Siren's song

Harry clung to his lover as they Apparated, letting him drag him off to the dorms, no one bothered them, everyone who saw them was utterly appalled at the condition that harry was in, as soon as they where in the privacy of the dorm room harry puked again, leaning over the toilette with great heaves as he puked up the little bit of pudding he hadn't already thrown up. he changed slowly, the healing potion making him sleepy and sluggish as he crawled into the bed naked, snuggling tightly into Blaise. "i'm sorry...i'm sorry...please don't leave me..." he muttered softly, clinging as tightly to Blaise as he could. "please don't tell..."

Draco squeezed her hand and her shoulder, trying to comfort her as he took notice of Pansy, his eyes narrowing as he strode towards her. "Miss Parkenson, a word with you if i may?" he asked simply, having motioned for Fydra to take a seat at the slytherin table, where Crabbe abd Goyle could protect her. "i was wondering if you might join me for a private dinner tonight?" he offered, well aware that Pansy would simply assume that Lucius had beaten Draco into submission yet again. it also had the added effect of distracting everyone away from Fydra as Ginny and the Twins sneered viciously at him, backing away as they realized Pan wasn't going to be helping them get revenge on Harry or Fydra, or in Ginny's case against Blaise. only the slytherins would see Draco's fingers crossed behind his back, a code for fydra, letting her know that he had no intention of joining Pansy for dinner.
Blaise sighed softly, wrapping his arms around the other, kissing his head as he held him close."I'm not going anywhere. Now sleep love, go to sleep."He said slowly, stroking the other's hair. Trying to coax him into relaxing.hating that he couldn't do more for his lover. He so needed to talk to fydra or draco.Draco preferably.He'd handle it better then fydra.

Fydra winced a little when he asked pansy to join him for dinner, pain flashing over her face despite the code, swallowing hard as she sat down at the table. eating a little, not alot. She was still nausous enough to not want to. Looking across the room at the weasley's she swallowed hard.Because she had to do this before draco joined her, because he'd never let her near them.Abandoning her food she twisted in her seat, leaning across teh aisle towards the gryffindor table, glad for once that the tables were close together."I am sorry for your brother.I...I didn't do anything to get him killed, and I am sorry if you blame us, but we didn't do anything...I didn't mean for anything to happen to him."She said softly. At least, not in a public place where she could be held responsible.

Pansy smiled slightly nodding."I would love to."she smiled at him.
Harry sighed a little and closed his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep, laying in the bed, relaxed now as he slept peacefully, the nightmares momentarily dispelled in his exhaustion. two days without sleep would leave anyone too exhausted to dream. Blaise would have no problem slipping free if that was what he felt he needed to do, and he wouldn't even fight against a sleeping spell, or an impirio. he wouldn't even twitch if someone where to give him a Crucio.

Draco smiled and offered her a small bow of the head and turned to face Fydra, looking surprised but he stayed by her side anyway watching all three of the weasley's go bright red with rage, their eyes narrowing as Ginny's hand reached across space to slap Fydra, yelping as she struck Draco's chest instead. "if you DARE try to slap my sister again, you will regret it." Draco hissed, though refrained from insulting them. "your brother was stalking us, it is not our fault he died of an aneurysm." "your a fucking Liar malfoy!" Fred, or was it george, hissed violently. "we know your responsible for Ron's death! and we know your doing something to harry, he'd never be freinds with a viscious, murderus, death eater git like you!" Draco hissed furiously, his eyes narrowing but he turned and ushered Fydra away. "i was trying to keep their attention OFF of you." he whined, pouting at her. "are you ok? did that bitch hurt you?" he asked, carefully examining her for injuries, worry in his eyes.
Pain flashed across her face, before shaking her head."No I'm fine.I...I wanted..."She shrugged having not understood the urge she had to apologize, but her stomach twisted. And...the nausoues feeling gave her something else to bitch about. "Your sainted brother raped me. I'm carrying his child, and he was stalking harry. The only thing we did to harry was protect him."She snarled as she twisted to look at the twins, not realizing she'd said it out loud. Paling when she saw the tables looking at her. Though only those closest to them had heard. Paling a little she looked up at draco."I'm not hungry..."She muttered, regretting letting her need to apoligize and anger get the better of her. The secret she'd never let draco know. that she blamed herself for all their problems, all ron did, because she'd been the one to befriend harry. Tugging on draco's hand, heading for the doors, needing to get away.
Ron hissed in terror as she said that, quickly casting a few well placed memory charms on the tables closest to them, though he 'forgot' to modify the horrified looking Fred and Georges memories. and Ginny was too close to be hit, though Pansy looked absolutely delighted at the announcement and Ginny looked absolutely infuriated. "how DARE YOU!" she screeched as Draco snarled at her, the woman gasping in terror flinching back as Draco advanced on her. "your brother, was nothing more than a bully. he raped Fydra TWICE." he hissed, so that no one else but Ginny and the twins could hear him. "he managed to rape Harry three times before the Christmas vacation and was planning on doing so again! he stalked harry, tried to have my sister killed... your brother was nothing more than a monster!" there was a loud SMACK resounding through the air, Draco looking shocked...Ginny had smacked him! the twins gasped in shock and grabbed their sister and fled, fearful of Draco who was turning purple, Ginny screaming that he was a liar, and that he was going to pay!
Fydra snareld watching them go, needing to hurt the red head for hurting draco, though her anger was fast giving away to fear, a reactional fear to the anger swirling around her, trembling as she pushed draco out of the room. Knowing this term was going to be so much fun.Yea...right. But for the moment, she was concenrating on taking care of draco, and not noticing pansy didn't forget what had been announced, or that the weasleys were going to do something...she needed to take care of draco. Making him go back to the dorms and calm down. Though it was a long night to do it, they were going to have such a interesting time.

Which, in the morning was what she was saying. Having been corerced into going to the nurse to get a checkup on returning, she'd left draco in bed to sleep. Which is how she ended up looking at the twins standing at the end of her bed as she waited for pompfrey."Go away."She glared at the two redheads, shrinking back against teh bed as she looked at the two.

Meanwhile blaise frowned, poking draco, snickering that he'd yelled and raged so much the night before that he'd managed to sleep through fydra getting out of bed.That was just amazing. Poking draco's shoulder he sat on the edge of the bed needing to tell him what happened. Only draco could decide what to tell harry, and he needed to talk to someone. He was going insane keeping this to himself. And...draco would know what to do. He had to believe that."Dray."He whined a little poking the blond again.
Draco was so enraged all he could do was sputter and go purple, as he let Fydra lead him away and calm him down, ranting and raving about how he was going to kill every red headed bitch he could get his hands on, screaming himself hoarse at the walls, pouting at Fydra when she finally managed to make him shut up, crawling into bed with her, holding her tightly, whining when he found himself getting poked by Blaise, panicking when he realized that Fy was missing. "FY! where's Fy!? what happened!?" he immidiatly assumed something bad had happened, since Blaise was there. "what's happening!?"

the twins hesitated as they watched her shrink back against the bed, Fred, the more compassionate of the two gently stepping forward and dropping to his knee's next to her bed. "we're so sorry." he whispered, eyes filled with emotion. "we are so sorry, we didn't know... we didn't know what Ron did..." "we...we where hoping...if...if you where alright with it...we might be able help.." George admitted wringing his hands nervously. "we don't have money...but...but we know a lot of protective spells...and...and..." "we want to be a part of the baby's life, and we want to protect you... and Harry from the rest of our insane family..." "if that's alright with you of course..."
"She had a doctor's appointment this morning remember?"He said staring at him, "Calm down. I walked her up since she wanted you to get your rest."He smiled slightly."which you obviously needed since you didn't even hear her leave. But alas, we need to talk."He said pain on his face."though not about the scene you two caused last night.Though I want to hear about that later."

Fydra frowned at them, studying them."Draco wont like it."She said slowly, not sure what to think,but knowing draco wouldn't want them anywhere near her. "I...I dont know."She bit her lip wrapping her arms around herself, looking small , frail, and scared. They looked to much like ron to keep her from being scared. Really wanting draco. "For...for now...just keep ginny away from harry, blaise, and draco."She said softly, looking desperate to protect them."I...I don;t know what I can handle from you...but...I'll try..."She said slowly. Oh she knew she was going to freak draco out, was their nephew to.
Draco sighed, relaxing as Blaise informed him that Fydra was alright, shaking his head a little. "good because i don;'t want to talk about it." he admitted yawning a little. "Blaise...are you ok?" he asked suddenly noticing the pained look on his face, suddenly connecting two and two. "...this is about whats wrong with Harry isn't it..." he asked softly, swallowing thickly. "he's..he's not dying is he?" suddenly very worried about the golden boy.

they bit their lips and glanced at each other before nodding. "we'll do our best but Ginny...she's...well..." "insane?" "yeah that's the word i was looking for, insane.. psycho, nutty,psychotic." they shuddered a little. "we didn't realize it until Draco said what Ron did that we realized...besides Charley... we're the only sane people in our entire family..." they offered her gentle smiles. "talk to Draco first, it's his life too." they got up and turned to leave, Fred hesitating. "oh... uhm, here..." he stated setting something on the end of her bed. "it's...for the baby..." he admitted offering her a small smile. "see you later maybe?" he offered before they left, letting her relax and examine the small gift. it was a small baby outfit, one in Blue and one in Pink both of them with the writing 'Perfect Angel' with a picture of a chubby little boy/girl who was adorably trying to hide a pitchfork behind it's back, a halo hanging off a little red horn. it was a rather thoughtful gift.
Fydra smiled softly, troking her fingers over the shirts, holding them.They was kind of them to get it.Smiling a little before wincing, letting the nurse look her over, her exam giving draco and blaise time to talk.

Blaise shook his head."No he's not." avoiding his eyes, knowing he was about to destroy whatever illusions draco still had about his father."Your father raped him. He didn't want me to tell you, or fydra...but its why he's avoided you. You look like lucius."He winced before sighing."I needed to talk to someone...and seeing as fydra doesn't need the added stress, unless you think she can handle it....I needed to tell you.So you can protect them both.Because... I have a feeling if he was angry enough to hurt harry like this, it wouldnt be a far step from breaking fy...and making sure she stayed down if it kept her away from you."
Draco stared, wide eyed at Blaise before he started going purple again. "i will deal with this." he hissed viciously as he flung himself out of bed, writing a quick letter. "i've been planning this for a few days now, ever since my father decided i was going to marry that slut. i will make sure he has no reason to go after Fy." he decided writing viciously, a dark aura spread all around him. he was murderous, and everyone knew it. he sealed the letter and paused, glancing at Blaise. "take care of Harry." he ordered softly. "don't let him leave the rooms, he's not ready for it yet." and then he was gone.

by the time he came back it was nearly lunch time, and Fydra was back int he rooms, Draco looked smug as he settled next to Fydra and kissed her forehead. "Love, i need to explain a few things to you." he admitted softly. "i've been in contact with Isis, you remember her? my pen pal? she's agreed to pretend to be my Fiance." he explained softly. "so that Father won't come after you when he realizes that Pansy flung herself out of the astronomy tower." she hadn't yet, Draco had only just told her to. she was probably still climbing the steps. "her husband said it would be alright." he admitted smiling at her. "but i wanted to tell you now, instead of later... " because Later Lucius would be yelling at him for killing Pansy, though there was no proof, everyone would know who had done it. Lucius was going to be so pissed, until he realized that Draco had 'proposed' to Isis Marinai, princess of Wales. Lucius would have no choice but to agree to it.
Fydra loked hesistant before nodding,"I remember her."She said biting her lip, though she didn't like the idea of him pretending to be dating someone else, she could, and did rationalize it because he was protecting her. Shifting she leaned into his arms,cuddling close. She knew what he was going to do with pans, and yet she couldnt feel anything but satisfaction for getting the woman out of her life. Sighing as she looked at him."It's' fine."She said softly kissing him before holding out the two shirts the twins had given her."When I went to the nurses earlier...the twins stopped by... they be involved with the baby.They hadn't known about ron...and wanted...I told them you wouldn't like it, and they said I should talk to you before I gave them a answer either way...but they gave me those."She said with a soft smile, trying to stay calm and relaxed though she wasn't, she didn't want him to get upset.
Draco sighed, relieved that she was alright with it smiling as he kissed her cheek. "you'll like Isis." he promised chuckling a little. "she has so many nasty little idea's that she want's to corrupt you with." he teased smiling before tensing when she mentioned the twins, relaxing slowly when she explained what they wanted. "well... i don't mind so long as they don't hurt you." he admitted simply. "but i think the decision is really up to you." he admitted smiling as he looked at the outfits. "that was rather thoughtful of them..." he still sounded hesitant, but he couldn't blame the twins for something they hadn't even known about. "the moment they step out of line though, i'll rip their throats out and then force feed them each others guts."
Fydra smiled a little, relaxing as he didn't start yelling,"I'll pass on the warning.And they're going to keep a eye on ginny, in case she keeps going insane."She sighed softly, trembling a little."I'm worried...I didn't mean to tell everyone I was pregnant...what if it gets back to lucius?"

Which, currently had happened. Pansy, the bitch she was, had sent a letter to the malfoy patriach in a effort to make him make draco get rid of fydra. Stepping into dumbledore's office he sneered at the headmaster."Fydra Riddle is pregnant.And you just let it happen?"He questioned, looking at the old man. Not realizing that him being there was going to get alot more serious as his source of information took a nosedive off the astromtry tower.
he growled a little. "i modified everyone's memory but the twins and ginny, she was too close. and even if she does tell Lucius, he won't beleive her." he admitted with a snort. "and that's only if he even listens to, or reads anything she writes to him." he shrugged a little. "i don't think we have to worry about him." how wrong he was, but Draco was already planning a story for that too, just in case.

Dumbledore's eyes glittered mischievously. "do calm down." he ordered simply. "the child is not Draco's, though Draco did try to say it was. i personally requested for Ronald weasly to impregnate her. a siren pureblood mixbreed would prove to be a great source of power. i intend to have the baby 'die' during birth and raise it myself." he admitted standing up as Poppy rushed into the room, red faced and horrified. "...Pansy Parkenson committed suicide." she gasped panting hard. "she jumped off the astronomy tower!" "WHAT!?" Dumbledore roared, looking horrified. "lock down the school this instant! all students in their dorm rooms! all teachers patrolling! call an auror! we need to have the body examined, have McGonagall contact her parents!"
Fydra nodded a little, before raising her head. Frowning as she heard the wards go up, the alarm sound. Stepping away from her she moved towards the door."We'll go sit with blaise and harry."She said slowly dragging him across the hall to harry's room,offering a token knock before walking in. Blaise looked up sleepily from where he was curled up against harry,frowning at the sight."What did you do?"He slurred a little, knowing whatever murderous rage he'd invoked in draco was what got them in the lockdown. Not that he was surprised, but it would help to know.

Lucius looked shocked, before frowning. Remembering draco's threats he sneered."I am going to have a talking to to my son."He said before slipping out, heading towards the dorms, and finding a slytherin first year foolish enough to let him in, and demanded that the child went to get fydra and draco.He knew his son, they'd be here, safe and sound.

The first year stuttered as he saw the two malfoy's standing half way in the hall, stuttering a little."Y-your father is here.H-he w-wants to see you."The girl said looking up at draco as she tugged on his sleeve, to anxious about having a angry lucius near her to obey his general rule of no touching, even with fydra standing there.
Draco smirked a little as he gathered up a few letters and a small 'pureblood parchment' it was like a breading certificate for wizards really. it was go time. he smirked at Blaise but said nothing as the girl came up to him. "go sit with Blaise Fy, i'll handle this." he ordered smiling at her as he gently kissed her forehead, Harry looking confused, paling at the sight of Draco and that viscous little smile, gagging a little on his own bile as he hid his face in Blais's shoulder, trembling lightly. "Fy would you fill Harry and Blaise in on Pansy's..ah, accident?" he asked smirking as he left approaching his father alone, his smug little smirk not lost on any of the slytherin's watching. "good evening Father, how nice to see you so soon, i hadn't expected you to get the news until tomorrow." he admitted his head tilted. "ah well, this will do fine as well. do commence with the yelling if that's what you please but i wll not feel sorry for doing what must be done, considering i fount a MUCH more compatible wife for myself." that would no doubt get Lucius's attention.
Fydra winced a little at harry's look before climbing in bed with them,cuddling against harry."UH well...pansy met with a unfortunate accident this morning."She said smiling a little."And you're going to have a nephew."She said poking him,trying to distract him.

Lucius sneered a little."While this is welcoming news, I was here on other business."He said looking at his son."As soon as I deal with your pregnant sister."He sneered, tilting his head."Go get her.I would like to speak to her before I hear the good news of your impending wedding."
he smirked a little. "i can't let you hurt Fydra, you see that would upset Harry, and at the moment i need harry to accomplish a few things that i need done." he admitted his eyes narrowed. "right now, Harry is under the impression that Dumbledore is using him, which is true. i intend to have harry kill Dumbledore, and kill Voldemort, and he can't do that if he is upset about Fydra. besides, i have uses for a powerful child like that. i intend to have Fydra die in childbirth, so that's the problem solved right there now isn't it?" he demanded examining his fingernails. "your not in control anymore Father." he stated simply, his eyes looking up at his father. "your old, week. unwilling to do what is necessary...really what did you think you would accomplish by raping harry? did you honestly think i wouldn't be able to figure it out? though i do have to admit, it does make him MUCH easier to manipulate now, so i do have to thank you for that." he smirked a little, stepping towards his father in an almost predatory manner. "now, about the matter of my soon to be wife." he handed Lucius the acceptance letters that Isis and her father had sent as well as her papers. "i think you will find yourself very pleased with my choice."
"Fydra's going home.Now.As much as I like your planning, I will not leave her here."Lucis said almost absently as he read over the letter,nodding."This is most acceptable."He said ndoding.. Approving of his son's choices, even if he was being unbendable about other things. Tehre was no way he was letting the pregnant girl stay here.That was just to much embarassment when someone would assume i twas draco's child."And while it wasn't the most pleasurable experience,it did teach him a lesson for 'forcing' you into the muggle world."

Fydra bit her lip as she rested her head against the wall,having not been brave neough to follow him out into the open and listen, she wasn't above ease dropping. Swallowing hard she braced herself gthering all that bravery and things that she usually made fun of harry for feeling and stepped out of the dorm hallway, slipping around draco,squeezing his wrist softly."I'll go."She muttered meekly, as if she really was cowed, though when she met his eyes barely contained rage shone through.Oh boy, lucius had made a deadly enemy in the form of a siren.....the poor man had no idea just how very protective she was over her twin, and it was about get to ugly...after she took her time planning her revenge
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. "you are so stubborn Father, i can't let you take her." he stated simply. "how would that look? the entire school knows she's pregnant by now." that was a lie and he crossed his arms, scowling at him. "how would it look if she went home pregnant, and came back not pregnant?" she demanded his eyes narrowed at the other. ":and in any case you ENJOYED raping harry." he stated sourly, snorting lightly. "but, honestly Harry enjoyed it too, i heard you two in there." trying to force Lucius hand. "don't think that i'm above blackma..." he paused when Fydra came up, his head tilted before he sighed. "oh very well take her." Draco complained, sulking now as he glared at his father, squeezing Fydra's shoulder as he bent down to whisper in her ear. "don't let harry know you know." he murmured. "and don't let father know either, do what your planning on doing and get out of there..." he knew that look in her eyes... there was no stopping her.
Fydra nodded slightly, turning her head a little to brush her lips against his ear, a half kiss."I will.I'll be back."She promised before slipping away from him.Moving towards lucius, but ignoring the elder blond, slipping away without saying anything.

Lucius smirked at his son, knowing he'd won this round."Don't worry draco. You have a fiancee to take care of."He smirked again before following Fydra out.

Blaise sighed as he leaned against the doorjab, looking at draco.Worried about him.He knew fydra could take care of herself,she was worried about what draco would do while she was gone."She'll be fine. she knows what she's doing...and lucius is happy with her. You have a perfect 'fiancee' and she's going to be with your mother.Narcissa will take care of her."
Draco nodded and watched her leave, his eyes narrowed viciously. "Fydra knows father raped harry." he stated simply, swallowing thickly. "i made sure of it." he admitted taking a slow inhale. "i can't lift a finger against him...but Fydra can..." he swallowed hard. "i think she's going to try and kill Father." he admitted, voice shaking a little. whether in rage or fear, one couldn't tell. "i hope she succeeds." he admitted turning to the bedroom where Harry cried out in pain and fear from a nightmare. "i hope Harry can recover from this..." he sighed a little and closed his eyes. "i hope i can survive this..."
"He will.And we all will."Blaise said before slipping back into their room, cuddling against harry. Trying not to think about what would happen. This was...going to be hard, for all of them.

~~**~~Two days later~~**~~

Lucius smiled a little as he looked over the papers sitting on his desk, glad to see that his son had become wiser, and chosen the path that he needed. And that all of this would be soon taken care of.

"You don't think I can reate a grave deep enough to hold you, do you?"That coo was soft, silky, and more dangerous for the ice under it."For your information I know you can't create one deep enough to hold me."

Lucius glanced up, staring at the woman standing in the doorway. The soft black curls tht fell around her face...a deadly beauty. He'd seen her as a toy but this was no woman to be idly played with. He'd seen her as a maid, a toy, but now before him stood a siren who would tolerate nothing. As draco was summer's brightest afternoon, Fydra was winter's coldest night. Seeing what he'd failed the recognize when he'd first tried to use her. A ruthlessness, a chilling darkness held in a beautiful package.

"But I can give you a taste of it before I die."Lucius said raising his wand, moving towards her.

Fydra smiled, decievingly gentle, blue eyes holding anger and satisfaction...then he realized what she was holding. "I think not."

Lucius gasped softly as he looked down at himself. No...she hadn't pulled his heart out in a blue gaping hole, but still...she was holding it.

"Goodbye father."

His last concious thought as he sank to the floor was the thought of she'd become the predator he had hoped to destroy her father with.


Morning at hogwarts brought a flurry of letters bearing news of the malfoy partiaarch. Blaise raised a eyebrow as he took the letter from the owl, raising a eyebrow as he past it to draco, looking towards the head table to see what dumbledore was thinking, wrapping his arms around his lover tighter, encouraging him to eat.

Fydra looked at the crowds of aurors and people walking through the manor, excusing herself, going in search of her mother. Wrapping her arms around the blond she cried softly. Worried that she was going to ruin their relationship, and even more afraid draco would hate her for it.
Harry was refusing to eat, he was staring at his food and looking very green, thankfully though, Snape had noticed Harry's lagging health and had given Blaise several dozen health and nutrient potions to feed to harry every couple of hours. as often as Blaise could talk harry into drinking one. he whimpered lightly and laid his head on Blaise's shoulder. "i'm not hungry." he mumbled softly. "i want pudding..." Pudding harry could hold down, pudding made harry feel better, pudding didn't hold a hint of salt, salty that Harry had been forced to taste while Lucius had made him suck him off. he gagged lightly, but didn't rush to the bathroom, he didn't have anything to throw up.

Narcissa was sitting in her bedroom, staring at nothing when Fydra came in, simply staring at nothing. in shock, the aurors had told her that Lucius's heart had somehow gone missing, as if someone had vanished it, she was afraid. afraid that whoever had done it would go after Fy or Draco as well, not realizing it had been her daughter. "Fydra.." she blinked, noticing her daughter. "pack your things! we need to get you out of here! whoever killed your father will no doubt be after you too!!" panicked, the woman was in shock, in grief, panicking and terrified for her children.
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