Siren's song

Blaise smiled, kissing his head, content to just be with the other for now.

Fydra gave him a look, ignoring the question as they rode. Not sure what she thought about it, and knowing draco would let her have the silence to think it through.

Still hours later, she hadn't said anything, even when blaise and harry had joined them to go swimming. Sitting on the edge of the rocks with her legs tucked up under her as she wrapped up in one of the towels she'd retrieved from the house, she leaned against draco's chest.Finally deciding what to say."I..I want to have a father. I want to believe that he cares.But I thought once that lucius cared. What if he's just as bad as lucius?I'm means to a end. I don't want to care for someone else just to end up lost again."She said softly cuddling against him, burying her face against his neck,holding onto him tightly.
Draco blinked, looking down at her as Harry laughed, scampering up a tree like a monkey, padding out to the end of a limb, whistling to get attention, for once acting like the cocky teen he was, stark naked as he smirked at them and leaped out into thin air, splashing into the water, popping up laughing brightly. "Blaise! you have to try that!"

"Your brother is insane." Draco muttered as he gently stroked her hair. "and that was more of him than i ever wanted to see." he admitted sighing a little as he wrapped his arms tightly around Fydra. "if you don't try, then you won't ever know." he stated simply watching the Lake. "if you don't open your heart once and a while, then you won't ever be able to make freinds, or find people to care about. you can't live your life with only three freinds."
Blaise laughed as he followed harry up the tree, jumping in after him, smirking as he came back up."Love, i think we need to do that-Draco!You got company!"he called treading water as he squinted towards the house. Disliking who he thought was coming down towards the lake.

"He is isn't he."She muttered before nodding, really wanting to try. She'd try to accept tom. It would be interesting. Raising her head off his shoulder at Blaise's warning she whined, before letting it drop back down,"Pansy's here."she growled unhappily.
Harry laughed and nodded a little pausing at the warning of company. "hey, someone toss me my pants!" he ordered, Draco just smirking as Pansy bounded up to them, immediately sitting next to Draco who looked less than pleased, in fact he looked as if he was going to be physically ill. "hey! seriously, throw me my pants!"

"are you skinny dipping!?" Pansy demanded looking horrified as Harry smirked. "well of course Pansy." Harry stated simply. "and if you had waited another half an hour i would have talked someone into boning me to." "you uncouth little freak! Draco why on EARTH is he here!?" "because i invited him, Harry is my friend." Draco growled Harry snickering at the horrified look on Pansy's face. "you, Dray toss me my pants." "get them yourself!" Draco ordered looking amused as Harry groaned and started to climb out of the water, Pansy shrieking in horror and clapping her hands over her eyes Harry and Draco both laughing.
Fydra laughed softly, though she didn't move from her cuddling against draco, waving a hand and spelling harry's pants towards him.Though she did overdo it and make them hit blaise in the face.

"Hey!Fy, that wasn't nice!"Blaise whined handing harry his pants even as he stepped out of the pond. He really didn't care if he was naked or not, after all he wasn't pansy's obsession.

"What are you doing here pansy?"Fydra said tiredly, snuggling as close as she could to draco, before finally giving in and crawling in his lap, cuddling. Needing to be close because not only was she afraid pansy'd take him away, she really didn't want her here, in her home, and she knew draco'd stop her if she tried to hurt pansy. raising her head enough to glare at pansy as she sat close."back off."She growled at the other girl.
Draco wrapped his arm more tightly against Fydra, holding her close and keeping his free hand far away from Pansy's searching fingers a scowl on his face before he laughed as Blaise was hit int he face with Harry's pants, Harry trying not to giggle at his new boyfriends misfortunes. harry had decided they where dating after he sucked him off while they where 'lost'. no one told Pansy it was safe to open her eyes, she was such a prude.

"i was invited of course!" she chirped happily grinning a little, her hand still clapped over her eyes. "your father and mine are working on a marriage contract!" "WHAT!?" Harry demanded, sounding outraged. "oh that's just wrong! Draco has someone ten times better than the 'bitch slut of Slytherin'." he stated simply Pansy dropping her hand to glare viciously at him. "i am not a slut and nor am i a bitch! just because i have a proper establishment of appropriate behavior does not mean that.." "your not marrying Draco Pansy, so do as Fydra says and back the fuck off!" "Draco isn't complaining!" "that's because Draco is trying not to barf!" Harry stated, and indeed Draco did have a hand over his mouth as he clutched Fydra close to him, refusing to let her go, as if Fydra could be a shield from Pansy.

"at least i'll be LOYAL!" Pansy stated flipping her hair behind her shoulder as she stood up. "i can see i'm not welcome here, i'll be gone." she stated glancing at Fydra and smirking darkly. "Ronald sends his love darling." Harry snarled viciously, flames burning in his eyes, the flames of vengeance, those flaming green eyes promised Pansy a slow death, but the girl was already gone, vanishing through the tree's. "i aughta skin that bitch alive!"
Blaise nodded staring off after the other girl. Trying to decide just how big of a problem they had on their hands. He had a feeling that when she sad gone, she didn't mean it. She'd be back. After all, she couldn't give draco up. Frowning he yanked on his pants, sighing a little."We probably should head back to the house."He said, wanting to be somewhere that they knew instead of out in the open where she could hurt them. Startled when he realized he was treating pansy like a enemy...but looking at the pale woman in draco's arms, that was exactly what she was.

Fyydra trembled, tears sliding down her face as she scrambled out of draco's arms. Upset and worried. Oblivious to the fighting that was happening around her, intent on getting home. Getting into the house and away from everything. Because pansy had been right-draco hadnt protested.And her fretful hurting heart grabbed onto it like a dog with a bone, refusing to let her be rational about it. She just wanted to be left alone. Barely making it to where they'd tied the horses up she sank down by the tree leaning back against it, snifling, and shivering. Blind to anything happening around her anymore.Pansy had do what shed' wanted- she'd hurt fydra badly.
Harry nodded a little. "yes, house would be good... Draco are you alright?" Draco's eye was twitching uncontrollably, indicating that he was seriously pissed by Pansy's information, too pissed to actually be able to say anything, that didn't haopopen often. he did manage a gasp when Fydra broke free of him however a look of panic crossing his face. "Fydra wait!" he screamed, moving to take off after her,. Harry shaking his head. "go and talk to your father." harry ordered. "i'll get Fydra, Blaise would you mind walking with Draco? i don't trust that little slut." he admitted before turning and rushing into the woods after Fydra, Draco screaming in rage and stomping his feet on the ground before moving to head straight to the house, fury in his eyes as he stalked directly up to his fathers room and knocked, polity, on the door.

"Fydra?" Harry asked squatting down, taking her face in a single one of his nice warm hands. "Fydra, Sis, come on snap out of it." he whispered softly offering her a tiny slap, giving her something to focus on other than her hurt feelings. "Draco isn't going to abandon you, he loves you, he was so pissed off by what Pansy said that if he'd said anything himself it would have been very insulting." he smiled at her. "he's heading to Lucius right now to inform him that he will not be marrying Pansy."
Blaise sighed slouching against the side wall, barely glancing sideways as lucius's door opened, planning on staying and waiting for draco to come back out.

Lucius looked startled at the side of his obviously upset son, before beckoning him in waiting until he'd come in to shut the door, "draco, I assure Ms. Parkinson found you then?"He said sitting back at his desk, watching his son curiously. For the first time really realizing his son was a adult, and a angry one at that.

Fydra looked startled at the small slap, biting her lip as she studied him. Before swallowing hard, relaxing."Oh."She said softly, she knew she sounded like a idiot, was all she could think of. Getting up slowly she rubbed her eyes, shoulders slouched, her arms wrapped around herself."we better head back to the house. I know lucius will want to speak to me."She said softly, afraid. The man really did sare her. And... while she was calm and somewhat rational, her heart still hurt. Pained at the idea of draco abandoning her, even though her heart told her it wasn't possible, her mind kept tossing the idea out there for her.
Draco followed his father in through the door, snapping silver eyes matching his fathers for the first time in years. "Father i will not sully myself by marrying Parkinson, she is little more than a whore." he stated simply. "she might be a pure blood but she is a complete idiot and can't keep her pants on three days in a row, i would know, i've walking in on several of her escapades. i will not marry an unlawful wife and if it is so pleasing i would much rather it WAIT until AFTER i have graduated. i have enough troubles trying to beat that filthy mudblood at the highest grade, i do NOT need some woman hanging off my arm every chance she gets and distracting me." he crossed his arms. "i am highly displeased that you would think PARKENSON of all people, was at ALL a suitable match for me." he was even speaking like an adult now, Draco was certainly growing up to be Lucius's dreams come true. "if your worried about me and Fydra you don't have to worry Father, she's nothing more than a useful tool to me. i fully intend on dumping her once she's served her purpose."

Harry smiled a little at her and gently brushed the hair out of her face, "come on, Draco is probably yelling at Lucius. even if he wasn't in love with you he'd have protested that. Pansy is a slut, she's slept with at least six of the Gryfindors, and those are just the ones that i know about." he admitted. "Draco won't take her and he never will, forced marriage or not. he'll run away before his father makes him marry that pig." he smiled a little. "so she's absently no threat." he promised offering her a small smile. "he loves you too much to marry anyone but you." he admitted flinging his arm around his sisters shoulders. "we'll deal with Lucius soon." he promised. "and we'll deal with Parkenson too, she needs to suffer for what she said to you."
Lucius studied him as he sipped his glass of firewhiskey. He was proud of his son for becoming a adult who'd let him know whwat he wanted. But alas, he hated it because there'd been a time he could cow his son into doing whatever he wanted. "Are you done?"He asked, brushing his hair over his shoulder, before looking at draco."You will marry her. You will do as I say and content yourself into a marriage of arrangement, not love. I do not care what you do with fydra in this moment, but you will marry ms. parkinson. Now go."He said waving a hand and the spelled door came open, giving draco no choice but to leave.

Fydra nodded, walking with him as she headed back to the house, wrapping her arm around his waist laughing softly even as she shuddered. She hated the idea of what pansy had said. She didn't want to think about ron."we'll deal with pansy later."She smiled a little,"I want to see how dra-"She stopped midsentence as they walked into the house, smiling as she saw draco storming out of lucius's study, apparently having been ordered out."Draco, no wedding bells in the near future?"She said with a light tease in the words, though pain showed in her eyes. Easing away from harry. Angry at pansy for making draco angry, angry at lucius for not understanding. Walking towards draco she looked up at him,"Let's go upstairs.We'll talk."She said nudging him towards the stairs, giving harry a soft smile, the look in her eyes promising to talk to him later.
Draco's eyes narrowed. "you would force me to become the laughing stock of the entire school?" he demanded voice burning with rage. "very well but you will Rue this day father, i can guarantee it." he hissed spinning on his heal and striding from the room, pausing as he looked back at his father. "i will have her killed before i am forced to marry that little slut, you brought this down upon yourself." he stated simply before striding from the room...Draco was no longer Lucius's little underling, he was Lucius's equal, and threatening him like that too! even going so far as to threaten pansy...that was something Lucius would do, Draco was using Lucius's tricks against him...the only difference was...Draco didn't bluff.

he didn't even relax when he saw Fydra, rolls of fury rolling through his magic as he snarled darkly at the mention of wedding bells. "that's not funny Fydra." he snapped Harry looking shocked Draco looking shocked too. "sorry... i....i'm just...upset." Draco admitted once he had managed to force all of the anger away, he couldn't take this out on Fydra, he would NOT take this out on Fydra, he would deal with all of this calmly, and if he'd ever been able to do that.
"I thought it was hysterical."Fydra snarled bak, shoving him u the stairs, her own temper flairing in response to draco's."Wait, wait I have a question. Would a wedding make her my sister in law or just a dead rival?"she teased,bitingly teasing because she didn't know how to handle the anger and sadness clawing at her stomach. Shutting his bedroom door behind them she collapsed back onto the bed, looking up at him. "okay. I think I'm done making fun for now."He said sighing softly, struggling to not get angrier. She didn't want to be angry at him, but she was. Unreasonably so, angry because he'd made her love him enough to be so hurt over something that wasn't even his decision. Angry at pansy for being this obsessive, angry at lucius for being a racist prig, and the long held anger at ron finally coming to the surface.

"She's been talking to ron.You know, oddly enough, they kinda have this stalker thing in common."She said. Struggling to calm down,this wasn't his fault...he didn't deserve this. Struggling to not yell, like she had since ron'd first raped her, having kept a vicious hold on her temper to not lash out...and here she was doing it
Draco snarled back, his temper rising at her comments but he struggled to maintain his calm, it wasn't working very much. "She'll be DEAD before my father makes me marry her!" he hissed furiously turning to glare at her. "i don't let people tell me what the fuck to do, least of all HIM!" he was too pissed to realize she might think he was yelling at her, he wasn't, he was just pissed off at his father. "who the hell does he think he is treating me in such a way!?" he punched the mirror in front of him, shattering the glass and wincing as he cut himself, jerking his hand away from the mirror and nursing his hand. "fucking hell!" Draco had never had the control Fydra did. "wait, she's been talking to that blood traitor!?" he demanded looking startled, a dark scowl on his face. "and my father wants me to marry that whore, she only wants me because i'm fucking pretty."
Fydra winced as he yelled, biting her lip. Wanting to take his hand and see if he'd really hurt himself badly. But she didn't know if he'd welcome it. "She said Ron said hello.She knows what happened."She shuddered before snarling back."You ALWAYS let father tell you what to do. Ever since we were little. Hell, you let him convince you to become friends with POTTER, because its what a good child would do for his father."She snarled, a dark smirk on her face. Now that they were indulging in temper tantrums, her control was quickly slipping.Even though she didn't want to yell at him, she couldn't help it. Biting her lip even as the need to see how much he'd hurt himself warred with her anger. Having been swallowing down for to long to calm down easily. Hoping draco would realize it wasn't really him she was angry with. Praying that he would,even as she yelled at him.
Draco snarled as he spun, his eyes flashing with rage. "are you blaming this all on ME!? i wasn't the only one afraid of that bastard! you where too and you still are! YOUR the one that befriended potter not me! i just came in on it because Harry was a good person! because harry IS a good person, YOU befriended him because father said so, not me!" he hissed with fury. "This is JUST as much YOUR fault as it is mine!" he spat angrily, ignoring the pain in his hand for now, fury in his eyes. "NOW i have to deal with all of this! i have to marry that PIG because YOU can't stand up for yourself!" that wasn't true, they both knew it, but sometimes, that was how Draco felt, why did Draco always have to be the strong one? why did Draco always have to protect Fydra? why did Draco always have to act like nothing was wrong, even while he was crumbling behind his shields?
Pain filled her eyes for a moment before it drained awy, nearing him, getting in his face...well as close as she could while being shorter then him."So it's my fault for getting raped huh?It's my fault that you have to deal with me?FINE!"She yelled turning away from him, angry tears filling her eyes, as she rubbed at her eyes hard, before turning to face him again."I guess that's your way of telling me I'm not a good person huh?That it's my fault for you supposed marrige.Well...I guess it is. Seeing as your father's to much of a racist pig to EVER let you marry a mudblood."She sighed softly, turning and headng for the door, pausing at the door, looking over her shoulder at him."That what happened to us is my fault!Well fine!There is no us anymore.I wouldn't want you do be doing something you don't want to do.I'll take care of myself Malfoy. Just stay away from me!"She said, her fury breaking on the edges of her breaking heart. His words coming home...having not realized he'd felt that way. Shaking her head a little, she barely held it together long enough to get out the door, going in search of harry. Because she didn't want to be alone, and her heart hurt, and her stomach and...everythign just hurt. She just wanted to lay down and die. At least that way she'd be out of draco's way...pausing in the hallway, torn between going to find harry and doing something horribly deadly.
Draco snarled viciously but instead of responding he turned away from her and watched her leave through the mirror, his blood dripping onto the floor as he seethed in rage, snarling again as he slammed his fist into it again, shattering the mirror to the point that large chunks fell out of it to shatter onto the ground, only to cut his feet, hissing in pain as he stalked around and around the room until he ordered a bottle of firewhiskey from the house elves, swallowing it down till he was nearly catatonic with it.

before she could make a decision harry was right next to her, looking worried. "i felt a disturbance in the force." he commented setting a hand on her arm. "whats wrong?" he demanded looking worried at her, biting his lip as he watched her closley. "Come on Fy." he ordered gripping her arm and gently pulling her along to his own room. "your bunking with me tonight." he didn't like the sensations he was getting from her.
Fydra nodded silently, letting him direct her where he wanted. Just following behind silently. Not even noticing as blaise and harry tucked her in bed with him, feeling numb and out of it. Not able to talk about what had happened yet, because she couldn't quite believe her and draco had been yelling at each other.

Hours later, almost midnight she slipped out of the bedroom, heading silently down to draco's room.Despite the pain that was making her feel sick, despite knowing draco didn't want her there, she wanted to sleep next to him. Looking tired and worn, but determined to figure out what was wrong she pushed open the door, smiling slightly. Staring because for a moment her mind wouldn't allow her to see what was happening.
Draco was tangled in the bed with Pansy, Draco was very clearly drunk, you could smell him even from the doorway, they where both dressed, but they where kissing as if their lives depended on it. he panted softly his fingers wrapped around a long shard of glass, but Fydra probably wouldn't see that. Draco was fully intending on killing Pansy right there in the bed with his own hands, he just had to get her to LET GO OF THE BACK OF HIS HEAD! "oh, Fydra." Pansy purred smirking, Draco rearing his head back for air, moving to lift the shard of glass, blinking at Fydra. "f..fy?" Draco slurred, looking confused.
Fydra stared, lookng just as confused, her stomach rolling at the smell of alcohol. Stumbling a little as she turned to leave. Not seeing the glass, only seeing the man she loved kissing someone else. Looking confused and so heartbroken as she sank to the gorund right there, in a dead faint. The soft sound of her hitting the ground sounding like a shout through the room.Her cheek resting on the cool ground.

Down the hall Blaise stirred a little lifting his head as he looked at the almost empty bed, nudging harry."Where'd fydra go?"He slurred with sleep, looking for the woman.Afraid of what she was doing.
Draco gasped as he leaped off the bed, gathering Fydra into his arms looking worried. "Fy? Fydra!?" he demanded shaking her, trying to wake her up, whimpering in terror as Pansy scowled from the bed.

Harry jerked awake and blinked sluggishly, rubbing his eyes a little. "uuh?" he asked blinking as he looked down at the other side of the bed where Fy had been sleeping. "SHIT!" harry hissed leaping out of bed, wearing boxers that night, for Fydra's sake, and rushing down the hall, following the sounds of voices, looking utterly horrified as Draco, clearly drunk, rocked her. his fist and feet where bleeding, glass still embedded in them, his left hand sliced through the palm where he had been holding the sliver of glass, Pansy shrieking that Draco was an ass, that she was going to MAKE him marry her! "Shut up!" Harry ordered, laying a Silencio on Pansy with a flick of his wand, settling down next to Draco. "what happened!?"

as Draco tearfully explained what happened, and explained that he'd been going to stab pansy with the mirror, for hurting Fy and so he wouldn't have to marry her, pansy going pale and terrified in the bedroom, Harry grew more and more enraged at everything that was happening, lifting Fydra and laying her in Blaise's arms. "take her back to bed, explain to her what Draco was up to when she wakes up." he ordered grabbing Draco's arm. "come on you, you need to get sobered up." he ordered dragging Draco off, leaving Pansy completely terrified in the bedroom, alone.
Two hours later blaise appeared in the sitting room, studying his friend and his boyfriend."I tried to explain, but..."He shrugged a little. having come to get draco,hoping that he was sober because he really didn't like the emptiness that he got from fydra. Sitting down on the couch next to draco, he stretched his legs out in front of him."What were you two arguing about anyways?"He asked. Concerned because of the half there mumbles, he thought maybe...fydra thought he didn't want her anymore, blamed her for how bad things had gotten... Which didn't make sense, so if he was to convince fydra everything was fine. He needed to know what had happened to get them in this mess.
Draco was sober, and he looked completely distraught, his hands covering his face as Harry murmured to him, gently trying to comfort the other, glancing at Blaise and nodding to Draco who got to his feet and headed out the door, heading straight for Fydra, he NEEDED Fydra. "i don't think he even remembers." Harry admitted swallowing thickly. "he was really going to kill Pansy.... he had a shard of glass in his hand..." he shook his head. "she went home about a half an hour ago." he admitted. "but she'll be back..." not even threat of death would keep pansy away from Draco. "this is a huge mess."

Draco stumbled into Fydra's room, tears strolling down his cheeks. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean it." he stuttered, for once, not trying to be strong, letting her see his hurt, his pain, his fear as he collapsed next to her bed, letting out a sob. "i didn't mean it, i'll never mean it, i love you, i NEED you." he stuttered reaching out to gently touch her shoulder. "i was going to kill Pansy for you." he admitted, still slightly drunk, but everyone knew, that Draco forgot how to lie when he was drunk. "please, Fy please don't leave me, i'll do anything, anything at all please... i need you."
"It is."Blaise sighed rubbing his face,shifting to lay his head in harry's lap, wanting his own comfort now. Because he didn't know if fydra could recover. Having seen the jagged edges that they'd yelled at each other, didn't know if this would work out."We'll figure it out. Even if we kill the bitch."He said already thinking it over, of taking the choice away from draco.

Fydra stirred a little, shifting slightly pressing her face into his chest, silent tears soaking his skin. smiling sadly as he admitted it, cause she knew he couldn't lie.Nuzzling his chest she whined softly sniffling. "Why.. .you didn't...I didn't want you to be strong all the could have told me when something was wrong...I can take care of myself..."She muttered, pressing close to him. Needing held, but she....she felt horrible that she hadn't even realized how much it was costing him to take care of her. Hadn't realized that she'd been hurting him.This was...her fault. Guilt making the tears fall faster. confusion and guilt tangling her up.
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