Siren's song

Harry smiled a little and ran his fingers through Blaise's hair, looking rather amused. "you can't kill shit Blaise your too soft." he teased smiling a little. "if anyone is going to kill her it will be me, i'll get away with it." and everyone knew it too. all Harry had to do was make sure she struggled, get a few finger bruises around his neck, and claim that she attacked him and that he'd killed her out of self defense. everyone would beleive him, they always did.

Draco held her closely, rocking her back and forth, simply clinging to her. "'s not your fault. it's mine, i just thought i had to be strong all the time, you there or not...i have to be a Malfoy, always a Malfoy, always strong, no weaknesses." repeating what Lucius had drilled into Draco's head since he was a year old. "it wasn't you, never you... i was just angry because you where yelling at me... i didn't mean it...i never meant it..."
Blaise smirked a little,"True.Such a slytherin hidden among the gryffindors."He teased tugging harry down for a kiss. "Something needs to be done."He sighed, worried.

Fydra whimpered as he rocked her, tucking her head under his chin, her heart hurting even though she relaxed in his arms. "i've been so everything...and you snarled at me...and I lost it."She said softly, "I didn't mean it."She said crying, hating that she'd upset him so much.And doubt tugging at her, not sure if she could trust him not to mean it, before shuddering. Shoving it away, she trusted him. More then anyone else."You don't have to be strong...I just need you to be with me...I need to know we're okay.Because...when you yelled back, I felt lost...I thought you blamed me for everything that happened. And it is... if I hadnt done any of this..."She sniffled crying harder.
Harry nodded kissing Blaine obediently, smiling a little. "something is being done." harry stated simply, kissing Blaine's forehead. "don't worry about it, i'll handle everything."

Draco kissed her forehead again. "i've been angry too." he whispered softly. "i've been angry all of my life, i shouldn't have snarled at you, i was only upset...your the greatest thing that's ever happened in my life." he promised. "i might not be strong like i should be, but i won't ever give you up, not for harry, not for mother, and not even my father. i won't ever let anyone take you away from me." he promised. "none of this is your fault, it's's all fathers fault."
Blaise raised his eyebrow looking at him, "Oh and what have you done?"He asked curious running his fingers through his lover's hair.

Fydra siled a little shifting to look at him, nodding a little."It is."She said kissing him slowly, sliding her hands under his shirt, gently tugging it off. Needing ot be connected with him again, needing him. Kissing him slowly and gently, sliding a leg up wrapping a leg around his waist."I wont give you up.Never."She whispered, the soft ring of power and hope in it.
Harry smiled a little. "nothing yet." he admitted sighing softly as he fingers the others hair his head tilted a little. " i too physical?" he asked softly, suddenly worried about it. "i mean... i don't, touch you too much?" he didn't want the other to feel like this was only a physical relationship, that was the last thing he wanted.

Draco moaned as he kissed her back, shivering as she touched him, moaning softly. "wait, are you sure?" he asked softly, un-wanting to make her feel pressured. "if you are, i have a request to make." he admitted grinning a little, he had a feeling that she would like the idea, reattaching their lips for another firm kiss, moaning softly. "i want you, to be on top, in control."
Blaise snickered a little, kissing him lightly,"This just occurred to you to worry about?"He questioned, amused before answering."No. Granted, touching me at the breakfast table with lucius sitting next to me was unkind,but no, your not to physical."

Fydra nodded a little, growling softly, kissing him harder."You're mine. You kissed her.I'm reclaiming you."He growled shifting rolling him on his back,straddling his waist, smirking slightly."Why me on top?"She questioned, not minding. She liked the idea, but she was curious. Shifting to slide off the t-shirt she was wearing and a pair of shorts, before attacking his clothes. Smirking when they were naked after a few minutes, sitting on his stomach, waiting for a answer. Looking flushed and cute and possessive as she looked down at the man she was pinning.
Harry grimaced a little. "i was never really all that smart." he admitted laying his head on Blaise's shoulder. "i didn't have much affection, or social interaction growing up, so i don't realize when i'm doing something weird or overbearing." he admitted, tracing the lines in Blaise's palm. he snickered at the mention of breakfast. "oh? unkind? well maybe you aught to punish me then?"

Draco groaned softly and nodded, panting lightly as he let her do as she pleased to him. "i only kissed her so she'd lay on the damn bed!" he complained, trying to defend himself. "i didn't want to ruin the carpet when i slit her throat..." of coure, now that he was a little more sober, he realized it would have been better to ruin the carpet than to ruin the bed. he smiled a little at her. "i figure, if your on top, and in control, then you might be less afraid." he admitted stroking her cheek as he lay there naked beneath her, glittering like a statue in the moonlight. "i love you so much."
"I should."Blaise smirked pulling him down for another kiss, kissing him throughfully before squirming away, standing up."Come on. I want a bed. And to be comfortable."He said pulling harry out after him, pausing when they reached their bedroom.Frowning at the muffled voices the soft breathless moans..."You don't think they're...?"He said looking at harry.

"uh huh..."Fydra gave him a look to show him what she thught of his drunken plan. Turning her head she bit down on his fingertip softly, squirmnig a little as she shifte, sliding down onto his cock slowly, eyes wide and pleasure filled, with just the hint of fear. Shivering as she sank down onto him, leaning down to kiss him, her hair falling around them, blocking out the rest of the was just them."I love you."She said nuzzling his neck as she got used to him inside her.
Harry snickered a little as he followed the other, wrapping his fingers in the others hand smiling a little as he paused, pressing his ear to the door, scowling a little. "great, their fucking on MY bed." he complained sighing a little. "their lucky i'm not germophobic (sp?)." but he couldn't help but look pleased that Fydra had recovered enough to do things like that. "come on, we'll go to Draco's rooms instead."

Draco blushed hard at her look and muttered something sheepishly, not that anyone could understand it moaning lightly as she nibbled on his fingers, grinning as he leaned up, gently tipping her head so that he could kiss her passionately, lovingly, moaning hard as she slid down on him, her body weight, and his position preventing him from thrusting up into her, panting hard as he squirmed, whimpers and moans of pleasure falling from his lips. "god your wonderful." he moaned softly stroking her hair. "i love you so much."
Blaise snickered a little."Fydra's. I really don't want to be in a bed pansy was in. And that they normally sleep in."He said wrinkling his nose, dragging him down the hall, diving into the bed, pulling harry in after them."Dont worry, she'll apologize later. Stuttering and blushing."He said, though he sounded pleased that they were having sex.Happy for draco.

"You're not so bad yourself."She teased kissing him, tangling her fingers in his hair as she shifted, rocking her hips, slowly riding him. Shivering and moaning as she stared down at him. It was...amazing. So very different from ron, so different from the sex that had left her scarred. "I love you more.I'm never letting you go."He growled leaning down nuzzling his neck, "Mine."She growled sinking her teeth into his skin and sucking, intent on leaving a hickey. Slowly riding him harder, faster, losing herself in the pleasure of being with him again.
Harry snickered a little as he followed his Boyfriend down the hall, looking rather pleased as he was pulled into the bed, laughing a little as he pressed his lips hard into the other, kissing his boyfriend furiously, wanting his lover. "mmm lets not think about them for now." he purred smirking a little. "i can think of much better ways to spend out time."

he moaned, smiling a little as she pulled his hair, moaning as she rode him, arching into her, gently thrusting up with her now, panting hard. "never ever." he agreed. "mine forever, yours forever." he whispered reaching into the pocket of his jacket, arching hard as she bite him, moaning hard as he opened something with a small click, and slid something onto her finger. "mine, always mine." a ring, he had slid a ring onto her finger, a silver serpent band, twin wings wrapped around a gem in Fydra's favorite color. "Always mine." he whispered still meeting her thrusts with a moan. "so good."
Blaise laughed kissing him hard, running his hands over the other, nuzzling the other's neck."Hmmm you do?Whatever shall we do?"he growled rolling him over, pinning him to the ground, kissing him slowly tugging off his shirt.

Fydra looked startled as the ring was slid on, even more startled as her orgasm caught her in that moment. Shuddering as her body tightened around his, arching back,trembling hard. shivering as she looked down at him. Leaning down to kiss him, wanting him to join her in the orgasmic bliss. Shifting her attention, whimpering as he felt him moving against her, studying the ring on her finger. Tears and happiness in her eyes as she lowered her head to kiss him again."Forever."
he moaned softly stripping off his own shirt, snickering a little as he ran his hands through the others hair gripping it tightly and yanking his head back down, kissing him hard and snaking his tongue into his mouth, moaning loudly. "mmm that's it baby." he growled smirking a little as his hands trailed lower, gripping his ass tightly. "give it to me good."

he moaned tossing his head back, spilling his cum into the other, moaning softly as he smiled at her, stroking her cheek still thrusting lightly into her, moaning softly still. "i love you so much." he murmured softly licking his lips a little. "love you so much." kissing her again smiling a little. "i know i fucked up, can you forgive me?"
Blaise snickered kissing him, lowering his head to bite the other's nipple, sucking softly. Before lifting his head, raising a eyebrow."You'd dare to order me?"He said smirking as he stole another kiss.

Fydra smiled shifting off of him, whining displeased as he slid out of her, before settling down on his chest, cudlding against him."I already have."She muttered,"It was my fault anyways, for yelling.I was just...upset.I've been upset since....the first time ron raped me... but I didn't want to yell at anyone because they weren't who I was mad at. I was mad at me for not being able to stop it."She sighed softly, shifting, nuzzling his neck."I love you.I want you.And I need you in my life. Always. "she said raising her head again so she could inspect her ring. Blushing ever so softly. Having not expected him to get her one.
Harry groaned as he was kissed, leaning into the ite with a loud moan, a smirk lifting the corner of his lip. "of course i dare." he growled smirking. "now fuck me before i get bored and fuck you instead."

Draco shook his head and gathered her into his arms, holding her close. "no, i shouldn't have yelled." he muttered softly. "i was taking my anger out on you, you didn't deserve that." he kissed her forehead. "for now, lets just lay here." he mumbled softly. "but, don't tell anyone about the ring, if father realized that i had given you one..." he shuddered and tucked his head into Fydra's shoulder. "i don't want to be put under the Impirio." Lucius had always threatened, that if the children didn't behave, he would MAKE them, and Draco knew better than to think it was a bluff.
Blaise growled softly, rocking their hips together, kissing the other slowly, undoing harry's pants and pulling them down. kissing his way lower."Hmm but I want to take my time."He grinned, he enjoyed harrassing his boyfriend.

Fydra shyddered, biting her lip. Afraid because she didn't want to get him in trouble. Nuzzling his neck as she cuddled against him,"if he asks, it's a early present from harry."she muttered yawning, starting to fall asleep from exhaustion.It'd been a long few hours.
Harry moaned, arching into the question hands, panting softly as he whined. "but i want it now." harry whined. he'd proven to be surprisingly impatient during his friendship with Fy and Draco, and he couldn't hardly even wait to give everyone their gifts for Christmas. he's even gotten something for Lucius and Narcissa. "Blaise don't teeease." he whined arching into the other, panting hard. "pleeease." but oh god it was nice, feeling the lust building slowly, and Blaise would easily be able to tell that harry was enjoying the attention, even if he was impatient.

Draco nodded and then giggled a little. "mmm, i bet he's dying to give us our gifts, he's so impatient. and he's really excited too." he admitted kissing Fydra's forehead, sighing softly. "this is his first real Christmas. even when he was freinds with Hermione, he never got to celebrate with people he loved. so we have to make it perfect for him."
Blaise smirked, biting a his hipbone."Hmm its going to be a white christmas..."he half sang smirking as he muttered a lubing spell, slipping his fingers into the other taking his time before leaning up to kiss him."A very merry and white christmas."

Fydra laughed softly, before sighing sadly."I know."She said hating that her twin hadn't had a real christmas. Even the years where she felt excluding for being narcissa's daughter by heart instead of blood, of seeing lucius fawn over his heir, she'd known she was loved."It'll be perfect."She said smiling a little, shifting. Nervous because she really hoped draco liked his gift.He hoped they all liked their gifts, but draco, as her first year having him to herself, of being able to show him how much she loved him, she was nervous.
Harry yipped, startled by the bite and was startled into laughter as he squirmed against Blaise, moaning into the lubing spell, panting softly. "mmm, are you santa?" he teased smirking a little as he arched into the fingers, moaning softly as he kissed back, thrusting his tongue into the others mouth, panting eagerly as he reached down, trying to undue the others pants and grab his cock, squeezing the flesh, trying to tease Blaise like Blaise was teasing him...Harry wasn't quite as good at it..."have i been a naughty boy?"

Draco smiled a little as he kissed her neck, gently nibbling on the flesh, sighing softly. "i'm worried." he admitted suddenly. "i don't know if anyone's going to like what i got them..." or rather, he was worried that Fydra wouldn't like what she got. "i know Harry is freaking out too, he even got mother and father presents for Christmas!" he admitted looking amused.
Blaise moaned softly, thrusting into the other's hand, raising his head as he looked down at him."Oh no, you've been very good. But I'll give you a present."He said smiling as he took his time stretching the other, pressing his fingers against his prostate, kissing him hard.

Fydra shivered a little as he nibbled on her skin, swallowing hard as a flush raised on her pale skin, lust twisting her stomach before she smiled ooking at him."Now that's going to be interesting to see.Lucius opening his present."She yawned a little, before raising a hand, summoning his gift, because she had a feeling she was the one he was worried about."Here. open yours, and you can give me mine if it'll put your mind at ease." Looking nervous herself as she held the jewelry boxes on his stomach. biting her lip a little. The black steel knife was perfectly honed, a decorative pretty until you looked closer and realized the pretty decorative knife held a vicious edge. Spelled to stay forever sharp, it was perfect hidden weapon, should he need it. It was the second half of his gift that she wasn't sure about. The edges of the ring were black steel, the jade and amber twisted together, creating a gorgeously unqiue dragon, the scales shimmering between golden amber and brilliant green. Although the ring in itself was a brilliant piece of art, and a claiming of its own, the secondary function of the ring was the best. With every move of his hand, it stored some kinetic energy, so that it would act as a wand for a spell if he should need it, backed by his own magic and the added punch of power from his movement.She thought it was a good idea, and she wanted him protected...but she didn't know if he'd like them.
he snickered a little and moaned at the touch to his prostate, arching into the other, moaning softly licking his lips. "mmm fuck yesss." he hissed softly tossing his head back, bucking into the other a little. "your still teasing me!" he whined squirming against him. "please, Blaise." he whined squirming more. "if you fuck me, i'll give you a blow job!"

he smiled a little and nodded. "especially when Harry spent almost three hours looking for just the right present for him." he admitted snickering a little, looking startled when she summoned his gift, biting his lip a little as he summoned his own present to her, handing it over to her, looking worried. he had taken a risk, he hoped she was alright with it. inside a small box was a cute pendant in dark greens and soft silvers with her name on it, when she popped it open Draco's face was on one side, and on the other Harry and tom smiled at her and waved to her, as the Draco flirted with her, lifting a slender eyebrow and shooting her a smirk. " it ok?"
Blaise laughed as he pulled his fingers out of the other,shifting and sliding into him with a sigh.Thrusting against him hard, kissing him harder."Bribery will not work with me."He teased hands wandering over the others chest.

Tears filled her eyes as she gently touched the pendant, popping it open she smiled as the picture flirted and her family smiled at her. ITwas..."perfect.Its perfect."She said rubbing her eyes, kissing him hard. Looking even more nervous as she put his present in his hand, nervous because of what it was. The edges of the ring were black steel, the jade and amber twisted together, creating a gorgeously unqiue dragon, the scales shimmering between golden amber and brilliant green. Although the ring in itself was a brilliant piece of art, and a claiming of its own, the secondary function of the ring was the best. With every move of his hand, it stored some kinetic energy, so that it would act as a wand for a spell if he should need it, backed by his own magic and the added punch of power from his movement.She thought it was a good idea, and she wanted him protected...but she didn't know if he'd like them. Nervous and scared now that she knew what his present was, she hoped desperately that he'd like it, because his present to her had been s operfect.
Harry moaned as he was thrust into, arching hard. "" he asked smirking a little panting hard. "then. a..aah why did you ever so obediently put your cock in me?" he demanded smirking impishly as his ass clenched tightly around Blaise, showing Harry's superior control over his ass muscles. "m..mmm harder, Blaise, Please!" he pleaded panting softly. "or you won't get your Christmas present!" maybe threats would work?

Draco looked amazed at the ring, slowly turning it in his fingers, so shocked and delighted that he couldn't even talk, all he could do was slip it onto his finger. "this is amazing." he whispered, voice so full of wonder and delight there was no way Fydra could mistake it for anything but pure delight at his present. he really did love it. "where on earth did you find something like this?" he asked. "it's so perfect! now i'm never defenseless... hold on." he ordered suddenly getting a mischievous look in his eye as he reached out and took a single strand of her hair and plucked it out, carefully wrapping it around the dragons head before reaching up and yanking out one of his own, handing ot over to her. "so we always have something of each other. even when we're separated during class."
Blaise laughed, doing as the other commanded."Threats wont work either, but since I do want to have sex with you, I guess I can follow o-orders."He stuttered a little as harry's body tightened around him, shuddering as he nuzzled the other's neck."Not fair."He whined.

Fydra relaxed, delighted that he liked it before taking the hair, and letting it curl up in the pendant before she shut it, looking up at him as she put the necklace on, settling it over her heart."Never parted."She smiled kissing him, blushing softly as she looked at the ring." know...uh...."She blushed more, embarassed to be admitting it. "I never wanted you to be defenseless..and I'd read about this piece of magic in the restricted section at school,but it didn't say how it was done, so I uh...wrote tom. I thought if anyone knew how it worked, he would."She bit her lip, smiling. "And he did. And he had a suggestion on what to make it out of... steel because you wont bend in face of trouble, amber to remind you that death is the last enemy you face-and we'll face everything together, and jade...well beside it being the color of dragon scales, that even if we are apart, I love you."She blushed, having spent days writing to the older man to figure out exactly what to have the ring made out of, and get the shade and quality of the metals and stones perfect. Not that she was ever going to tell him exactly how much fretting and worrying had gone into having it made
Harry moaned, smirking a little. "no, your taking orders because i told you to." he teased snickering a little as he thrust up into the other, relaxing his ass and then squeezing tight once more as he pulled himself back down, tormenting his lover was fun. "mmm fuck Blaise your so big, god it feels so good."

Draco was stunned as he stared at her, blinking owlishly. "now i feel bad." he complained pouting a little. "i bought yours from a jewelry store." he pouted. "i should have made you something too." he paused then. "oh wait i know!" he chirped looking rather mischievous again. "i'll make you breakfast in bed, and that can be your second gift." he decided grinning a little. "hows that?" he looked happy, so much happier than he ever had before as he kissed her gently. "i love you so much." he murmured smiling a little. "i really do."
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