously might have made Blaise Jealous. Harry was glad he had explained the whole 'Fydra's my sister' thing to Blaise already. Harry flinched a little when they apparated, growling lightly under his breath about how he hated being squeezed through a tube as he grabbed Blaise's hands and ran tot eh Theater that was only half a block away, Harry could see it. there where police and ambulance all over hell. no Aurors yet, thank Merlin. "we're not going to be able to get in there!" harry hissed, watching everyone crowding, most of them newspaper reporters. "can you Apparate us inside Blaise?"

Draco groaned and shook his head, wrapping his arms tightly around Fydra. "wish harry was here, we could claim he begged us to see the Muggle Theater." that was what Lucius was going to be the most pissed about. "everything will be alright." he murmured softly, kissing her temple as several police came over to question them. Draco informed them that his Fiance was not feeling well, and explained that Ron had gone all crazy, insulting his betrothed, how Draco had moved to attack Ron, how Ron had beaten him to it, knocking Draco backwards. then Ron had just...fallen over. thankfully the cops believed him, not much else they could do. unfortunately the cops did order Draco and Fy to stay there until released, so they where going to either have to wait for Lucius, or Hope Harry would show up. "Father is going to kill me..."
Blaise frowned thinking it over before nodding. This was going to be so bad as soon as aurors showed up. Wrapping a hand around harry's wrist again he appared them into the quiet main threater, before easing them into the lobby, looking around for Draco and Fydra. "There they are."He said looking around wincing when he saw the aurors arrive, and even worse, lucius malfoy.

Fydra sniffled curlng up against him, nuzzling his neck. Shivering in fear before she raising her head, looking startled when she saw harry and blaise. "I wont let him. You wont get hurt. This is my fault."She muttered hugging draco tightly, nuzzling his neck. Before looking up as her twin and blaise approached. For the moment ignoring the aurors and lucius.

Lucius walked towards the children, glaring at draco."What do you think you're doing?"

Fydra sniffled rasing her head to look at him."I wanted to go to the threater. Me and harry wanted to see beauty and the beast, and draco and blaise offered to come with us."She said rubbing her eyes.
Harry tossed his head up, looking as proud as he could look his eyes narrowed at Lucius. "Ron started it." he growled, his eyes flicking over tot he red head. "we where minding out own business and he came over here threatening to rape Blaise." he wasn't sure, but it sounded like something Ron would do. "then he slugged Draco before any of us realized he was that stupid." he was getting luckier with every word, or maybe he was feeding off of his sisters emotions? there was no telling. "and i've never been to a theater before." Harry shrugged. "i insisted on seeing one." hsi eye narrowed at Lucius.

"if your going to punish anyone for this you might as well make it me." "Harry..." "shut up Draco.' Harry ordered glaring at the blond who clammed up obediantly. harry was trying to make it so that Luycius blamed Harry for all of this. "i even blackmailed Draco to come, just because i like to see him mutter about how terrible muggles are. he complained through the whole first half." he glared at Draco who shrugged. "muggle plays are boring and pointless, talking candles? ridiculus." at least Draco was pllaying along. Harry crossed his arms and glared at Lucius. "in any case none of us killed the little bastard, so we're leaving. come on Blaise, Dray, Fy, lets go."
Lucius glared at them before nodding."Go home. I don't want to hear anything about this until its sorted out."He said anger getting to him but this was no place to yell at them. Glaring at them all he sneered at the crying girl before walking away to talk to the aurors.

Fydra sniffled looking at draco, looking around."Let's get outside. Then we can apparate home."She said knowing that lucius would make it easy for them to leave. walking outside calmly, before looking at draco, wrapping her arms aorund him, holding him tightly. Turning her head to look at harry and blaise as they came outside to."How did you know something happened?"
Harry sneered at Lucius but led his sister and his freinds out, sighing softly. "i felt you." Harry admitted glancing at her. "you where terrified, i could feel you." he admitted patting his chest. "i could hear words too, only they where too muffled to make out. by the way, you interrupted something i was greatly enjoying." he was glaring at Draco though who groaned and shook his head. "great..." he grumbled sulking a little. "hey I didn't do anything." Draco complained. "and i did NOT need to know that you and Blaise where doing that." he complained wrapping his arm around Fydra's waist and vanishing with a Crack, harry snorting a little as he snuggled into Blaise, also vanishing, appearing next to Draco. "still, Lucius looked pretty pissed... what will he do?" "the worst i'll get is a caning." Draco admitted with a shrug. "he won't touch Fydra, he doesn't dare, Blaise will be fine...he might ask you to leave." "i'll leave if it comes to that, Ron's gone...i'm safe." but harry didn't sound so sure.
Blaise's eye twitched a little."We have two days of vacation left. If lucius thinks I'm going home just to turn around and go back to school he can kiss my ass."Blaise sighed softly, kissing harry's head."You are safe.But I'd rather have you safely behind malfoy's wards until we go back to school."

Fydra trembled a little, leaning into draco,resting her head on his shoulder before moving back,sitting down on the couch. cuddling with him, as she looked at the other couple as blaise pulled harry onto the loveseat."You're sure he wont hurt me?"she asked softly, because it wouldnt be the firsttime she'd gotten caned.
Harry snorted a little and nodded. "i'd rather be here too, i have a bad feeling Dumbledore is going to be highly pissed off when he finds out that Ron is dead." Harry admitted sighing a little and shaking his head falling onto the love seat biting his lip a little. "what are we going to do at school Blaise?" he asked softly. "when word gets out that we're dating..." he sighed a little. "the Gryffindor's are already upset with me for being freinds with Draco and Fy...i don't know the shit they might pull when they realize that we're dating.

"i'll make sure of it." he promised patting her knee gently. "even if i have to convince him to beat me instead." he promised kissing her forehead. "even if i have to get Mother involved." he promised Harry shaking his head. "i'll take the punishment." harry stated sternly examining his nails. "Lucius doesn't have SHIT on what my uncle could do to me." he shrugged a little. "i can take a caning with my eyes closed." Draco looked confused. "your uncle? what did he do to you?" Harry went red, and he refused to meet anyone's eyes. "oh, you know usual things, he had a good arm so my canings hurt pretty damn bad." he was lying, and everyone could see it, but Draco let it drop, and if Fy and Blaise where smart they would let it drop too.
The two exchanged a look, before letting it drop. For now at least. Sighing as she settled against draco she nuzzled his neck, closing her eyes. Sniffling a little, emotionally and physically exhausted."...I didnt even get to see the end of the play."She whined.

Blaise looked concerned, wapping his arms around harry, pressing a kiss to his head. "We'll see. I don't know how far they'll be pissed about it."He said softly, worried. Wondering what gryffindor-and dumbledore would do. At least slytherin could be expected to protect one of their own...even if they didnt aprove of it, they wouldnt protest to loudly. At least, anyone that wasnt pansy. Pansy was going to go crazy.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "we'll go again when we've taken care of everything." he promised stroking her forehead, sighing softly. "at least one problem has been dealt with." he muttered softly smiling a little as Harry looked up at Blaise his head tilted a little. "i wonder if Dumbledore would let me move to slytherin?" he mused, biting his lip a little. "if not i could always move into the Room of Requirement, or the Owlery, no one goes up there but to deliver letters, no one would notice me." he smirked. "or i could sneak into your room at night."
Blaise laughed softly, snuggling the other."I think I could live with you living in my room."He said brushing his lips over the other
s forehead."Though we should see if dumbledore will let you move into slytherin. He wanted you to take care of her. Well, she needs it. Look at her.She's pitiful."Blaise said looking at the actually very pitiful looking pregannt woman. She looked more like a lost waif then a woman who usually terrified him.

Fydra bristled, raising her head from draco's shoulder, growling softly."I'm not pitiful. Even if I cant stop crying."She said rubbing her eyes, smearing her makeup a little before looking at draco."I want to go to bed."She said smiling a little. More then anything wanting to be out of the way before lucius got home.Safe in bed with draco.Fear tightening her stomach, making her shake, though she struggled hard to not show it. Espicially now that she knew harry could feel it.
Harry smirked and nodded. "definitely need to ask Dumbledore first." he admitted. "i could claim that i'm trying to convince the slytherin's, and Tom that i'm changing sides or something. you know, lower their guards or some shit, he'll beleive it. i can claim that i'm stinging over the loss of Ron." he snorted a little. "after all the stupid bastard believes that the Weasely made me gay, he'll beleive that."

Draco offered Blaise a viscous Glare but kissed his lovers forehead, getting to his feet and pulling her into his arms. "come on love, lets go to bed." he muttered softly. "i won't let Father anywhere near you, even if we have to go back to school." he admitted simply, Harry nodding. "everything will be alright Fy." he promised, smiling at her. "between me, Draco, and Blaise no one will ever hurt you." he smiled a little and looked up at Blaise. "you should take a shower." he commented softly, nuzzling him. "i'm going to wait here for Lucius, make sure i'm the one that gets the punishment." he smiled. "i'll let you patch me up after." he grinned. "play nurse." he purred snickering. "even make you wear a pretty white outfit." he snickered again. "what do you think of that?"
"He would."He muttered wincing at the idea of ron having sex with anyone. The thought was just to icky. Pointedly ignoring the glare he was getting. Before laughing a little getting up, leaning down to kiss harry."Be careful okay?I'm not a good nurse."He said looking worried.

Fydra sniffled, blushing a little as she let draco herd her upstairs. Undressing as they walked into the room, smiling sadly at the dress. Saddened that it would be awhile before she could wear it again. Taking off her makeup she smiled crawling in bed, curling up, more scared then she'd admit to."nothing will happen."She said struggling to relax.
Harry smiled and gently kissed Blaise's nose. "don't worry, Lucius needs me, or so he thinks. i'm supposedly the only one who can kill Tom, he won't hurt me too badly." he promised smiling a little as he waved the other off. "go and sleep and rest, we'll go on a date next vacation." he promised. "or sooner if i can arrange it." he promised watching Blaise go, letting a small tremor of fear enter him. alone, he was alone again.. he hated being alone, but he could go and lay with Blaise as soon as Lucius had worked out all of his anger out on him, anything to protect Fy.

Draco nodded as he kissed her neck. "nothing will happen." he agreed sighing softly against her neck. "you should sleep." he offered softly gently massaging her shoulders. "don't forget, Father won't hurt you, he needs you. as far as anyone is concerned your the only person keeping harry under control." he reminded her, smiling a little. "your about the only person harry will listen to, Father needs you to control harry, he won't hurt you."
It was a long while before Lucius arrived in a fury. Glaring as he looked around the room, choking on his anger. He hated that he couldn't punish the girl. Despite whatever they said, he knew fydra loved the threater, and had convinced the others to go.Snarling as he walked in, shutting the door and casting a silencing charm he studied the brunette waiting for him."Is there a reason your the one waiting and not my wayward child?"

Fydra sighed softly relaxing, realizing that he was right. Moaning softly as he rubbed out tense muslces."He wont.we'll be okay..."she muttered, for the minute willing to believe that they'd be fine for the last few days of vacation. Smiling peacefully she settled against him, going to sleep
Harry glanced at Lucius, closing the book he had been reading and standing up, his emerald green eyes boring into Lucius's. "your daughter isn't here because all of this is my fault." Harry lied. "i told her to go to bed." he watched the Malfoy closley. "i was determined to go to that particular play because i knew Ronald was going to be there, i had to see him. i couldn't help myself." loads of shit, but he would tell Dumbledore all of this no doubt. "Fy wanted to go see another play, but i convinced her and the others to go with me instead, i was a coward, couldn't face Ron alone..." he swallowed thickly, staring at Lucius. "a bastard like you would never understand." he shrugged. "i will take everyone's punishment." he closed his emotional link, and his mental so that neither Tom nor Fy would feel anything from him, staring at Lucius with calm, almost disrespectful eyes. "come on Lucius, lets see if your half the abuser my uncle is."
"I will see her punished for it. Even though for the moment I will be satisfied with you being punished."He snarled walking over, fisting a hand in his shirt, pulling him to his feet as he shoved the brunette onto his desk. Thinking of the most degrading and painful punishment he could. Vanishnig the other's clothes he thrust into the other with a punishing thrust, sighing a little as he felt the other's body bleed around him, raping the brunette ruthlessly. Knowing tht he'd never tell fydra or draco this, would never have to worry about one of his chidren finding out, because he knew the halfbreed. He wouldn't tell them. Sighing as he came he pulled out, straightening his pants."You will see yourself back to your rooms wont you?And you know better then not to tell anyone I assume?"
Harry's eyes narrowed and he yelped as he was flung into the desk, shreiking and struggling, before going limp, gritting his teath, refusing to make a noise as Lucius had his way with The Boy Who Lived, tears running down Harry's cheeks as Lucius finished inside of him, a strangled sound falling from Harry's lips as he laid there, bleeding and coated in Lucius's seed, trembling hard. raped...again, and he had let it happen this long as he didn't hurt Fy. "yes sir.." harry whispered, sounding broken, he was broken... Raped, by Lucius of all people, willingly... he was so Lucius could have raped harry again if he had so pleased, the boy was just laying there, but once Lucius left, harry slowly stood up and headed for the shower, scrubbing himself until he bled in places, sobbing wildly as he cleaned himself, trying to get the feel of Lucius off his skin, in the end just sitting in the shower, wishing the water could wash away his pain. it was three in the morning before he crawled into bed next to Blaise, calm once more, as if nothing had happened. harry was still dirty...sick, used, broken...but he could hide it from everyone else.
Blaise stirred sleepily when the other climbed in bed with him. Before relaxing, cuddling the boy who lived. Wrapping his arms around him protectively, as if he could protect him from what already happened. In the morning Blaise yawned, sitting up on his elbows to look at his lover, gently running his fingers through his hair."Why didn't you wake me up last night?I could have helped you make sure you were okay."He said sleepily.

Down the hall fydra yawned sitting up, smiling down at the sleeping draco, brushing her fingers through his hair, gently shaking him."Dray, Time for breakfast."She whined. since becoming pregnan, despite his attempts to sleep in, she needed to eat and couldn't-wouldn't- skip a meal. Which meant draco was getting up early to eat with her.
Harry smiled when Blaise woke him up, snuggling into him. "it was fine, he didn't even hit me, he just yelled a lot." what a liar, but a convincing liar. he sighed softly against Blaise's neck, too ashamed of himself to kiss the other like he wanted to, he slid carefully from the others grasp, swallowing as his stomach growled loudly. "i'm hungry, lets go get some breakfast."

Draco whined a little but got up anyway rubbing his eyes as he got dressed, yawning a little as he ran a hand through his hair, smiling a little at her as he held her hand and kissed her cheek. "we should check on Harry and Blaise too." he decided, looking worried though he was trying to hide it.
Blaise looked concerned, frowning slightly as he got out of bed. Getting dressed he took the other's hand, walking out with him. Willing to delay the questions for the moment."Food it is."He said walking out, smiling slowly at the sight of draco and fydra.

Fydra nodded walking out with him after she dressed, looking concerned herself as she held his hand, looking at harry worriedly. Fear showing on her face."Are you okay?"She asked softly. Before giving into the need and hugging him tightly, shivering a little.
Harry smiled a little at Blaise, kissing his cheek, struggling to keep his composure as he saw Draco, who looked so much like Lucius. "morning, i'm fine, your father just yelled a lot." he lied smiling again as his stomach growled once more. "come on, i'm starving!" Draco scowled a little, the expression so very like Lucius's that Harry almost cringed, swallowing hard. "i'm going to be sick." harry moaned turning on his heal and darting intot he bathroom, slamming the door shut, Draco looking stunned. "...what just happened?"
Fydra looke surprised before shaking her head. Nodding to the boys.s"Go on down.I'll talk to him."She said waving her boyfriend and friend down the stairs before slipping into the bathroom, careful to stay away from harry till he said he was okay with her coming closer.That and the smell of puke was going to make her puke which just wasn't pretty."Love, what's wrong?"She asked before giving in and crouching near him, cncern and fear for him showing on her face.

Blaise frowned walking downstairs with draoc, looking hurt and confused."He didn't kiss me this morning.He always kisses me."He whined, real fear and worry under the playful whining.
Harry groaned a little as he rested his head against the cool floor, closing his eyes as he rubbed them. "i'm stomach's been rolling since lunch yesterday." he lied shaking his head. "i think i'm coming down with the flue or something." he scrubbed his face and sighed a little. "i think i need to lay down."

Draco frowned a little as well. "well, he did just run into the bathroom to puke, maybe he doesn't feel well? i know i don't much like touching or kissing or anything when i'm feeling sick, and Fy would rather beet me with a stick than cuddle with me when she's sick,." he admitted smiling as he squeezed Blaise's shoulder. "i'm sure he's fine."
Fydra looked concerned before nodding, helping him to his feet and heading for the bedroom, hussling him into it, tucking him in, tucking his forehead."Hopefully you dont have the same thing I do."She teased, "You need anything?"

Blaise nodded looking thoughtful before relaxing. Though still worried, sure that the other was right."She DID beat you with a stick once when you tried."He snickered walking into the dining room, sitting down with a smile."Good morning Narcissa."He said tilting his head.
Harry groaned a little as he was led into bed, sighing a little as he laid down, tossing an arm over his eyes. "Fy, could you get me a dreamless sleep potion?" he asked hopefully. "i've been having bad nightmares again." not really, but he knew he was going to have them. he had no idea how he was going to face Draco, who looked so much like his father...his fucking Rapist father... it was affecting him far more than Ron's had, Harry didn't know why...he didn't really care much either, he just wanted to sleep.

Draco smiled a little and nodded as he blinked at his mother who smiled at them. "good morning boys, where is Harry and Fydra?" "Harry's not feeling well this morning, Fydra is putting him back to bed." Draco explained calmly, hesitating a moment. "is Father still very upset about last night?" "i don't know, he never came to bed." she admitted sighing softly. "he slept in his study last night..."
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